Shadowsocks cannot connect to the network on MAC and can be used on Windows.
My system log:
Jul 3 11:45:54 yaojundeMacBook-Pro ShadowsocksX[2004]: Could not bind
Jul 3 11:46:24 --- last message repeated 29 times ---
Jul 3 11:46:24 yaojundeMacBook-Pro ShadowsocksX[2004]: Could not bind
Jul 3 11:46:54 --- last message repeated 29 times ---
Jul 3 11:46:54 yaojundeMacBook-Pro ShadowsocksX[2004]: Could not bind
Jul 3 11:47:24 --- last message repeated 28 times ---
Jul 3 11:47:24 yaojundeMacBook-Pro ShadowsocksX[2004]: Could not bind
Jul 3 11:47:54 --- last message repeated 29 times ---
Jul 3 11:47:54 yaojundeMacBook-Pro ShadowsocksX[2004]: Could not bind
Jul 3 11:48:24 --- last message repeated 29 times ---
Jul 3 11:48:24 yaojundeMacBook-Pro ShadowsocksX[2004]: Could not bind
How to solve this problem, thank you very much
Same issue with you ,ss isn't work on my mbp and work perfect on my windows.
You can try ShadowsocksX-NG, this is can be used on my Mac.
Must be make sure your internet don't have any othder proxy.
Because my mac and windows pc on the same internet and the internet has a proxy. So,my mac ss doesn't work perfect, but my windows pc work perfect.
I also encountered the same problem, this error means that the proxy port is occupied by other programs, you need to modify the Shadowsocks proxy port (default=1080), modify the port file in Users ▸ User Name ▸ Library ▸ Application Support ▸ ShadowsocksX▸proixy.config
change to:
I am using a (bash) alias on an Ubuntu 22.04 system to quickly tail the system log without all the garbage that usually is of no importance. (I do want all this logged, but not displayed all the time.) The current alias looks something like this:
$ tail -f --lines=200 /var/log/syslog | \
egrep -v "(named\[.*\]: (REFUSED unexpected RCODE|timed out) resolving)|\[INFO\] (New connection from ::1|Logout.)"
This works fine and give me some output:
Dec 7 13:32:15 root named[1044]: clients-per-query decreased to 20
Dec 7 13:32:29 root mariadbd[1188]: 2022-12-07 13:32:29 83187 [Warning] Aborted connection 83187 to db: 'XXX' user: 'XXX' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets)
Dec 7 13:32:39 root named[1044]: connection refused resolving '':
Dec 7 13:32:39 root named[1044]: connection refused resolving '':
Dec 7 13:39:00 root systemd[1]: Starting Clean php session files...
Dec 7 13:39:03 root systemd[1]: phpsessionclean.service: Deactivated successfully.
Dec 7 13:39:03 root systemd[1]: Finished Clean php session files.
Dec 7 13:39:03 root systemd[1]: phpsessionclean.service: Consumed 3.081s CPU time.
Dec 7 13:52:15 root named[1044]: clients-per-query decreased to 19
Dec 7 13:53:06 root named[1044]: connection refused resolving '':
Dec 7 13:55:58 root mariadbd[1188]: 2022-12-07 13:55:58 83536 [Warning] Access denied for user 'xxx'#'localhost' (using password: YES)
Dec 7 13:55:58 root mariadbd[1188]: 2022-12-07 13:55:58 83537 [Warning] Access denied for user ''#'localhost' (using password: NO)
Dec 7 13:59:01 root kernel: [241023.546785] sh (1569030): drop_caches: 3
Dec 7 14:04:19 root freshclam[1929]: Wed Dec 7 14:04:19 2022 -> Received signal: wake up
Dec 7 14:04:19 root freshclam[1929]: Wed Dec 7 14:04:19 2022 -> ClamAV update process started at Wed Dec 7 14:04:19 2022
Dec 7 14:04:19 root freshclam[1929]: Wed Dec 7 14:04:19 2022 -> ^Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED!
