Laravel Model Get Method Decoding JSON - laravel

Hi there below is what I'm storing in my db but when I use my get method in my model I have to use json_decode twice when formating my data why is this happening and can I have it just use it once somehow.
json exactly in db:
"[{\"id\":\"1\",\"country\":\"New Zealand\",\"shipping_rate\":\"1\"},{\"id\":\"2\",\"country\":\"Australia\",\"shipping_rate\":\"2\"}]"
Model Get Method:
public function getshippingAttribute()
return $this->attributes['shipping'] ? json_decode(json_decode($this->attributes['shipping'])) : [];

The problem is not clear enough from your question but the Laravel offers a builtin mechanism for attribute casting (Since v-5.1). In this case, in your model, just declare a $casts property for example:
protected $casts = [
'shipping' => 'array',
// more ...
Because of the $casts property given above, whenever you'll write (create/update) a model, you don't need to explicitly use json_encode to convert the array to json string, Laravel will do it for you and also, when you'll retrieve the model (single/collection), the shipping attribute will be automatically converted back to an array so you don't need to use json_decode for working with the attribute.
Regarding the response, that will be also handled by laravel if you don't convert it to json manually (when returning a model/collection). This will possibly solve your problem.

public function getshippingAttribute()
return $this->attributes['shipping'] ? json_decode($this->attributes['shipping']) : [];

Try return json response
public function getshippingAttribute()
return response()->json($this->attributes['shipping'])


Creating a Laravel attribute (accessor) on model but unable to access model properties

Here's my code:
protected function expires(): Attribute
if ($this->started_at) {
$expiry = $this->started_at->addDays(20);
return Attribute::make(
get: fn () => $expiry ?? null
Running this code gives me an ErrorException with the message Undefined property: Models\Job::$started_at
I have found that I can work around this error by accessing the property through $this->attributes['started_at'] as follows:
protected function expires(): Attribute
if ($this->attributes['started_at']) {
$expiry = Carbon::parse($this->attributes['started_at'])->addDays(20);
return Attribute::make(
get: fn () => $expiry ?? null
However, this code feels a little inefficient because I'm manually using Carbon to parse the property back into a Carbon object. But if I do a dd($this->started_at) right before the if statement, it's already been cast to a Carbon object by Laravel and I'd really just like to use this object to make my code as clean as in the first example above.
I'd like to know the reason why $this->started_at is apparently available as a Carbon object in this context but somehow not usable (an undefined property) in the way I'm using it, and also I would like to know if there is another way to go about achieving my goal?
you can add custom attributes with
public function getExpireAttribute()
if ($this->started_at) {
return $this->started_at;
now you can access expire attribute like other, with
to make Eloquent casts dates to Carbon for you, add attribute to casts:
protected $casts = [
'started_at' => 'datetime',
The reason you are getting an "Undefined property" error when trying to access $this->started_at in your accessor method is because Laravel's model accessor methods are executed before the model attributes are hydrated.
This means that when your expires() method is executed, the started_at attribute may not have been set yet, and thus accessing it directly on the model instance will result in an "Undefined property" error.
One way to work around this is to use the getAttribute method provided by Laravel's Model class. This method allows you to retrieve the value of an attribute, even if it has not been set yet. Here's an updated version of your expires() method that uses getAttribute:
use Carbon\Carbon;
protected function getExpiresAttribute(): ?Carbon
$startedAt = $this->getAttribute('started_at');
if ($startedAt) {
return $startedAt->addDays(20);
return null;
In this version, we are using the getAttribute method to retrieve the value of the started_at attribute, even if it has not been set yet. We then use Carbon to manipulate the date, and return the result.
Note that we are using the getExpiresAttribute method instead of the expires method, because Laravel automatically maps get{AttributeName}Attribute method calls to corresponding attribute accessors. So, in this case, calling
will automatically execute the getExpiresAttribute method.
With this approach, you can use the started_at property directly in your code, and it will be automatically cast to a Carbon object by Laravel, without the need to manually parse it with Carbon.
Hope this helps.

