How to perform load testing on website with https protocol - jmeter

I need to perform a load Testing for scenario where certain number of user are hitting website at once ,
Think work fine but , I am getting error when it hit for 300 user thread with Handshake protocol , after that remaining thread works fine .
Is there some thing I am missing .


How do I solve Jmeter Error Connection reset?

I am running a performance test on a site using Jmeter. Using a load of up to 100 simultaneous users(Threads) the tests pass perfectly, trying to raise this load to 300 users (Threads) I get the following error:
Non HTTP response code: / Non HTTP response message: Connection reset
The error occurs in only 0.68% of requests (out of 2412 requests made by 300 users(Threads) only 2 requests generated this error)
I thought it was the maximum number of connections allowed on my server, I went to my application's webconfig and entered the following information: "Min Pool Size = 5; Max Pool Size = 500;". but still not solve the problem.
Does anyone know what I can do to not generate these errors?
Most probably it indicates a problem with your application, try checking:
application logs
application/web server logs and configuration
underlying operating system logs and networking configuration. also pay attention to number of open ports/sockets/handles (can be checked using either built-in OS monitoring tools or JMeter PerfMon Plugin)
If you're absolutely sure that there is nothing wrong with your test script and application and JMeter is configured to behave exactly like a real browser you can follow instructions from JMeterSocketClosed wiki page
More information: The Mysteries of Connection Close Connection reset on reaching 3000 users in JMeteR

All required changes have been done to respective files like:
keepalive is checked from HTTP request defaults,
hc.parameters file changes,
Socket timeout is 240000
Still we see " Connection reset" in response data however I see the valid requests been passed to Server.
The issue wasnt till we reach 3000 users, worked smoothly till 3000 users.
Connection Reset has a lot of meaning, possible reasons are:
One of the server components is not able to handle load so it closes connections on its side
On JMeter side, check that you running in NON GUI mode and that neither JMeter JVM nor injector machine are overloaded which could explain this. See:

Performance - High Context Switch

I have an application which exposes a web service on which I am trying to do a load test.
It works for few concurrent users without any issue.
When I increase the user count to 30, I simply get this error in JMeter within 100 milli seconds.
Non HTTP response code: - Non HTTP response message: Connection reset
[I thought my JMeter config was wrong - but one of the web application which uses this web-service also failed consistently around that time saying the service was unavailable. So, server itself has some issue].
I checked the web service - application log - No exception & very clean.
CPU, Memory utilization of server is also very normal on the server machine.
However, 'Context Switch' & 'Device Interrupts' are increasing under load.
Context Switch is avg 1500/sec under heavy load. Normally It is 500/Sec.
Is this bad? Is it what makes my application perform badly? I have no clue to resolve this issue.
Note: It is JBOSS server

'net use' over SSL fails unless port 443 is specified

We are attempting to connect to a WebDAV server using net use over SSL. On some servers we're seeing an issue in which this connection only succeeds if we specify port 443 in the URL.
Does Map
net use * ""
net use * "\\\folder"
and, bizarrely, so does this:
net use * "\\\folder"
Does Not Map
net use * ""
net use * "\\\folder"
In the non-working cases we consistently receive the following error:
System error 67 has occured.
The network name cannot be found.
We have noticed some things that might be useful information:
We have a test server that's configured the same way as the prod server and it works as expected.
In the non-working cases, no incoming requests are ever seen at the prod server from the failing host.
All clients are based on the same image.
The problem does not manifest uniformly on all clients -- some work, some don't.
There is an existing, valid entry for in the client DNS cache.
Flushing the client DNS cache of the affected servers does not resolve the problem.
Once the problem appears, it seems to stick. That is, if I execute one of the working mappings, delete it, and then immediately execute one of the non-working mappings, the problem persists.
We are utterly stumped. Any theories?
You are seeing different behaviors because you are connecting using different names. Once a name has been attempted and failed, the WebClient (this is the service that enables WebDAV) will cache the response for a period. To clear the cache, locate the WebClient service in the Services console and restart it. Or from an administrative command prompt execute the following command:
net.exe stop webclient && net.exe start webclient
We ultimately determined that we were mis-interpreting the System Error 67 that net use was returning. We discovered two interesting things:
In the event that the WebDAV returns a 404 or a 50x on the initial, root folder PROPFIND, net use will (rightly) interpret this as the root folder being unavailable. The fact that it says the network name could not be found let us to believe that the problem was with the name resolution, but it was really just saying, 'hey, I couldn't find anything at this path.'
If 'net use' fails due to a 404/50x, it appears that for a brief period of time it will automatically fail any additional mappings for that same host without issuing a request. For example, if net use returns a 404, then net use will instantly fail if made in rapid succession to that first call, and no request record will be seen in the WebDAV server logs.
My best guess is that appending the #443 port didn't make any real difference. What it perhaps did do was to trick net use into thinking it was talking to a different host, at least for the purposes of its 'auto-fail' feature. But that's just a guess.

selenium-rc: how to clear the network traffic logs on the selenium w/o getting them

I perform a process using selenium (i.e open pages, click on links,..) and I want to get the network traffic only of the last page and only on error. That is, when opening a moving to a new page the "network log" on the selenium host needs to be empty. If an error occurs on the page, I call captureNetworkTraffic and get the last headers.
According to captureNetworkTraffic's documentation this is the only function that clears the logs. The problem is that it get's the logs and I want to reduce network traffic to the selenium host. Is there a way to tell selenium to clear the logs w/o actually getting them?
