Mount directory as volume in Docker on Windows 10 - image

I installed Docker on Windows 10 but I have an problem with mount directory (docker it is installed with virtualbox).
I want to mount this path -v /D/www/project_name:/usr/public/www . But I can not do that because I don't have permission.
If I try to mount -v /C/Users/Public/test:/usr/public/www, that works.
How can set permission on partition D? or on path D:www/project_name.

Under windows 10 with the recent versions of docker (which relies on Hyper-V and not VirtualBox) you do not have this kind of issues anymore.
But if you do not have the choice, you should to mount shared directories into virtual box as shown there :


How to change the location of docker installation? [duplicate]

I've just upgraded to Windows 10 Home May 2020, activated WSL2, and installed Docker Desktop.
WSL2 must be installed in my system disk, which is a small SSD. I don't want to fill it with docker images. How do I change the docker images path? I'd like to use a path in my big Windows filesystem.
The image location is somewhat confusing. I believe it is in /mnt/wsl/docker-desktop-data/.
How do I change the directory of docker images inside WSL2? May I change docker configuration to select a path inside /mnt/d, or mount a path from /mnt/d over docker data dirs?
The WSL 2 docker-desktop-data vm disk image would normally reside in:
Follow the following to relocate it to other drive/directory, with all existing docker data preserved (tested against Docker Desktop (46911), and continued to work after updating the 3.1.0 (51484)):
First, shut down your docker desktop by right click on the Docker Desktop icon and select Quit Docker Desktop
Then, open your command prompt:
wsl --list -v
You should be able to see, make sure the STATE for both is Stopped.(wsl --shutdown)
* docker-desktop Stopped 2
docker-desktop-data Stopped 2
Export docker-desktop-data into a file
wsl --export docker-desktop-data "D:\Docker\wsl\data\docker-desktop-data.tar"
Unregister docker-desktop-data from wsl, note that after this, your ext4.vhdx file would automatically be removed (so back it up first if you have important existing image/container):
wsl --unregister docker-desktop-data
Import the docker-desktop-data back to wsl, but now the ext4.vhdx would reside in different drive/directory:
wsl --import docker-desktop-data "D:\Docker\wsl\data" "D:\Docker\wsl\data\docker-desktop-data.tar" --version 2
Start the Docker Desktop again and it should work
You may delete the D:\Docker\wsl\data\docker-desktop-data.tar file (NOT the ext4.vhdx file) if everything looks good for you after verifying
Stop Docker Desktop
Relocate Docker folder from C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Docker to new path
Make sure C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Docker is no longer there
Open a cmd in administrator mode
Run the following command that will create a symbolic link in the cmd window with the appropriate from and to path
mklink /j "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Docker" "path to where you relocated your docker folder"
Restart Docker Desktop
Edit: re-register docker-desktop would set the default docker-data to C drive now, so we should only unregister docker-data as the accepted answer.
You can do
wsl --unregister docker-desktop-data
wsl --import docker-desktop-data D:\wsl\docker-desktop-data "C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\resources\wsl\wsl-data.tar" --version=2
The tar file is the file used to install, and before it is your new destination.
This always work while the move-wsl or lxrunoffline didn't work for me on fast rings. And sometimes you have to unistall/install docker first
Extending #Attila Badi 's answer would be to also give the same treatment to the C:\ProgramData\Docker folder, which seems to be used for WSL / Windows Containers. Even moving the Docker data folders, would still leave you with a boot drive ProgramData\Docker folder of massive proportions - especially if you are unable or unwilling to clean the images. You cannot migrate it, or move it once installed. Using the Docker engine advanced settings works in Linux container mode, but not in windows and vice versa and has trouble starting.
Steps I followed:
Uninstall Docker. I know... Make sure you have saved what you need.
Create the primary space-eating docker folders, in a location you have a lot of space, e.g. :
D:\Data\Docker\ProgramData_Docker &
Create linked folders, by running the below in a command window in administrator mode:
mklink /j "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Docker" "D:\Data\Docker\ProgramData_Docker"
mklink /j "C:\ProgramData\Docker" "D:\Data\Docker\AppData_Local_Docker"
Install Docker.
You should be able to merrily pull windows server images, but not clog up your boot drive.
Trying to symlink the C:\ProgramData\Docker folder, may result in a security error, depending on the version running depending on the originally installed version.
Release notes for 4.13.0 refers to this feature, which my be a possible work-around (Thanks to #bhagerty and #Oly for the trail):
start /w “” “Docker Desktop Installer.exe” install --installation-dir=G:\Docker
(Source: ungureanuovidiu # )
For me docker won't start with junction.
Then I've used just directory symbolic link:
Docker stopped
Folder "wsl" moved to other location on disk "B"
RUben#AD-RUBEN C:\Users\RUben\AppData\Local\Docker
$ mklink /D wsl "B:\dev\wsl"
**symbolic link** created for wsl <<===>> B:\dev\wsl
Containers and Images are ready to use:
A nice tool:
DDoSolitary/LxRunOffline: A full-featured utility for managing Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
LxRunOffline.exe move Move a distribution to a new directory.
-n arg Name of the distribution
-d arg The directory to move the distribution to.
for example:
quit docker desktop, then:
wsl --shutdown
LxRunOffline.exe move -n docker-desktop-data -d D:\vm\dockerdesktop\wsl\data
I found this tool from pxlrbt on github. It's using standard wsl import/export and pretty safe. Just moved both my docker-desktop-data distro to a different drive and it works well.
The best option is to update the registry. Follow the below steps
Shutdown the wsl. Use the command wsl --shutdown.
Move the entire C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Docker directory to different drive for example D:\Docker.
Goto Registry editor location Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Lxss.
Find the registry entry with the BasePath set to C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Docker\wsl\data. Update this D:\Docker\wsl\data.
Find another registry entry with the BasePath set to C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Docker\wsl\distro. Update this D:\Docker\wsl\distro.
Restart wsl using: wsl -d Ubuntu.
In Windows 10 home, docker desktop creates the VM under ""C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Docker" directory and it is this VM that contains the downloaded docker images. If you want to change the VM location from C: to a different directory you can do this by creating a junction on windows (prior to docker desktop installation) using a command like below:
mklink /j "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Docker" "D:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Docker"
Note that prior to executing the command the target directory structure should exist while you should delete the C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Docker directory if it exists already else the command could fail. Now install docker desktop on windows 10 home and voila you can see stuff inside "D:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Docker" directory namely the docker VM hard disk image file that is going to contain all the downloaded docker images.
Using small SSD also you may want to relocate WSL swap file location.

