resetStateMachine does not clear its id - spring-statemachine

I am using a pooled list of StateMachine instances (at present limited to one) and am switching the context that statemachine is working with - however the StateMachine ID is never updated and I end up overwriting my statemachine in the db when i try to persist. More info on how below as well as the question.
My question is why upon calling resetStateMachine (in with a null context (ie trying to create a new context) does this not clear out the current id of the machine (I understand why UUID stays - that is unique to the machine) but id relates to the context also, no? If the context is not null it tries to pull the id from the stateMachineContext
Extracts of relevant sources:
If context is null:"Got null context, resetting to initial state and clearing extended state");
this.currentState = this.initialState;
If context is not null:
When I later call persist.restore to pull back a state machine context this means I have an old id present and end up overwriting rather than using a new id to persist with.
This is using currently released version 1.2.5.RELEASE

Yes, don't see any reason why we would not clear id as well if null context is passed. Would you mind creating a github issue to track that change request?


Hibernate uses old closed SessionImpl instead of given SessionImpl

I have a problem with Hibernate Enverse (Version 5.2.0-Final).
I'm auditing some entities with some lazy relations. I have a jsf-page that loads one version of one entity with all relations of that version. That works fine. So now I have a page that shows a revision of the entity with all relations of that revision. On this page I can open a fieldset, that triggers an AJAX. In this request we reattach all relations by calling entityManager.merge(entity) to be able to fetch the lazy relations in this fieldset. (The EntityManager is RequestScoped)
The Problem:
The AJAX is a new request. The server calls entityManager.merge(entity), what enforces creation of a new EntityManager (So a new org.hibernate.internal.SessionImpl is created). On this object hibernate calls SessionImpl.merge(...). But in the method org.hibernate.internal.AbstractSharedSessionContract.createQuery(String) a other SessionImpl object is used, which is already closed in the request before. That enforces an java.lang.IllegalStateException: Session/EntityManager is closed.
In one sentence: Although a new entityManager was created and a merge was called on that new entityManger, Hibernate uses an old Session/EntityManager of the request before.
I debugged the problem and found following:
Debug1: Shows the Stacktrace of the SessionImpl.merge(...) with the session's object id
Debug2: Shows the last method with the correct SessionImpl object (see it's id). This object is not used in next methods.
Debug3: The step after Debug2 does not know the given SessionImpl object. It has it's own SessionImpl object in collection.initializor.versionsReader. This session was created and closed in the request before (on loading the page).
Debug4: Now Hibernate wants to create the query wit the closed SessionImpl
Debug5: This enforces the exception, as the session is closed.
My questions:
Is this a bug of Hibernate?
Why is the given SessionImpl in method org.hibernate.type.CollectionType.getElementIterater(...) not used?
Anyone knows a solution or workaround for this problem?
Tank you very much for any idea. I spent days on this bug.
Why is the Session arg in o.h.type.CollectionType.getElementIterator not used?
The short answer is it isn't required, its simply a backward compatibility concern from 8 years ago.
The long answer is the type-system used to actually deviate some behavior based on whether or not the user had specified the session to operate in EntityMode.MAP or EntityMode.POJO and therefore the types needed to know what mode the session was in; hence why it was passed.
But even back in 2011 when this was changed, the session argument only ever influenced behavior if and only if the session was operating in EntityMode.MAP. In other words, all other modes always routed directly to the underlying collections Collection#iterator() method.
All this aside however, this doesn't have any impact on what you experience in your Debug3 screen-shot.
Is this a bug in Hibernate?
No, based on what I have read, I believe you're mixing concerns.
In Hibernate (no Envers), you can basically do this
// Request 1
request1EntityManager = getEntityManager();
sessionScopeEntity = request1EntityManager.find( MyEntity.class, myEntityId );
// Request 2
request2EntityManager = getEntityManager();
sessionScopeEntity = request2EntityManager.merge( sessionScopeEntity );
for ( SomeCollectionItem Item : sessionScopeEntity.getSomeCollection() ) {
// do things here
The above works because you reassociate the entity with the new session which in-turn injects the session into all the uninitialized proxies the entity maintains. But you can also rewrite the above as
// Request 1
request1EntityManager = getEntityManager();
sessionScopeEntity = request1EntityManager.find( MyEntity.class, myEntityId );
sessionScopeEntity.getSomeCollection().size() // initialize collection w/request1Session
// Request 2
request2EntityManager = getEntityManager();
for ( SomeCollectionItem Item : sessionScopeEntity.getSomeCollection() ) {
// do things here
The difference is the collection gets initialized with the first session and therefore when you attempt to access it with the second session, the entity doesn't necessarily need a merge because the collection is no longer a proxy but actually populated like a normal fetched collection would be.
The major difference between an entity instance returned by Hibernate and an audited entity instance returned by Envers is that the audited entity instance is NOT a managed persistent entity.
Depending on your scenario, you may decide to only audit a subset of fields on an entity mapping. This is why you cannot nor should not use things like merge with that instance as it could easily lead to unintended side effects with your real data.
If you intend to pass the audited entity instance across sessions, i would highly suggest that you instead consider initializing the collections you need up-front with the first session where you fetched the instance because presently there is no way to re-associate an audited entity instance with a new session.

How to retrieve the process's unique workflow number, while launching it through C# API?

