Issue with #ConditionalOnProperty - spring

I need some help in the understanding usage of #ConditionalOnProperty in spring boot. My requirement is to start cron jobs on only one node using ##Scheduled annotation. I am setting a system property programmatically using node IP
public class IntegrationConfiguration {
private #Value("${integration.prinarynode}")
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IntegrationConfiguration.class);
public void setProperty() {
String ip = null;
try {
ip = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress();
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
log.debug("Primary Nod:"+PRIMARY_NODE);
if(PRIMARY_NODE == null || ip.equals(PRIMARY_NODE))
log.debug("Setting integrations true");
System.setProperty("exception.clearance.allowed", "true");
} else {
System.setProperty("exception.clearance.allowed", "false");
and my scheduled code
#DependsOn ({"integration"})
#ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "exception.clearance", name="allowed", matchIfMissing = false)
public class ScheduledTasks {
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ScheduledTasks.class);
/** The services. */
// this is to
private IntegrationConfiguration intConfig;
#Scheduled(fixedRate = 5000)
public void ExceptionClear() {
log.debug("in the sc task");
method ExceptionClear is cron method and it should execute only on one node

In fact you set the property after ScheduledTasks bean initializing. The changing in #PostConstruct is futile.
Instead I would suggest to add your own PropertyCondition
public class PropertyCondition implements Condition {
public boolean matches(ConditionContext context, AnnotatedTypeMetadata metadata) {
return ... place your root detecting logic here ...
and use it to annotate class


Retrieving the value of a property pom.xml

I would like to retrieve the value of a property in file in my service layer of my application, the value of setVersion is null
and the function for recovery the version
public ProductDto getVersionApp() {
ProductDto dto = new ProductDto();
Properties prop = new Properties();
try {
prop.load(new FileInputStream("/concerto-rest-api/src/main/resources/"));
dto.setVersion(prop.getProperty("version"));"version ",prop.getProperty("version"));
} catch (IOException ex) {}
return dto;
You can use #Value("${version}") in you service, provided you service is a spring bean.
If you are using the spring-boot framework, there are several ways you can get that property.
public class SpringBoot01Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ConfigurableApplicationContext, args);
String str1=context.getEnvironment().getProperty("version");
public class Student {
private Environment env;
public void speak() {
System.out.println("=========>" + env.getProperty("version"));
#PropertySource("")//if is,then you don't need to write #PropertyScource("")
public class Jdbc {
private String user;
private String password;
public void speack(){

