Bash Echo passing to another script, not working as expected - bash

I created a bash file to write some content into a file, which should be written into another users home directory, with the users account.
It should work the follwing:
sudo ./ run 49b087ef9cb6753f "echo test > test.txt"
Basically contains this:
if [ "$1" = "run" ]; then
cd /home/${2}/;
sudo -u ${2} ${3};
But it does not write any stuff into test.txt, it just direct executes the Bash command, instead of writing it into the file.
Did anyone got an Idea how I can fix it, that it does actually write the Content into a file instead of direct executing it?

You want:
sudo -u "$2" sh -c "$3"
The curlies are useless. They don't prevent splitting and file-globbing.
The double quotes do.
With the double quotes "$3" expands to "echo test > test.txt" (without them, it's "echo" "test" ">" and "test.txt"). This needs to be executed by a shell, hence the sh -c (a POSIX shell is sufficient in this case and if it's dash, it'll start a few ms faster than bash does).
You could also do:
if [ "$1" = "run" ]; then
sudo -u "$2" --set-home sh -c "$(printf '%s\n' 'cd "$HOME"' "$3")"
which would be more robust in the general case where user home directories aren't necessarily /home/$username, but whatever the appropriate field in /etc/passwd is.


How can I request elevated permissions in a bash script's begin and let it go at the end?

I have a script ( which runs a few commands which need elevated privileges (i.e. needs to run with sudo).
Script is quite complex, but to demonstrate it is like below:
echo "hello"
echo "hello2"
echo "hello3"
If I run it as a normal user without the required privileges:
$ ./
must be super-user to perform this action
However if I run it with the correct privileges, it will work fine:
$ sudo ./
Can I somehow achieve to run without sudo, and make the script requesting the elevated privileges only once in the beginning (and pass it back once it has finished)?
So obviously, sudo command1_which_needs_sudo will not be good, as command2 also need privileges.
How can I do this if I don't want to create another file, and due to script complexity I also don't want to do this with heredoc syntax?
If your main concern is code clarity, using wrapper functions can do a lot of good.
# call any named bash function under sudo with arbitrary arguments
run_escalated_function() {
local function_name args_q
function_name=$1; shift || return
printf -v args_q '%q ' "$#"
sudo bash -c "$(declare -f "$function_name"); $function_name $args_q"
privileged_bits() {
echo "hello2"
echo "hello"
run_escalated_function privileged_bits
echo "hello3"
If you want to run the script with root privileges without having to type sudo in the terminal nor having to type the password more than once then you can use:
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]
exec sudo -s "$0" "$#"
echo "hello"
echo "hello2"
echo "hello3"
# ...
sudo -k
If your goal is to execute one part of the script with sudo rights then using a quoted here‑document is probably the easiest solution; there won't be any syntax issues because the current shell won't expand anything in it.
echo "hello"
sudo -s var="hello2" <<'END_OF_SUDO'
echo "$var"
sudo -k
echo "hello3"
remark: take notice that you can use external values in the here-document script by setting varname=value in the sudo command.

Allow user input in second command in bash pipe

I'm looking for how I might allow user input in a second command in a bash statement and I'm not sure how to go about it. I'd like to be able to provide a one-liner for someone to be able to install my application, but part of that application process requires asking some questions.
The current script setup looks like:
curl <url/to/> | bash
and then does:
if [ $UID -ne 0 ]; then
echo "This script requires root to run. Restarting the script under root."
exec sudo $0 "$#"
exit $?
git clone <url_to_repo> /usr/local/repo/
bash /usr/local/repo/.setup/
which in turn calls a python3 script that asks for input.
I know that the the curl in the first line is using stdin and so that might make what I'm asking impossible and that it has to be two lines to ever work:
wget <url/to/>
You can restructure your script to run this way:
bash -c "$(curl -s 2>/dev/null)"
My test.bash is really just
echo foo
python -c 'x = raw_input("wololo:");print(x)'`
To demonstrate that stdin can be read from in this way. Sure it creates a subshell to take care of curl but it allows you to keep reading from stdin as well.

