Elasticsearch Space independent search - elasticsearch

I have a elasticsearch instance setup with default index. 10000's of text document has been indexed in them and I want to perform space independent query. I want to perform searches like below cases.
Case 1 space in index no space in query:
index data : 123 456 43
query data :12345643
Case 2 space in query no space in index:
index data : 12345643
query data : 123 456 43
As you can see above query will not since query data is one term and index data is three terms. Vice-versa for case 2
Case 3 partial matches with space difference:
index data : 12345643
query data : 123 4 5
Case 4 partial matches with additional data(trailing/leading) and space difference:
index data : 12345643
query data : 123 4 54
index data : 1234564343
query data : 123 4 5
I thought of creating a index with space removed and index complete content as one word but I don't know how it would work for case3 and case4. I also don't know the fallbacks of this method.

I would remove spaces and create a custom index-time analyzer with (edge-)ngrams (either tokenizer or token filter).
You can also use an edge-ngram tokenizer/token-filter at search time if you want to match prefixes and suffixes.


Elastic Index. Enrich document based on aggregated value of a field from the same index

Is it possible to enrich documents in the index based on the data from the same index ? Like if the source index has 10000 documents, and I need to calculate aggregated sum from each group of those documents, and then use the sum to enrich same index....
Let me try to explain. My case can be simplified to the one as below:
My elastic index A has documents with 3 fields:
timestamp1 identity_id hours_spent
timestamp2 identity_id hours_spent
Every hour I need to check the index and update documents with SKU field. If the timestamp1 is between [date1:date2] and total amount of hours_spent by indetity_id < a_limit I need to enrich the document with additional field sku=A otherwise with field sku=B.

Elastic Search - Tokenization and Multi Match query

I need to perform tokenization and multi match in a single query in Elastic Search.
1)I am using the analyzer to get the tokens like below
String text = // 4 line log data;
List<AnalyzeToken> analyzeTokenList = new ArrayList<AnalyzeToken>();
AnalyzeRequestBuilder analyzeRequestBuilder = this.client.admin().indices().prepareAnalyze();
for (String newIndex : newIndexes) {
Response analyzeResponse = analyzeRequestBuilder.get();
then, I will iterate through the AnalyzeToken and get the list of tokens,
List<String> tokens = new ArrayList<String>();
for (AnalyzeToken token : tokens)
tokens.addAll(token.getTerm().replaceAll("\\s+"," "));
then use the tokens and frame the multi-match query like below,
String query = "";
for(string data : tokens) {
query = query + data;
MultiMatchQueryBuilder multiMatchQueryBuilder = new MultiMatchQueryBuilder(query, "abstract", "title");
Iterable<Document> result = documentRepository.search(multiMatchQueryBuilder);
Based on the result, I am checking whether similar data exists in the database.
Is it possible to combine as single query - the analyze and multi match query as single query?
Any help is appreciated!
Problem Statement : Say I have 90 entries in one index, In which each 10 entries in that index are identical (not exactly but will have 70% match) so I will have 9 pairs.
I need to process only one entry in each pair, so I went in the following approach (which is not the good way - but as of now I end up with this approach)
Approach :
Get each entry from the 90 entries in the index
Tokenize using the analyzer (this removes the unwanted keywords)
Search in the same index (It checks whether the same kind of data is there in the index) and also filters the flag as processed. --> this flag will be updated after the first log gets processed.
If there is no flag available as processed for the similar kind of data (70% match) then I will process these logs and update the current log flag as processed.
If any data already exist with the flag as processed then I will consider this data is already processed and I will continue with the next one.
So Ideal goal is to, process only one data in the 10 unique entries.
Multi-match queries internally uses the match queries which are analyzed means they apply the same analyzer which is defined in the fields mapping(standard) if there is no analyzer defined.
From the multi-match query doc
The multi_match query builds on the match query to allow multi-field
Also, accepts analyzer, boost, operator, minimum_should_match,
fuzziness, lenient, as explained in match query.
So what you are trying to do is overkill, even if you want to change the analyzer(need different tokens during search time) then you can use the search analyzer instead of creating tokens and then using them in multi-match query.

