Can I deploy a Spring Boot application on godaddy - spring-boot

Can I deploy a Spring-Boot application on godaddy
using Web hosting and cPanel?

No. If you're using Web hosting (shared) plans according to Godaddy details.
I Suggest the answer from Amir Al.
For more information:
Web hosting (Shared) usually limits the Web technology you can use.
However, they're cheap and easy to set up a Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla etc.
So, if you use spring-boot, search Java web hosting
Virtual Private Server (VPS) and Dedicated Server will unlock the web hosting limitation because you have to do it by yourself.
However, if you're not familiar with Linux (Ex. CentOS / Ubuntu) command line. you can try Window VPS. If it looks so expensive, move to the cloud. I suggest a free trials or ~5USD package with Digital Ocean, Google Cloud, Amazon lightsail, and so on
Platform as a Service (PaaS) such as heroku. If Linux command line seems to be hard work for you. This choice gives you a shortcut to deploy your target application. However you have to learn about Git and their tools.
So, if you want to deploy spring-boot use:
Java web hosting
Cloud PaaS

Nodtem66 - Thanks for sharing the information. It helped me a lot.
In addition to what is mentioned above. I figured out there are 2 ways of hosting a java based application:
1. Purchase a VM (VPS, PaaS) - This is higher in cost if the only need is to have a single webpage application hosted
2. Pay for only Java Hosting - This is much lesser
Few of them I came across are:


How to deploy an Ionic app with CouchDB and PouchDB using Heroku?

I just followed along with this tutorial to create a Todo list app with user authentication:
The app is built with the Ionic 2 Framework using CouchDB and PouchDB to create a separate database for each user. However, I am totally confused as to how to move this setup from my local machine to a Heroku server.
Can anyone provide a step by step process to accomplish this?
Heroku no longer supports couchdb addon seems it was closed sometime back. For couchdb-pouchdb hosting you can use IBM's cloudant, irish couch or digital ocean.
For my case i setup an ubuntu16.04 droplet on digital ocean, installed and configured couchdb on it. You can check out this list of couchdb hosting sites. Hope this helps

What is Windows Fabric and how to host services in it?

I recently installed Windows Server Service Bus 1.0 (on a Windows Server 2008 R2 machine).
That also installs "Windows Fabric" (not AppFabric).
Could not find much information on it, and googleing it I stumbled on a Lync server post (Windows Fabric is also installed by Lync Server 2013).
"Windows Fabric is a Microsoft technology used for creating highly reliable, distributable, and scalable applications."
From the Service Bus architecture intro,it looks like Fabric is what allows for services replication, high availabilty, and fault tolerance.
Anyone knows if that can be used to host custom .NET services? Or any kind of direction would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I went to a talk by Mark Eisenberg on May 28th at the Microsoft NERD Center near MIT in Boston MA. The talk was mostly about the Azure Service Fabric. General consensus was that if you're using Azure from the infrastructure as a service perspective you aren't really using it.
The next step up is to use Azure naively as a platform meaning that rather than create VMs and hosting them there you're creating cloud services and web jobs and web apps and using the new Logic Api's etc...
But if you really want to build a stateful, resilient service enterprise class you'll want to go underneath the PaaS and write against the Service Fabric directly for greater control.
That's where the money is.
I did a write up on the talk and what the Azure Service Fabric is a few days ago and posted it here.
I don't actually think that Windows Fabric is open product. It is used for infrastructure purposes, and not for deploying custom services. For your custom services you have to use platform built on top of Windows Fabric, like Service Bus, Windows Server App Fabric.
I think Windows Fabric is for internal use by Windows Azure and Private Cloud for clustering, load balancing and so on.
I've started developing Windows Azure application and here is what I've found.
I've added a Service role to Azure application and started it on local development machine (under Azure emulator). And my service was published in and started under Windows Fabric!
So the conclusion is: Windows Fabric is a platform for running YOUR Cloud Services.
Fabric which the name suggests in itself, is back-end.
It is no different than iSCSI or EIGRP. The main difference is that it is generic in form rather than specific like the aforementioned services/protocols.
IIS is a server service specific to web hosting.
SQL the same but database only..
fabric, applied to host fabric aware services and software.
Windows Fabric is used internal by Microsoft to building highly available, resilient and scalable services. It has been used for Service Bus, SQL Database, Document DB etc. according to this video: Building Resilient, Scalable Services with Microsoft Azure Service Fabric
Until now it has not been available for external parties but has now been announced as Service Fabric which will be available on Windows Azure and Window Server 2016.
Read more here:

what is the requirments to run my own web server?

