gin-gonic and gorilla/websocket does not propagate message - go

So I made a few changes to this example to make it work with gin-gonic
The websocket handshake between many clients is succesful. The problem is that when a client sends a message, the message is not propagated to the rest of the clients.

I had a look on your commit changes of episode4.
My observations as follows:
You're creating hub instance on every incoming request at stream handler. hub instance used to keeps track connections, etc. so you're losing it on every request.
You have removed index/home handler (may be you wanted to convert to gin handler or something, I don't know).
Now, let's bring episode4 into action. Please do following changes (as always improve it as you like). I have tested your episode4 with below changes, it's working fine.
Make /ws handler work on server.go:
h := newHub()
wsh := wsHandler{h: h}
r.GET("/ws", func(c *gin.Context) {
wsh.ServeHTTP(c.Writer, c.Request)
Remove the stream handler on connection.go:
func stream(c *gin.Context) {
h := newHub()
wsHandler{h: h}.ServeHTTP(c.Writer, c.Request)
Adding index HTML handler on server.go: (added it to test episode4 at my end)
r.GET("/", func(c *gin.Context) {
c.HTML(200, "index.html", nil)


Using `Context` to implement timeout

Assuming that I have a function that sends web requests to an API endpoint, I would like to add a timeout to the client so that if the call is taking too long, the operation breaks either by returning an error or panicing the current thread.
Another assumption is that, the client function (the function that sends web requests) comes from a library and it has been implemented in a synchronous way.
Let's have a look at the client function's signature:
func Send(params map[string]string) (*http.Response, error)
I would like to write a wrapper around this function to add a timeout mechanism. To do that, I can do:
func SendWithTimeout(ctx context.Context, params map[string]string) (*http.Response, error) {
completed := make(chan bool)
go func() {
res, err := Send(params)
_ = res
_ = err
completed <- true
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, errors.New("Cancelled")
case <-completed:
return nil, nil // just to test how this method works
Now when I call the new function and pass a cancellable context, I successfully get a cancellation error, but the goroutine that is running the original Send function keeps on running to the end.
Since, the function makes an API call meaning that establishing socket/TCP connections are actually involved in the background, it is not a good practice to leave a long-running API behind the scene.
Is there any standard way to interrupt the original Send function when the context.Done() is hit?
This is a "poor" design choice to add context support to an existing API / implementation that did not support it earlier. Context support should be added to the existing Send() implementation that uses it / monitors it, renaming it to SendWithTimeout(), and provide a new Send() function that takes no context, and calls SendWithTimeout() with context.TODO() or context.Background().
For example if your Send() function makes an outgoing HTTP call, that may be achieved by using http.NewRequest() followed by Client.Do(). In the new, context-aware version use http.NewRequestWithContext().
If you have a Send() function which you cannot change, then you're "out of luck". The function itself has to support the context or cancellation. You can't abort it from the outside.
See related:
Terminating function execution if a context is cancelled
Is it possible to cancel unfinished goroutines?
Stopping running function using context timeout in Golang
cancel a blocking operation in Go

cancel a web request and handle errors inside the ReverseProxy Director function

I am wondering if it would be possible to cancel a web request or send an internal response to the client inside the ReverseProxy.Director function.
Suppose we do something that throws an error, or we have other reason to not forward the request.
proxy := &httputil.ReverseProxy{
Director: func(r *http.Request) {
err := somethingThatThrows()
http.Handle("/", proxy)
A solution to this might be the below, but it's not as neat as the above way to use the proxy. I am also not sure to which degree the request should be modified that way. The director seems to be the place to do that.
http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
err := somethingThatThrows()
if err != nil {
proxy.ServeHTTP(w, r)
if it would be possible to cancel a web request [...]
You can cancel the request that is passed to the Director function, BUT there are some details to consider:
the correct way to cancel a request is to cancel its context
you can not cancel contexts where you didn't set a (deadline|timeout|cancelfunc) yourself → i.e. you must have access to the cancel function → i.e. you can't cancel parent contexts created by someone else.
the *http.Request passed to Director function is a clone of the original request
Based on the points above, you can replace the request in the Director with another one that has a cancellable context. It may look like the following:
proxy := &httputil.ReverseProxy{
Director: func(req *http.Request) {
// create a cancellable context, and re-set the request
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(req.Context())
*req = *req.WithContext(ctx)
err := somethingThatThrows()
if err != nil {
Then the code above doesn't do anything else by itself. What should happen is that the httputil.ReverseProxy.Transport function, which implements http.RoundTripper checks whether the request context is cancelled, before actually send anything to the upstream service.
The documentation of Director states:
Director must be a function which modifies the request into a new request to be sent using Transport.
When the Transport is not provided, it will fall back to http.DefaultTransport, which aborts the request when the context is cancelled. The current code (Go 1.17.5) looks like:
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
If you provide your own implementation of http.RoundTripper you may want to implement that behavior yourself. Remember also that the context done channel is nil if it's not cancellable, so you have to set a cancel func and call cancel() in order to have that select run the "done" case.
or send an internal response to the client inside the ReverseProxy.Director
Based on the same quote above docs, you should not write to the http.ResponseWriter from within the Director function — assuming you are even closing around it. As you can see the Director itself doesn't get the http.ResponseWriter as an argument, and this should already be a self-explanatory detail.
If you want to specify some other behavior in case the request can't be forwarded, and assuming that whatever implementation of http.RoundTripper is returning error when the req context is cancelled, you can provide your ReverseProxy.ErrorHandler function:
proxy.ErrorHandler = func(writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request, err error) {
// inspect err
// write to writer
The ErrorHandler will be invoked when Transport returns error, including when the error comes from a cancelled request, and it does have http.ResponseWriter as an argument.

