ZonedDateTime would use same timezone of winter when summer daylight saving? - java-8

ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.of(2015, 10, 18, 0, 30, 0, 0,
System.out.println(zdt); // 2015-10-18T01:30-02:00[America/Sao_Paulo]
You can see the hour is 1 while we set the hour as 0, and timezone is UTC-02:00 while daylight saving timezone should be UTC-03:00.
But here is a different example:
ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.of(2015, 10, 18, 0, 30, 0, 0,
System.out.println(zdt); //2015-10-18T00:30-07:00[America/Los_Angeles]
You can see the daylight saving timezone is UTC-07:00 and the hour is 0 as we set.
Why are they different?

This happens because the time you picked falls in the gap between midnight and 01:00 on the night when Brazil switches to summer time. That time is actually impossible and so you get the behavior described in the documentation:
In the case of a gap, when clocks jump forward, there is no valid offset. Instead, the local date-time is adjusted to be later by the length of the gap. For a typical one hour daylight savings change, the local date-time will be moved one hour later into the offset typically corresponding to "summer".
You can observe the same behavior in Los_Angeles zone by picking a time between 02:00 and 03:00 on the corresponding night in March:
zdt = ZonedDateTime.of(2015, 3, 8, 2, 30, 0, 0,

As already explained in #Misha's answer, it happens due to Daylight Saving Time rules.
In São Paulo, DST starts at the midnight of 2015-10-18: the clocks move forward 1 hour, so it "jumps" from 23:59:59 to 01:00:00. There's a gap between 00:00:00 and 00:59:59, so the time 00:30 is adjusted accordingly.
You can check if the date and time are valid for the timezone using the ZoneRules and ZoneOffsetTransition classes:
ZoneId sp = ZoneId.of("America/Sao_Paulo");
ZoneRules rules = sp.getRules();
// check if 2015-10-18 00:30 is valid for this timezone
LocalDateTime dt = LocalDateTime.of(2015, 10, 18, 0, 30);
List<ZoneOffset> validOffsets = rules.getValidOffsets(dt);
System.out.println(validOffsets.size()); // size is zero, no valid offsets at 00:30
The getValidOffsets method returns all the valid offsets for the specified date/time. If the list is empty, it means the date/time doesn't "exist" in that timezone (usually because of DST the clocks jump forward).
When the date/time exists in a timezone, an offset is returned:
ZoneId la = ZoneId.of("America/Los_Angeles");
rules = la.getRules();
validOffsets = rules.getValidOffsets(dt);
System.out.println(validOffsets.size()); // 1 - date/time valid for this timezone
System.out.println(validOffsets.get(0)); // -07:00
For Los_Angeles timezone, 1 valid offset is returned: -07:00.
PS: Offset changes usually occur due to DST, but that's not always the case. DST and offsets are defined by governments and laws, and they can change at anytime. So, a gap in the valid offset can also mean that such change occured (some politician decided to change the standard offset of the country, so the gap might not necessarily be related to DST).
You can also check when the change occurs, and what's the offset before and after it:
ZoneId sp = ZoneId.of("America/Sao_Paulo");
ZoneRules rules = sp.getRules();
// get the previous transition (the last one that occurred before 2015-10-18 00:30 in Sao_Paulo timezone
ZoneOffsetTransition t = rules.previousTransition(dt.atZone(sp).toInstant());
The output is:
Transition[Gap at 2015-10-18T00:00-03:00 to -02:00]
It means that there's a gap (clocks moving forward) at 2015-10-18T00:00, and the offset will change from -03:00 to -02:00 (so, clock moves 1 hour forward).
You can also get all these info separately:
System.out.println(t.getDateTimeBefore() + " -> " + t.getDateTimeAfter());
System.out.println(t.getOffsetBefore() + " -> " + t.getOffsetAfter());
The output is:
2015-10-18T00:00 -> 2015-10-18T01:00
-03:00 -> -02:00
It shows that, at 00:00 the clock moves directly to 01:00 (so 00:30 can't exist). In the second line, the offsets before and after the change.
If you check the transitions in Los_Angeles timezone, you'll see that its DST starts and ends at different dates:
ZoneId la = ZoneId.of("America/Los_Angeles");
rules = la.getRules();
// 2015-10-18 00:30 in Los Angeles
Instant instant = dt.atZone(la).toInstant();
The output is:
Transition[Gap at 2015-03-08T02:00-08:00 to -07:00]
Transition[Overlap at 2015-11-01T02:00-07:00 to -08:00]
So, in Los_Angeles timezone, DST starts at 2015-03-08 and ends at 2015-11-01. That's why at 2015-10-18, all hours are valid (there's no adjustment as it happens in Sao_Paulo timezone).
Some timezones have transition rules (like "DST starts at the third Sunday of October") instead of just transitions (like "DST starts at this specific date and time"), and you can also use them, if available:
ZoneId sp = ZoneId.of("America/Sao_Paulo");
ZoneRules rules = sp.getRules();
// hardcoded: Sao_Paulo timezone has 2 transition rules, the second one is relative to October
// but you should always check if the list is not empty
ZoneOffsetTransitionRule tr = rules.getTransitionRules().get(1);
// get the transition for year 2015
ZoneOffsetTransition t = tr.createTransition(2015);
// use t the same way as above (the output will be the same)
Another way to check if a date and time is valid for some timezone is to use the ZonedDateTime.ofStrict method, that throws an exception if the date and time is invalid for a timezone:
ZoneId sp = ZoneId.of("America/Sao_Paulo");
ZoneId la = ZoneId.of("America/Los_Angeles");
LocalDateTime dt = LocalDateTime.of(2015, 10, 18, 0, 30);
System.out.println(ZonedDateTime.ofStrict(dt, ZoneOffset.ofHours(-7), la)); // OK
System.out.println(ZonedDateTime.ofStrict(dt, ZoneOffset.ofHours(-3), sp)); // throws java.time.DateTimeException
The first case is OK, because an offset of -7 is valid for Los Angeles, for the given date/time. The second case throws an exception because an offset of -3 is invalid for São Paulo, at the given date/time.


