How to push my Heroku app on my personal Github account? - heroku

I created an application on Heroku. The application is pushed to my[My-project-name].git.
I would like to push this application to my own Github account. How can I do it?
By the way, doing:
git clone[My-project-name].git
gives back:
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights

If you're already signed in to Heroku account. Use the following command instead to clone an existing app to your local machine:
heroku git:clone -a your_app_name
cd your_app_name
This will clone your app on your current working directory, and then navigate to your_app_name. Then you can add your github repo's remote by:
git remote add origin url_to_your_github_repo
And finally run the following command to push the code to github:
git push origin master


How to check if my repository has been deployed to heroku?

I have several repositories and only one has been deployed to heroku. How do I find out which one? Because I made a change in one repo and tried to push it but got a warning fatal: 'heroku' does not appear to be a git repository. Is there a command?
It looks like you have not created heroku repository yet or you are in wrong directory. Go to the directory where you have your app then create heroku with the help of below commands.
git init
heroku create
after creating heroku you can add and commit heroku with the help of
git add .
git commit -am "any comment"
last step will be to push all your data to heroku server by
git heroku push master
If repository is already created, you can check associated repository by hitting below command
$ git remote -v
You may need to run heroku git:remote command to associate a Git repository with an existing application
for more information on how to deploy app click here

Don't have access to Heroku app

I have a mystery app in Heroku. It's called weird-app-5536
When I try to push my code to Heroku I get this message:
Your account does not have access to weird-app-5536.
! SSH Key Fingerprint: *************************************************
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
When I try...
heroku apps
I get a list of my apps, but it does not include the mystery app, weird-app-5536.
I can't destroy or rename the weird-app-5536 app. It always says I don't have access.
The app does not appear on my list of apps on the Heroku website.
When I type
git remote -v
I get this:
heroku (fetch)
heroku (push)
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
I deleted my old ssh keys. I created a new one and added it to Heroku
I can create new apps and they show up on my list of apps.
As far as I know I only have one Heroku account.
Stumped. I don't know where to go from here.
What's happened is the git repo on which you're working is tied to an old remote. No need to contact heroku or anything... Just remove the heroku git remote and readd it.
Remove by running:
git remote rm heroku
Readd with:
heroku git:remote -a appname
More here:
Honestly, I would try to get a hold of Heroku support. It might be possible that you were listed as a contributor to another app by someone but weren't given write access? Heroku support is probably your best bet.

Failed to deploy application to heroku

I am newbie into heroku. I was trying to deploy a Django application to heroku by following steps.
Installed vartualenv
Installed Django gunicron via pip
Installed heroku toolbelt
Created an empty git
git add .
git commit -m "First commit"
heroku create
heroku keys:add
git push heroku master
And the a error
(venv)han#HEEL:~/Desktop/projects/ossko$ heroku keys:add
Found existing public key: /home/han/.ssh/
Uploading SSH public key /home/han/.ssh/ done
(venv)han#HEEL:~/Desktop/projects/ossko$ git push heroku master
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
I have follow every steps from heroku help site.
Please help me to fix this error
I have Ubuntu 13.4 64bit os
Update: here is the result of git remote -v:
$git remote -v
heroku (fetch)
heroku (push)
Try running git remote -v. Does it give you more than one remote, like this?
your_app_name (fetch)
your_app_name (push)
If the remote depot is named something other than 'heroku' you will need to specify the push to that site instead. For example, if your remote is named ossko, try something like
git push ossko master
Often you will have different names for remote depots if you have more than one heroku app - you can use a different name for each app.
Ok, i just solved the problem, This problem is with adding ssh key.
So the correct commands for heroku deploying is
nihan#heel:~$ heroku login
Enter your Heroku credentials.
Password (typing will be hidden):
Authentication successful.
nihan#heel:~$ cd dev/flask-app
nihan#heel:~/dev/flask-app$ heroku keys:clear
Removing all SSH keys... done
nihan#heel:~/dev/flask-app$ heroku keys:add
Found existing public key: /home/nihan/.ssh/
Uploading SSH public key /home/nihan/.ssh/ done
nihan#heel:~/dev/flask-app$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa <---- This was the missing key
Enter passphrase for /home/nihan/.ssh/id_rsa:
Identity added: /home/nihan/.ssh/id_rsa (/home/nihan/.ssh/id_rsa)
nihan#heel:~/dev/flask-app$ git push heroku master
Because my ssh never knew which key to use it somehow have heroku the wrong information and that's why heroku was denying.

How to push in heroku?

I clone my repo down and change something and commit,
but when I want to push like the tutorial:
git push heroku master
it tell me wrong:
fatal: 'heroku' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
I'm sure I have log in,
so how can I push my repo correctly and deploy it?
From Git Reference (
"So that you don't have to use the full URL of a remote repository every time you want to synchronize with it, Git stores an alias or nickname for each remote repository URL you are interested in. You use the git remote command to manage this list of remote repos that you care about."
You can check if remote named "heroku" exists for your git repo using:
git remote -v
If it doesn't exist, you need to add it before you can push updates as follows:
git remote add heroku
where appname should be the name of your app.

git with app in heroku and github

With an app in heroku, with git url like,
And a repo in github
Is possible sync the two repos for hosting the sema app in two git servers (heroku and github) ?
And also Link Heroku app to Github repo. For what?
Yes of course this is possible, because git is a distributed repository. You can configure multiple remotes, one at GitHub and one at heroku, and just push your changes to both of them.
Create repository at GitHub
Clone this repository on your machine, now you have setup the remote "origin" to be GitHub
Setup heroku and add the heroku git remote (either by running heroku create or heroku git:remote -a my_heroku_app). Find details in the git documentation of heroku.
here are some useful commands when working with github/heroku:
show github remote:
git remote show origin
show heroku git:
git remote show heroku
push github to heroku:
git push heroku master
if you have a 'staging' branch on github and want to push this to heroku git (master) for a
'staging app':
git push heroku staging:master -v
