timestampTz fields in Laravel - laravel

Laravel 5.4 supports the Postgres TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE field type in migrations:
Laravel can be set up to convert date fields (DATE, DATETIME, TIMESTAMP) into Carbon objects (and does so by default for the created_at and updated_at TIMESTAMP fields), but putting scheduled_for into the $dates field causes an error with the timezone-aware version:
InvalidArgumentException with message 'Trailing data'
Looking in the database and tinker, the field's value appears to be something like 2017-06-19 19:19:19-04. Is there a native way to get a Carbon object out of one of these field types? Or am I stuck using an accessor?

Resurrecting this question, hopefully with a helpful answer that gets accepted.
Laravel assumes a Y-m-d H:i:s database timestamp format. If you're using a Postgres timestampz column, that's obviously different. You need to tell Eloquent how to get Carbon to parse that format.
Simply define the $dateFormat property on your model like so:
Class MyModel extends Eloquent {
protected $dateFormat = 'Y-m-d H:i:sO';
Credit where credit is due: I found this solution in a GitHub issue

Put this inside your model
protected $casts = [
'scheduled_for' => 'datetime' // date | datetime | timestamp
Using $dates is more likely obsolete as $casts do the same stuff (maybe except $dateFormat attribute which can work only for $dates fields iirc, but I saw some complaining on it)
I was testing Carbon once on Laravel 5.4 and I created a trait for it
this is not production level code yet so include it in your model on your own risk
<?php namespace App\Traits;
use Carbon\Carbon;
trait castTrait
protected function castAttribute($key, $value)
$database_format = 'Y-m-d H:i:se'; // Store this somewhere in config files
$output_format_date = 'd/m/Y'; // Store this somewhere in config files
$output_format_datetime = 'd/m/Y H:i:s'; // Store this somewhere in config files
if (is_null($value)) {
return $value;
switch ($this->getCastType($key)) {
case 'int':
case 'integer':
return (int) $value;
case 'real':
case 'float':
case 'double':
return (float) $value;
case 'string':
return (string) $value;
case 'bool':
case 'boolean':
return (bool) $value;
case 'object':
return $this->fromJson($value, true);
case 'array':
case 'json':
return $this->fromJson($value);
case 'collection':
return new BaseCollection($this->fromJson($value));
case 'date':
$date = (string)$this->asDate($value);
Carbon::resetToStringFormat(); // Just for sure
return $date;
case 'datetime':
$datetime = (string)$this->asDateTime($value);
return $datetime;
case 'timestamp':
return $this->asTimestamp($value);
return $value;
* Return a timestamp as DateTime object with time set to 00:00:00.
* #param mixed $value
* #return \Carbon\Carbon
protected function asDate($value)
return $this->asDateTime($value)->startOfDay();
* Return a timestamp as DateTime object.
* #param mixed $value
* #return \Carbon\Carbon
protected function asDateTime($value)
$carbon = null;
$database_format = [ // This variable should also be in config file
'datetime' => 'Y-m-d H:i:se', // e -timezone
'date' => 'Y-m-d'
if(empty($value)) {
return null;
// If this value is already a Carbon instance, we shall just return it as is.
// This prevents us having to re-instantiate a Carbon instance when we know
// it already is one, which wouldn't be fulfilled by the DateTime check.
if ($value instanceof Carbon) {
$carbon = $value;
// If the value is already a DateTime instance, we will just skip the rest of
// these checks since they will be a waste of time, and hinder performance
// when checking the field. We will just return the DateTime right away.
if ($value instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
$carbon = new Carbon(
$value->format($database_format['datetime'], $value->getTimezone())
// If this value is an integer, we will assume it is a UNIX timestamp's value
// and format a Carbon object from this timestamp. This allows flexibility
// when defining your date fields as they might be UNIX timestamps here.
if (is_numeric($value)) {
$carbon = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($value);
// If the value is in simply year, month, day format, we will instantiate the
// Carbon instances from that format. Again, this provides for simple date
// fields on the database, while still supporting Carbonized conversion.
if ($this->isStandardDateFormat($value)) {
$carbon = Carbon::createFromFormat($database_format['date'], $value)->startOfDay();
// Finally, we will just assume this date is in the format used by default on
// the database connection and use that format to create the Carbon object
// that is returned back out to the developers after we convert it here.
$carbon = Carbon::createFromFormat(
$database_format['datetime'], $value
return $carbon;