xamarin SetAlarm on a DateTime

I wish to set the alarm so that it sends a notification whenever the alarm is fired. The below code which I have, the alarmDate.Millisecond returns 0 (because it was never set). It should return the correct millis for the alarm to work - I think it takes the milliseconds for UTC - But the time has to be GMT/DST in the UK.
private void InitBroadcast()
// Build the intents
var intent = new Intent(this, typeof(MyReceiver));
var pendingIntent = PendingIntent.GetBroadcast(this, 0, intent, 0);
var alarmManager = (AlarmManager)GetSystemService(AlarmService);
// Build the dates
var currentDate = DateTime.Now;
var alarmDate = new DateTime(currentDate.Year, currentDate.Month, currentDate.Day, 5, 29, 0, DateTimeKind.Local);
// If the alarm time has already past, set the alarm date to tomorrow
if (DateTime.Compare(currentDate, alarmDate) < 0) {
alarmManager.SetRepeating(AlarmType.RtcWakeup, alarmDate.Millisecond, millisInADay, pendingIntent);
textView.SetText(string.Format("Alarm set for {0}", alarmDate.ToString()), TextView.BufferType.Normal);
Check the docs:
The milliseconds component, expressed as a value between 0 and 999.
So alarmDate.Millisecond does not return 0 because it was never set, it returns 0 because it was set to zero then you created the DateTime object with alarmDate = new DateTime(currentDate.Year, currentDate.Month, currentDate.Day, 5, 29, 0, DateTimeKind.Local);
You are setting the time to the current date at 5:29 am ( with 0 for the seconds, so the 0 for milliseconds is implied).
alarmDate.Ticks would give you the umber of "Ticks" (1/10,000 of a millisecond) that have elapsed since the beginning of the twenty-first century. But do keep in mind what SushiHangover said in the so link in his comment
Android's AlarmManager is based upon Android/Linux Epoch milliseconds
not .NET DateTime ticks. Epoch milliseconds are the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 at 00:00:00 GMT (1970-01-01 00:00:00 GMT).
So instead of passing in alarmDate.Millisecond to the alarmManager.SetRepeating method, use a TimeSpan between the current time and Jan 1, 1970 midnight GMT to get the epoch milliseconds and pass that in instead, e.g.:
var epochMs = (alarmDate - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).TotalMilliseconds;
alarmManager.SetRepeating(AlarmType.RtcWakeup, (Int64)epochMs, millisInADay, pendingIntent);

How can I return in milliseconds?