what is the requirments to run my own web server, if i bought for instance Dell PowerEdge T110 II compact tower server, what is the requirments and what do i need to host my own web application on my server?
Is this something your planning to use for your own web app? If so I would definitely recommend not going this route and instead using a service like RackSpace or GoDaddy. Especially if you're doing this out of your home as you probably would be paying a small fortune in extra bandwidth usage.
Also, what are you developing the web app in? If PHP then you'll need a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) server. If you're doing a .net application using Microsoft's Visual Web Developer then you would need a Windows Server.
I hope this helps you.

Debugging a Windows CE application which uses a Microsoft Azure service

This question has probably less to do with actual programming and more to do with environment setup.
I'm developing an application for a Windows CE device, which will use a service hosted in Microsoft Azure. Obviously, this is all under development, and the service itself has not yet been uploaded to Azure. So I'm using the emulators provided by MS to deploy the service locally. Also, I don't think uploading the service to Azure just to debug it is a good idea, as that could net us a bill for Azure we don't yet want to pay.
Also, please note, I'm using VS2008 for the Windows CE project and VS2010 for the Azure project (thank you MS for dropping support for mobile devices -_-).
The problem is, the service seems to be accessible only via or localhost, and if I physically connect a Windows CE device or use an emulated one, it becomes a new entity on the network, and cannot access that service any more.
How can I debug my Window CE application and have it see the service, whilst still being able to debug the service itself?
You are correct, the development fabric (the compute emulator that allows you to build an azure application and debug it locally) is only meant for local development. There are some hacks that allow you to get around that, but I wouldn't recommend it.
My recommendation would be to spin up the service in a more traditional hosting environment, at least in these early stages. You can define it as a web app just as you always would have, and get it functioning. Then, when you know its mostly complete, create a cloud service project and do an add existing to bring your web app into the cloud service solution. Once in, its a simple matter to add the web app as a web role.
From there, you can complete testing of the service in both the local and hosted azure environments as needed. This allows you to minimize your development costs while still leveraging the power of the cloud. As an upside, you also have done most of the basic work to ensure your service is compatible with multiple deployment scenarios giving you a greater degree of choice for its final production state.
OK, I don't know if this was intentional, or if I found one of the mentioned hacks, but I saw that IIS hosts the Azure site I created on port 5100, and the binding for this site is *, so it accepts all connections.
Using this I could access the service from my emulator, and I could still debug all Azure related stuff.

Teamcity as buildserver, host or pay for some else?

I am working with a team of 5 developers at a small company. There are 3 who work here and 2 work remotely. Currently, we are using Assembla with Trac for source control. We are working on a ASP.NET MVC web site. We are not hosting our production environment right now. I am setting up a BuildServer with Teamcity!! I have it working right now on my locally on my laptop. Should we host our own buildserver or pay some else?
TeamCity is pretty good for small shops such as yours. Hosting your own really shouldn't be bad in terms of setup and cost. As long as your remote colleagues can access it without issue and it fulfills your requirements, go for it.
I'd recommend hosting it closer to your version control server so that it can obtain the sources and perform builds faster. If you host your own version control server, either install TeamCity on the same machine (if the hardware allows it) or put it in the same network. You will also need to install build agent(s) somewhere and a database server (as the internal database may lack the performance and reliability). In a small shop a standalone server would handle all of it (TeamCity Server + Build Agent + MySQL database). In a long term buying a server and hosting it by yourself would be much cheaper than paying some hosting provider each month for a virtual or dedicated server with limited resources. It would also simplify upgrading if it becomes necessary.
TeamCity server by itself is a web application hosted on the Tomcat server. It's accessed via the web interface from the browser. If you have an external IP address on the server, just configure the Tomcat to listen on that address and TeamCity will become accessible from all over the world (don't forget to configure the security).
