GroupMe, Telegram & Slack channel on Bot Framework responds to every message - botframework

Is there an easy configuration way of only receiving messages when the bot is mentioned in Group chats?
I want it to respond to 1on1 messages without needing a mention as well.
Is there an easy way to handle this?
So far, I've noticed that this happens on GroupMe, Telegram, and Slack.
This seems specific to the Microsoft Bot Framework. I feel like this should be configurable... Here's the entirety of my code on github:


Teams proactive messages with uninstalled app

I'm trying to build a personal Teams bot which has to send proactive messages regularly. I made it work by storing the conversation when the user installed the app, just like the examples here. Now it works great, but I realized that I keep messaging users that have uninstalled my application. I can't seem to find any event that is triggered when a user uninstalls a personal scoped bot (app).
I tried conversation events, but nothing seems to be triggered for personal scoped bots at least.
I'm using the NodeJs botbuilder SDK.
Open to any suggestions, thanks.
To my knowledge, there is no such event unfortunately. I think you'll just receive a 403 at the moment without much info. This is due to change though - Microsoft just made an announcement about this yesterday in fact. See in the paragraph "Changes to post uninstall behavior for bots in personal scope":
Moving forward we’ll also align the post uninstall behavior for bots in the personal scope with the teams and groupChat scopes and you will not be able to send or receive messages after an app has been uninstalled. Your bot will receive a 403 response code to new messages posted by your bot. The 403 response code will have fields telling you the reason behind the it – which is either the app was uninstalled or the bot was blocked. We expect these changes to roll out in the coming few months.

Bot Framework Composer Sending Direct Messages

I have a lot of questions about getting started. I currently have a sample bot I built in Composer that works for my teams/slack channels and works in the testing Bot Framework Emulator without issue.
I am not sure how to make the bot send a direct message/private message to a user in a channel instead of it replying directly in the channel itself. Any one have any ideas of how to accomplish this?
You can send messages from the bot to any user (or channel) by using the Azure Bot Service REST API (using the Send an HTTP Request action in Composer as described here. As you'll see in the documentation, the main limitation is that the recipient must have had a previous conversation with your bot from which you've recorded the conversationID (and activityID if you want to reply to a thread).

How to make Slack app send a private message via an incoming webhook to someone specific?

I created a Slack app that sends a series of interactive messages to a channel. In my Slack API dashboard, I see that I can create and remove hooks. Right now the hook url that I have set up in my code is the one for the Slackbot channel.
But the problem is that such a message only gets sent to me.
I want to send the Slackbot messages to Alice in situation A, and to Bob in situation B. Not just to myself, the guy who configured the app.
What's the best way to do this?
I would suggest that you should not use hooks for this. A more sane way to do this right would be via chat.postMessage Web API method which is documented here!
This is because hooks are tied to specific conversations and that approach quickly hits a wall on what it can really achieve, especially messaging different people. Once you start using the web API it's pretty simple. Just ask for the scope during app installation (remember to add that scope in your dashboard), subscribe to the event in your API dashboard and then you are good to go.
Everytime you send a message via that method, Slack will send you a payload which you can use for testing and logging etc.
You can see all the different ways to message programmatically inside Slack here.

Sending messages to my bot via Slack gets no response

I have a bot deployed to our Azure subscription. Using the webchat channel, I can interact with the bot using the url:
We have added the bot to Slack as an app. We followed all the instructions given by the documentation on how to add a bot into Slack -
When I send a message to the bot in the Slack channel we have created, I get no response. There is not error message, or in fact anything, returned.
Whereabouts can I start looking to see what the problem could be? Suggestions for error logs, traces, etc would be appreciated. I enabled App insights for the Azure Web App which the bot runs under, but nothing comes up as an error, or warning, or anything. I'm a bit lost here, any suggestions would be appreciated.
Note that I was made aware that, for Slack, I may need to tailor the responses in order for Slack to render them e.g. FormFlow define options for string field
I'm not sure how to do that, or even if this is a case that my bot simply isn't working in Slack regardless of how I'd format the responses.

Automated/Bot message posting to Microsoft-Teams chat room

How can I automatically post messages to chat rooms in Microsoft-Teams? This is for one-way messaging: i.e. posting messages, not reading messages.
The big picture here is we are evaluating different Group Chat solutions, and one requirement is to post error messages to chat rooms from various services & programs.
A sensible approach seems to be to build a Bot using the REST API however just the authentication seems crazy complex, even then I can't work out how to just post a message. We're looking for a general solution that can be used simply in different scripting languages (Perl, Python, shell scripts, etc), so we don't want to use the .NET SDK or Node.js SDK.
We've already looked at Slack and Cisco Spark. Posting messages in both of these is super simple, so I'm hoping there's a similarly simple solution for Microsoft-Teams?!
For example:
In Slack you can use incoming webhooks to post messages. You use the web interface to get a unique webhook URL for each chat room, and then do simple HTTP POST to that URL (with a JSON message payload) to post to that chat room as the Bot. I had it working in 10 minutes.
In Cisco Spark you create a Bot which gives you a unique Access Token. You then get a room_id for the chat room and use those together to do an HTTP POST (again with a JSON payload) to create a message in the chat room.
So how do you programmatically post/create/send messages to a chat room in Microsoft-Teams?
The simplest way to do what you want is to post a message to a channel using an "Incoming Webhook" connector. For more information, see here:
What you're describing is precisely how the Office 365 Connectors work. A Connector allows you to post messages into a Group or Team using web-hooks and a simple JSON payload.
There is a playground for playing with these that is super helpful. One note however, there is a bug in the playground's webhook implementation, so for testing purposes, I would stick to the Send via Email option. This doesn't affect how these work in production, the bug is isolated to the Playground app itself.