#RefreshScope stops #Scheduled task

I have a monitoring app wherein I am running a fixedRate task. This is pulling in a config parameter configured with Consul. I want to pull in updated configuration, so I added #RefreshScope. But as soon as I update the config value on Consul, the fixedRate task stops running.
public class MonitorService {
private AppConfig appConfig;
public void postConstRun() {
#Scheduled(fixedRate = 1000)
public void scheduledMonitorScan() {
System.out.println("MonitorConfig:" + appConfig.getMonitorConfig());
AppConfig class just has a single String parameter:
public class AppConfig {
#Value("${monitor-config:default value}")
private String monitorConfig;
As soon as I update the value in consul, the scheduled task just stops running (display in sheduledMonitorScan method) stop showing up.
I'm successfully get & override the values from consul config server using RefreshScopeRefreshedEvent
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener;
import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class AlertSchedulerCron implements ApplicationListener<RefreshScopeRefreshedEvent> {
private SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
private String pollingtime;
* #Value("${interval}") private String interval;
#Scheduled(cron = "${pollingtime}")
//#Scheduled(fixedRateString = "${interval}" )
public void task() {
System.out.println("Scheduler (cron expression) task with duration : " + sdf.format(new Date()));
public void onApplicationEvent(RefreshScopeRefreshedEvent event) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Here's how we've solved this issue.
* Listener of Spring's lifecycle to revive Scheduler beans, when spring's
* scope is refreshed.
* <p>
* Spring is able to restart beans, when we change their properties. Such a
* beans marked with RefreshScope annotation. To make it work, spring creates
* <b>lazy</b> proxies and push them instead of real object. The issue with
* scope refresh is that right after refresh in order for such a lazy proxy
* to be actually instantiated again someone has to call for any method of it.
* <p>
* It creates a tricky case with Schedulers, because there is no bean, which
* directly call anything on any Scheduler. Scheduler lifecycle is to start
* few threads upon instantiation and schedule tasks. No other bean needs
* anything from them.
* <p>
* To overcome this, we had to create artificial method on Schedulers and call
* them, when there is a scope refresh event. This actually instantiates.
public class RefreshScopeListener implements ApplicationListener<RefreshScopeRefreshedEvent> {
private final List<RefreshScheduler> refreshSchedulers;
public void onApplicationEvent(RefreshScopeRefreshedEvent event) {
So, we've defined an interface, which does nothing in particular, but allows us to call for a refreshed job.
public interface RefreshScheduler {
* Used after refresh context for scheduler bean initialization
default void materializeAfterRefresh() {
And here is actual job, whose parameter can be refreshed.
public class AJob implements RefreshScheduler {
#Scheduled(cron = "${}")
public void aTask() {
// do something useful
Of course AJob bean must be marked with #RefreshScope in #Configuration
public class SchedulingConfiguration {
public AJob aJob() {
return new AJob();
I have done workaround for this kind of scenario by implementing SchedulingConfigurer interface.
Here I am dynamically updating "scheduler.interval" property from external property file and scheduler is working fine even after actuator refresh as I am not using #RefreshScope anymore.
Hope this might help you in your case also.
public class MySchedulerImpl implements SchedulingConfigurer {
private Environment env;
#Bean(destroyMethod = "shutdown")
public Executor taskExecutor() {
return Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(10);
public void configureTasks(final ScheduledTaskRegistrar taskRegistrar) {
taskRegistrar.addTriggerTask(() -> {
//put your code here that to be scheduled
}, triggerContext -> {
final Calendar nextExecutionTime = new GregorianCalendar();
final Date lastActualExecutionTime = triggerContext.lastActualExecutionTime();
if (lastActualExecutionTime == null) {
nextExecutionTime.setTime(new Date());
} else {
nextExecutionTime.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, env.getProperty("scheduler.interval", Integer.class));
return nextExecutionTime.getTime();
My solution consists of listening to EnvironmentChangeEvent
public class SchedulingSpringConfig implements ApplicationListener<EnvironmentChangeEvent>, SchedulingConfigurer {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SchedulingSpringConfig.class);
private final DemoProperties demoProperties;
public SchedulingSpringConfig(DemoProperties demoProperties) {
this.demoProperties = demoProperties;
public void configureTasks(ScheduledTaskRegistrar taskRegistrar) {"Configuring scheduled task with cron expression: {}", demoProperties.getCronExpression());
public TriggerTask triggerTask() {
return new TriggerTask(this::work, cronTrigger());
private void work() {"Doing work!");
public CronTrigger cronTrigger() {
return new CronTrigger(demoProperties.getCronExpression());
public ThreadPoolTaskScheduler taskScheduler() {
return new ThreadPoolTaskScheduler();
public void onApplicationEvent(EnvironmentChangeEvent event) {
if (event.getKeys().contains("demo.config.cronExpression")) {
ScheduledTasksRefresher scheduledTasksRefresher = new ScheduledTasksRefresher(triggerTask());
Then I use the ContextLifecycleScheduledTaskRegistrar to recreate the task.
public class ScheduledTasksRefresher extends ContextLifecycleScheduledTaskRegistrar {
private final TriggerTask triggerTask;
ScheduledTasksRefresher(TriggerTask triggerTask) {
this.triggerTask = triggerTask;
public void afterPropertiesSet() {
Properties definition:
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "demo.config", ignoreUnknownFields = false)
public class DemoProperties {
private String cronExpression;
public String getCronExpression() {
return cronExpression;
public void setCronExpression(String cronExpression) {
this.cronExpression = cronExpression;
Main definition:
public class DemoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
Based on previous answers I added the following interface and used it on #RefreshScope annotated beans:
public interface RefreshScopeScheduled {
default void onApplicationEvent() { /*do nothing*/ }