How to pass an option in a bash script command?

I have a script starting with:
#!/usr/bin/sudo bash
It does a non instant processing and is not meant to be interrupted, so I would like to add the -b option to sudo to run it in background after the password has been entered.
#!/usr/bin/sudo -b bash
However, the script does not accept the option. Am I doing something wrong ? Can one even pass an option that way ? And if not, why ?
Thank you in advance.
Let's ask shellcheck:
$ shellcheck yourscript
In yourscript line 1:
#!/usr/bin/sudo -b bash
^-- SC2096: On most OS, shebangs can only specify a single parameter.
A fair workaround is to have the script invoke itself with sudo based on a flag:
if [[ $1 == "-n" ]]
echo "Processing as $(whoami)"
printf "Option -n not specified: invoking sudo -b %q -n:" "$0"
exec sudo -b "$0" -n
This has the additional benefit of letting you run yourscript -n directly to not invoke sudo and not run in the background. This allows things like sudo yourscript -n && mail -s "Processing complete" which would not be possible if the script unconditionally backgrounded itself.
Caveat: sudo "$0" is not a bullet proof way of reinvoking the current script.

How to invoke bash, run commands inside the new shell, and then give control back to user?

This must either be really simple or really complex, but I couldn't find anything about it... I am trying to open a new bash instance, then run a few commands inside it, and give the control back to the user inside that same instance.
I tried:
$ bash -lic "some_command"
but this executes some_command inside the new instance, then closes it. I want it to stay open.
One more detail which might affect answers: if I can get this to work I will use it in my .bashrc as alias(es), so bonus points for an alias implementation!
bash --rcfile <(echo '. ~/.bashrc; some_command')
dispenses the creation of temporary files. Question on other sites:
This is a late answer, but I had the exact same problem and Google sent me to this page, so for completeness here is how I got around the problem.
As far as I can tell, bash does not have an option to do what the original poster wanted to do. The -c option will always return after the commands have been executed.
Broken solution: The simplest and obvious attempt around this is:
bash -c 'XXXX ; bash'
This partly works (albeit with an extra sub-shell layer). However, the problem is that while a sub-shell will inherit the exported environment variables, aliases and functions are not inherited. So this might work for some things but isn't a general solution.
Better: The way around this is to dynamically create a startup file and call bash with this new initialization file, making sure that your new init file calls your regular ~/.bashrc if necessary.
# Create a temporary file
# Add stuff to the temporary file
echo "source ~/.bashrc" > $TMPFILE
echo "<other commands>" >> $TMPFILE
echo "rm -f $TMPFILE" >> $TMPFILE
# Start the new bash shell
bash --rcfile $TMPFILE
The nice thing is that the temporary init file will delete itself as soon as it is used, reducing the risk that it is not cleaned up correctly.
Note: I'm not sure if /etc/bashrc is usually called as part of a normal non-login shell. If so you might want to source /etc/bashrc as well as your ~/.bashrc.
You can pass --rcfile to Bash to cause it to read a file of your choice. This file will be read instead of your .bashrc. (If that's a problem, source ~/.bashrc from the other script.)
Edit: So a function to start a new shell with the stuff from ~/ would look something like:
more() { bash --rcfile ~/ ; }
... and in you would have the commands you want to execute when the shell starts. (I suppose it would be elegant to avoid a separate startup file -- you cannot use standard input because then the shell will not be interactive, but you could create a startup file from a here document in a temporary location, then read it.)
bash -c '<some command> ; exec /bin/bash'
will avoid additional shell sublayer
You can get the functionality you want by sourcing the script instead of running it. eg:
$cat script
$ . script
$ at this point cmd1 and cmd2 have been run inside this shell
Append to ~/.bashrc a section like this:
if [ "$subshell" = 'true' ]
# commands to execute only on a subshell
alias sub='subshell=true bash'
Then you can start the subshell with sub.
The accepted answer is really helpful! Just to add that process substitution (i.e., <(COMMAND)) is not supported in some shells (e.g., dash).
