Tableau: How can I display the filtered value passed via an Action while drilling down to another dashboard, in the filter field? - filter

I have several dashboards displaying employee survey data at different roll-up levels.
I'm using an Action to move from a summary of all employees, to detail on a single employee. So my filter is configured to pass the "Employee Name" to the next dashboard on click. So I can click on an employee from the list, and jump to the dashboard showing the summary of a single employee. This all works great.
The problem I'm trying to solve is that the drop down list filter for Employee Name on the Employee Detail dashboard doesn't adjust to the employee the action filters the list to, it still says (All). I.E. if I click on the record for John Doe, the jump and filter of the data works correctly, but the actual filter selector still says (All), rather than John Doe.
Is it possible to get the filter selection to update?

Once you have created an Action filter, you can show that filter on a dashboard just like any other filters.

Henry, because you have a filter on your dash, the action adds another filter but the only filter it's updated is the Action filter, in the image you could see the two filters updated only on the action filter... you could do so by using only dashboards filtering each others, because the dashboards always show the data in them, and you could make the action filters each other....
here is the dahsboard from the Regional Example Database of Tableau Desktop.


Filtering a Select List Based on Another Select Link

I'm using QuickSight to plot vehicles' trips on a map.
Every record has a VehicleID and a TripId. A given vehicle can have multiple trips.
I want to create two dropdown filters, one for VehicleId and one for TripId. When a user selects a Vehicle, I want the TripId dropdown filter to show only trips associated with that vehicle.
I've explored cascading filters etc but this seems to only allow me to target visuals for filtering, not controls.
How should I approach this?

How do I view my subscribers/contacts who belong to a specific group?

I am very new to mailchimp but I have managed to upload my subscriber email list. I have also created various groups based on my subscribers' interests and have added the subscribers to these various groups. But I have been spending quite a bit of time trying to figure out how I might filter my contacts based on what group they are in. For example, I might just want to view only contacts who are in group "Abc" belonging to category "Xyz". But I cannot figure out how to do that.
For what it's worth, the way I added contacts to a group was to first create a bulk tag contacts operation corresponding to that group and then copying and pasting the email addresses of the contacts I wanted to add to the group. Having tagged these contacts, I then filtered the contacts on that tag, selected all the filtered contacts and then added these contacts to the group. Of course, I can filter the contents of the group just by filtering on the tag of the same name. But when new people subscribe and become members of a group, they will not automatically get tagged (and I don't want to get involved with webhooks). So I would like to get rid of these tags that have served their purpose.
Click on the Audience menu item.
Click on Manage Audience Contacts drop down. From the drop down list, select Manage contacts.
Click on the View Groups link.
Click on the View Groups button for the category you are interested in.
The category will expand to show links for all the groups within the category. If you click one of those links, just those contacts within the group will be displayed.

Laravel nova on action show page to get data from various field from user

I have one resource (User table) for which I need to perform some action.
However when that action selected I want to pass too many additional fields and selection is dynamic.
For example, if I select any user and click on action then in action I should select a category from DB and based on that category I need to get subcategory and based on that subcategory I want to get some seller on action page in Nova...
Is there any way i can do this.
I think Action Fields might help you with that. You can add additional nova fields to your collection of models before handling them in the action.
Hope that this can help: nova action fields
you can use this great NovaPackage

Implementing drill down in Kibana 4

Is it possible, and if so, how, to implement drill down in Kibana 4?
For example, lets say a dashboard has a pie chart which represents products.
Beneath that, there could be a table which shows component parts which are used to make products, together with supplier name, cost, availability, and other details. Clicking a product in the pie chart will filter the table to only show parts for that specific product. Selecting the supplier field would drill to another table showing the details for the supplier.
This requires that there be a multi-column table widget which would be used to display the details for each part, and that each column in the table could potentially be a link to another table.
In addition, lets say that there are three charts at the top of the dashboard. Clicking on each one should swap out the area below to display a table with a specific query and data columns relevant to the selected chart.
Is this kind of functionality abailable in Kibana?
You can mostly achieve this type of functionality in Kibana 4. What you'll want to do is create a search that has the fields that you want to display and save that. Next you'll create your visualizations that have the things you want to drill down on.
Finally, create a dashboard with all of the visualizations on it, and then also add the Search (when you hit +, there's a tab that says Searches. Choose your saved search there.
When you click on your widgets, it will start adding filters and refreshing the page, including your "search".
On the search widget that's on the dashboard, you can click on the rows and they will expand to show the fields. Next to each field is a +/- that will let you filter to that value or exclude that value.
I Think Kibi has this feature But again I think it is for relational database tables
Please refer to this issue

Drupal 7, taxonomy exposed filter

I am working with drupal 7. How do I limit a taxonomy dropdown exposed filter to only display the terms used by nodes in view results?
I understand that the list is populated before the views takes place, but this means that i am often left with tags that display nothing ( since they are hidden with my view) any help would be much appreciated
In views:
Filter Criteria
Add - Content: Has taxonomy terms
Settings: Select the Vocabulary name.
Checkbox Expose this filter to visitors.
If you are using single filter select that, where you can see the list of Taxonomy terms. If you have child terms select hierarchy check box and specify the depth of it. only appears when you Add - Content: Has taxonomy terms (with Depth) -- refer to second step above.
Now select the terms you want to display, and make sure to checkbox Limit list to selected items
You can also add (Global: text area) under No result behavior in Advanced if you still want to show all taxonomy terms but want to show some thing to user like coming soon instead of leaving the selected taxonomy term showing empty page.