Laravel set a common validator for all date fields in the system

I have different date fields in different models, I need to validate these date fields format on save of each model accordingly. is this possible?
Of course, you can. You just need to add this code below to your Model.
public static $rules = [
'date'=> 'reqired|date_format:MM:dd:YYYY' //if date is not required, ommite it
You can use different formats for your date in your different Models like MM:dd etc. Hope this helps you.
To be able to use multiple date formats in a single validator You can define the multi-format date validation in your AppServiceProvider with the following code:
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
Validator::extend('date_multi_format', function($attribute, $value, $formats) {
// iterate through all formats
foreach($formats as $format) {
// parse date with current format
$parsed = date_parse_from_format($format, $value);
// if value matches given format return true=validation succeeded
if ($parsed['error_count'] === 0 && $parsed['warning_count'] === 0) {
return true;
// value did not match any of the provided formats, so return false=validation failed
return false;
You can later use this new validation rule like that:
'date' => 'date_multi_format:"Y-m-d H:i:s.u","Y-m-d"' //or any other format
Hope this helps, thanks.

Laravel Mutators, Accessors

I've tried to implement mutators into my laravel 5.5. project since it looks like this would be the best way to auto-convert date object but for some reason it's not working. What i try to accomplish is to load a date object from mysql format Y-m-d and convert it to d.m.Y and write date objects with a format of d.m.Y to mysql with the format of Y-m-d. I get constantly errors like "delimiter not found" or "format error" etc.
protected $dateFormat = 'Y-m-d h:i';
protected $dates = [
function getJoinedAttribute()
return $this->attributes['joined']->format('d.m.Y');
function setJoinedAttribute()
return $this->attributes['joined']->format('Y-m-d');
You sould use Carbon library to convert date.
Like this :
public function getDobAttribute($value)
return Carbon::parse($value)->format('d/m/Y');
public function setDobAttribute($value)
$this->attributes['dob'] = Carbon::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', $value)->toDateString();

how to Automatically calculate expiry date in backpack laravel?

i have a field which name is month what i want is when user set the month it automatic calculate with created at month and then upload it to database.
PS - sorry i am new at laravel
Please see Edit:
my store method looks like
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Admin;
use Backpack\CRUD\app\Http\Controllers\CrudController;
// VALIDATION: change the requests to match your own file names if you need
form validation
use App\Http\Requests\ClientsRequest as StoreRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\ClientsRequest as UpdateRequest;
use Carbon\Carbon;
class ClientsCrudController extends CrudController
public function setup()
$this->crud->setRoute(config('backpack.base.route_prefix') . '/clients');
$this->crud->setEntityNameStrings('clients', 'clients');
public function store(StoreRequest $request)
// your additional operations before save here
$start_day = Carbon::parse($request->created_at);
$expiry_day = $start_day->addMonths($request->month);
$redirect_location = parent::storeCrud($request);
// your additional operations after save here
// use $this->data['entry'] or $this->crud->entry
return $redirect_location;
public function update(UpdateRequest $request)
// your additional operations before save here
$redirect_location = parent::updateCrud($request);
// your additional operations after save here
// use $this->data['entry'] or $this->crud->entry
return $redirect_location;
Assuming that you mean months ammount ( i.e for a monthly payment )
You can do it like this in your store method i.e:
$start_day = Carbon::parse($request->created_at); //get a carbon instance with created_at as date
$expiry_day = $start_day->addMonths($request->user_selected_months); //add X months to created_at date
public function store(StoreRequest $request) {
$month = $request->month;
$expiry_date = Carbon::now()->addMonths($month);
$request['expiry_date'] = $expiry_date;

LARAVEL 5 How to store empty DateTime input to Null value instead of 0000:00:00 00:00 value

