How to run in background Laravel 5 - laravel

Sending email with Laravel takes time before it is successfully sent, or sometimes it even fails. For this reason I would like to store record in database first and running email sending in background to save user's time. After storing the record, I would like to quickly redirect / refresh the page.
How do I use queue in below email sending code?
$message = new Applyonline($post_title, $cand_name);
$message->attachData($pdf->output(), $attach_name);
Please advise how to achieve this.

You can use Laravel Queues for this use the following link for complete explanation
Queue Thorough Explaination

I suggest looking into queues. Implementing this is quite easy. Just setup a queue for sending the mail and then add the queue to the mail facade. i.e Mail::to()->queue(new MailQueue);
Queueing mail


Laravel Email Queue not sending email

I am trying to send the email( using queue). I am experiencing this strange behavior with the Laravel queue, it sends email perfectly in sync but does not send an email when send using a queue. And If I remove the queue it works just fine
Laravel queue process work under the queue runner, check your runner !
It might help

Laravel - Send email on specific event

I am currently developing an API, and each click is counted, with an api consumption.
When 80% of the api is consumed, I would like to send an email alert to the user.
I don't know this whole aspect of Laravel yet, and I'd like to know how you would do that? If possible by detailing a minimum
Thank you in advance,
I assume that this information is available in your database.
If so, you could
make an artisan command which get all user with > 80% and
notified = 0
Loop on those user and send the mail
Set notified to 1 on each user
Use CRON & Laravel scheduler to call your command
Don't forget to reset "notified" if necessary

fastest way to send notification to all user laravel

I am building an app in laravel where I send a mail notification to all users once a new channel I create. So far I am using
\Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification::send($users,new NewChannel($channel));
To send a notification to all users. Is there any package or way that would make the process faster? It is already taking years just with 5 users
You can look into queues to make the request more responsive, though it will take the same time to process the mails but it will happen in background. Another approach would be to use a third party service like sendGrid to take away the processing from your end.

how to queue up sending emails to all users on e-commerce(Laravel)

I can't find any tutorials how to send multyple email using laravel.First, I thing use foreach but its get error in the future(RTO) or 404, can't handle request.
Please any help.
Thanks in advance. . .
how if use
As always, i'd recommend reading the documentation a few times to get a good grasp of how all of the Laravel components got together. In this case;
For testing email, I would also strongly recommend using a service like MailTrap to begin with.
Testing steps:
Start by testing sending a single email without queuing to ensure your Mailable is correctly configured
Now queue a single email to ensure that your queue is being worked
Now look at sending multiple emails on the queue
Important Note: When sending multiple queued emails over an SMTP service provided by Google or Microsoft, it is more than likely that they have throttle to stop you sending more than "x emails every minute" (For outlook it is 20 emails a minute). You will need to respect these throttles or your emails will refused and not be sent!

How to know mail send or not send in laravel and which recipient is not getting it?

Hi I am using the bellow function, can you please guide me how can I use Mail::failures(); in it
Mail::send('emails.caregiversetprimary', $templateArray, function($message)use($email)
$message->to($email, 'username')->subject('my subject');
Mail::failures(); < ====== this gives me black array as I have used wrong email
I am using laravel 4.1
You can know which recipients the email has been sent to but no which recipients have received it.
You need a better understanding of how mail servers work. From a Laravel point of view, there is no way (or at least not a simple one*) of knowing which recipients got the email. Its a matter of how mail protocol works. You may know which recipients the message has been sent to but no which recipients actually got it.
With Mail::failures() you get a list of recipients to which Laravel tried to send the email but it failed on actually sending it. But again, if it has been sent there is no straightforward way to known if the mail reached their inbox or no.
*If you happend to use Mailgun, Mandrill or any other 3rd party software then you are not dealing with a mail server 'per se' but with an API service. May be you could check the mail service provider documentation to research if they perform any kind of delivery tracking that you can programatically check.
