visualize a document field in kibana - elasticsearch

I need help to generate a visualization. A term in one of my document indicies, 'temperature', is not in the drop down box of fields to visualize in kibana. What must I change so that 'temperature' shows up as a field in the drop down?
ES 5.1
Dynamic Templates
The field is present a portion of documents
The index mapping interprets the field as a 'long'
In Discover, Kibana can filter the documents shows a table of "temperature" and "timestamp." I seek help to visualize the data shown in that table.
A filtered search for the term in the console yields a search result with documents.
GET /_search
"size" : 10,
"_source": ["temperature", "timestamp" ],
"query" : {
"term" : { "name" : "HomeThermostat" }

If you wish to visualize let's say a date histogram, where the X-Axis is the timestamp and Y-Axis is a numeric field (in your case: temperature) , then you would have to choose the following settings from the drop down:
For X-Axis
Aggregation = Date Histogram
field = timestamp
Interval = Choose your desired interval
For Y-Axis
Aggregation = Median (median of a single value is the value itself)
field = temperature
If your drop down does not show the field temperature then a possible reason is that temperature is not being recognized as a numeric value.
Go to Management -> Index Patterns -> your index and check whether the field temperature is saved as a number or not.


Kibana display number after comma on metric

I'm actually trying to dislay all number after comma in my kibana's datatable but even with json input format, it does display as expected ...
Do you have an idea how to do this ?
Here for example I have 2.521 but in can be 0.632, or 0.194 ...
I only see 0 in Min, Max, Avg columns
In my C# code is a double and indexed as a number in Kibana index:
How to do this plz ?
Thank a lot and best regards
This usually means that your field has been mapped as integer or long. If that's the case, 0.632 is stored as 0 and 2.521 as 2.
You need to make sure that those fields are mapped as float or double in your mapping.
PS: you cannot change the mapping type once the index has been created, you need to create a new index and reindex your data.
You need to pre-create your index with the right mapping types before sending the first document:
PUT webapi-myworkspace-test
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"GraphApiResponseTime" : {
"type" : "double"

Elasticsearch more like this returns too many documents

I have documents like this:
body: '...'
I want to get documents which are more than 90% similar to the with a specific document. I have used this query:
query = {
"query": {
"more_like_this" : {
"fields" : ["title", "body"],
"like" : "body of another document",
"min_term_freq" : 1,
"max_query_terms" : 12
How to change this query to check for 90% similarity with specified doc?
Take a look at the Query Formation Parameter minimum_should_match
You should specify minimun_should_match
After the disjunctive query has been formed, this parameter controls
the number of terms that must match. The syntax is the same as the
minimum should match. (Defaults to "30%").
It form query using this
The MLT query simply extracts the text from the input document,
analyzes it, usually using the same analyzer at the field, then
selects the top K terms with the highest tf-idf to form a disjunctive
query of these terms
So if you would like to boost you title field you should boost your title field because if the title contains most of the terms present in the term frequency/ Inverse document frequency. the result should be boosted because it has more relevance. You can boost your title field by 1.5.
Refer this document for referenceren on the more_like_this query

Automatically indexing by a field name as desc

i have index type of book story that every week wants to put some books.
in this index i want to have always query by sorting a field name(in this case is "price" ) as desc so it's have some overhead on ES (cause of data volume)
in this service we always shows to user books by maximum to minimum price
is possible to have this feature automatically or manually for sorting document of book type in index always by price as desc and then when to want to query them it's always sorted by price as desc and dont need to give it by:
"sort" : { "price" { "order" : "desc" } }
No, you can not keep your data ordered based on a field. Elasticsearch keeps the data as Lucene segments inside. Take a look here to better understand internal structure of ES:

ElasticSearch: Metric aggregation and doc values / field-data

How does ES internally implement metric aggregations ?
Suppose documents in the index have below structure:
category: A,
measure: 20
Would for the below query which does terms aggregation on category and calculate sum(measure), the 'measure' field values
be extracted from the document (i.e. _source) and summed or
would the values be taken from doc-values / field data of 'measure' field
size: 0,
aggs: {
cat_aggs: {
terms: {
field: 'category'
aggs: {
sumAgg: {
sum: {field: 'measure'}
From the official documentation on metrics aggregations (emphasis added):
The aggregations in this family compute metrics based on values extracted in one way or another from the documents that are being aggregated. The values are typically extracted from the fields of the document (using the field data), but can also be generated using scripts.
If you're using a newer ES 2.x version, then doc_values have become the norm over field data.
All fields which support doc values have them enabled by default. If you are sure that you don’t need to sort or aggregate on a field, or access the field value from a script, you can disable doc values in order to save disk space
So to answer your question clearly, metrics aggregations are computed based on either field data or doc values that have been stored at indexing time, i.e. not computed based on source parsing at query time, unless your doing it from a script which accesses the _source directly.

Elasticsearch : Query on one of the fields given in the list

Elasticsearch has documents indexed with the following fields:
{"id":"1", "title":"test", "locale_1_title":"locale_test"}
Given a query, following behaviour is needed at each document level:
1) If locale_1_title field is not empty(""), search only on locale_1_title field. Do not search on title field.
2) If locale_1_title field is empty, search on title field.
What can be a simple elasticsearch query to get the above behaviour ?
