Configure spring boot to redirect 404 to a single page app [duplicate] - spring

This question already has answers here:
Spring Boot with redirecting with single page angular2
(12 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I want to configure my Spring Boot app to redirect any 404 not found request to my single page app.
For example if I am calling localhost:8080/asdasd/asdasdasd/asdasd which is does not exist, it should redirect to localhost:8080/notFound.
The problem is that I have a single page react app and it runs in the root path localhost:8080/. So spring should redirect to localhost:8080/notFound and then forward to / (to keep route).

This is the full Spring Boot 2.0 example:
public class WebApplicationConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
public void addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry registry) {
public WebServerFactoryCustomizer<ConfigurableServletWebServerFactory> containerCustomizer() {
return container -> {
container.addErrorPages(new ErrorPage(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND,

This should do the trick: Add an error page for 404 that routes to /notFound, and forward that to your SPA (assuming the entry is on /index.html):
public class WebApplicationConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public void addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry registry) {
public EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer containerCustomizer() {
return container -> {
container.addErrorPages(new ErrorPage(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND,

In case anyone stumbles here looking for how to handle Angular/React/other routes and paths in a Spring Boot app - but not always return index.html for any 404 - it can be done in a standard Spring controller RequestMapping. This can be done without adding view controllers and/or customizing the container error page.
The RequestMapping supports wild cards, so you can make it match against a set of well known paths (ie. angular routes etc.) in your application and only then return forward index.html:
public class Html5PathsController {
#RequestMapping( method = {RequestMethod.OPTIONS, RequestMethod.GET}, path = {"/path1/**", "/path2/**", "/"} )
public String forwardAngularPaths() {
return "forward:/index.html";
Another option (borrowed from an old Spring article here: is to use a naming convention:
public class Html5PathsController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/{[path:[^\\.]*}")
public String redirect() {
return "forward:/index.html";
The above configuration will match all paths that do not contain a period and are not already mapped to another controller.

//add this controller : perfect solution(from jhipster)
public class ClientForwardController {
#GetMapping(value = "/**/{path:[^\\.]*}")
public String forward() {
return "forward:/";

Here the security configuration (
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
private Environment env;
private UserSecurityService userSecurityService;
private BCryptPasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
return SecurityUtility.passwordEncoder();
private static final String[] PUBLIC_MATCHERS = {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
/* antMatchers("/**").*/
//.logout().logoutRequestMatcher(new AntPathRequestMatcher("/logout")).logoutSuccessUrl("/login");
.logout().logoutRequestMatcher(new AntPathRequestMatcher("/logout"))
public void configureGlobal(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
If not found any resource redirect to error page
public class IndexController implements ErrorController{
private static final String PATH = "/error";
#RequestMapping(value = PATH)
public String error() {
return PATH;
public String getErrorPath() {
return PATH;
Error page like
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns:th=""
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;url=/login" />
<h1>Page not found please login the system!</h1>

Simply implementing the org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.error.ErrorController did the trick for me. I use SpringBoot 2.0 with React. (If you are interested in how to do that here is a boilerplate project made by me:
public class CustomErrorController implements ErrorController {
public String getErrorPath() {
return "/error";
I am not sure why is this working though.


Can not get user info with Spring Security SAML WITHOUT Spring Boot

I´m working on SAML integration in an older project but I can´t get the user information.
I've guided me with the response of this question:
The project has these versions:
spring framework 5.3.24
spring security 5.6.10
opensaml 3.4.6
This is my code:
public class SAMLSecurityConfig {
private static final String URL_METADATA = "";
public RelyingPartyRegistrationRepository relyingPartyRegistrationRepository() {
RelyingPartyRegistration relyingPartyRegistration = RelyingPartyRegistrations.fromMetadataLocation(URL_METADATA)
return new InMemoryRelyingPartyRegistrationRepository(relyingPartyRegistration);
public class WebSecurity {
public static class SAMLSecurityFilter extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity httpSecurity) throws Exception {
public class BoCRLoginController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/login/assertion", method = {RequestMethod.POST},
public ResponseEntity<String> assertLoginData(#AuthenticationPrincipal Saml2AuthenticatedPrincipal principal) {
System.out.println(principal); //here I get a null
return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.OK);
Once I did the login on okta the class: Saml2AuthenticatedPrincipal comes null value.
Could you help me to know why I received null value on the object Saml2AuthenticatedPrincipal where suppose have to receive the user information?

Spring boot: Log file has get requests to static files

I have configured my app using
public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {...}
Inside configure method, allowed the static content.
http .httpBasic().and()
.antMatchers("/**/*.js", "/resources/static/**", "/static/**", "/**/*.jpg", "/**/*.svg", "/**/*.ico", "/**/*.gif", "/**/*.css", "/register")
.permitAll() :
The problem i am having is that my log file is crowded by get requests to the static resources
I am just interested in logging access to controllers and not static files.
Is there something i need to configure to exclude the logging of access to static resources?
I have also tried
public class StaticConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
if (!registry.hasMappingForPattern("/static/**")) {
You have enabled debug level logging for org.springframework.web package, so it will log everything
Try this solution
Remove the debug level logging for org.springframework.web
Create a subclass of CommonsRequestLoggingFilter
public class CustomRequestLoggingFilter extends CommonsRequestLoggingFilter {
protected boolean shouldLog(HttpServletRequest request) {
return logger.isDebugEnabled() &&
Create that filter as a bean
public class RequestLoggingFilterConfig {
public CustomRequestLoggingFilter logFilter() {
CustomRequestLoggingFilter filter
= new CustomRequestLoggingFilter();
filter.setAfterMessagePrefix("REQUEST DATA : ");
return filter;
Add the following to
logging.level.<package of your filter>.CustomRequestLoggingFilter=DEBUG

