Wakanda 2 - transitioning a WAF application - wakanda

After restructuring my Solution/Project files, converting my login listener out of required.js and into a module (setLoginManager), and ensuring that API changes were addressed ... I am getting the following error showing up at the browser level when the initial login page is being displayed.
Would appreciate any guidance ... appears to be a WAF related issue not related to my application>

Here is your error. You do not have describe permission for the YtdCatReport dataclass.
In v1, when you have read permission on a dataclass, it gets automatically the describe permission. It is fixed in v2 version. Now you have to explicitly set both permissions.
Add describe permission on the YtdCatReport dataclass as you did for read.


IIS : Exception from HRESULT: 0xC00CEF03

I have my website hosted on IIS with window 2016 OS. When I am going to disable the Form Authentication under IIS, it is giving me the following error.
Form Authentication.
Exception from HRESULT: 0xC00CEF03
i had a similar issue but it occurred when i was trying to disable the 'Machine key' - 'automatically generate at runtime' and then Applying the same.
For your error, please verify if the authentication is enabled/disabled for Default Web-site. Change that setting and then try disabling you specific websites status. It should ideally work.
I've seen this error stem from three different controls on the authentication method:
If configuring the authentication method on an application, and the authentication method you're trying to disable is enabled on the containing site.
If configuring the authentication method on a site, and the authentication method you're trying to disable is enabled on the Default Web Site.
If configuring the authentication method that has been defined in a web.config file. You should adjust it in the config file.
0xC00CEF03 error code translates to WR_E_NSPREFIXWITHEMPTYNSURI which refers to “Writer: cannot use prefix with empty namespace URI” (Reference).
This error occurs when there is something wrong with the web.config file. It’s probably corrupted or there are incompatible tags and parameters. As a result of this corruption and incompatibility, IIS is not able to read this file. Therefore, it can’t make a change.
The issue mostly happens after migration because a piece of configuration that works in the older version of IIS (and .NET Framework) probably became unsupported in the newer version.
The shortest way of finding what part of the web.config is causing the issue is to remove sections one by one and test. High-level steps:
Remove a section from the bottom of the file (Let’s say you removed system.serviceModel section)
If the issue goes away, add the section back and start removing the subsections of it one by one. (For example, ws2007HttpBinding subsection in system.serviceModel section)
If the issue goes away again, bring the subsection back and go through each lines. Prefixes like wsid:, asm:, and trust: are the most common causes of this issue
Source: 0xC00CEF03 error (Cannot use prefix with empty namespace URI)

MICROSOFT ACCOUNT lacks permission to complete this action. You need to have 'ReadPackages'

I am getting the following error in in visualstudio.com when accessing nuget feed:
MICROSOFT-ACCOUNT lacks permission to complete this action.
You need to have 'ReadPackages'.","typeName":
The above answer works for most cases. But if you are still getting that issue check that
The user has access to the correct project (organization settings)
The user is also part of the team for that project (within the project settings)
Set the correct access level in TFS.
The default access level is set to “Stakeholder”.
Also more information here:

FAILED_PRECONDITION when trying to create a new Google API project

I am getting an error when attempting to create a new project for Google API at https://code.google.com/apis/console
I was hoping the error was temporary, but I have been unable to create a new project for a couple weeks now.
The error seems to have changed, as it used to include server ip information and a lot of other data. An example with some potentially private information removed:
Now the error is a lot shorter, although still seems to be related to the same cause:
com.google.apps.framework.request.StatusException: generic::FAILED_PRECONDITION:
The spinner in the dashboard appears to spin forever, while the error appears underneath alerts after a few seconds. I have tried numerous project names and all fail with the same error.
Is there some type of quota I am missing that is preventing this? The quota menu item requires me to select a project, which I don't have any.
Clicking on the error brings me to a page with the following message:
You don't have permissions to perform the action on the selected resource.
Make sure that the Google Developers Console is on for the user that is trying to create the project.
Admin.google.com > Apps > Additional Google services > Google Developers Console and turn on for any org or user that needs it.
Looks like there's another possible cause, in addition to the one that #AndrewL provided in his solution.
Short answer:
I ran into the same error when I attempted to associate a new GCP project with our billing account via Terraform. Our billing account has a default limit of 5 projects (which we had already met), and this blocked the association of new accounts and generated the Error 400: Precondition check failed., failedPreconditionerror message. To fix, I had to remove/delete one of the already associated projects before I could add a new one.
Long answser:
Here is the error message I encountered in Terraform (sensitive data and IDs redacted):
An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
~ update in-place
Terraform will perform the following actions:
~ module.<MY MODULE PATH>.project
billing_account: "" => "<MY BILLING ACCOUNT ID>"
Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.
Do you want to perform these actions?
Terraform will perform the actions described above.
Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.
Enter a value: yes
module.<MY MODULE PATH>.project: Modifying... (ID: <MY PROJECT ID>)
billing_account: "" => "<MY BILLING ACCOUNT ID>"
Error: Error applying plan:
1 error(s) occurred:
* module.<MY MODULE PATH>.project: 1 error(s) occurred:
* google_project.project: Error setting billing account "<MY BILLING ACCOUNT ID>" for project "projects/<MY PROJECT ID>": googleapi: Error 400: Precondition check failed., failedPrecondition
Terraform does not automatically rollback in the face of errors.
Instead, your Terraform state file has been partially updated with
any resources that successfully completed. Please address the error
above and apply again to incrementally change your infrastructure.
My billing account was at its maximum of 5 projects. As a test, I removed one of the projects and then ran Terraform again. It then successfully added the new project to the billing account. To double check, I attempted to add yet another new project to the billing account (to push the amount to 6) and then received the same error message again.
Straight up deleting one of the associated projects also works.
It stands to reason that requesting a limit increase for your billing account's associated projects will also fix this issue.
Another possible reason for this error can be accessing the .xlsx file. If you are accessing this file using Google spreadsheet then you need to save the .xlsx file in to save as google sheets by choosing the option available in the File menu at the top.
Another possible reason for this is Organization policy, denying the particular API on ORG/Folder/project level.
For me the error was working because I was trying to read the file from a shared google folder. Check if the drive where the file lives is your drive and not a shared one.

