Export serialized array in bash - bash

I'm trying to serialize an array in bash and then export it:
function serialize
for i in ${1[#]}; do
ret+=$i" "
return ${ret::-1}
MEASUREMENT_OUTPUT_FILES=( t1DQ.txt t1CS.txt t2RXe.txt t2e.txt )
The code produces the following error:
Any ideas what the correct syntax (error in the last line starting with export) would be?

I believe you want:
(where $(...) is a notation for command substitution).
That said, your command is actually equivalent to
so you don't need the serialize function unless you want to improve your serialization logic. (Which you should consider doing, IMHO: just joining with a space is error-prone, because what if one of the arguments includes a space?)
Edited to add: Also, I don't know how we all missed this before, but this:
return ${ret::-1}
actually needs to be this:
echo "${ret::-1}"
or this:
printf %s "${ret::-1}"
since return is for setting the exit status of a function, which must be an integer. (It's intended for indicating success, zero, vs. failure, nonzero, though some commands assign special meanings to multiple nonzero values.) What you want is for your function to "print" the files, so you can capture them.


How do I pass a command parameter in a variable holding the command?

I want to produce the same output as this:
bash utilities.bash "is_net_connected"
But I don't know how to pass "is_net_connected" if command and file is stored in a variable like this:
T=$(bash utilities.bash)
I've tried these but it doesn't seem to work. It's not picking up ${1} in utilities.bash.
$(T) "is_net_connected"
$(T "is_net_connected")
Not the best way to inport but I'm trying to avoid cluttering my main script with function blocks.
T=$(bash utilities.bash) doesn't save the command; it runs the command and saves its output. You want to define a function instead.
T () {
bash utilities.bash "$#"
# Or on one line,
# T () { bash utilities.bash "$#"; }
T "is_net_connected"
will run bash utilities.bash with whatever arguments were passed to T. In a case like this, an alias would work the same: alias T='bash utilities.bash'. However, any changes to what T should do will probably require switching from an alias to a function anyway, so you may as well use the function to start. (Plus, you would have to explicitly enable alias expansion in your script.)
You might be tempted to use
T="bash utilities.bash"
$T is_net_connected
Don't be. Unquoted parameter expansions are bad practice that only work in select situations, and you will get bitten eventually if you try to use them with more complicated commands. Use a function; that's why the language supports them.

How to prevent syntax errors when reading BASH associative array values which contain slashes from a child process?

I'm using bash 4.4.19(1)-release.
At the start of my program I read customer configuration values from the command line, configuration file(s), and the environment (in decreasing order of precedence). I validate these configuration values against internal definitions, failing out if required values are missing or if the customer values don't match against accepted regular expressions. This approach is a hard requirement and I'm stuck using BASH for this.
The whole configuration process involves the parsing of several YAML files and takes about a second to complete. I'd like to only have to do this once in order to preserve performance. Upon completion, all of the configured values are placed in a global associative array declared as follows:
A basic helper function has been written for accessing this array:
# A wrapper for accessing the CONFIG_VALUES array.
function get_config_value {
local key="${1^^}"
local output
echo "$output"
This works perfectly fine when all of the commands are run within the same shell. This even works when the get_config_value function is called from a child process. Where this breaks down is when it's called from a child process and the value in the array contains slashes. This leads to errors such as the following (line 156 is "output="${CONFIG_VALUES[${key}]}"):
config.sh: line 156: path/to/some/file: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "/to/some/file")
This is particularly obnoxious because it seems to be reading the value "path/to/some/file" just fine. It simply decides to announce a syntax error after doing so and falls over dead instead of echoing the value.
I've been trying to circumvent this by running the array lookup in a subshell, capturing the syntax failure, and grepping it for the value I need:
# A wrapper for accessing the CONFIG_VALUES array.
function get_config_value {
local key="${1^^}"
local output
if output="$(echo "${CONFIG_VALUES[${key}]}" 2>&1)"; then
echo "$output"
grep -oP "(?<=: ).*(?=: syntax error: operand expected)" <<< "$output"
Unfortunately, it seems that BASH won't let me ignore the "syntax error" like that. I'm not sure where to go from here (well... Python, but I don't get to make that decision).
Any ideas?