Docker: Mount volume from Windows host

I use 1.12 version of Docker on Windows, since I can't use the Hyper-V feature with the newer "native" version - so I have my quickstart terminal and communicate to docker host via the invisible underlying virtual box.
Now I have the problem, that I need to mount a local folder to a container, which worked successfully from within the docker-machine by adding
to the docker run command, but it does not when I launch the same command from my Windows quickstart terminal (even though pwd command works correctly in the terminal).
I tried to find the Windows specific settings for the directory and tested several combinations of format, but no luck. Can anyone help me out on how to correctly specify a Windows folder (e.g. C:\Users\alexander.ruehl) for the volume parameter?
You can use relative path for your volume : --volume="./mydata:/root/data"
Also make sure that you have given the permission for read/write to Docker.

Can't mount Windows host directory to Docker container

I'm on Windows 10 Pro with Docker Version 1.12.0-rc3-beta18 (build: 5226). I would like use Docker for PHP development on Windows machine. I tried all possible (I hope) variations of mounting host directory into Docker container:
Neither of variants launch container. Yes, docker run creates container and I can see it with docker ps --all. But I can't it start. E.g. I tried simple documentation example:
docker run -d -P -v "C:\temp":/opt/webapp training/webapp python
docker logs e030ba0f7807
replays as
python: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
What happened?
If you are using docker with docker-machine, you would need to register c:\temp first as a shared folder in VirtualBox.
See "docker with shared folder d drive"
From within a docker-machine ssh session:
sudo touch /mnt/sda1/var/lib/boot2docker/
Add to that file:
mkdir -p /mnt/temp
mount -t vboxsf -o defaults,uid=`id -u docker`,gid=`id -g docker` temp /mnt/temp
That path would then be accessible through /mnt/temp for instance.
The same applies for C:\Users, which is already a shared folder c/Users.
It is accessible with /c/Users.
With Hyper-V, see "Running Docker on Hyper-V" from Henning M Stephansen:
Hyper-V is a more isolated and restrictive environment than VMWare or VirtualBox is, so there’s no concept of shared folders.
However we can mount and access Windows shares from our Docker VM.
The first thing you need to do is to share a folder. This folder can be restricted to just your user.
If the VM has access to the network through an External Virtual Switch or an Internal Virtual Switch you should be able to mount your folder from the docker VM.
To be able to mount a windows share from Boot2Docker/Tiny Core Linux we need to install some additional module (This might be included in your image):
tce-load -i cifs-utils.tcz
Now we can mount the shared folder using the following command
sudo mount -t cifs //HOST-IP-HERE/SharedFolderPath /path/where/we/want/it/mounted -o username=HOST_USERNAME_HERE

