Some attributes, that were used as configurable in the goods, wheren't created as configurable. So now there is an empty space in the place where there should be value on the product card the front-end. Thus we do have this value in this good, it isn't shown on the panel for configuranle attributes.
The product card of the good.(I'm sorry for cyrillic letters)
Can I change the value in the table catalog_eav_attribute to turn attribute to configurable?
Do I need to change smth more?
Just go to magento admin panel. Select Main menu->Catalog->Attributes->Manage Attributes
Select your attribute -> Set "Use To Create Configurable Product" = "Yes"
Print screen
My configurable products do not show up. Here is how I set up The configurable product:
1) Created two attributes that are global, dropdown with
"Apply to Configurable Product" and "Use to Create Configurable Product"="Yes".
2) Added these two attributes to an attribute set.
3) Create a new configurable product based on this attribute set.
4) Select both attributes in my attribute set.
5) Add a default price to the configurable attribute, and set manage stock to "No".
6) Under Associated Product: I filled out all fields with visibility = "Not Visible Individually" and "Stock"="in stock".
7) I am also using the "Parent Product Thumbnail" for each associated product.
At this point, I am expecting:
1) As each associated products is created, it appears in the list at the bottom of the admin page. There should be one associated product at the bottom of the page, but there is not.
2) In the front end, I am expecting my configurable product to show up but I cannot see it in the navigational filters. I am expecting that the navigational filters reflect information for the associated products.
3) I am expecting that the product listing and the product page shows options for product variation along with images from the parent product. However I cannot get anything to show up.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
I think you have forgot to choose the attribute in simple product which are used as super attribute configurable product.
For example an super attribute "color" is used for configurable product and in the simple product you have not choose any "color" attribute.
After that in configurable product, associate the same simple product.
I add some associated products to a configurable product. I used many attributes defined in attribute set "Phone_specification" for example for configurable phone.
It is supposed to show these specifications as a table (like CPU, GPU, LCD quality, ... so that to be compared later or ...) inside tabs below main description of configurable product.
But it shows nothing. It ignores these attributes which have been defined for configurable product. But in individual associated items it shows properly.
The tab on the product detail page that shows a list of product attributes will only show the attributes and their values assigned for that product. If it's a configurable product, it will not show the attributes for the simple products, because there could be more than one value.
If you want information to appear there, assign the attributes and values to the configurable product and they should appear.
Also for the attributes to appear on the Product View Page, you must make sure that the Visible on Product View Page on Front-end is set to Yes for that product.
Go to Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes
Click the attribute you want to appear on the product view page.
Set the option Visible on Product View Page on Front-end to Yes
Hit the Save button and flush your Magento caches.
Your attributes will now on the product view pages for the products they are directly assigned to.
I'm building a new website with Magento and I have 3 top tier categories (Clothing, Footwear and Accessories). I need to apply an attribute set to every product placed in these categories so users can search for Designer, Size and Colour (and potentially others later).
Is it possible to assign an attribute set to a product automatically if it is placed in a specific category, or does it have to be assigned before hand then placed in the category?
For product not existing you have to choose an attribute set when creating. So why don't set directly the good one ?
For existing product you have to create a script that will change attribute sets of product because you can't do this in the Backend.
If you want it to be totally automatic, you can handle this with observer, observe the product creation and the product save to set it in the right attribute set each time category changes.
You can assign a product to a Attribute set only during product creation.
I made separate provision for setting Prices for Product in admin panel. Now I want to hide the default Price tab from Manage product section. How I do this? Where I need to change.
Go to the attribute set in backend, select your attribute set, and then delete prices group from attribute set.
I want to add information in the additional information tab of the product page, but can't figure out from where it picks the data.
Check out the product attributes in the backend. You can configure existing and/or new product attributes and make them (optionally) show up in this section. Make sure the attributes have "Visible on Product View Page on Front-end" set to Yes.
1)First create the attribute as per your requirement
2)Assign this to default attribute set then save.
3)go to attribute and make visible(from drop down) your recently created attribute.
4)fill some value in the attribute(you created) for your selected product .
5)Again go to the attributes select your attribute then select yes or no to " Visible on Product View Page on Front-end " and "Used in Product Listing" depending your need.
If you need more help please inform..