shell concat directory and interpret caractere - bash

I try to loop in a directory to read file (*.pem)
i MUST USE path="/opt/test" . How concat path with *.pem (all the file in the directory with the extension pem)
for fichierCourant in $path/(*.pem) or "$path/*.pem" or `$path/*.pem` or
Nothing works?

when path can contain a space or tab character must be between double quotes
for fichierCourant in "$path/"*.pem; do

Try without any quote, this works if none of the files does not contains any space.
for file in $path/*.pem
echo $file
With double quotes "$path/*.pem", though expands but consider all files as a single variable.
Additional Info:
'Single quote' : doesn't expands the variable
backtick (or) backquote: consider the content as a command


bash: filename with space gets truncated

documents=("/datalog/AB errors.txt");
/usr/bin/bash /home/user/ "${documents[*]}"
the SCPs into a server and downloads documents but in the case above there is a space in the file name which leads it to seek /datalog/AB instead of AB errors.txt file.
I thought surrounding in double quotes fixes the space in filename issue. I also tried AB\ errors.txt but that caused the entire bash script to not run.
The form
documents=("/datalog/AB errors.txt")
is bad form (turning string into an array !!!). The correct form for assignment is
documents="/datalog/AB errors.txt"
Always assume full-path variables can have spaces or other characters, and always double-quote such variable instantiations, i.e.
ls "${variable}" .
As Gordon Davisson said, you must code in this fashion at every level of scripting/programming to ensure the embedded special characters don't lead to unexpected results.

Folder with space in name not recognized

i'm very new to stackoverflow and to bash/python scripting.
I'm in need to resize some Data Terrain Model files (300+) in .tif format to be able to convert 'em into .hgt and i'm able to do it all using gdal tool but only per single file at once.
Guess you alredy spotted where scripting comes in: need to automatize the process for the 300+ files!
So i started looking a bit about how bash works and came out with this:
for filename in "'/home/fenix/1\ Vari\ HDD/MTB/DTM\ Alos/'"*.tif; do
PATH=/usr/bin/ gdalwarp -of Gtiff -ts 3601 3601 $filename.tif "'/home/fenix/1\ Vari\ HDD/MTB/DTM Alos/temp/'"$filename.tif
I always used the backslash to move into "spaced" name directories or files but seems not working with scripting.... googleing i found using quotes or double quotes would fix it but still no success
As you have seen in the code above i used double quote, quote and backslash alone and any combination of the 3 but i'm always getting
ERROR 4: '/home/fenix/1: No such file or directory
Thanks in advance and sorry for my english!
Following tripleee golden suggestions i edited the script like:
for filename in "/home/fenix/1 Vari HDD/MTB/DTM Alos/"*.tif; do
gdalwarp -of Gtiff -ts 3601 3601 "$filename" "/home/fenix/1 Vari HDD/MTB/DTM Alos/temp/${filename##*/}"
And worked like a charm!
Your excessive quoting is getting in the way.
for filename in "/home/fenix/1 Vari HDD/MTB/DTM Alos/"*.tif; do
PATH=/usr/bin/ gdalwarp -of Gtiff -ts 3601 3601 "$filename" "${filename##*/}"
The string /home/fenix/stuff with spaces can be expressed as either of
/home/fenix/stuff\ with\ spaces
"/home/fenix/stuff with spaces"
'/home/fenix/stuff with spaces'
A backslash or quote within quotes produces a literal backslash or quote, as part of the quoted string. A backslashed backslash or quote similarly produces a literal backslash or quote.
Single quotes are stronger; everything between them is literal. Double quotes allow for variable and backtick expansion, and backslash quoting.
So "'/home/fenix/1\ Vari\ HDD/MTB/DTM\ Alos/'" refers to ./'/home/fenix/1\ Vari\ HDD/MTB/DTM\ Alos/ which probably isn't a valid path, unless the current directory contains a directory whose name is literally a single quote, etc (where I put in the leading ./ just to make this more explicit).
Perhaps a complication is that the quotes inhibit wildcard expansion; so the wildcard *.tif needs to be unquoted. (Well, strictly speaking, only the wildcard needs to be unquoted; *'.tif' or *".tif" or *\.\t\i\f would work, too.)
Notice also that the value of $filename is the full path to each expanded value of the wildcard, with no directory prefix or extension suffix trimmed off or any other magic like that. I have speculatively shown how to pass the last argument as the filename with the directory path trimmed off (the parameter substitution ${variable##pattern} retrieves the value of variable with any prefix matching pattern trimmed off). So the output file should land in the current directory, with inp^t from the wildcard match (hopefully then in a different directory, so you don't end up overwriting your input files).
Finally, observe how we take care to always use double quotes around variables which contain file names. (Failing to do this is a common error even in some fairly popular tutorials. The script will appear to work until you try to handle file names with irregular spacing or literal asterisks, etc.)
The wacky PATH assignment looks weird, too. Does gdalwarp execute external commands, and do you really then want it to only find external commands in /usr/bin? Or perhaps you mean to run /usr/bin/gdalwarp (though setting the correct PATH at the beginning of the script would arguably be better than hardcoding a specific absolute pathname).