Dec 7 14:04:19 root freshclam[1929]: Wed Dec 7 14:04:19 2022 -> ^Local version: 0.103.6 Recommended version: 0.103.7
Dec 7 14:04:19 root freshclam[1929]: Wed Dec 7 14:04:19 2022 -> DON'T PANIC! Read
Dec 7 14:04:19 root freshclam[1929]: Wed Dec 7 14:04:19 2022 -> daily.cld database is up-to-date (version: 26743, sigs: 2013590, f-level: 90, builder: raynman)
Dec 7 14:04:19 root freshclam[1929]: Wed Dec 7 14:04:19 2022 -> main.cvd database is up-to-date (version: 62, sigs: 6647427, f-level: 90, builder: sigmgr)
Dec 7 14:04:19 root freshclam[1929]: Wed Dec 7 14:04:19 2022 -> bytecode.cvd database is up-to-date (version: 333, sigs: 92, f-level: 63, builder: awillia2)
Dec 7 14:04:52 root named[1044]: validating no valid signature found
Dec 7 14:09:00 root systemd[1]: Starting Clean php session files...
Dec 7 14:09:03 root systemd[1]: phpsessionclean.service: Deactivated successfully.
Dec 7 14:09:03 root systemd[1]: Finished Clean php session files.
Dec 7 14:09:03 root systemd[1]: phpsessionclean.service: Consumed 3.038s CPU time.
Dec 7 14:09:38 root clamd[489]: Wed Dec 7 14:09:38 2022 -> SelfCheck: Database status OK.
However, when I pipe this output through ccze, I get no output at all:
$ tail -f --lines=200 /var/log/syslog | \
egrep -v "(named\[.*\]: (REFUSED unexpected RCODE|timed out) resolving)|\[INFO\] (New connection from ::1|Logout.)" | \
ccze -A
It gets weirder: after removing the RCODE line from my exclusion list it works:
$ tail -f --lines=200 /var/log/syslog | \
egrep -v "(named\[.*\]: timed out resolving)|\[INFO\] (New connection from ::1|Logout.)" | \
ccze -A
Dec 7 13:32:15 root named[1044]: clients-per-query decreased to 20
Dec 7 13:32:29 root mariadbd[1188]: 2022-12-07 13:32:29 83187 [Warning] Aborted connection 83187 to db: 'xxx' user: 'xxx' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets)
Dec 7 13:32:39 root named[1044]: connection refused resolving '':
And if I first cat the syslog to a file and then pipe it through ccze, it also works:
$ tail --lines=200 /var/log/syslog | \
egrep -v "(named\[.*\]: (REFUSED unexpected RCODE|timed out) resolving)|\[INFO\] (New connection from ::1|Logout.)" \
> syslog-ccze.bug
$ cat syslog-ccze.bug | ccze -A
Dec 7 13:32:15 root named[1044]: clients-per-query decreased to 20
Dec 7 13:32:29 root mariadbd[1188]: 2022-12-07 13:32:29 83187 [Warning] Aborted connection 83187 to db: 'xxx' user: 'xxx' host: 'localhost' (Got an error reading communication packets)
Dec 7 13:32:39 root named[1044]: connection refused resolving '':
For some reason, ccze doesn't like me filtering out the "unexpected RCODE" named messages. Am I missing something obvious, or am I hitting some weird race condition in ccze, or what is happening?
Bah. Once you take the time to actually write down your question, you'll find answers by yourself. :-(
ccze apparently has an internal buffer. It needs a minimum amount of lines before outputting ANYTHING. Increasing the --lines= parameter for tail in my alias helped.
This seems to be undocumented behaviour, so I'll leave the question here to be searchable. Hope it helps and saves you some time. :-)
I'm trying to run node-red on a Moxa UC8112, which has no graphics whatsoever and run completely through SSH command line.
I have tried to register and fix the node_modules with "npm install request" and "npm audit fix", but still receive the "Waiting for missing types to be registered:" error.
