bash sed replace a line number in a file containing a colon - bash

I am on RHEL 7.3. Line 12 of myfile.txt looks like:
image: /currentimage/myimage
I need a bash script to change it to:
image: /newimage/otherimage
I tried doing it this way:
sed -i '12s/image: /currentimage/myimage/image: /newimage/otherimage/' ./myfile
But it fails with:
sed: unknown option to `s'

You are using / as your sed separator, AND it is used in your paths. Try using | as your separator instead.
sed -i '12s|image: /currentimage/myimage|image: /newimage/otherimage|' ./myfile
Additionally you can escape each / in the file path like so \/ .

If you can use Awk, it is pretty simple to move on the 12th line using the NR variable which represents the line being processed,
awk 'NR==12{$2="/newimage/otherimage/"}1' myfile > tmp && mv tmp myfile
The part > tmp && mv tmp myfile is equivalent to to the -i option in sed for an indirect way to do modify the file in-place.


How to remove consecutive repeating characters from every line?

I have the below lines in a file
and I want to remove the repeating semi-colon characters from all lines to look like below (note- there are repeating semi-colons in the middle of some of the above lines too)
I would appreciate if someone could kindly share a bash one-liner to accomplish this.
You can use tr with "squeeze":
tr -s ';' < infile
perl -p -e 's/;+/;/g' myfile # writes output to stdout
perl -p -i -e 's/;+/;/g' myfile # does an in-place edit
If you want to edit the file itself:
printf "%s\n" 'g/;;/s/;\{2,\}/;/g' w | ed -s foo.txt
If you want to pipe a modified copy of the file to something else and leave the original unchanged:
sed 's/;\{2,\}/;/g' foo.txt | whatever
These replace runs of 2 or more semicolons with single ones.
could be solved easily by substitutions.
I add an awk solution by playing with the FS/OFS variable:
awk -F';+' -v OFS=';' '$1=$1' file
awk -F';+' -v OFS=';' '($1=$1)||1' file
Here's a sed version of alaniwi's answer:
sed 's/;\+/;/g' myfile # Write output to stdout
sed -i 's/;\+/;/g' myfile # Edit the file in-place

error when inserting shell variable to beginning of a file using sed

I want to append bash variable (which has html tags) at the beginning of a file.
Below is the command I am using -
sed -i '1i'$INSERTTO file.html
But i am getting error -
sed: -e expression #1, char 177: unknown command: `<'
Do i need to encode the html tags in INSERTTO variable ?
First of all, use quotes:
Then try this:
sed "1 i $INSERTTO" file.html
Start with some text in your file, e.g.
$ cat file
some text
Then you need your variable to contain an explicit '\n' character where the line break is, e.g. INSERTTO='<h2>title</h2>\n<li>sdfdsf</li>'. Then you can use the sed expression to place both lines as the beginning lines in the file, e.g.
$ INSERTTO='<h2>title</h2>\n<li>sdfdsf</li>'; sed "1i $INSERTTO" file
some text
Now at present, what will be done has only been written to the terminal stdout. To modify the file in place, you will need to add the -i option for sed (or -i.bak to save a backup of the original file with the .bak extension. (however you prefer to do it)
I offer you an ed(1) solution.
printf '%s\n' 1i "$INSERTTO" . w | ed -s file.html
Assuming the file is not empty that will work. otherwise use 0a as the address and command instead of 1i
... Or use the cat(1) and mv(1)
Add the stdin flag and use a herestring works in bash but not in POSIX shells.
cat - file.html <<< "$INSERTTO"
You should see the output to stdout, redirect it to another file and move that file to the original file, something like this.
cat - file.html <<< "$INSERTTO" > tempfile && mv tempfile file.html
However if the html file is a symlink then it is now broken... a work around would be to use another cat.
cat - file.html <<< "$INSERTTO" > tempfile && cat tempfile > file.html && rm tempfile.
tempfile is just an example you should take a loot at How to create a tempfile in a secure manner