I'm struggling for 4 days now.
There's this C# Process Engine API:
What I need to do is to retrieve the WorkflowNumber when launching the workflow, so later I can find that process in the system.
The issue here is that when you launch it - it returns the LaunchStep (the first step in the workflow) which doesn't have that ID assigned yet - it's null. The only thing available is the LaunchStep's WOBNumber.
In order to assign the Workflow ID to the step, you need to dispatch the step, so I do that:
UpdateStepRequest request = new UpdateStepRequest();
UpdateFlagEnum flag = UpdateFlagEnum.UPDATE_DISPATCH;
request.updateFlag = flag;
request.stepElement = element; // add the launch step
And here the funny part happens. From this point, there is complately no option to retrieve that, because StepElements are stateless, updateStep() returns nothing and the best part - the LaunchStep is now destroyed in the system, because it's a LaunchStep - it just gets destroyed after the launch.
Any tips would be appreciated!

Epicor 10 - Changing the plant for the current session

We are starting to use Epicor 10 and we are wanting to leverage the DLLs/Services to talk to Epicor. That way we can add/update info from a custom app. So far things are going fine but we ran into an issue when we wanted to, lets say, add a job for a specific plant. It seems to always want to save to the plant the user last logged into via the client app.
So for example -- Lets say the user's last plant was plant "A". I want my custom app to log into Epicor (creating a session) and create a job for plant "B". I can add the job fine, but it will put it under plant "A" and not "B", even though I logged into plant "B" when I created the session.
We are calling SetPlant and passing in the right plant we want, but Epicor seems to always override what plant to save it as. Has anyone else run into this case? We are also having this issue with the Company. SetCompany doesnt seem to work at all.
More info: - We are using the net.tcp:///ERP/ICE/Lib/SessionMod.svc service. - We can login fine with Login() and get a SessionId back - Even calling GetValues() on the Session object says we are logged into plant "B" even though Epicor will still use plant "A".
The only work around we can come up with, which we do not want to do, is to have an app user by company and by plant so we can guarantee which company and plant the data gets saved to. This will work but it isnt ideal.
Anyone have any suggestions on how to get the system to take the new Company or Plant?
As user463132 points out, you can wrap your service connection with the temporary session context:
using (CallContext.Current.TemporarySessionCreator.SetCompanyID("YourCompanyHere").SetPlantID("B").Create())
Haso Keric Article Reference
I'll also add that if you are using the UI adapters, you can simply grab the session from the oTrans object instance and set the properties here which governs how oTrans interacts with your data.
Ice.Core.Session s1 = (Ice.Core.Session)this.oTrans.Session;
s1.CompanyID = "YourCompanyHere";
s1.PlantID = "B";
The plantID can be updated in the session using the SetPlant() method. It must be called after the SetCompany():
sessionModImpl = NetTcp_Helper.ClassAttributHelper.CreateBusObj<SessionModImpl>(Guid.Empty, SessionModImpl.UriPath, Settings);
sessionId = sessionModImpl.Login();
sessionModImpl.SessionID = sessionId;
sessionModImpl.SetCompany(epicorCompanyID, out companyName, out plantID, out plantName, out workstationID, out workstationDescription, out employeeID,
out countryGroupCode, out countryCode, out tenantID);
sessionModImpl.SetPlant(newSiteID, out plantName);
The first thing to understand is that a Server Session is not a single
instance but rather a .NET Stack of Session Instances. The
‘CallContext.Current.Session’ variable is just a pointer to the top of
the Stack. In most cases, there is just a single Session instance in
the CallContext stack. But when you need to iterate over Companies to
process something the Session Stack get pushed and popped around.
That’s where ‘TemporarySessions’ comes in.
Read about it at:

Fluent Nhibernate working with entities after session disposed

I've got a question about working with entities which were received from db.
Currently I've a lot of operations, where I need to get entities from db, and pass them to another service. Simplified version of such code are is like this:
List<Entity> list;
using(var session = SessionFactory.OpenSession())
list = Session.QueryOver<Entity>.Future().ToList();
So now I don't know, if list of objects isn't disposed for a long time, will it cause memory lear accordint to stored sessions. Does nhibernate sessions exist while exist objects which were received during the session?
Found some session setting Session.ActiveEntityMode - POCO, does it solves my problem?
the session is disposed as soon as the using ends. All entities loaded are still valid except not initialized lazyloaded collections/references/properties.
Also the Future in Session.QueryOver<Entity>.Future().ToList(); is a noop when there are no other operations befor which have Future/futurevalue on them.

In Akka, how do I know when an actor is ready to use after having been registered with actorOf()?

If I create an actor using context().actorOf() in Akka, I get back a valid ActorRef. However, if I do the same but create an ActorRef using actorFor and the path I know that the actor will appear at, I do not reliably get a valid ActorRef back. How can I tell that an actor has been registered successfully?
In the description above, I could simply use the ActorRef returned from actorOf(). However, in my actual case I create an actor that itself registers a child actor and I need to resolve that, so the problem in general is "how can I wait / register to be informed of an actor having been registered at a known path?".
Since Akka 2.2.1 you can use ActorSelection.resolveOne to get an ActorRef from an actor selection:
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
val selection = system.actorSelection("/user/myActor")
val actor = Await.result(selection.resolveOne(), timeout.duration)
From the docs
Resolve the ActorRef matching this selection. The result is returned
as a Future that is completed with the ActorRef if such an actor
exists. It is completed with failure ActorNotFound if no such actor
exists or the identification didn't complete within the supplied
Under the hood it talks to the actor to verify its existence and
acquire its ActorRef.
First of all, there's no guarantee that the ActorRef you get back from actorOf is still alive, since the constructor of it could have failed.
Secondly, actorFor might find the actor but it died just after being found and just before you started working with it.
Thirdly, it's normally good practice to structure your application so that dependencies are propagated in a logical fashion, so that there is a natural rendez-vous point between your actors.
Hope any of the above helps,
happy hAkking!