In my case, I was trying to create a custom action (basically a one-line shell script) in Thunar file manager to start a shell and activate the selected Python virtual environment. My first attempt was:
urxvt -e bash --rcfile <(echo ". $HOME/.bashrc; . %f/bin/activate;")
where %f is the path to the virtual environment handled by Thunar.
I got an error (by running Thunar from command line):
/bin/sh: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
Then I realized that my sh (essentially dash) does not support process substitution.
My solution was to invoke bash at the top level to interpret the process substitution, at the expense of an extra level of shell:
bash -c 'urxvt -e bash --rcfile <(echo "source $HOME/.bashrc; source %f/bin/activate;")'
Alternatively, I tried to use here-document for dash but with no success. Something like:
echo -e " <<EOF\n. $HOME/.bashrc; . %f/bin/activate;\nEOF\n" | xargs -0 urxvt -e bash --rcfile
P.S.: I do not have enough reputation to post comments, moderators please feel free to move it to comments or remove it if not helpful with this question.
With accordance with the answer by daveraja, here is a bash script which will solve the purpose.
Consider a situation if you are using C-shell and you want to execute a command
without leaving the C-shell context/window as follows,
Command to be executed: Search exact word 'Testing' in current directory recursively only in *.h, *.c files
grep -nrs --color -w --include="*.{h,c}" Testing ./
Solution 1: Enter into bash from C-shell and execute the command
grep -nrs --color -w --include="*.{h,c}" Testing ./
Solution 2: Write the intended command into a text file and execute it using bash
echo 'grep -nrs --color -w --include="*.{h,c}" Testing ./' > tmp_file.txt
bash tmp_file.txt
Solution 3: Run command on the same line using bash
bash -c 'grep -nrs --color -w --include="*.{h,c}" Testing ./'
Solution 4: Create a sciprt (one-time) and use it for all future commands
alias ebash './'
ebash grep -nrs --color -w --include="*.{h,c}" Testing ./
The script is as follows,
# =========================================================================
# References:
# =========================================================================
# Enable following line to see the script commands
# getting printing along with their execution. This will help for debugging.
#set -o verbose
if [ ! -n "$1" ]
echo "Usage: `basename $0` grep -nrs --color -w --include=\"*.{h,c}\" Testing ."
echo "Usage: `basename $0` find . -name \"*.txt\""
# Create a temporary file
# Add stuff to the temporary file
#echo "echo Hello World...." >> $TMPFILE
#initialize the variable that will contain the whole argument string
#iterate on each argument
for arg in "$#"
#if an argument contains a white space, enclose it in double quotes and append to the list
#otherwise simply append the argument to the list
if echo $arg | grep -q " "; then
argList="$argList \"$arg\""
argList="$argList $arg"
#remove a possible trailing space at the beginning of the list
argList=$(echo $argList | sed 's/^ *//')
# Echoing the command to be executed to tmp file
echo "$argList" >> $TMPFILE
# Note: This should be your last command
# Important last command which deletes the tmp file
last_command="rm -f $TMPFILE"
echo "$last_command" >> $TMPFILE
#echo "---------------------------------------------"
#echo "TMPFILE is $TMPFILE as follows"
#echo "---------------------------------------------"
check_for_last_line=$(tail -n 1 $TMPFILE | grep -o "$last_command")
#echo $check_for_last_line
#if tail -n 1 $TMPFILE | grep -o "$last_command"
if [ "$check_for_last_line" == "$last_command" ]
#echo "Okay..."
exit 0
echo "Something is wrong"
echo "Last command in your tmp file should be removing itself"
echo "Aborting the process"
exit 1
$ bash --init-file <(echo 'some_command')
$ bash --rcfile <(echo 'some_command')
In case you can't or don't want to use process substitution:
$ cat script
$ bash --init-file script
Another way:
$ bash -c 'some_command; exec bash'
$ sh -c 'some_command; exec sh'
sh-only way (dash, busybox):
$ ENV=script sh
Here is yet another (working) variant:
This opens a new gnome terminal, then in the new terminal it runs bash. The user's rc file is read first, then a command ls -la is sent for execution to the new shell before it turns interactive.
The last echo adds an extra newline that is needed to finish execution.
gnome-terminal -- bash -c 'bash --rcfile <( cat ~/.bashrc; echo ls -la ; echo)'
I also find it useful sometimes to decorate the terminal, e.g. with colorfor better orientation.
gnome-terminal --profile green -- bash -c 'bash --rcfile <( cat ~/.bashrc; echo ls -la ; echo)'