I create date now:
ZoneId gmt = ZoneId.of("GMT");
LocalDateTime localDateTime =;
LocalDate localDateNow = localDateTime.toLocalDate();
Then I want return this date in milliseconds:
localDateNow.atStartOfDay(gmt) - 22.08.2017
localDateNow.atStartOfDay(gmt).toEpochSecond(); - 1503360000 (18.01.70)
How can I return in milliseconds?
Calling toInstant().toEpochMilli(), as suggested by #JB Nizet's comment, is the right answer, but there's a little and tricky detail about using local dates that you must be aware of.
But before that, some other minor details:
Instead of ZoneId.of("GMT") you can use the built-in constant ZoneOffset.UTC. They're equivalent, but there's no need to create extra redundant objects if the API already provides one that does exactly the same thing.
Instead of calling and then .toLocalDate(), you can call directly - they're equivalent.
Now the tricky details: when you call the now() method (for either LocalDateTime or LocalDate), it uses the JVM's default timezone to get the values for the current date, and this value might be different depending on the timezone configured in the JVM.
In the JVM I'm using, the default timezone is America/Sao_Paulo, and the local time here is 09:37 AM. So returns 2017-08-22 (August 22th 2017).
But if I change the default timezone to Pacific/Kiritimati, it returns 2017-08-23. That's because in Kiritimati, right now is already August 23th 2017 (and the local time there, at the moment I write this, is 02:37 AM).
So, if I run this code when the default timezone is Pacific/Kiritimati:
LocalDate dtNow =; // 2017-08-23
The output is:
Which is the equivalent of August 23th 2017 at midnight in UTC.
If I run the same code when the default timezone is America/Sao_Paulo, the result will be:
Which is the equivalent of August 22th 2017 at midnight in UTC.
Using now() makes your code depends on the JVM's default timezone. And this configuration can be changed without notice, even at runtime, making your code return different results when such change occurs.
And you don't need such an extreme case (like someone misconfiguring the JVM to a "very-far" timezone). In my case, for example, in America/Sao_Paulo timezone, if I run the code at 11 PM, LocalDate will return August 22th, but the current date in UTC will already be August 23th. That's because 11 PM in São Paulo is the same as 2 AM of the next day in UTC:
// August 22th 2017, at 11 PM in Sao Paulo
ZonedDateTime z = ZonedDateTime.of(2017, 8, 22, 23, 0, 0, 0, ZoneId.of("America/Sao_Paulo"));
System.out.println(z); // 2017-08-22T23:00-03:00[America/Sao_Paulo]
System.out.println(z.toInstant()); // 2017-08-23T02:00:00Z (in UTC is already August 23th)
So using a is not a guarantee that I'll always have the current date in UTC.
If you want the current date in UTC (regardless of the JVM default timezone) and set the time to midnight, it's better to use a ZonedDateTime:
// current date in UTC, no matter what the JVM default timezone is
ZonedDateTime zdtNow =;
// set time to midnight and get the epochMilli
The output is:
Which is the equivalent of August 22th 2017 at midnight in UTC.
Another alternative is to pass the timezone to, so it can get the correct values for the current date on the specified zone:
// current date in UTC, no matter what the JVM default timezone is
LocalDate dtNowUtc =;
// set time to midnight and get the epochMilli

Get UTC offset for Timezone at given date via Ruby/tzinfo?

