RunTime Complexity of Recursive BinaryTree Traversal - algorithm

This is my solution to the problem, where, given a Binary Tree, you're asked to find, the total sum of all non-directly linked nodes. "Directly linked" refers to parent-child relationship, just to be clear.
My solution
If the current node is visited, you're not allowed to visit the nodes at the next level. If the current node, however, is not visited, you may or may not visit the nodes at the next level.
It passes all tests. However, what is the run time complexity of this Recursive Binary Tree Traversal. I think it's 2^n because, at every node, you have two choices, whether to use it, or not use it, and accordingly, the next level, would have two choices for each of these choices and so on.
Space complexity : Not using any additional space for storage, but since this is a recursive implementation, stack space is used, and the maximum elements in the stack, could be the height of the tree, which is n. so O(n) ?
public int rob(TreeNode root) {
return rob(root, false);
public int rob(TreeNode root, boolean previousStateUsed) {
if(root == null)
return 0;
if(root.left == null && root.right == null)
if(previousStateUsed == true)
return 0;
return root.val;
if(previousStateUsed == true)
int leftSumIfCurrentIsNotUsedNotUsed = rob(root.left, false);
int rightSumIfCurrentIsNotUsed = rob(root.right, false);
return leftSumIfCurrentIsNotUsedNotUsed + rightSumIfCurrentIsNotUsed;
int leftSumIfCurrentIsNotUsedNotUsed = rob(root.left, false);
int rightSumIfCurrentIsNotUsed = rob(root.right, false);
int leftSumIsCurrentIsUsed = rob(root.left, true);
int rightSumIfCurrentIsUsed = rob(root.right, true);
return Math.max(leftSumIfCurrentIsNotUsedNotUsed + rightSumIfCurrentIsNotUsed, leftSumIsCurrentIsUsed + rightSumIfCurrentIsUsed + root.val);

Your current recursive solution would be O(2^n). It's pretty clear to see if we take an example:
Next, let's cross out alternating layers of nodes:
With the remaining nodes we have about n/2 nodes (this will vary, but you can always remove alternating layers to get at least n/2 - 1 nodes worst case). With just these nodes, we can make any combination of them because none of them are conflicting. Therefore we can be certain that this takes at least Omega( 2^(n/2) ) time worst case. You can probably get a tighter bound, but this should make you realize your solution will not scale well.
This problem is a pretty common adaptation of the Max Non-Adajacent Sum Problem.
You should be able to use dynamic programming on this. I would highly recommend it. Imagine we are finding the solution for node i. Let's assume we already have the solution to nodes i.left and i.right and let's also assume we have the solution to their children (i's grandchildren). We now have 2 options for i's max solution:
max-sum(i.left) + max-sum(i.right)
i.val + max-sum(i.left.left) + max-sum(i.left.right) + max-sum(i.right.left) + max-sum(i.right.right)
You take the max of these and that's your solution for i. You can perform this bottom-up DP or use memoization in your current program. Either should work. The best part is, now your solution is O(n)!


tree traversal runtime and space analysis general approach

I am currently on 94. Binary Tree Traversal on leetcode and I am not sure how to analyze the run time and space complexity of the question. In my opinion, the time complexity for the question seems to be O(n) where n is number of node in the tree, since we need to traverse every single node in the tree. However, for space it is more controversial, I think it is O(h), where h is the max height of the tree, because I think the call stack incurred by recursion can go as far as max height of the tree, and the stack will pop as we backtrack. Some people suggest it is actually O(n), because in the worst case where the tree is completely left or rightly skewed, the call stack is as deep as the number of node available, but isn't O(h) also works here since max height is also the number of node in the tree. While O(n) is the worst case but O(h) seems more accurate and fit more scenario including the example above, which one is should be the answer? Or more specifically, which one would be accepted by interviewer during coding interview?
I will also paste my solution here:
class Solution {
public List < Integer > inorderTraversal(TreeNode root) {
List < Integer > res = new ArrayList < > ();
helper(root, res);
return res;
public void helper(TreeNode root, List < Integer > res) {
if (root != null) {
if (root.left != null) {
helper(root.left, res);
if (root.right != null) {
helper(root.right, res);
The space complexity is always O(n), even when the tree is balanced. This is because both the input as the output have a size of O(n). The output is newly allocated memory, so even if we would ignore the memory already taken by the input, the algorithm would still be using O(n) additional memory.
If we don't count the memory needed for the output either, then indeed the space complexity is O(h).
Now, it is less common to use the height of the input tree as a parameter for asymptotic complexity. It is more common to use the number of nodes for that purpose.
But either would be OK to mention during an interview, as long as you are clear about which space is intended: is it only about auxiliary space? ... excluding the auxiliary space that the output may occupy?

Would this algorithm run in O(n)?

