gfortran can't find OpenMP library (omp_lib.mod) under MinGW - windows

I'm trying to compile a Fortran code that someone has sent me. It compiles fine on my Linux box, now I'm trying to compile it under MinGW on Windows. But when I run the gfortran command to compile and link it, it fails with the following error:
use omp_lib
Fatal Error: Can't open module file 'omp_lib.mod' for reading at (1): No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
I'm using the -fopenmp switch to use OpenMP.
I've installed MinGW (5.3.0) using the Installation Manager, selecting the mingw32-base and mingw32-gcc-fortran packages. Are there other packages I should install for OpenMP compatibility? Or do I need to compile the omp_lib.mod file myself, and if so how? I can see that I have some libgomp.* files in my MinGW\lib\gcc\mingw32\5.3.0 folder, but there is no omp_lib_mod file anywhere.


How to Compile Ncurses Program for Native Windows Use

I'm trying to compile a C program using Ncurses on Windows. I compiled it successfully using GCC and it works perfectly if I run it in Cygwin or MSYS2. However, if I try to run it in the Windows Command Prompt, I get this error:
Error opening terminal: xterm-256color.
Is it possible to compile it to run using the native Windows console? This is how I've been compiling it:
gcc -o PROGRAMNAME main.c -lncurses
I also have the Cygwin and Msys dlls for Ncurses copied into the directory of the compiled executable.
So I figured out how to get the program to run. I deleted all the DLLs from the project folder and then added "C:\msys64\usr\bin" to my PATH environment variable. However, I would still like to know if there's a way to get this to work if I were to distribute it, since it's still relying on my installation of MSYS2.
Update 2
Gave up and just used pdcurses and it works fine.
Update 3
Nevermind, found a solution! See below.
I figured out a solution. I'll post it here in case anyone else has this same issue. Thanks to Thomas Dickey for your help!
Install the mingw-w64 toolchain and any other packages you need to compile your project (this is mostly where I messed up)
Make sure to include the /mingw64/include/ncurses directory when compiling, or else gcc won't be able to find curses.h
Include /mingw64/bin as a static directory or copy over the necessary dlls to the same folder as the directory
I ended up with this to compile:
gcc -I/mingw64/include/ncurses -o PROGRAMNAME main.c -lncurses -L/mingw64/bin -static

libpcap compiling as external library

I'm making a project that requires libpcap library, I downloaded the library from official website (libpcap-1.7.2.tar.gz) and I want to compile and the project on Unix server, but I am not allowed to install the library there (school server) and I cannot run the gcc as root.
What command shall I use? Or is it even possible? I can't find any info. (.. my aim is to run the binary on another linux OS (with root permissions) without the need of installing the lib.)
I already tried:
gcc -Wall test.c -lpcap -Ilib/libpcap-1.7.2
but getting an error:
lib/libpcap-1.7.2/pcap.h:43:23: fatal error: pcap/pcap.h: No such file or directory
#include <pcap/pcap.h>

compiling static library for windows in cygwin

I'm trying to compile a library (dxflib) for use in windows using cygwin.
I'm loosely following the instructions found here:
I can get it to compile to make a .a library (ie a unix static library), using 'make' but obviously I'm using cygwin because I want to compile a .lib for use in windows.
When I try to use 'MinGW32-make' (or any other derivative I can think of) cygwin claims that it doesn't exist. I've reinstalled all options with mingw or gcc or g++ remotely in their name in cygwin.
Does anybody know how to get it to compile from the makefile to produce a .lib? Thanks.

Issue when compiling Cython code with OpenMP flag on Windows

I am trying to compile Cython code with the GCC compiler (which usually works like a charm), and as recommended on the "Using Parallelism" page I add the "-fopenmp" command to my setup file. However, when compiling I get the following error:
gcc.exe: libgomp.spec: No such file or directory
My version of gcc is 4.5.2, which I believe should support OpenMP just fine. I'm working on 64-bit Windows 7.
Any help would be appreciated!

building my own gcc version

My distro (CentOS 6.3) comes with gcc 4.4.6. Since I wanted to try out the Fortran2003 features I decided to compile gcc 4.7.
I followed the steps I found online: compiled separately first gmp, mpc, mpfr, ppl and cloog and the compiled gcc.
I run the configured script as:
configure --prefix=... --with-gmp=... --with-mpfr=... --with-mpc=... --program-suffix=-4.7 --enable-cloog-backend=isl --with-ppl=... --with-cloog=... --disable-multilib
This worked all right and I was able to compile with make & make install.
Now, when trying my new compiler with a simple test program (a hello world kind of thing) I get the error:
gfortran-4.7 -o test test.F90
/home/amcastro/gcc-4.7/output/libexec/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.7.0/f951: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
So I decide to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/amcastro/gcc-4.7/output/lib
and then I can compile.
When running I get the error:
./test: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
So I set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/amcastro/gcc-4.7/output/lib:/home/amcastro/gcc-4.7/output/lib64
and now the program runs normally.
The question is: Why is that my distro version of gcc (4.4.6) does not need me to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH? how does the distro gcc know where to look for these dynamically liked libraries? should I somehow make them to link statically?
I read also that setting LD_LIBRARY_FLAG is not a good idea. Is there another solution?
Thank you in advance
