How to configure local existing TFS server in Visual Studio 2017 Mac? - macos

I am working on Xamarin with Visual Studio 2017. My organization has its own domain base TFS server, Now I need to configure that server to my Visual Studio 2017 Mac version projects.
I found the Visual Studio code is capable to connect the TFS, but it's connecting the server, I need to connect to the server which is my organization.

For visual studio Mac, TFS isn't supported for now. There has been a uservocie, you can vote up and monitor it.
TFS Version Control
However as a workaround, you could use Visual Studio Code to connect on-premise
TFS server.
You can connect to TFVC using the Visual Studio Team Services extension since version 1.116.0 (2017/04/12). This extension allows you to connect to Team Services and Team Foundation Server.
Note: You need Team Foundation Server 2015 Update 2 or later.
More details please take a look at my reply at this question: Connect VS code with TFS on mac

Here is an alternate way of doing the same.It is working fine for me
How to use TFS on a Mac
Steps to be followed:
Step 1: Install Eclipse
Step 2: Download and install the TFS everywhere plugin
Step 3: Checkout your solution using the eclipse to a local folder
Step 4: Open the solution in Visual studio and make the code changes
Step 5: Open eclipse and commit your changes.


TFS for Visual Studio 2012

I am using Visual Studio 2012 to work on my ASP.NET Projects.
Currently, I am trying to add my projects to Source Control preferably Team Foundation Server.
Installed TFS 2015 on a server and tried connecting from Visual studio 2012 to add a team project, which is not successful. Please let me know which version of tfs is compatible with VS2012 and details would be appreciated.
I was trying to get TFS 2012 but I got a response from the technical support that 'Based on the search results, the only versions available on the VLSC site are 2013 and 2015.' The techical support person from my workplace was trying to download TFS 2012 as per my request for me to work on the set up.
Please provide any help links available.I haven't done anything on the admin side and this confuses me a lot.
Thanks in advance!
TFS 2015 requires latest Visual Studio 2012 update. Supports Git with Visual Studio Tools for Git extension.
Check TFS requirements and compatibility at website below:
Based on your comments, you're trying to create a new team project in TFS 2015.
In order to create a Team Project, you need to be using the same version of Visual Studio as you're using TFS. So, to create a team project in TFS 2015, you need to use Visual Studio 2015. This can be done from VS2015 Community or Team Explorer 2015.

Adding a new team project to Team Foundation Server 2015

I am trying to set up Team Foundation Server for my official visual studio projects, and we have set up TFS 2015 - Basic Server setup.
I have been working with Visual Studio 2012 in my development machine and trying to connect to the TFS and add projects to it.
When I go to File -> New Team Project, I got an error saying 'TF0172: You are trying to create a team project either without required permissions or with an older version of Team Explorer. Contact your project administrator to check your permissions or to determine how to upgrade Team Explorer'.
I have admin rights in the TFS server as well as in the development machine so the error machine does not look like it is a permission issue.
So trying to see if VS2012 is compatible with TFS 2015, or is it possible to make both compatible?
I have also updated my Visual Studio 2012 with the update 5.
Creating a team project requires a matching version of Visual Studio. So, to create a team project in TFS 2015, you need Visual Studio (or Team Explorer) 2015.

Cant create project on TFS 2015 from VS 2013 Update 5

When I try to create a new project in TFS 2015 from VS 2013 Update 5, getting the error:
TF400324: Team Foundation services are not available from the server.
Technical inforamtion (for administrator):
TF200038: You cannot create a team project with your version of Team Explorer
According to this article on MSDN, you have to install VS 2015 to create a team project in TFS 2015:
You must connect from a client that is at the same version level as TFS. That is, you must connect to TFS 2015 from a version of Visual Studio 2015.
If you don't have a license for your edition of VS for 2015, you can always install Community edition.
This error occurs primarily due to corrupt Team Foundation Server cache.
There are several reasons why the cache can go corrupt
*Abrupt closure of TFS services on your machine
*Multiple versions of TFS (2010/2012/2013) configured on your machine
*Upgrade in the version of TFS at server end, but pending upgrade on client machine
*Corrupted installation of TFS client
Solution – Clearing of cache
Close all instances of Visual Studio
Open Task Manager and check if any TFS Services are running. Select
each of them and click on End Process Tree
Browse to the folder below and delete all the contents and
folders%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\4.0\Cache
%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\5.0\Cache
Restart Visual Studio and try triggering build
If you are switching from one version of TFS to another, you may require repeating this solution again.If you are using older version of TFS, you may have to navigate to
%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\
and find out the version folder instead of navigating directly.
Post clearing of cache, you will be prompted to rebind your solution to TFS.
Don’t worry this would not let go of your local un-checked-in changes.

Add a project in TFS

I have Visual Studio Ultimate edition and need to add a project in TFS.
I want to make my local desktop as the TFS server.
My desktop specs:
Windows 7
Visual Studio 2010 Utlimate
I have no idea how to go about it and add a new project in TFS. I read a lot of blogs but didn't find any that lists something from scratch.
As in when I try to create a Team project in TFS, i get the server section as empty. How to configure my local desktop to act as a TFS server??
First things first, read this: (Compatibility between Team Foundation clients and Team Foundation Server)
Second, you need to decide which version of TFS you are planning to run. Is your company paying for a version of it or are you planning on using the express edition available (2013)?
If your answer to that is TFS Express 2013, then I suggest you navigate to this link and download the installer. Run it and follow the instructions.
If you are planning a full licensed installation, you should familiarize yourself with the various components that come with it (Report server, Sharepoint, etc).
Here is a link to install and administration:
Follow the following steps:
If you haven't already, connect to your Visual Studio Online account and create your workspace folder.
2.Move the code you want to upload to the workspace folder.
3.Open your solution in Visual Studio.

Can't to connect Visual Studio 2008 to TFS 2010

I am trying to connect to my TFS 2010 RC server. When I try to connect I get a error message.
Here is a screen shot:
alt text
This is the path I am using to connect: http://tfs2010test:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection
I have Team Explorer 2008 SP 1 installed.
I have read this question: Visual Studio 2008: Can't connect to known good TFS 2010. That is how I got my path that I tried.
I can connect just fine using Visual Studio 2010.
What am I missing?
Have you installed the forward compatibility update from here? Further details can be found here.
Here was my solution to get Visual Studio 2008 Team System to connect to TFS2010: (Beware convoluted).
Install Visual Studio 2008 Team Explorer
Uninstall Office 2007 (because of an incompatibility between Visual Studio 2008 SP1 installer and Office 2007)
Run the Microsoft Install Clean Up utility to remove all references to Office 2007 that did not get removed when uninstalling)
Re-Install Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1
Install Visual Studio Team System 2008 Service Pack 1 Forward Compatibility Update for Team Foundation Server 2010
Reinstall Office 2007 or go to OpenOffice
Access TFS2010 repository...
When I have added TFS servers before, I could not add the port in the URL. Have you tried this without the port, and allow discovery?
A few things to try:
Have you tried connecting with Team Explorer 2010?
Have you tried creating a new project collection?
On your server, open the TFS admin tool and confirm that you have permissions to use that collection.
Be aware, some options are just not available in Team Explorer 2008.
Let me know if you need help with the security/groups on the server. It was very confusing to me when I first tried to work with it.