BASH function for escaping spaces in filenames before opening them

I've been trying to write a function for my bash profile for quite some time now.
The problem I'm trying to overcome is I'm usually provided with file paths that include spaces and it's a pain having to go through and escape all the spaces before I try to open it up in terminal.
File -> /Volumes/Company/Illustrators/Website Front Page
What I'm trying to end up with is '/Volumes/Company/Illustrators/Website\ Front\ Page\' being opened from my terminal.
So far I've managed to escape the spaces out, but I then get the error "The file ..... does not exist."
My code so far is
function opn { open "${1// /\\ }";}
Any help would be very much appreciated.
The important thing to understand is the difference between syntax and literal data.
When done correctly, escaping is syntax: It's read and discarded by the shell. That is, when you run
open "File With Spaces"
open File\ With\ Spaces
or even
open File" "With\ Spaces
...the quoting and escaping is parsed and removed by the shell, and the actual operating system call that gets executed is this:
execv("/usr/bin/open", "open", "File With Spaces")
Note that there aren't any backslashes (or literal quotes) in that syscall's arguments! If you put literal backslashes in your data, then you cause this to be run:
/* this is C syntax, so "\\" is a single-character backslash literal */
execv("/usr/bin/open", "open", "File\\ With\\ Spaces")
...and unless there's a file with backslashes in its name, that just doesn't work, giving the "file does not exist" error you report.
So -- just call open with your name in quotes:
open "$1"
...there's no need for an opn wrappper.
Spaces are problematic in filenames because they're part of bash's default IFS (Internal Field Separator), which is used to separate tokens in a command line. That means that by default, when you use command an argument with spaces, the command will receive 4 arguments rather than 1 containing spaces.
I'm guessing you called your opn function in the same way, thus resulting in only the first part of your path as $1.
Hopefully, the fix is easy : enclose your path in quotes so that bash does not interpret the spaces. By using this, the need for your opn function disappears : open "/Volumes/Company/Illustrators/Website Front Page" should work just fine.

Bash path contained space no such file or directory

As per this question How to input a path with a white space? I have declared a directory path like that:
startup='/cygdrive/c/Users/Me/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/Startup'; I tried to wrap the path in to double quotes but it is not working either.
But for some reason when I am typing $startup I am getting an error:
$ $startup
bash: /cygdrive/c/Users/Alex/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/Start: No such file or directory
How would u fix that?
Surround your variable with quotes:
$ "$startup"
You should always quote variables to be safe. You can refer to this page for more details.
As it states in the first paragraph: "When referencing a variable, it is generally advisable to enclose its name in double quotes. This prevents reinterpretation of all special characters within the quoted string -- except $, ` (backquote), and \ (escape)."
You can also refer to this page which states: The basic rule of thumb is that you should double-quote every expansion. This prevents unwanted word splitting and globbing. When in doubt, quote it.

Bash path issue

I have a script which contains the following line:
What does "${0%/*}" mean?
This command gives a path to the script - but there is a spaces at path and script can't find this file - how to deal with it?
The % operator in variable expansion removes the matching suffix pattern given to it. So ${0%/*} takes the variable $0, and removes all matching /* at the end. This is equivalent to the command dirname, which, when given a path, returns the parent directory of that path.
In order to deal with spaces in bash variable, whenever expanding the variable (i.e. whenever you write $var), you should quote it. In short, always use "$var" instead of just $var.
Consider reading shell parameter expansion and variable quoting in the bash manual to learn more about these two subjects.
strips the suffix matching /*, i.e. everything after last slash including the slash itself.
quote it wherever you use it (cat "$propFile").
