Changing script from PBS to SLURM - bash

I have just switched from PBS to SLURM. Originally my script read as:
Trying to change my script from PBS to SLURM. Before looked something like:
qsub -N $JK -e $LOGDIR/JK_MASTER.error -o $LOGDIR/JK_MASTER.log -v
Now need something like:
sbatch --job-name=$JK -e $LOGDIR/JK_MASTER.error -o $LOGDIR/JK_MASTER.log --export=Z="$ZBIN",NBINS="$nbins",MIN="$Theta_min"
But for some reason this is not quite executing the job, think its a problem with the variables.

I have found out how to do this now so thought I better just update the post for anyone else interested.
In my launch script I now have
`sbatch --job-name=REALIZ_${R}_zbin${Z} \
--output=$RAND_DIR/RANDOM_MASTER_${R}_zbin${Z}.log \
--error=$RAND_DIR/RANDOM_MASTER_${R}_zbin${Z}.error \
--ntasks=1 \
--cpus-per-task=1 \
--ntasks-per-core=1 \
--threads-per-core=1 \ $JK $ZBIN $nbins $R $Theta_min 'LOW'`
where $JK $ZBIN $nbins $R $Theta_min 'LOW' are the arguments I pas through to the script I am submitting to the queue This is then called in the submitted script by for instance the first argument JK=$1.


Mark Gitlab CI stage as passed based on condition in job log

I have a bash script that is executing a dataflow job like so
python3 \
--runner DataflowRunner \
--region us-west1 \
--job_name name \
--project project \
--autoscaling_algorithm THROUGHPUT_BASED \
--max_num_workers 10 \
--environment prod \
--staging_location gs staging loc \
--temp_location temp loc \
--setup_file ./ \
--subnetwork subnetwork \
--experiments use_network_tags=internal-ssh-server
So I use gitlab ci to run this
Deploy Prod:
stage: Deploy Prod
environment: production
- *setup-project
- pip3 install --upgrade pip;
- pip install -r requirements.txt;
- chmod +x
- ./
- master
So now my code runs and logs in the gitlab pipeline AND in the logs viewer in dataflow. What I want to be able to do is that once gitlab sees JOB_STATE_RUNNING, it marks the pipeline as passed and stops outputting logs to gitlab. Maybe there's a way to do this in the bash script? Or can it be done in gitlab ci?
GitLab doesn't have this capability as a feature, so your only is to script the solution.
Something like this should work to monitor the output and exit once that text is encountered.
python3 > logfile.log &
( tail -f -n0 logfile.log & ) | grep -q "JOB_STATE_RUNNING"
echo "Job is running. We're done here"
exit 0
You'd need to worry about some other things in the script, but that's the basic idea. GitLab unfortunately has no success condition based on trace output.
Little late, hope this helps someone, The way i solved it was I created two scripts
# This helps submit the beam dataflow job using nohup and parse the results for job submission
nohup stdbuf -oL bash ~/ &> ~/output.log &
# Wait for log file to appear before checking on it
sleep 5
# Count to make sure the while loop is not stuck
while ! grep -q "JOB_STATE_RUNNING" ~/output.log; do
echo "Job has not started yet, waiting for it to start"
if [[ $cnt -gt 5 ]]; then
echo "Job submission taking too long please check!"
exit 1
# For other error on the log file, checking the keyword
if grep -q "Errno" ~/output.log || grep -q "Error" ~/output.log; then
echo "Error submitting Dataflow job, please check!!"
exit 1
sleep 30
The submit beam job is like this
# This submits individual beam jobs for each topics
# Beam pipeline for carlistingprimaryimage table
python3 ~/ \
--input_subscription=projects/data-warehouse/subscriptions/cars \
--window_size=2 \
--num_shards=2 \
--runner=DataflowRunner \
--temp_location=gs://bucket/beam-python/temp/ \
--staging_location=gs://bucket/beam-python/binaries/ \
--max_num_workers=5 \
--project=data-warehouse \
--region=us-central1 \
--gcs_project=data-warehouse \