Note: This is problem 4.3 from Cracking the Coding Interview 5th Edition
Problem:Given a sorted(increasing order) array, write an algorithm to create a binary search tree with minimal height
Here is my algorithm, written in Java to do this problem
public static IntTreeNode createBST(int[] array) {
return createBST(array, 0, array.length-1);
private static IntTreeNode createBST(int[] array, int left, int right) {
if(right >= left) {
int middle = array[(left + right)/2;
IntTreeNode root = new IntTreeNode(middle);
root.left = createBST(array, left, middle - 1);
root.right = createBST(array, middle + 1, right);
return root;
} else {
return null;
I checked this code against the author's and it's nearly identical. However I am having a hard time with analyzing the time complexity of this algorithm. I know this wouldn't run in O(logn) like Binary Search because you're not doing the same amount of work at each level of recursion. E.G at the first level, 1 unit of work, 2nd level - 2 units of work, 3rd level - 4 units of work, all the way to log2(n) level - n units of work.
So based off that, the number of steps this algorithms takes would be upper bounded by this mathematical expression
which after watching Infinite geometric series, I evaluated to
or 2n which would be in O(n)
Do you guys agree with my work here and that this algorithm would run in O(n) or did I miss something or it actually runs in O(nlogn) or some other function class?
Sometimes you can simplify calculations by calculating the amount of time per item in the result rather than solving recurrence relations. That trick applies here. Start by changing the code to this obviously equivalent form:
private static IntTreeNode createBST(int[] array, int left, int right) {
int middle = array[(left + right)/2;
IntTreeNode root = new IntTreeNode(middle);
if (middle - 1 >= left) {
root.left = createBST(array, left, middle - 1);
if (right >= middle + 1) {
root.right = createBST(array, middle + 1, right);
return root;
Now every call to createBST directly creates 1 node. Since there's n nodes in the final tree, there must be n total calls to createBST and since each call directly performs a constant amount of work, the overall time complexity is O(n).
If and when you get confused in recursion, substitute the recursive call (mentally, of course) as a loop. For example, in your above function, you can imagine the recursive calls to be inside a "while loop". Since, it is now a while loop executed till the time all n nodes are traversed, complexity is O(n).

Time Complexity for Finding the Minimum Value of a Binary Tree

I wrote a recursive function for finding the min value of a binary tree (assume that it is not ordered).
The code is as below.
//assume node values are positive int.
int minValue (Node n) {
if(n == null) return 0;
leftmin = minValue(n.left);
rightmin = minValue(n.right);
return min(, leftmin, rightmin);
int min (int a, int b, int c) {
int min = 0;
if(b != 0 && c != 0) {
if(a<=b) min =a;
else min =b;
if(min<=c) return min;
else return c;
if(b==0) {
if(a<=c) return a;
else return c;
if(c==0) {
if(a<=b) return a;
else return b;
I guess the time complexity of the minValue function is O(n) by intuition.
Is this correct? Can someone show the formal proof of the time complexity of minValue function?
Assuming your binary tree is not ordered, then your search algorithm will have O(N) running time, so your intuition is correct. The reason it will take O(N) is that you will, on average, have to search half the nodes in the tree to find an input. But this assumes that the tree is completely unordered.
For a sorted and balanced binary tree, searching will take O(logN). The reason for this is that the search will only ever have to traverse one single path down the tree. A balanced tree with N nodes will have a height of log(N), and this explains the complexity for searching. Consider the following tree for example:
/ \
3 7
/ \ / \
1 4 6 8
There are 8 (actually 7) nodes in the tree, but the height is only log(8) = 2. You can convince yourself that you will only ever have to traverse this tree once to find a value or fail doing so.
Note that for a binary tree which is not balanced these complexities may not apply.
The number of comparisons is n-1. The proof is an old chestnut, usually applied to the problem of saying how many matches are needed in a single-elimination tennis match. Each comparison removes exactly one number from consideration and so if there's initially n numbers in the tree, you need n-1 comparisons to reduce that to 1.
You can lookup and remove the min/max of a BST in constant time O(1), if you implement it yourself and store a reference to head/tail. Most implementations don't do that, only storing the root-node. But if you analyze how a BST works, given a ref to min/max (or aliased as head/tail), then you can find the next min/max in constant time.
See this for more info:

Using Breadth First Search and inorder traversal to analyze the validity of a really large binary search tree