Issue with Integers passing data from Vue to Laravel using FormData

I am successfully updating a database using Vue 2 to a Laravel 8 Controller using Axios. However, I am stuck when attempting to pass an integer to my database.
My database has a column, 'number_of_searches' and it must be an integer.
Laravel Migration looks like this:
And the model looks something like this:
class Product extends Model
protected $fillable = [
'number_of_searches' => 'integer',
My Vue updateProduct() function used FormData and appends the values coming from the form. It looks like this:
let data = new FormData();
data.append('_method', 'PATCH');
data.append('product_title', product.product_title);
data.append('number_of_searches', product.number_of_searches);'/api-route-to-update/product_id/', data)
.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (error) {
My update controller looks like this:
public function update(Request $request, $product_id){
$product = Product::findOrFail($product_id);
I can have as many input fields as I need and it works perfectly as long as they are strings. However, when I use a number input field in my component such as:
<input v-model="product.number_of_searches" type="number" min="1" max="999">
The generated json that will pass from axios into my controller looks like this:
{ "id": 5, "product_title": "The Product Title will work great", "number_of_searches": "222"}
You will notice that 'number_of_searches' is passed as a string, hence my database fails because it is the wrong datatype, it requires an integer. After reading the documentation and other threads, it seems that FormData will always return strings and that I must just deal with this on the server side.
So what I did is, I went into my back-end updateProduct() method and attempted to modify the Request.
First I tried a few methods such as:
//this one
$requestData = $request->all();
$requestData['number_of_searches'] = 123;
//also this one
$request->merge(['number_of_searches' => 123]);
//and this
$data = $request->all();
$data['number_of_searches'] = 123;
After countless hours, I am unable to modify the original request. After doing some research, it seems that requests are protected and cannot be modified, which makes sense. Therefore I attempted to create a new request that clones $request->all(), like this:
$new_request = new Request($request->all());
$new_request->merge(['number_of_searches' => 123]);
But I have failed to force to override 'number_of_searched'
My question is:
Should I stay away from FormData completely in this case? What method do you suggest to pass forms that have integers or floats or other datatypes through axios or fetch? Or what am I doing wrong? I find it hard to believe that FormData would only send strings (making parseInt useless before using axios). I'm sure I am doing something wrong from origin.
On the other hand, maybe I need to completely change my approach in my Controller when receiving the data. I am working on an app with a lot of fields and I love $request->all() because it simplifies what I am trying to do. I wouldn't mind using intval on the server side and that's it, but it seems overly complicated.
On the Vue side, you can use the number modifier on v-model to make sure it's not casting the value to a string:
On the request side, you can use $request->merge to override the value in a request
'number_of_searches' => (int) $request->get('number_of_searches');
At the model side in the updating hook within the boot method you can ensure the value is being casted as an int when saving:
static::updating(function ($model) {
$model->number_of_searches = (int) $model->number_of_searches;
This should give you the end to end.

There is a way to automaticaly inject a model into a controller in laravel, without using the Illuminate\Http\Request?

I would like to now if there is some method I can use to directily inject a model in a controller in Laravel, without using the Illuminate\Http\Request, something like Springboot in Java.
I have something like:
public function update(Request $request){
$example = new Example();
$example->param1 = $request->input('param1');
$example->param2 = $request->input('param2');
I would like to know if I can have something like this:
public function update(Example $example)
And if Laravel have some kind of support to autommaticaly get the Example with the data set, without the need to manipulate de Request.
public function update(Example $example)
With this, you can get data set if the $example is equal to the id of Example model in your database. Laravel will return full dataset only if $example is equal to id, otherwise, you need to make ::where search on model

Backpack V4 modifying field before store

In 3.6 version of backpack I can change an attribute value before storing it.
I have this code
If ($request->description == "") {
$request->description="User has not entered any description";
$redirect_location = parent::storeCrud($request);
What can I do to get the same in V4? I'm reading this guide but I can't make it to work.
This is what I'm trying in V4
public function store(PedidoRequest $request)
If ($request->description == "") {
$request->description="User has not entered any description";
$redirect_location = $this->traitStore();
return $redirect_location;
The Request object in Laravel, Illuminate\Http\Request, doesn't have the ability to set the inputs via the properties like that, no __set method ($request->description = '...' does not set an input named description). You would have to merge the inputs into the request or use the array syntax to do that:
$request->merge(['description' => '...']);
// or
$request['description'] = '...';
But since backpack seems to have abstracted things apparently you aren't controlling anything in your controller methods you could try this:
$this->crud->request->request->add(['description'=> '...']);
$this->request->merge(['description' => '...']);
That would be assuming some trait the Controller uses is using the Fields trait.

How do I convert an API resource class in Laravel 5.5 to an array BEFORE returning from controller?

Ordinarily, in Laravel 5.5, when using an api resource class, you simply return the resource class instance from your controller method, like so:
public function show(Request $request, MyModel $model)
return new MyModelResource($model);
This converts the model to an array (and ultimately to json) in the response to the client.
However... I am trying to figure out how to convert everything to an array BEFORE returning it from the controller method. I tried this:
public function show(Request $request, MyModel $model)
$array = (new MyModelResource($model))->toArray($request);
// ...
The problem here is that any relationships loaded on the resource aren't also converted to an array. They show up inside $array as an instance of a resource class. Obviously calling toArray() manually does not result in a recursive call, and methods such as ->whenLoaded('relationship_name') aren't really respected either.
So how do I get Laravel to do everything it does to convert the resource to an array recursively WITHOUT having to return it from my controller method?
I believe what you are looking for is the resolve method on the resource class. See definition.
From the looks of it, it should handle converting the relationships into an array as well. Just be sure you are setting up your resource relationships properly.
Neither the toArray() or resolve() methods convert the related models to arrays which is really annoying because you'd expect them to.
You're better off using toResponse(null) which will return a JsonRepsonse object. Which you can then use the getContent() method for a json encoded string or the getData() method for an object.
So if you wanted an array not wrapped in a data variable it would be:
$array = json_decode(
(new MyModelResource($model))
Ugly but it works unlike the accepted answer.