Kibana. Data tables. Exclude terms depending on the length

I'm storing sentences in Elasticsearch.
this is a sentence
this is a second sentence
And I want to show a data table with the most used terms in my Kibana 4.3.1, selecting:
Metric = count
Split rows
Aggregation = terms
Field = input
Order by = metric count
Order descending. Size 5
This is what I'm getting in the table:
this 2
is 2
a 2
sentence 2
second 1
And I want to remove the short words, with less than 3 chars. In this example, "is" and "a".
How can achieve this?
It works adding this Exclude Pattern:

How to run term statistics efficiently in Elasticsearch?

I use the following code to find term frequency for a document.
POST myindex/mydoc/1/_termvectors?fields=fields.bodyText&pretty=true
In my index there are 1 million documents. How to run this statistics more efficiently for each document?
By efficiently I mean for example: The word the in doc 1 can also appear in doc 2, so when I run the statistics for doc 2 there is no need to calculate the again(assuming that my index has not been updated for each document).

analyzed vs not_analyzed: storage size

I recently started using ElasticSearch 2. And as I undestand analyzed vs not_analyzed in the mapping, not_analyzed should be better in storage (https://www.elastic.co/blog/elasticsearch-storage-the-true-story-2.0 and https://www.elastic.co/blog/elasticsearch-storage-the-true-story).
For testing purposes I created some indexes with all the String field as analyzed (by default) and then I created some other indexes with all the fields as not_analyzed, my surprise came when I checked the size of the indexes and I saw that the indexes with the not_analyzed Strings were 40% bigger!! I was inserting the same documents in each index (35000 docs).
Any idea why this is happening? My documents are simple JSON documents. I have 60 String fields in each document that I want to set as not_analyzed and I tried both setting each field as not analyzed and also creating a dynamic template.
I edit for adding the mapping, although I think it has nothing special:
"mappings": {
"my_type" : {
"_ttl" : { "enabled" : true, "default" : "7d" },
"properties" : {
"field1" : {
"properties" : {
"field2" : {
"type" : "string", "index" : "not_analyzed"
more not_analyzed String fields here
not_analyzed fields are still indexed. They just don't have any transformations applied to them beforehand ("analysis" - in Lucene parlance).
As an example:
(Doc 1) "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"
(Doc 2) "Lazy like the fox"
Simplified postings list created by Standard Analyzer (default for analyzed string fields - tokenized, lowercased, stopwords removed):
"brown": [1]
"dog": [1]
"fox": [1,2]
"jumped": [1]
"lazy": [1,2]
"over": [1]
"quick": [1]
30 characters worth of string data
Simplified postings list created by "index": "not_analyzed":
"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog": [1]
"Lazy like the fox": [2]
62 characters worth of string data
Analysis causes input to get tokenized and normalized for the purpose of being able to look up documents using a term.
But as a result, the unit of text is reduced to a normalized term (vs an entire field with not_analyzed), and all the redundant (normalized) terms across all documents are collapsed into a single logical list saving you all the space that would normally be consumed by repeated terms and stopwords.
From the documentation, it looks like not_analyzed makes the field act like a "keyword" instead of a "full-text" field -- let's compare these two!
Full text
These fields are analyzed, that is they are passed through an analyzer to convert the string into a list of individual terms before being indexed.
Keyword fields are not_analyzed. Instead, the exact string value is added to the index as a single term.
I'm not surprised that storing an entire string as a term, rather than breaking it into a list of terms, doesn't necessarily translate to saved space. Honestly, it probably depends on the index's analyzer and the string being indexed.
As a side note, I just re-indexed about a million documents of production data and cut our index disk space usage by ~95%. The main difference I made was modifying what was actually saved in the source (AKA stored). We indexed PDFs for searching, but did not need them to be returned and so that saved us from saving this information in two different ways (analyzed and raw). There are some very real downsides to this, though, so be careful!
"name":"my name is mayank kumar"
We have 3 documents.
So if field 'name' is 'not_analyzed' and we search for 'mayank' only second document would be returned.If we search for 'Mayank' only third document would be returned.
If field 'name' is 'analyzed' by a analyser 'lowercase analyser'(just as a example).We we search for 'mayank', all 3 documents would be returned.
If we search for 'kumar' ,first document would be returned.This happens because in first document the field value gets tokenised as "my" "name" "is" "mayank" "kumar"
'not_analyzed' is basically used for 'full-text' search(mostly except in wildcards matching).less space on disk.Takes less time during indexing.
'analyzed' is basically used for matching documents.more space on disk (if the analyze fields are big).Takes more time during indexing.(More fields due to analyze fields)