Adding patterns to addResourceHandler always returned error when want to serve static content

I went through all question here, all docs according to Spring and couldn't find solution which make my case work.
The case is that I would like to secure my application (Spring Boot with Angular 4) by Spring Security. So the first things which I did was to add two Configuration classes, ex:
public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
registry.addResourceHandler("/", "/#/", "/resources/static/**")
.addResourceLocations("/resources/static/index.html", "/resources/static/index.html", "/resources/static/index.html");
public class ViewController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/#/")
public String index() {
return "forward:/resources/static/index.html";
#RequestMapping(value = "/")
public String home() {
return "index.html";
As you see in Controller I tried to use to diffrent attempts to serve static content. Unfortunately all this returns:
There was an unexpected error (type=Internal Server Error, status=500).
Could not resolve view with name 'index.html' in servlet with name 'dispatcherServlet'
What am I doing wrong? Why I can't get this static content? Of course my static content is under resources/static and there are .js files and ex. index.html.

vaadin + spring boot: Cannot forward to error page for request

By single view application vaadin 7.7.7, spring-boot 1.5 i check uri fragment https:/tld/#!category-name-1 from user and if the category exist show items and if not
VaadinService.getCurrentResponse().sendError(404, "page not found!");
but i got error after update spring-boot 1.5 and vaadin 7.7.7 (with embeded tomcat):
Cannot forward to error page for request [/vaadinServlet/UIDL/] as the response has already been committed. As a result, the response may have the wrong status code. If your application is running on WebSphere Application Server you may be able to resolve this problem by setting to false
How can i send http error pages from vaadin to user?
public class ErrorPageCutomizer implements EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer {
public void customize(ConfigurableEmbeddedServletContainer container) {
container.addErrorPages(new ErrorPage(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, "/error/404"));
container.addErrorPages(new ErrorPage(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "/error/500"));
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.ErrorController;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
public class ErrorHandlingController implements ErrorController {
private static final String PATH = "/error";
#RequestMapping(value = PATH + "/404")
public String error404() {
return "<div style='font-weight:bold; margin-top:200px; text-align:center; font-size:160%;'>Page not found...<br>to home</div>";
#RequestMapping(value = PATH + "/500")
public String error500() {
return "<div style='font-weight:bold; margin-top:200px; text-align:center; font-size:160%;'>500 Internal server error...</div>";
public String getErrorPath() {
return PATH;
Soliution was:
public class AppInitializer implements WebApplicationInitializer {
public ErrorPageFilter errorPageFilter() {
return new ErrorPageFilter();
public FilterRegistrationBean disableSpringBootErrorFilter(ErrorPageFilter filter) {
FilterRegistrationBean filterRegistrationBean = new FilterRegistrationBean();
return filterRegistrationBean;
Have you tried the SystemMessagesProvider. In that provider you could define an errorUrl for a variety of errors:
public class YourServlet extends VaadinServlet
protected void servletInitialized() throws ServletException
getService().setSystemMessagesProvider(new SystemMessagesProvider()
public SystemMessages getSystemMessages(SystemMessagesInfo systemMessagesInfo)
final CustomizedSystemMessages c = new CustomizedSystemMessages();
final String errorUrl = "<url to errorpage>";
return c;

Spring boot single page application - forward every request to index.html

I have a Spring Boot (v1.3.6) single page application (angular2) and i want to forward all request to the index.html.
A request to http://localhost:8080/index.html is working (200 and i get the index.html) but http://localhost:8080/home is not (404).
public class Runner {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ConfigurableApplicationContext run =, args);
public class WebAppConfig extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport {
private static final int CACHE_PERIOD_ONE_YEAR = 31536000;
private static final int CACHE_PERIOD_NO_CACHE = 0;
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
styles.css, /app/third-party/xyz/xyz.js,.. are working (200 and i get the correct file). Only /** to index.html is not working.
You can also add a forwarding controller like:
public class ForwardingController {
public String forward() {
return "forward:/";
The first part {path:[^\\.]+} matches one or more of any character other than .. This makes sure request for a file.ext doesn't get handled by this RequestMapping. If you need to support sub-paths to also be forwarded, put /** outside of the {...}.
This one didn't work for me:
return "forward:/";
Thanks to Spring MVC #RestController and redirect I found a nicely working solution:
#RequestMapping(value = "/{[path:[^\\.]*}")
public void redirect(HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
Without looking at logs I'm not entirely sure why its not being mapped correctly, however if you want to map URLs to a view (HTML) then you will probably be better off using the viewController mechanism spring provides e.g.
public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public void addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry registry) {
(taken from spring docs linked above - this is how you should map a url to a view rather than re-purposing the mapping for static resources.)
I'm not sure if there is any kind of suffix filtering for the resource mapping - e.g. I don't know how spring decides to map requests to the ResourceHttpRequestHandler - have you tried (just to confirm or deny) whether something like http://localhost:8080/home.html amps to anything?
It's also possible that the html mapping you have defined above is just being ignored and the index.html is just working because of Spring-Boot's default home page behaviour:
I had the same problem and the following worked for me. My html files are inside src/main/resources/static/app
The key was to remove #EnableWebMvc and add "classpath:/static/app/" to addResourceLocations! Hope this helps.
private static final String[] CLASSPATH_RESOURCE_LOCATIONS = {
"classpath:/META-INF/resources/", "classpath:/resources/",
"classpath:/static/","classpath:/static/app/", "classpath:/public/" };
public WebMvcConfigurer webMvcConfigurer() {
return new WebMvcConfigurerAdapter() {
public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
if (!registry.hasMappingForPattern("/webjars/**")) {
if (!registry.hasMappingForPattern("/**")) {
public void addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry registry) {
// forward requests to /admin and /user to their index.html
