Location of drools-spring.xsd on git hub (or reliable source) - spring

My project depends on drools 5.6.0.Final version. As part of that I'm trying to find a uri that I can rely for the drools-spring.xsd file. I'm trying to locate a reliable URI for that file I can reference, so that eclipses doesn't show issues, and so that spring can also intercept the requests and replace with the files in the jar as it sees fit.
I can drill into drools-spring-5.6.0.Final.jar in eclipse and see the xsd files in org.drools.container.spring. I also can see the xsd file here: http://grepcode.com/file_/repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/repositories/releases/org.drools/drools-spring/5.6.0.Final/org/drools/container/spring/drools-spring.xsd/?v=source
Going to drools.org and following their link to github and follow the rename of their group shown in the README file to https://github.com/kiegroup. I've searched this group for the xsd file(s) but have had no luck. e.g. https://github.com/kiegroup/droolsjbpm-integration/find/5.6.0.Final and https://github.com/kiegroup/drools/find/5.6.0.Final
This makes me think that the xsd files
are generated? Can someone confirm this and if so, is there a reliable URI that I can reference for this?

For some reason, the Drools' team doesn't maintain a hosted version of this schema.
Here you have an old post from Mark Proctor explaining it.
As far as I understand, they policy is still the same: do not host any .xsd file.
Hope it helps,

The drools-spring.xsd file location on drools website will give you a 404 error. You can have below two approaches which i could find while searching on the net.
One : Host the file on your local machine
Two : Place the .xsd file in the same directory as the location of the xml file referencing it.
Please refer to the below information . This will give a better understanding of the two methods mentioned above.


check if file exist on Sharepoint Online by File Name with Power Automate

I am trying to create a flow in Power Automate Cloud that allows me to extract some files from Google Drive and copy them to a Sharepoint folder. But before copying it, it has to check by the file name, that the file does not already exist in the sharepoint folder. I have managed to do the whole flow, except the checking.
I would be very grateful for your help.
Thank you very much. Best regards.
A File exists action doesn't currently exist but you can use the Get file metadata using path action from the SharePoint connector to do the same sort of thing.
This flow below shows you an example of what you can do ...
For demonstration purposes, I've created an array with a list of file names (full path required) that I will then test the existence for.
One of those files doesn't exist.
I then loop through each one of those and try and get the metadata for each file.
If the resulting statusCode from the call to get the metadata is not equal to 200, then we know the file doesn't exist.
Examples ...
To make this work however, you need to make sure that the Condition step will execute after the metadata call no matter what the result.
Do this by making sure the Configure run after settings are correct ...
So after all of that, all you need to do is deal with the true and false sections of the condition.

Artifactory: Uploaded artifacts do not have a md5 and sha1 file anymore

After we updated JFrog Artifactory we realised that all uploaded artifacts could be uploaded with related .pom file.
But usually the maven-directory contained 4 files:
1. Our uploaded .jar/.war file
2. related .pom file
3. .sha1 file
4. .md5 file
and 4. are missing now.
Is there any setting I've overseen? all documentation from JFrog tells me, it should be generated automatically.
Artifactory started 'hiding' these files as part of RTFACT-6962 where they were deemed mostly unnecessary since only a handful of legacy clients even care about them (i.e. old maven which also uses the browsing api they appear in) .
If they matter to you they can be 'brought back' by adding the property artifactory.ui.hideChecksums=false to your system.properties file.
As #DarthFennec mentioned these are not actually files, rather they are checksum string that are generated from the artifact's checksum each time you trigger the .md5 .sha1 or .sha2 endpoints for a certain path.
These files are sort of "phantom" files. They don't show up in the directory, but if you request them using the REST API you'll get the expected response. For any existing file foo.bar, requesting foo.bar.md5, foo.bar.sha1, or foo.bar.sha256 will provide the appropriate checksum, even though those files don't actually exist.
I think this makes more sense than autogenerating these files for every artifact. Since they do exist for every artifact in every repository, they don't actually provide useful information in the UI, so it just becomes needless clutter.

See parameters that are overridden from TeamCity template

Is there a way to see TeamCity configurations that override parameter defined in template?
I don't think so. What's worked for me in the past was to search through the project files on the filesystem. If you have many build configs, this will be faster than opening each of them in the GUI.
Search for something like this:
<param name="myParamInheritedFromTemplate" value="myOverrideValue" />
in <TeamCity data directory>/config/projects/**/*.xml. If it's absent in an XML file, that build config just inherits the value. If it's present, it overrides it.
It's hacky but it's quick.
There is a feature request https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/TW-21212, please vote. Current workaround are to either search the raw XML files with the settings stored under TeamCity Data Directory on the server as #sferencik suggested, or use REST API to get settings of all the build configurations and search for the parameter there. Let me know if you need help on any of these.

MEAN stack add new module

I created new module with name "mean.recipes". But it's javascript files are not loaded.
I am missing injection of dependency to load those modules but not able to find the place.
I went through javascript files but could not find the exact file.
can someone point me to right file ?
Starting with the documentation helps.. If it's MEAN.io you can find more information here: http://learn.mean.io/#mean-stack-packages-dependency-injection

Where does Spring's <import resource=""> get its configuration from? Sees some app-contexts but not others?

Working on a large project I just got assigned to and I am new to J2EE/Spring/Maven and the project consists of ~20 modules.
I cant seem to figure out why in a Module A, works, but can not find the resource, even if [Module B].xml has the same code as common.xml. Where are some possible locations/configurations/code I can look to figure out where the resource context is coming from?
I'm not completely sure of what you are asking but first read Spring documentation about importing resources. There it says:
All location paths are considered relative to the definition file doing the importing.