Stop a scheduling job from rest endpoint

I am doing a Spring Boot Project
This is the main class
public class App
public static void main( String[] args )
ConfigurableApplicationContext context, args);
This is the controller
public class Controller {
private SampleTask m_sampletask;
#Autowired TaskScheduler taskScheduler;
ScheduledFuture scheduledFuture;
int jobid=0;
#RequestMapping(value = "start/{job}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public void start(#PathVariable String job) throws Exception {
Trigger trigger = new Trigger(){
public Date nextExecutionTime(TriggerContext triggerContext) {
org.quartz.CronExpression cronExp=null;
CronSequenceGenerator generator = new CronSequenceGenerator("0 * * ? * *");
Date nextExecutionDate = Date());
return nextExecutionDate;
scheduledFuture = taskScheduler.schedule(m_sampletask, trigger);
This is the ScheduleConfigurer implementation
public class MyTask implements SchedulingConfigurer{
public TaskScheduler taskScheduler() {
ThreadPoolTaskScheduler scheduler = new ThreadPoolTaskScheduler();
return scheduler;
public void configureTasks(ScheduledTaskRegistrar taskRegistrar) {
This is the class which I am calling from controller as scheduled job
public class SampleTask implements Runnable{
private List<String> jobs=new ArrayList<String>();
private String jobName;
public void addJob(String job){
public void run() {
System.out.println("Currently running "+jobName);
How to stop the schedule job by a rest endpoint(Suppose "/stop/{jobname}").. When I have started the job using the "/start/{jobname}" rest endpoint?
You will probably need to use the quartz scheduler (if not already), and add a service with the required methods, then inject that service into your controller.
There's a decent example here:
If you want an in-memory job store (that isn't a database), checkout the RAMJobStore:
Stop Example
This is an excerpt from the demo project. Credit goes to Jayesh Patel:
* Stop a job
public boolean stopJob(String jobName) {
String jobKey = jobName;
String groupKey = "SampleGroup";
Scheduler scheduler = schedulerFactoryBean.getScheduler();
JobKey jkey = new JobKey(jobKey, groupKey);
return scheduler.interrupt(jkey);
} catch (SchedulerException e) {
System.out.println("SchedulerException while stopping job. error message :"+e.getMessage());
return false;

Inject Repository inside ConstraintValidator with Spring 4 and message interpolation configuration