I can't enable or disable modules. I'm getting "An error occurred while saving this configuration"

I have a new fairly fresh install of Magento I installed two custom payment method modules that are working fine. But now whenever I try to disable or enable any Payment Method or Shipping Method it gives me an error like this:
An error occurred while saving this configuration: Warning:
preg_match() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in
on line 57
Do you have any idea why?
I found the problem. It was caused by a patch I applied to fix to a previous BUG. :P
So I disabled all custom modules and I was still getting the same error. I logged what was happening and it seems that some core modules are sending an array to be saved.
Like PayPal Express Checkout for instance. One of the config options is the Time of Day in the SFTP credentials for Settlement Report Settings. It's composed by three different drop-downs and it's sending an array to be saved!
In the Shipping Methods, UPS has a config options called Allowed Methods, and it's also sending an array!
I still don't know why it wasn't happening before and now it is. They shouldn't be encrypting everything. Any clues?
I had the same issue, its a known bug, try this around line no. 135 on code/core/mage/Adminhtml/model/config/data.php
// add this code
if (isset($fieldConfig->backend_model)) {
$backendClass = $fieldConfig->backend_model;
} // before this
if (!$backendClass) {
$backendClass = 'core/config_data';
This actually is a reported bug in Magento that seems to affect encrypted config settings (passwords, API keys, etc.).
Try disabling the first of the modules, log out of the admin panel, clear /var/cache and see if the problem still exists. If it does, do the same with the second module.
The problem should be gone. Now that you know which module causes the problems you can either decide to try another module instead or debug to see whats going wrong.
Put a breakpoint on line 57 in /app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Model/System/Config/Backend/Encrypted.php to see what goes wrong. It seems that the second parameter is not a string (might be null for example due to wrong configuration or something) when its given to the preg_match function. Maybe this helps you to identify the problem.
Disabling modules through the back office isn't a good idea as it only disables the block output, if you would like to disable a module you should go to app/etc/modulesand there you should find Module_Name.xmlfile - in this file just put false in active node.

500 error when integrating multiple apps in one code base

I'm trying to set up an MVC application that will service several facebook applications for various clients. With help from Prabir's blog post I was able to set this up with v5.2.1 and it is working well, with one exception.
At first, I had only set up two "clients", one called DemoStore and the first client, ClientA. The application determines what client content and facebook settings to use based on the url. example canvasUrl: http://my_domain.com/client_name/
This works for ClientA, but for some reason when I try any DemoStore routes I get a 500 error. The error page points to an issue with the web.config.
Config Error:
Cannot add duplicate collection entry of type 'add' with unique key attribute 'name' set to 'facebookredirect.axd'
I am able to add additional clients with no problem, and changing DemoStore to something like "demo" while using the same facebook application settings works fine also.
Working calls:
http:// localhost:2888/ClientA/
http:// localhost:2888/ClientB/
http:// localhost:2888/Demo/
Failing call:
http:// localhost:2888/DemoStore/
I was thinking this might be an MVC issue, but the Config Error points to the facebookredirect handler. Why would the SDK try to add this value to the config during runtime, and only for this specific client?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
I managed to figure out what went wrong here. Silly mistake..
After I had set up the application routes to require the client_name I changed the Project Url in the project properties to point to demostore by default. When I hit ctrl+S a dialog popped up that I promptly entered through without reading.
When I changed the Project Url, IIS Express created a new virtual directory for the project. This was the source of my problem. Why? I'm not sure, but once I removed the second site from my applicationhost.config I was able to access the DemoStore routes.
Moral of the story: read the VS dialog messages!