Code design for handle funcs in go web app

I'm learning go and ran into some design issues while developing web app. The app has main route "/" where user can submit a simple form. With those form values I am calling external API and unmarshaling response into some struct. Now from here I want to make another call based on retrieved values to another external API and I'm not sure what's the proper way of doing this. Here is a snippet for better understandment:
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", mainHandler)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))
func mainHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
//renders form template
//makes post and retrieves data from api
//here with retrieved data I want to make another call to different API,
// but mainHandler would get too big and complex. I'm not sure how should I pass this data to
// another handler or redirect to another handler with this data.
The handlers' semantics should be designed to match the desired HTTP behavior, regardless of the code complexity. If you want to handle a single client request by doing a bunch of stuff, that should be a single handler. If the handler becomes too complex, break it up. Handlers are just functions and can be broken up exactly like any other function - by extracting some part of it into another function and calling that new function. To take you pseudocode:
func mainHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
err := renderTemplate(w)
if err != nil { ... }
err, data := postToApi()
if err != nil { ... }
err, data2 := postToApi2(data)
if err != nil { ... }
There's no reason for those functions to be handlers themselves or to get the client involved with a redirect. Just break up your logic the way you normally break up logic - it doesn't matter that it's an HTTP handler.
Hi golearner, in the mainHandler just render the form and make another handler kinda "/formaction" to handle the form, in that way you can easily organize your code.

Is there anyway to close client request in golang/gin?

Using gin framework.
Is there anyway to notify client to close request connection, then server handler can do any back-ground jobs without letting the clients to wait on the connection?
func Test(c *gin.Context) {
c.String(200, "ok")
// close client request, then do some jobs, for example sync data with remote server.
Yes, you can do that. By simply returning from the handler. And the background job you want to do, you should put that on a new goroutine.
Note that the connection and/or request may be put back into a pool, but that is irrelevant, the client will see that serving the request ended. You achieve what you want.
Something like this:
func Test(c *gin.Context) {
c.String(200, "ok")
// By returning from this function, response will be sent to the client
// and the connection to the client will be closed
// Started goroutine will live on, of course:
go func() {
// This function will continue to execute...
Also see: Goroutine execution inside an http handler

MGO and long running Web Services - recovery

I've written a REST web service that uses mongo as the backend data store. I was wondering at this stage (before deployment), what the best practices were, considering a service that essentially runs forever(ish).
Currently, I'm following this type of pattern:
// database.go
type DataStore struct {
mongoSession *mgo.Session
func (d *DataStore) OpenSession () {
... // read setup from environment
mongoSession, err = mgo.Dial(mongoURI)
if err != nil {}
func (d *DataStore) CloseSession() {...}
func (d *DataStore) Find (...) (results...) {
s := d.mongoSession.Copy()
defer s.Close()
// do stuff, return results
In main.go:
func main() {
ds := NewDataStore()
defer ds.CloseSession()
// Web Service Routes..
ws.Handle("/find/{abc}", doFindFunc)
My question is - what's the recommended practice for recovery from session that has timed out, lost connection (the mongo service provider I'm using is remote, so I assume that this will happen), so on any particular web service call, the database session may no longer work? How do people handle these cases to detect that the session is no longer valid and a "fresh" one should be established?
what you may want is to do the session .Copy() for each incoming HTTP request (with deffered .Close()), copy again from the new session in your handlers if ever needed..
connections and reconnections are managed by mgo, you can stop and restart MongoDB while making an HTTP request to your web service to see how its affected.
if there's a db connection problem while handling an HTTP request, a db operation will eventually timeout (timeout can be configured by using DialWithTimeout instead of the regular Dial, so you can respond with a 5xx HTTP error code in such case.