I created a small example project to show two problems I'm experiencing in the configuration of Spring Boot validation and its integration with Hibernate.
I already tried other replies I found about the topic but unfortunately they didn't work for me or that asked to disable Hibernate validation.
I want use a custom Validator implementing ConstraintValidator<ValidUser, User> and inject in it my UserRepository.
At the same time I want to keep the default behaviour of Hibernate that checks for validation errors during update/persist.
I write here for completeness main sections of the app.
Custom configuration
In this class I set a custom validator with a custom MessageSource, so Spring will read messages from the file resources/
public class CustomConfiguration {
public MessageSource messageSource() {
ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource messageSource = new ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource();
messageSource.setCacheSeconds((int) TimeUnit.HOURS.toSeconds(1));
return messageSource;
public LocalValidatorFactoryBean validator() {
LocalValidatorFactoryBean factoryBean = new LocalValidatorFactoryBean();
return factoryBean;
public MethodValidationPostProcessor methodValidationPostProcessor() {
MethodValidationPostProcessor methodValidationPostProcessor = new MethodValidationPostProcessor();
return methodValidationPostProcessor;
The bean
Nothing special here if not the custom validator #ValidUser
public class User extends AbstractPersistable<Long> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1119004705847418599L;
#Column(nullable = false)
private String name;
#Pattern(regexp = "^\\+{1}[1-9]\\d{1,14}$")
private String landlinePhone;
#Pattern(regexp = "^\\+{1}[1-9]\\d{1,14}$")
private String mobilePhone;
#Column(nullable = false, unique = true)
private String username;
private String email;
private String password;
#Min(value = 0)
private BigDecimal cashFund = BigDecimal.ZERO;
public User() {
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public String getLandlinePhone() {
return landlinePhone;
public void setLandlinePhone(String landlinePhone) {
this.landlinePhone = landlinePhone;
public String getMobilePhone() {
return mobilePhone;
public void setMobilePhone(String mobilePhone) {
this.mobilePhone = mobilePhone;
public String getUsername() {
return username;
public void setUsername(String username) {
this.username = username;
public String getEmail() {
return email;
public void setEmail(String email) { = email;
public String getPassword() {
return password;
public void setPassword(String password) {
this.password = password;
public BigDecimal getCashFund() {
return cashFund;
public void setCashFund(BigDecimal cashFund) {
this.cashFund = cashFund;
Custom validator
Here is where I try to inject the repository. The repository is always null if not when I disable Hibernate validation.
public class UserValidator implements ConstraintValidator<ValidUser, User> {
private Logger log = LogManager.getLogger();
private UserRepository userRepository;
public void initialize(ValidUser constraintAnnotation) {
public boolean isValid(User value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
try {
User foundUser = userRepository.findByUsername(value.getUsername());
if (foundUser != null && foundUser.getId() != value.getId()) {
return false;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("", e);
return false;
return true;
ValidUser.message = I dati inseriti non sono validi. Verificare nuovamente e ripetere l'operazione.
ValidUser.unique.username = L'username [${validatedValue.getUsername()}] è già stato utilizzato. Sceglierne un altro e ripetere l'operazione.
org.hibernate.validator.constraints.NotBlank.message = Il campo non può essere vuoto
# === USER ===
Pattern.user.landlinePhone = Il numero di telefono non è valido. Dovrebbe essere nel formato E.123 internazionale (
In my tests, you can try from the source code, I've two problems:
The injected repository inside UserValidator is null if I don't disable Hibernate validation (
Even if I disable Hibernate validator, my test cases fail because something prevent Spring to use the default string interpolation for validation messages that should be something like [Constraint].[class name lowercase].[propertyName]. I don't want to use the constraint annotation with the value element like this #NotBlank(message="{mycustom.message}") because I don't see the point considering that has his own convetion for interpolation and I can take advantage of that...that means less coding.
I attach the code; you can just run Junit tests and see errors (Hibernate validation is enable, check
What am I doing wrong? What could I do to solve those two problems?
====== UPDATE ======
Just to clarify, reading Spring validation documentation they say:
By default, the LocalValidatorFactoryBean configures a SpringConstraintValidatorFactory that uses Spring to create ConstraintValidator instances. This allows your custom ConstraintValidators to benefit from dependency injection like any other Spring bean.
As you can see, a ConstraintValidator implementation may have its dependencies #Autowired like any other Spring bean.
In my configuration class I created my LocalValidatorFactoryBean as they write.
Another interesting questions are this and this, but I had not luck with them.
====== UPDATE 2 ======
After a lot of reseach, seems with Hibernate validator the injection is not provided.
I found a couple of way you can do that:
1st way
Create this configuration class:
public class HibernateValidationConfiguration extends HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration {
public HibernateValidationConfiguration(DataSource dataSource, JpaProperties jpaProperties,
ObjectProvider<JtaTransactionManager> jtaTransactionManager,
ObjectProvider<TransactionManagerCustomizers> transactionManagerCustomizers) {
super(dataSource, jpaProperties, jtaTransactionManager, transactionManagerCustomizers);
private Validator validator;
protected void customizeVendorProperties(Map<String, Object> vendorProperties) {
vendorProperties.put("javax.persistence.validation.factory", validator);
2nd way
Create an utility bean
public class BeanUtil implements ApplicationContextAware {
private static ApplicationContext context;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {
context = applicationContext;
public static <T> T getBean(Class<T> beanClass) {
return context.getBean(beanClass);
and then in the validator initialization:
public void initialize(ValidUser constraintAnnotation) {
userRepository = BeanUtil.getBean(UserRepository.class);
em = BeanUtil.getBean(EntityManager.class);
very important
In both cases, in order to make the it works you have to "reset" the entity manager in this way:
public boolean isValid(User value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
try {
//your code
} finally {
Anyway, I don't know if this is really a safe way. Probably it's not a good practice access to the persistence layer at all.
If you really need to use injection in your Validator try adding #Configurable annotation on it:
#Configurable(autowire = Autowire.BY_TYPE, dependencyCheck = true)
public class UserValidator implements ConstraintValidator<ValidUser, User> {
private Logger log = LogManager.getLogger();
private UserRepository userRepository;
// this initialize method wouldn't be needed if you use HV 6.0 as it has a default implementation now
public void initialize(ValidUser constraintAnnotation) {
public boolean isValid(User value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
try {
User foundUser = userRepository.findByUsername( value.getUsername() );
if ( foundUser != null && foundUser.getId() != value.getId() ) {
context.buildConstraintViolationWithTemplate( "{ValidUser.unique.username}" ).addConstraintViolation();
return false;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error( "", e );
return false;
return true;
From the documentation to that annotation:
Marks a class as being eligible for Spring-driven configuration
So this should solve your null problem. To make it work though, you would need to configure AspectJ... (Check how to use #Configurable in Spring for that)