Determining whether shell script was executed "sourcing" it

Is it possible for a shell script to test whether it was executed through source? That is, for example,
$ source
$ ./
Can distinguish from these different shell environments?
I think, what Sam wants to do may be not possible.
To what degree a half-baken workaround is possible, depends on...
...the default shell of users, and
...which alternative shells they are allowed to use.
If I understand Sam's requirement correctly, he wants to have a 'script',
myscript, that is...
...not directly executable via invoking it by its name myscript
(i.e. that has chmod a-x);
...not indirectly executable for users by invoking sh myscript or
invoking bash myscript
...only running its contained functions and commands if invoked by
sourcing it: . myscript
The first things to consider are these
Invoking a script directly by its name (myscript) requires a first line in
the script like #!/bin/bash or similar. This will directly determine which
installed instance of the bash executable (or symlink) will be invoked to run
the script's content. This will be a new shell process. It requires the
scriptfile itself to have the executable flag set.
Running a script by invoking a shell binary with the script's (path+)name as
an argument (sh myscript), is the same as '1.' -- except that the
executable flag does not need to be set, and said first line with the
hashbang isn't required either. The only thing needed is that the invoking
user needs read access to the scriptfile.
Invoking a script by sourcing its filename (. myscript) is very much the
same as '1.' -- exept that it isn't a new shell that is invoked. All the
script's commands are executed in the current shell, using its environment
(and also "polluting" its environment with any (new) variables it may set or
change. (Usually this is a very dangerous thing to do: but here it could be
used to execute exit $RETURNVALUE under certain conditions....)
For '1.':
Easy to achieve: chmod a-x myscript will prevent myscript from being
directly executable. But this will not fullfill requirements '2.' and '3.'.
For '2.' and '3.':
Much harder to achieve. Invokations by sh myscript require reading
privileges for the file. So an obvious way out would seem to chmod a-r
myscript. However, this will also dis-allow '3.': you will not be able to
source the script either.
So what about writting the script in a way that uses a Bashism? A Bashism is a
specific way to do something which other shells do not understand: using
specific variables, commands etc. This could be used inside the script to
discover this condition and "do something" about it (like "display warning.txt",
"mailto admin" etc.). But there is no way in hell that this will prevent sh or
bash or any other shell from reading and trying to execute all the following
commands/lines written into the script unless you kill the shell by invoking
Examples: in Bash, the environment seen by the script knows of $BASH,
invoked by sh (also if sourced inside a sh), the executing shell will see
all these $BASH_* as empty environment variables. Again, this could be used
inside the script to discover this condition and "do something"... but not
prevent the following commands from being invoked!
I'm now assuming that...
...the script is using #!/bin/bash as its first line,
...users have set Bash as their shell and are invoking commands in the
following table from Bash and it is their login shell, is available and it is a symlink to bash or dash.
This will mean the following invokations are possible, with the listed values
for environment variables
vars+invok's | ./scriptname | sh scriptname | bash scriptname | . scriptname
$0 | ./scriptname | ./scriptname | ./scriptname | -bash
$SHLVL | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1
$SHELLOPTS | braceexpand: | (empty) | braceexpand:.. | braceexpand:
$BASH | /bin/bash | (empty) | /bin/bash | /bin/bash
$BASH_ARGV | (empty) | (empty) | (empty) | scriptname
$BASH_SUBSHELL | 0 | (empty) | 0 | 0
$SHELL | /bin/bash | /bin/bash | /bin/bash | /bin/bash
$OPTARG | (empty) | (empty) | (emtpy) | (emtpy)
Now you could put a logic into your text script:
If $0 is not equal to -bash, then do an exit $SOMERETURNVALUE.
In case the script was called via sh myscript or bash myscript, then it will
exit the calling shell. In case it was run in the current shell, it will
continue to run. (Warning: in case the script has any other exit statements,
your current shell will be 'killed'...)
So put into your non-executable myscript.txt near its beginning something like
this may do something close to your goal:
test x${BASH} = x/bin/bash && echo "$? : FINE.... You're using 'bash ...'"
test x${BASH} = x/bin/bash || echo "$? : RATS !!! -- You're not using BASH and I will kick you out!"
test x${BASH} = x/bin/bash || exit 42
test x"${0}" = x"-bash" && echo "$? : FINE.... You've sourced me, and I'm your login shell."
test x"${0}" = x"-bash" || echo "$? : RATS !!! -- You've not sourced me (or I'm not your bash login shell) and I will kick you out!"
test x"${0}" = x"-bash" || exit 33
This may or may not be what the asker wanted but, on a similar situation, I wanted a script to indicate that it is meant to be sourced and not directly run.
To achieve this effect my script reads:
#!/bin/echo Should be run as: source
export SOMEPATH="/some/path/on/my/system"
echo "Your environment has been set up"
So when I run it either as a command or sourced I get:
$ ./
Should be run as: source ./
$ source ./
Your environment has been set up
You can of course fool the script by running it as sh ./, but at least it gives the correct expected behaviour on 2 out of 3 cases.
This is what I was looking for:
[[ ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} = $0 ]] && main "$#"
I cannot add comment yet (stackexchange policies) so I add my own answer:
This one may works regardless if we do:
bash scriptname
on both bash and mksh.
if [ "${0##/*}" == scriptname ] # if the current name is our script
echo run
echo sourced
If you have a non-altering file path for regular users, then:
if [ "$(/bin/readlink -f "$0")" = "$KNOWN_PATH_OF_THIS_FILE" ]; then
# the file was executed
# the file was sourced
(it can also easily be loosened to only check for the filename or whatever).
But your users need to have read permission to be able to source the file, so absolutely nothing can stop them from doing what they want with the file. But it might help them out to not use it in the wrong way.
This solution is not dependent on Bashisms.
Yes it is possible. In general you can do the following:
#! /bin/bash
sourced () {
echo Sourced
executed () {
echo Executed
if [[ ${0##*/} == -* ]]; then
executed $#
Giving the following output:
$ ./myscript
$ . ./myscript
Based on Kurt Pfeifle’s answer, this works for me
if [ $SHLVL = 1 ]
echo 'script was sourced'
Since all of our machines have history, I did this:
check_script_call=$(history |tail -1|grep )
if [ -z "$check_script_call" ];then
echo "This file should be called as a source."
echo "Please, try again this way:"
echo "$ source /path/to/"
exit 1
Everytime you run a script (without source), your shell creates a new env without history.
If you want to care about performance you can try this:
if ! history |tail -1|grep set_vars ;then
echo -e "This file should be called as a source.\n"
echo "Please, try again this way:"
echo -e "$ source /path/to/set_vars\n"
exit 1
PS: I think Kurt's answer is much more complete but I think this could help.
In the first case, $0 will be "". In the second case, it will be "./myscript". But, in general, there's no way to tell source was used.
If you tell us what you're trying to do, instead of how you want to do it, a better answer might be forthcoming.
