How to make a Finder Sync Extension change badges in response to outside events - macos

I have a Finder Sync Extension that will display a badge on a file based on the state of a local database. It's straightforward enough to query this database in the requestBadgeIdentifierForURL function, but what if I want the badge to change for a Finder item that's already visible if the state of that database has changed (which can be via a notification through any variety of mechanisms). The documentation ( would seem to imply this is possible with this statement:
You might also want to track these URLs, in order to update their
badges whenever their state changes.
The only ways I can imagine this would be possible (and most seem wrong) would be:
call setBadgeIdentifier:forURL from another application that is aware of the change
Launch a thread in the init function of my extension which listens for notifications and calls setBadgeIdentifier:forURL when it receives them
Call some OS API that prompts Finder that the extension should be triggered via requestBadgeIdentifierForURL.
Only the last one seems feasible, and could be managed via the extension informing the outside resource what needs refreshing via the beginObservingDirectoryAtURL/endObservingDirectoryAtURL callbacks, but i don't know what mechanism could do this.


Firefox Extension API - permissions.request may only be called from a user input handler?

I'm using the Firefox permissions API documented HERE
I'm having a problem with the request method, wherein all of my permissions requests result in:
Error: permissions.request may only be called from a user input handler
You can produce this in firefox by debugging any addon or extension and entering browser.permissions.request({origins: ["*"]}) into the console.
I find it hard to swallow that a permissions request must always have a user input event callback in the parent stack trace. I'm using Vue.js, and my Permissions are due to user interaction, but my user interactions are decoupled from the events they trigger.
What counts as a user input handler?
Why does it work like this?
Is there a good work-around?
Is there a good work-around"
I'd like to add onto Andrew's answer with some code examples.
As it turns out, promise chains destroy the browser's notion of what is and isn't triggered by a user input handler. Take the code below, for example:
document.getElementById('foo').addEventListener('click', event => {
browser.permissions.request({origins: ["*"]})
This code works as expected. I originally assumed that it was Vue.js's unique event handling framework that was eating my "browser events", such as when you do <div #click="somefunc"></div>. This actually works just fine, as long as you put your permissions request in somefunc.
Now it gets fun. If you replace your permissions request with a promise that resolves and then does a permissions request, VIOLA!
Promise.resolve('foobar').then(foobar => {
browser.permissions.request({origins: ["*"]})
Results in:
Error: permissions.request may only be called from a user input handler
Why does this happen?
I'm going to guess it has to do with stack traces. Firefox can't detect that a permission came from a stack with a user input event at the root if the permissions request happens in a promise chain.
I consider this to be a pretty egregious design choice. My app is large (>4K LoC) and to keep it simple I rely on promise chains to keep the spaghetti away. This has crippled my ability to write clean code, and as a result, I've moved from asking for optional_permissions and then prompting the user for permissions only when needed to just being overly permissive at the time of installation.
GG, Firefox.
What counts as a user input handler?
A DOM event handler that corresponds to user input (e.g., target.addEventHandler("click", ...) or a WebExtension event listener that corresponds to user input (e.g., browser.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(...)
Why does it work like this?
Partly for basic UX (if a user is not directly interacting with an extension and a prompt for the extension suddenly prompts up, it can easily confuse them), but also to avoid clickjacking attacks where the prompt is put up at a carefully chosen moment when the user is likely to be expecting some unrelated prompt.
Is there a good work-around?
I think just organizing your code so that you request permissions from a user input handler is probably your best bet. detect first install from Unity

Trying to detect the first install event from link (succesfully implement link creating and sharing). I am using Unity branch sdk. The feature i try to create:
user_1 creates and share link to user_2.
When user_2 opens the link and install app i need to reward both of them (with inner in-game coins)
So i succesfully implement the 1. but I cant understand how to detect is user_2 installs the app or simply open it. All data that comes from UniversalObject callback doesn't contain information that i need.
Which the correct way to detect the install from code?
Alex from Branch here.
The callback parameter you need is +is_first_session. This is one of the parameters returned when the Branch session is initiated each time your app opens (you can find all all these parameters here). If this returns true, then that device has just installed the app (instead of opening it).
However, note that when these parameters are returned, it's impossible to immediately determine if the user is new (what you want), the device is new (not what you want, since the reward could be given twice if the user has installed on multiple devices), or neither (the user deleted the app and reinstalled on the same device). You would probably want to hold off on actually awarding the referral points until after the user has logged in with some sort of unique ID.
Branch also has a built-in feature for tracking referral points that might be useful. That lets you configure all the rules using the dashboard UI instead of needing to do it programmatically inside your app.

NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification not always called instantly

I have an Mac Application using a NSPersistentDocument. I want to get notified when Objects are deleted to save this information using Core Data. So I'm listening for NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification. Often it is called instantly when objects are deleted, but sometimes it is only called after the persistent document is saved with all deleted objects not being notified before. Because I want to let the user directly export all existing objects (and not the deleted anymore) what to I have to do to become notified instantly to save the delete information or do I have to use it in another way?
NSManagedObjectContextObjectsDidChangeNotification is no longer issued as frequently or quickly on 10.7 as on 10.6. You can force Core Data to issue the notification (assuming there are changes) by calling -[NSManagedObjectContext processPendingChanges].

How can a Mac app determine the method used to launch it?

I have a Mac OS X application that is also a protocol handler (just as, for example, Safari is a protocol handler for the HTTP and HTTPS protocols). So when a user clicks a link of the form myscheme://some-kind-of-info in any application at all, my application launches to handle the link.
Now I need to be able to determine if the application was launched by such a link click, or if it was launched by any other method. In other words, it was launched by any method besides a link click. (In those cases, I want the app to stay open, but if it was launched by a link it should quit and ignore the link. This way it only operates when already running.)
Is there some way within the app at startup to introspect and find out that it was launched by a standard method rather than by an AppleScript GetURL event? I'd like to find out through a documented method, rather than - for example - just have my app only open these links after it's been running for a half a second.
You can register a handler for each of the possible Apple Events you'll get on launch, and make note of which one you receive first.
If the application is launched without documents, you'll get kAEOpenApplication.
If it's launched with documents, you'll get kAEOpenDocuments (or
If it's launched with a URL, then (obviously) you'll get kAEGetURL.
There's also kAEOpenContents, but I wasn't able to trigger it easily in my test app; it's probably worth supporting no matter what.
How Cocoa Applications Handle Apple Events documents all of this stuff.
There is one error in there, though; it says that AppleScript's "launch" will send kAEOpenApplication. It won't, it'll send ascr/noop (kASAppleScriptSuite/kASLaunchEvent, defined in ASRegistry.h). I couldn't get the usual Cocoa event handler mechanism to trap this event, so you may need to do some more digging there.
One way you can check if the event is sent at launch is to register the event handlers in your application delegate's applicationWillFinishLaunching: method; they should deliver by the time applicationDidFinishLaunching: is invoked. With that method, you could potentially only check for kAEGetURL.

netServiceBrowserDidStopSearch not called

I'm now writing a Bonjour service listener class, according to the document here:
Currently, it seems working, I can receive "netServiceBrowserWillSearch:" and "didFindService:moreComing:" correctly. However, after a long wait, I cannot receive " netServiceBrowserDidStopSearch:" or "netServiceBrowser:didNotSearch:". Therefore I don't know that is the proper time for my delegate class to stop showing some UI.
Could anyone have an idea for this? Thanks.
NSNetServiceBrowser doesn't stop browsing (and call the -netServiceBrowserDidStopSearch: delegate method) until you explicitly tell it to by calling -stop. After it's found the initial services, it continues informing you as new matching services are added or old ones disappear.
How you handle this depends on how you want your app to behave. If you have a window that continuously shows the available services (e.g. like the Bonjour window in iChat), then it's best to let it continue, and contiuously update the list in response to delegate messages. If you've got more like a dialog that gets populated and then goes away once the user makes a selection (e.g like the system Add Printer... dialog), then you want to keep the browser running while it's displayed, then call -stop once the user dismisses it. If you're waiting to find just one specific service, then you can call -stop once you've found and resolved it.