Get the list/stack of commands, without using BASH_SOURCE and BASH_LINENO to read them from the executed files

Just like getting the function calls with ${FUNCNAME[#]}, is there a way to get the commands? BASH_COMMAND can only be used to get the last command (it's not an array, just a string).
I know I can achieve that by using BASH_SOURCE and BASH_LINENO to read the right line from the right file, but it does not work in case of evals (see my other, less-specific question Get the contents of an expanded expression given to eval through Bash internals)
Is there another way?
What is your intent? If you want to print a stack trace, you can use the Bash builtin command caller, like this:
dump_trace() {
local frame=0 line func source n=0
while caller "$frame"; do
done | while read line func source; do
((n++ == 0)) && {
printf 'Stack trace:\n'
printf '%4s at %s\n' " " "$func ($source:$line)"
From Bash manual:
caller [expr]
Returns the context of any active subroutine call (a shell function or
a script executed with the . or source builtins).
Without expr, caller displays the line number and source filename of
the current subroutine call. If a non-negative integer is supplied as
expr, caller displays the line number, subroutine name, and source
file corresponding to that position in the current execution call
stack. This extra information may be used, for example, to print a
stack trace. The current frame is frame 0.
The return value is 0 unless the shell is not executing a subroutine
call or expr does not correspond to a valid position in the call
See the full logging/error handling implementation here:
Simple answer: there's no way to do that in Bash.
Related to the linked question and eval: Zsh seems to handle evals better, with variables and arrays such as EVAL_LINENO, zsh_eval_context and others.
This array contains the names of the functions, sourced files, and (if EVAL_LINENO is set) eval commands. currently being executed. The first element is the name of the function using the parameter.
The standard shell array zsh_eval_context can be used to determine the type of shell construct being executed at each depth: note, however, that is in the opposite order, with the most recent item last, and it is more detailed, for example including an entry for toplevel, the main shell code being executed either interactively or from a script, which is not present in $funcstack.
See man zshall for more details.

Getting function returned value

Suppose I have a function "func" which gets two arguments "a" and "b" and returns something.
For some reason I can't manage echo what I get from the function.
This is what I tried:
value=$(func $a $b)
echo $value
Since you didn't show your function definition, this is only a guess, but I'm pretty confident it's a good one.
You need to understand that a function in shell fits into the language as if it was a command, i.e. a separate program, and the return keyword is analogous to exit. You can only return small integers, and the caller sees them in $?, just like the exit value of any other command.
Functions can also output a result to stdout by using echo (or any other command that prints to stdout), and then the result can be caputred with $(func args ...)
So you probably just need to change return to echo in your function.

Shell scripting return values not correct, why?

In a shell script I wrote to test how functions are returning values I came across an odd unexpected behavior. The code below assumes that when entering the function fnttmpfile the first echo statement would print to the console and then the second echo statement would actually return the string to the calling main. Well that's what I assumed, but I was wrong!
fntmpfile() {
echo "This is my temp file dude!"
echo "$TMPFILE"
retval=$(fntmpfile "$mainname")
echo "main retval=$retval"
What actually happens is the reverse. The first echo goes to the calling function and the second echo goes to STDOUT. why is this and is there a better way....
main retval=This is my temp file dude!
The whole reason for this test is because I am writing a shell script to do some database backups and decided to use small functions to do specific things, ya know make it clean instead of spaghetti code. One of the functions I was using was this:
log_to_console() {
# arg1 = calling function name
# arg2 = message to log
printf "$1 - $2\n"
The whole problem with this is that the function that was returning a string value is getting the log_to_console output instead depending on the order of things. I guess this is one of those gotcha things about shell scripting that I wasn't aware of.
No, what's happening is that you are running your function, and it outputs two lines to stdout:
This is my temp file dude!
When you run it $(), bash will intercept the output and store it in the value. The string that is stored in the variable contains the first linebreak (the last one is removed). So what is really in your "retval" variable is the following C-style string:
"This is my temp file dude!\n/tmp/main.4059"
This is not really returning a string (can't do that in a shell script), it's just capturing whatever output your function returns. Which is why it doesn't work. Call your function normally if you want to log to console.