I was thinking about the different techniques to check the validity of a binary search tree. Naturally, the invariant that needs to be maintained is that the left subtree must be less than or equal to the current node, which in turn should be less than or equal to the right subtree. There are a couple of different ways to tackle this problem: The first is to check the constraints for values on each subtree and can be outlined like this (in Java, for integer nodes):
public static boolean isBST(TreeNode node, int lower, int higher){
if(node == null) return true;
else if( < lower || > higher) return false;
return isBST(node.left, lower, && isBST(node.right,, higher);
There is also another way to accomplish this using an inOrder traversal where you keep track of the previous element and make sure the progression is strictly non-decreasing. Both these methods explore the left subtrees first though, and in the event we have an inconsistency in the middle of the root's right subtree, what is the recommended path? I know that a BFS variant could be used, but would it be possible to use multiple techniques at the same time and is that recommended? For example, we could to a BFS, an inorder and a reverseInorder and return the moment there is a failure detected. This could only maybe be desirable for really large trees in order to reduce the average runtime at the cost of a bit more space and multiple threads accessing the same data structure. Ofcourse, if we're using a simple iterative solution for inorder solution (NOT a morris traversal that modifies the tree) we will be using up O(lgN) space.
I would expect this to depend on your precise situation. In particular, what is the probability that your tree will fail to be binary, and the expected depth at which the failure will occur.
For example, if it is likely that the tree is correctly binary, then it would be wasteful to use 3 multiple techniques as the overall runtime for a valid tree will be roughly tripled.
What about iterative deepening depth-first search?
It is generally (asymptotically) as fast as breadth-first search (and also finds any early failure), but uses as little memory as depth-first search.
It would typically look something like this:
boolean isBST(TreeNode node, int lower, int higher, int depth)
if (depth == 0)
return true;
isBST(..., depth-1)
boolean failed = false;
int treeHeight = height(root);
for (int depth = 2; depth <= treeHeight && !failed; depth++)
failed = !isBST(root, -INFINITY, INFINITY, depth);

Print binary tree in BFS fashion with O(1) space

I was wondering if it's possible to print a binary tree in breadth first order while using only O(1) space?
The difficult part is that one have to use additional space to memorize the next level to traverse, and that grows with n.
Since we haven't place any limitation on the time part, maybe there are some inefficient (in terms of time) ways that can achieve this?
Any idea?
This is going to depend on some finer-grained definitions, for example if the edges have back-links. Then it's easy, because you can just follow a back link up the tree. Otherwise I can't think off hand of a way to do it without O(lg number of nodes) space, because you need to remember at least the nodes "above".
Oh wait, of course it can be done in O(1) space with a space time trade. Everywhere you would want to do a back link, you save your place and do BFS, tracking the most recent node, until you find yours. Then back up to the most recently visited node and proceed.
Problem is, that's O(1) space but O(n^2) time.
Another update
Let's assume that we've reached node n_i, and we want to reach the parent of that node, which we'll call wlg n_j. We have identified the distinguished root node n_0.
Modify the breath-first search algorithm so that when it follows a directed edge (n_x,n_y), the efferent or "incoming" node is stored. Thus when you follow (n_x,n_y), you save n_x.
When you start the BFS again from n_0, you are guaranteed (assuming it really is a tree) that at SOME point, you will transition the edge (n_j,n_i). At that point you observe you're back at n_i. You've stored n_j and so you know the reverse edge is (n_i,n_j).
Thus, you get that single backtrack with only two extra cells, one for n_0 and one for the "saved" node. This is O(1)
I'm not so sure of O(n^2) -- it's late and it's been a hard day so I don't want to compose a proof. I'm sure it's O((|N|+|E|)^2) where |N| and |E| are the size of the sets of vertices and edges respectively.
An interesting special case is heaps.
From heapq docs:
Heaps are binary trees for which every parent node has a value less
than or equal to any of its children. This implementation uses arrays
for which heap[k] <= heap[2*k+1] and heap[k] <= heap[2*k+2] for all k,
counting elements from zero. For the sake of comparison, non-existing
elements are considered to be infinite. The interesting property of a
heap is that its smallest element is always the root, heap[0]. [explanation by François Pinard]
How a tree represented in memory (indexes of the array):
1 2
3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
In this case nodes in the array are already stored in a breadth first order.
for value in the_heap:
O(1) in space.
I know that this is strictly not an answer to the question, but visiting the nodes of a tree in breadth-first order can be done using O(d) space, where d is the depth of the tree, by a recursive iterative deepening depth first search (IDDFS). The space is required for the stack, of course. In the case of a balanced tree, d = O(lg n) where n is the number of nodes. I honestly don't see how you'd do it in constant space without the backlinks suggested by #Charlie Martin.
It is easy to implement a recursive method to get all the nodes of a tree at a given level. Hence, we could calculate the height of the tree and get all the nodes and each level. This is Level Order Traversal of the tree. But, the time complexity is O(n^2). Below is the Java implementation (source).
class Node
int data;
Node left, right;
public Node(int item)
data = item;
left = right = null;
class BinaryTree
Node root;
public BinaryTree()
root = null;
void PrintLevelOrder()
int h = height(root);
int i;
for (i=1; i<=h; i++)
printGivenLevel(root, i);
int Height(Node root)
if (root == null)
return 0;
int lheight = height(root.left);
int rheight = height(root.right);
void PrintGivenLevel (Node root ,int level)
if (root == null)
if (level == 1)
System.out.print( + " ");
else if (level > 1)
printGivenLevel(root.left, level-1);
printGivenLevel(root.right, level-1);