Volume sharing in Docker and Virtualbox

I have installed docker toolbox on my Windows PC,when i install containers on it using Kitematic, I want to share a folder with my local machine. However docker runs in virtualbox on the default machine in VirtualBox.
So, i guess i first have to do a fvolume share of the virtualbox vm with my local machine and then a second share of the docker container with the folder that I shared in virtualbox. Could someone assist me in this please?
No, you shouldn't need to share any more folder: docker-machine will create a VM which auto-mount C:\Users\<yourLogin>.
docker-machine ls
docker-machine ssh default
cd /C/Users/<yourLogin>
You can mount other folders from your hosts, but you don't have to.
I'm running docker version 18.03.0 ce on Windows 10, and the C:\Users folder is shared as /c-users on the docker VM (default), so using the command line
docker run -it -v /c-users/my_windows_user/project:/media/project ubuntu:16.04 bash
I can access the Windows project files from /media/project within the Ubuntu container

How run Docker with sync folder on Windows

Well using Kitematic on Windows and starting the container hello-world-nginx. I'm totally able to edit the file on Windows and see the modifications at the browser.
But when I create some image and try to edit the file (html), nothing happens.
Here's the command:
docker build -t a-example . && docker run --name a-example -i -t -v //c/Users/pablo/htdocs/www/a-example/src:/www -d -p 80:80 a-example
And here's my Dockerfile:
FROM nginx
RUN mkdir /etc/nginx/logs && touch /etc/nginx/logs/a-example.log
ADD ./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
ADD /src /www
Another question:
Is this message have something to do with?
SECURITY WARNING: You are building a Docker image from Windows against
a non-Win dows Docker host. All files and directories added to build
context will have '-r wxr-xr-x' permissions. It is recommended to
double check and reset permissions f or sensitive files and
I do not use KiteMatic or Docker Machine to control my local docker instance.
However, Docker Machine uses a boot2docker iso (customized version of Tiny Core Linux with Docker) running in a VirtualBox vm. Virtual Box provides guest Additions to mount host machine folders.
Refer to Boot2Docker guidelines at the time of Docker 1.9.1 release
Or the Docker Machine shares:
On Windows:
- C:\Users mounted as /c/Users
On Linux:
- /home mounted as /hosthome
- /Users mounted as /Users
which is done through Guest Additions:
vbm("sharedfolder", "add", d.MachineName, "--name", shareName, "--hostpath", shareDir, "--automount")
If you opt to use samba shares from your windows host instead, you will need the appropriate TLC packages (from the FAQ):
How do I mount windows shares?
If the sharing computer is at least Windows 2000, you can mount the share with only the filesystems- extension.
In a root console:
mkdir /mnt/windows
mount -t cifs // /mnt/windows -o user=myname,pass=mypassword
And after searching for boot2docker and filesystems- I got to this GitHub issue:
sudo find / -type d -name 'cifs' seems to indicate that CIFS (Samba) client in the right kernel version is already there... allowing us to run
sudo mount -t cifs //MYPC/hostgithub ~/windows -o user=USER
on the boot2docker VM
Using Docker Volumes
It seems Docker Volumes are a new proposal for handling host folders for Developer Environments, see:
Docker-Volume-Netshare: Although this requires nfs-common or nfs-utils (depending on your distro) to be available on the docker machine, this may not work for CoreOS / Boot2Docker without some other tricks.
It should actually work on boot2docker considering how Docker-Volume-Netshare just wraps shell exec /bin/sh -c "mount -t cifs ..." command. If you use the so0k/mount.cifs_copy on CoreOS you may need a way to specify the path to cifs /opt/bin/mount.cifs.
For Windows users, note also my blog post using the netshare volume driver mentioned above to provision mounts from the Windows host across a Swarm Cluster.
Note: Be careful when using git-for-windows and git-bash as I'm having issues with these converting the paths I pass on to docker.exe
I don't think your volume is available so your container is displaying the static content from /src that you ADDed during the image build.
Kitematic runs a VirtualBox linux machine which runs your docker containers.
The path you have used for the volume: //c/Users/pablo/htdocs/www/a-example/src:/www looks suspect as that's the full windows path.
Docker machine (which is what kitematic uses underneath to manage the virutal machine) will map C:\Users to /Users by default
Try --volume /Users/pablo/htdocs/www/a-example/src:/www