i had two input Datetime field.
User can choose to fill in either these two field.
For the empty input Datetime field, i want it to store as Null value in Database.
But currently the empty input Datetime field is store as 0000:00:00 00:00 value in Database. What code should i modified?
you can use model observers to unset the attribute before saving when it is empty. But be sure that the fields are nullable
class Flight extends Model
public static function boot()
self::saving(function ($flight_model) {
if(empty($flight_model->arriveDateTime)) unset($your_model->attributes['your_date_field1'];
if(empty($flight_model->departDateTime)) unset($your_model->attributes['your_date_field2'];
this discussion would be a good reference
to do the limitation in the controller you'll use required_without_all:foo,bar,... which as described in doc.s
The field under validation must be present and not empty only when all of the other specified fields are not present
to use it we'll add new rules like
$rules = array(
'arriveDateTime' => 'required_without_all:departDateTime',
'departDateTime' => 'required_without_all:arriveDateTime',
$validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules);
and if you're using rules already just append this two roles to them. that's for the controller validation part.
for the view part I'll assume you've two inputs with id="arriveDateTime" and id="departDateTime" the code would be like
$(function() {
<!-- if the first input value changed disable the second input -->
$('#arriveDateTime').on('change', function() {
if ($(this).val() == '') {
$('#departDateTime').prop("disabled", false);
} else {
$('#departDateTime').prop("disabled", true);
<!-- if the second input value changed disable the first input -->
$('#departDateTime').on('change', function() {
if ($(this).val() == '') {
$('#arriveDateTime').prop("disabled", false);
} else {
$('#arriveDateTime').prop("disabled", true);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<input type="text" id="arriveDateTime" />
<input type="text" id="departDateTime" />
All you need is Eloquent Mutators.
Below a simplified example, basically from https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/eloquent-mutators#defining-a-mutator
class User extends Model
/* Set or mutate value of property */
public function setDateInputAttribute($value)
$this->attributes['date_input'] = $this->dateTimeOrNull($value);
/* This method should get another place, because it's not the core of this model */
private function dateTimeOrNull($value)
Check if given datetime is valid. Yes? Return original $value
For simplicity, I use PHP's DateTime class
if (DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $value) !== false) {
return $value;
/* Datetime is not valid. Return null */
return null;
I suppose your datetime format is like yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss
You can uses laravel mutators. Here's one for date of birth.
public function setDob($value)
$this->attributes['dob'] = strlen($value)? Carbon::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', $value) : null;

Laravel: Change format of Carbon dates in models when converted to JSON

Currently, when I convert a model to JSON, all Carbon date fields are casted like so:
"end_time": {
"date": "2017-02-03 23:59:00.000000",
"timezone_type": 3,
"timezone": "Europe/London"
I want it casted using the Atom notation.
This can be done in carbon like so:
where $date is a Carbon date.
How can I make a model convert dates in the atom format when converting it to JSON?
I am aware that it is possible to append data like so: https://laravel.com/docs/5.3/eloquent-serialization#appending-values-to-json
But this does not change the format of an existing value?
With the risk of reviving a zombie, I shall present an alternate solution to this problem:
Override the serializeDate method defined by the trait HasAttributes:
* Prepare a date for array / JSON serialization.
* #param \DateTimeInterface $date
* #return string
protected function serializeDate(DateTimeInterface $date)
return $date->toAtomString();
The link you provided should be the solution for you as long as you are willing to use a different name than "end_time". You could append "end_time_formatted", or something similar.
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Event extends Model
protected $appends = ['end_time_formatted'];
public function getEndTimeFormattedAttribute()
return $this->end_time->toAtomString();
Then any time you cast a model to json, it will include "end_time_formatted" with it.
Another option for you (if you require keeping the same name) would be to override the toJson method by copying it into your model. I'd probably advise against this, but it would prevent the need to say $this->created_at = $this->created_at->toAtomString() each time before you cast it to JSON.
* Convert the model instance to JSON.
* #param int $options
* #return string
* #throws \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\JsonEncodingException
public function toJson($options = 0)
$atom = $this->created_at->toAtomString();
$json = json_encode($this->jsonSerialize(), $options);
if (JSON_ERROR_NONE !== json_last_error()) {
throw JsonEncodingException::forModel($this, json_last_error_msg());
$json = json_decode($json);
$json->created_at = $atom;
$json = json_encode($json);
return $json;
I wasn't able to get this to work by changing the value at the top of the method, so I was forced to json_decode, and then re-encode, which doesn't feel great to me. If you do use this route I'd suggest digging a little deeper to try get it working without the need to decode.
An alternative to use is to format your date which you receive from model
You could use a helper method which converts your date object to the format you wish using carbon.
Carbon facilitates formatting abilities and I feel this is what you are looking for :
your_function_name($created_at_date, $format = "jS M Y")
$carbon = new \Carbon\Carbon($created_at_date);
$formatted_date = $carbon->format($format);
return $formatted_date;
Hope this helps.