Spring Boot Custom #Async Wrap Callable

I am working on an application that supports multi tenancy. The tenant's unqiue identifier is stored in a thread local and can be accessed via some service.
To allow parallel processing, I have created a Callable wrapper, sets the thread local variable:
class TenantAwareCallable<T> implements Callable<T> {
private final String tenantName;
private final Callable<T> delegate;
TenantAwareCallable(Callable<T> delegate, String tenantName) {
this.delegate = delegate;
this.tenantName = tenantName;
public T call() throws Exception {
// set threadlocal
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// log and handle
} finally {
This can already be used in the application. But what I would like to have is some custom #Async annotation, like for example #TenantAwareAsync or #TenantPreservingAsync, that wraps the callable, created by Spring in this one and then executes it.
Is there some way to get started with this?
Thanks in advance!
I have a working solution for this, so I think sharing it here might help some people some day.
I solved it not by using the TenantAwareCallable but by customizing the Executor service. I chose to extend Spring's ThreadPoolTaskScheduler (since this is what we use in the project).
public class ContextAwareThreadPoolTaskScheduler extends ThreadPoolTaskScheduler {
protected ScheduledExecutorService createExecutor(int poolSize, ThreadFactory threadFactory, RejectedExecutionHandler rejectedExecutionHandler) {
return new ContextAwareThreadPoolTaskExecutor(poolSize, threadFactory, rejectedExecutionHandler);
The actual setting of the context data is done in a customized ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor:
public class ContextAwareThreadPoolTaskExecutor extends ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor {
public ContextAwareThreadPoolTaskExecutor(int poolSize, ThreadFactory threadFactory, RejectedExecutionHandler rejectedExecutionHandler) {
super(poolSize, threadFactory, rejectedExecutionHandler);
protected <V> RunnableScheduledFuture<V> decorateTask(Callable<V> callable, RunnableScheduledFuture<V> task) {
return new ContextAwareTask<V>(task);
protected <V> RunnableScheduledFuture<V> decorateTask(Runnable runnable, RunnableScheduledFuture<V> task) {
return new ContextAwareTask<V>(task);
static private class ContextAwareTask<T> implements RunnableScheduledFuture<T> {
private final RunnableScheduledFuture<T> delegate;
private final TenantContextHolder multitenantContextHolder;
private final LoggingContextHolder loggingContextHolder;
private final SecurityContext securityContext;
ContextAwareTask(RunnableScheduledFuture<T> delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
multitenantContextHolder = TenantContextHolder.newInstance();
loggingContextHolder = LoggingContextHolder.newInstance();
securityContext = SecurityContextHolder.getContext();
public void run() {
// all other methods are just delegates
The Holders are basically just objects to store context state and apply it in the new thread.
public class TenantContextHolder {
private String tenantName;
public static TenantContextHolder newInstance() {
return new TenantContextHolder();
private TenantContextHolder() {
this.tenantName = TenantContext.getCurrentTenantName();
public void apply() {
public void clear() {
The custom implementation of the Scheduler can then be configured in the Spring environment.
public class AsyncConfiguration implements AsyncConfigurer {
private ThreadPoolTaskScheduler taskScheduler;
public ThreadPoolTaskScheduler taskScheduler() {
if (taskScheduler == null) {
taskScheduler = new ContextAwareThreadPoolTaskScheduler();
return taskScheduler;
public Executor getAsyncExecutor() {
return taskScheduler();