This is probably trivial for anybody who knows the tzinfo API:
Given a Timezone object from tzinfo, how can I get the UTC offset at a given point in time (given either in local time of the Timezone or UTC)?
You can use the period_for_local method. For these examples, I'm using the timezone I live in (America/Sao_Paulo), in where the offset is -03:00 during winter (March to October) and -02:00 during summer (Daylight Saving Time):
# Sao Paulo timezone
zone ='America/Sao_Paulo')
# date in January (Brazilia Summer Time - DST)
d =, 1, 1, 10, 0)
period = zone.period_for_local(d)
puts period.offset.utc_total_offset / 3600.0
# date in July (Brazilia Standard Time - not in DST)
d =, 7, 1, 10, 0)
period = zone.period_for_local(d)
puts period.offset.utc_total_offset / 3600.0
The output is:
The utc_total_offset method returns the offset in seconds, so I divided by 3600 to get the value in hours.
Note that I also used 3600.0 to force the results to be a float. If I just use 3600, the results will be rounded and timezones like Asia/Kolkata (which has an offset of +05:30) will give incorrect results (5 instead of 5.5).
Note that you must be aware of DST changes, because you can have either a gap or a overlap.
In São Paulo timezone, DST starts at October 15th 2017: at midnight, clocks shift forward to 1 AM (and offset changes from -03:00 to -02:00), so all the local times between 00:00 and 01:00 are not valid. In this case, if you try to get the offset, it will get a PeriodNotFound error:
# DST starts at October 15th, clocks shift from midnight to 1 AM
d =, 10, 15, 0, 30)
period = zone.period_for_local(d) # error: TZInfo::PeriodNotFound
When DST ends, at February 18th 2018, at midnight clocks shift back to 11 PM of 17th (and offset changes from -02:00 to -03:00), so the local times between 11 PM and midnight exist twice (in both offsets).
In this case, you must specify which one you want (by setting the second parameter of period_for_local), indicating if you want the offset for DST or not:
# DST ends at February 18th, clocks shift from midnight to 11 PM of 17th
d =, 2, 17, 23, 30)
period = zone.period_for_local(d, true) # get DST offset
puts period.offset.utc_total_offset / 3600.0 # -2.0
period = zone.period_for_local(d, false) # get non-DST offset
puts period.offset.utc_total_offset / 3600.0 # -3.0
If you don't specify the second parameter, you'll get a TZInfo::AmbiguousTime error:
# error: TZInfo::AmbiguousTime (local time exists twice due do DST overlap)
period = zone.period_for_local(d)
It seems in Ruby 1.9.3 there is some hackery (DateTime to Time) involved, with possible loss of precision, but this is my result based on the answer from #Hugo:
module TZInfo
class Timezone
def utc_to_local_zone(dateTime)
return dateTime.to_time.getlocal(self.period_for_utc(dateTime).utc_total_offset)
def offset_to_s(dateTime, format = "%z")
return utc_to_local_zone(dateTime).strftime(format)

How to interpret RFC3339 UTC timestamp

How should I interpret all aspects of the following timestamps? Where is the time based and how do timezones apply?
Below is my thoughts...
Date: 2015-11-15
???: T
Hours: 14
Minutes: 45
Seconds: 28 OR 28.9694 OR 28.969412345
???: Z
Most of your values are attributed correctly. The date portion (2015-11-15) is in the order YYYY-MM-DD, time in HH:MM:SS.ffff.
T indicates the start of the time portion of the date time.
Z indicates the time zone is UTC. Next to Z, you could have a format like Z+02:00, which indicates the time zone is UTC + 2 hours.

How do I calculate the offset, in hours, of a given timezone from UTC in ruby?

I need to calculate the offset, in hours, of a given timezone from UTC in Ruby. This line of code had been working for me, or so I thought:
offset_in_hours = (TZInfo::Timezone.get(self.timezone).current_period.offset.utc_offset).to_f / 3600.0
But, it turns out that was returning to me the Standard Offset, not the DST offset. So for example, assume
self.timezone = "America/New_York"
If I run the above line, offset_in_hours = -5, not -4 as it should, given that the date today is April 1, 2012.
Can anyone advise me how to calculate offset_in_hours from UTC given a valid string TimeZone in Ruby that accounts for both standard time and daylight savings?
Here is some output from IRB. Note that New York is 4 hours behind UTC, not 5, because of daylight savings:
>> require 'tzinfo'
=> false
>> timezone = "America/New_York"
=> "America/New_York"
>> offset_in_hours = TZInfo::Timezone.get(timezone).current_period.utc_offset / (60*60)
=> -5
This suggests that there is a bug in TZInfo or it is not dst-aware
Update 2
Per joelparkerhender's comments, the bug in the above code is that I was using utc_offset, not utc_total_offset.
Thus, per my original question, the correct line of code is:
offset_in_hours = (TZInfo::Timezone.get(self.timezone).current_period.offset.utc_total_offset).to_f / 3600.0
Yes, use TZInfo like this:
require 'tzinfo'
tz = TZInfo::Timezone.get('America/Los_Angeles')
To get the current period:
current = tz.current_period
To find out if daylight savings time is active:
#=> true
To get the base offset of the timezone from UTC in seconds:
#=> -28800 which is -8 hours; this does NOT include daylight savings
To get the daylight savings offset from standard time:
#=> 3600 which is 1 hour; this is because right now we're in daylight savings
To get the total offset from UTC:
#=> -25200 which is -7 hours
The total offset from UTC is equal to utc_offset + std_offset.
This is the offset from the local time where daylight savings is in effect, in seconds.