Running a command on SLURM that takes command-line arguments

I'm completely new to using HPCs and SLURM, so I'd really appreciate some guidance here.
I need to iteratively run a command that looks like this
kallisto quant -i '/home/myName/genomes/hSapien.idx' \
-o "output-SRR3225412" \
"SRR3225412_1.fastq.gz" \
where the SRR3225412 part will be different in each interation
The problem is, as I found out, I can't just append this to the end of an sbatch command
sbatch --nodes=1 \
--ntasks-per-node=1 \
--cpus-per-task=1 \
kallisto quant -i '/home/myName/genomes/hSapien.idx' \
-o "output-SRR3225412" \
"SRR3225412_1.fastq.gz" \
This command doesn't work. I get the error
sbatch: error: This does not look like a batch script. The first
sbatch: error: line must start with #! followed by the path to an interpreter.
sbatch: error: For instance: #!/bin/sh
I wanted to ask, how do I run the sbatch command, specifying its run parameters, and also adding the command-line arguments for the kallisto program I'm trying to use? In the end I'd like to have something like
for sample in ...
sbatch --nodes=1 \
--ntasks-per-node=1 \
--cpus-per-task=1 \
kallistoCommandOnSample --arg1 a1 \
--arg2 a2 arg3 a3
The error sbatch: error: This does not look like a batch script. is because sbatch expect a submission script. It is a batch script, typically a Bash script, in which comments starting with #SBATCH are interpreted by Slurm as options.
So the typical way of submitting a job is to create a file, let's name it
#! /bin/bash
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
kallisto quant -i '/home/myName/genomes/hSapien.idx' \
-o "output-SRR3225412" \
"SRR3225412_1.fastq.gz" \
and then submit it with
If you have multiple similar jobs to submit, it is beneficial for several reasons to use a job array. The loop you want to create can be replaced with a single submission script looking like
#! /bin/bash
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --array=1-10 # Replace here with the number of iterations in the loop
SAMPLES=(...) # here put what you would loop over
kallisto quant -i '/home/myName/genomes/hSapien.idx' \
-o "output-${CURRSAMPLE}" \
"${CURRSAMPLE}_1.fastq.gz" \
As pointed out by #Carles Fenoy, if you do not want to use a submission script, you can use the --wrap parameter of sbatch:
sbatch --nodes=1 \
--ntasks-per-node=1 \
--cpus-per-task=1 \
--wrap "kallisto quant -i '/home/myName/genomes/hSapien.idx' \
-o 'output-SRR3225412' \
'SRR3225412_1.fastq.gz' \

snowsql not found from cron tab

I am trying to execute snowsql from an shell script which i have scheduled with cron job. But i am getting error like snowsql: command not found.
I went through many links where they are asking us to give full path of the snowflake. i tried with that also but no luck. Below is my code snippet
set -x
snowsql --config /home/basant.jain/snowsql_config.conf \
-D cust_name=mean \
-D feed_nm=lbl \
-o exit_on_error=true \
-o timing=false \
-o friendly=false \
-o output_format=csv \
-o header=false \
-o variable_substitution=True \
-q 'select count(*) from table_name'
and my crontab looks like below:
*/1 * * * * /home/basant.jain/
Cron doesn't set PATH like your login shell does.
As you already wrote in your question you could specify the full path of snowsql, e.g.
/path/to/snowsql --config /home/basant.jain/snowsql_config.conf \
Note: /path/to/snowsql is only an example. Of course you should find out the real path of snowsql, e.g. using type snowsql.
Or you can try to source /etc/profile. Maybe this will set up PATH for calling snowsql.
. /etc/profile
snowsql --config /home/basant.jain/snowsql_config.conf \
see How to get CRON to call in the correct PATHs

How to set PIG_HEAPSIZE value in a shell script triggering a pig job

Also what can be the maximum value set for this. Please let me know any preconditions that I need to consider while setting this flag.
I configured the the value "PIG_HEAPSIZE=6144" just before the pig script as in the below:
PIG_HEAPSIZE=6144 pig \
-logfile ${pig_log_file} \
-p ENV=${etl_env} \
-p OUTPUT_PATH=${pad_output_dir} \
${pig_script} >> $log_file 2>&1;
And it worked!

bsub option confused with job arguments

I want to submit a job to LSF using the bsub command. One of the job argument is "-P argument_1". So the overall command looks like
bsub -P project_name -n 4 -W 10:00 my_job -P argument_1
But bsub considers -P argument_1 as the project_name instead of considering as an argument of my_job.
Is there anyway to resolve this issue?
What version of LSF are you using? You can check by running lsid. Try quoting your command and see if that helps:
bsub -P project_name -n 4 -W 10:00 "my_job -P argument_1"
Use a submission script including my_job -P placeholder_arg1. Then use
sed 's/placeholder_arg1/argument_1/g' < | bsub
to replace command line argument on-the-fly before submitting the job.