sed doesn't catch all sets of doubles

I've writted a sed script to replace all ^^ with NULL. It seems though that sed is only catching a pair, but not including the second in that pair as it continues to search.
echo "^^^^" | sed 's/\^\^/\^NULL\^/g'
when it should produce
Try with a loop to apply your command again to modified pattern space:
echo "^^^^" | sed ':a;s/\^\^/\^NULL\^/;t a;'
To edit a file in place on OSX, try the -i flag and multiline command:
sed -i '' ':a
t a' file
With GNU sed:
sed -i ':a;s/\^\^/\^NULL\^/;t a;' file
or simply redirect the command to a temporary file before renaming it:
sed ':a;s/\^\^/\^NULL\^/;t a;' file > tmp && mv tmp file
I really like SLePort solution, but since it is not working for you, you can try with (tested on Linux, not Mac):
echo "^^^^" | sed 's/\^\^/\^NULL\^/g; s//\^NULL\^/g'
It is doing the same as the former solution, but explicitly, not looping with tags.
You can omit the pattern in the second command and sed will use the previous pattern.

Inserting a line in the beginning of a file using sed in HP-UX

I am trying to insert a line in the beginning of a file using sed.
I tried below commands :
sed -i '1s/^/LINE TO INSERT\n/' test.txt
sed: illegal option -- i --> Error thrown
sed '1i/^/LINE TO INSERT\n/' test.txt
sed: Function 1i/^/LINE TO INSERT\n/ cannot be parsed. --> Error thrown
Both the ways came out to be failed.
Any possible solution to it ? I am using ksh script on HP-UX.
How about good old ed?
printf '%s\n' 1i 'LINE TO INSERT' . w | ed -s file
printf is used to send each command to ed on a separate line.
Alternatively, if you're terrified of ed like me, you can just use a temporary file, as suggested in the comments:
echo 'LINE TO INSERT' > tmp && cat tmp test > new && mv new test && rm tmp
I think you have a typo: you're missing the closing apostrophe from your 1st command. Otherwise it's fine. I.e.:
You have this: sed -i '1s/^/... test.txt
But you need this: sed -i '1s/^/...' test.txt
Putting all together: sed -i '1s/^/LINE TO INSERT\n/' test.txt
Update: if -i is not supported, then you can use a temporary file:
sed '1s/^/LINE TO INSERT\n/' test.txt > /tmp/test.txt.tmp
mv /tmp/test.txt.tmp test.txt

replace a string in file using shell script

Suppose my file a.conf is as following
Include /1
Include /2
Include /3
I want to replace "Include /2" with a new line, I write the code in .sh file :
line="Include /2"
sed -e "s/${line}/${rep}/g" /root/new_scripts/a.conf
But after running the sh file, It give me the following error
sed: -e expression #1, char 14: unknown option to `s'
If you are using a newer version of sed you can use -i to read from and write to the same file. Using -i you can specify a file extension so a backup will be made, incase something went wrong. Also you don't need to use the -e flag unless you are using multiple commands
sed -i.bak "s/${line}/${rep}/g" /root/new_scripts/a.conf
I have just noticed that as the variables you are using are quoted strings you may want to use single quotes around your sed expression. Also your string contains a forward slash, to avoid any errors you can use a different delimiter in your sed command (the delimiter doesn't need to be a slash):
sed -i.bak 's|${line}|${rep}|g' /root/new_scripts/a.conf
You have to write the changes to a new file and then, move the new file over the old one. Like this:
line="Include 2"
sed -e "s/${line}/${rep}/g" /root/new_scripts/a.conf > /root/new_scripts/a.conf-new
mv /root/new_scripts/a.conf-new /root/new_scripts/a.conf
The redirection (> /root/new_scripts/a.conf) wipes the contents of the file before sed can see it.
You need to pass the -i option to sed to edit the file in-place:
sed -i "s/${line}/${rep}/g" /root/new_scripts/a.conf
You can also ask sed to create a backup of the original file:
sed -i.bak "s/${line}/${rep}/g" /root/new_scripts/a.conf
So, if you have to replace a substring in a file, you can use sed command like this, say we have a file as file.txt, so replacing a substring in it can be done like this
sed -i '' "s|$searchString|$replaceString|g" file.txt
This will all the occurrences of "abc" with "def" in file.txt. Also, this keeps a check for any / character present in the variables used, and with no backup file made.