My command prompt is as follows:
moxa#Moxa:~/.node-red$ npm install request
+ request#2.88.0
updated 1 package and audited 387 packages in 85.818s
found 0 vulnerabilities
moxa#Moxa:~/.node-red$ npm audit fix
up to date in 48.031s
fixed 0 of 0 vulnerabilities in 387 scanned packages
moxa#Moxa:~/.node-red$ node-red
31 Jan 11:47:40 - [info]
Welcome to Node-RED
31 Jan 11:47:40 - [info] Node-RED version: v0.19.5
31 Jan 11:47:40 - [info] Node.js version: v6.14.0
31 Jan 11:47:40 - [info] Linux 4.1.0-ltsi-rt-uc8100-me+ arm LE
31 Jan 11:47:45 - [info] Loading palette nodes
31 Jan 11:47:50 - [warn] rpi-gpio : Raspberry Pi specific node set inactive
31 Jan 11:47:50 - [warn] rpi-gpio : Cannot find Pi RPi.GPIO python library
31 Jan 11:48:02 - [info] Settings file : /home/moxa/.node-red/settings.js
31 Jan 11:48:02 - [info] Context store : 'default' [module=memory]
31 Jan 11:48:02 - [info] User directory : /home/moxa/.node-red
31 Jan 11:48:02 - [warn] Projects disabled :
31 Jan 11:48:02 - [info] Flows file : /home/moxa/.node- red/flows_Moxa.json
31 Jan 11:48:02 - [info] Server now running at
31 Jan 11:48:02 - [warn]
Your flow credentials file is encrypted using a system-generated key.
If the system-generated key is lost for any reason, your credentials
file will not be recoverable, you will have to delete it and re-enter
your credentials.
You should set your own key using the 'credentialSecret' option in
your settings file. Node-RED will then re-encrypt your credentials
file using your chosen key the next time you deploy a change.
31 Jan 11:48:02 - [info] Waiting for missing types to be registered:
31 Jan 11:48:02 - [info] - twilioConfig
31 Jan 11:48:02 - [info] - modbustcp-server
31 Jan 11:48:02 - [info] - twilio-api
31 Jan 11:48:02 - [info] - modbus-client
31 Jan 11:48:02 - [info] - amazon config
31 Jan 11:48:02 - [info] - sms
31 Jan 11:48:02 - [info] - modbus-getter
I expect it to be an issue possibly with how I installed the node_modules? Even though I made sure to "npm install " in the .node-red directory.
In order to move a flow from one instance of Node-RED to another you need to ensure that all the nodes used are installed on the target system.
You can either install them via the manage pallet option in the menu or with npm on the command line.
The easiest way is probably to copy the package.json file from the .node-red directory on the source system to the . node-red directory on the target and then run npm install while in the same directory.
A mac user was having some clock errors, and thought they had seen someone using remote/VNC action on their screen. I went through the system.log and most of this activity is showing at times when the laptop was off and unplugged (no battery) and the user was asleep.
System.log file here-
These were the lines that interested me.
Java connection causing clock to be off.
23:54:32 Ushas-Air Java Updater[531]: Original euid:501
Apr 24 23:54:32 Ushas-Air[1] ([366]): Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9 sent by[366]
Apr 24 23:54:32 Ushas-Air Java Updater[531]: Host name is
Apr 24 23:54:32 Ushas-Air Java Updater[531]: Feed URL: https
Apr 24 23:54:32 Ushas-Air Java Updater[531]: Hostname check passed. Valid Oracle hostname
Apr 24 23:54:33 Ushas-Air[1] ([523]): Endpoint has been activated through legacy launch(3) APIs. Please switch to XPC or bootstrap_check_in():
Apr 24 23:54:36 Ushas-Air java[541]: objc[541]: Class JavaLaunchHelper is implemented in both /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/java (0x1023604c0) and /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/lib/jli/./libjli.dylib (0x119327480). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Instances of IMRemoteURLConnection Agent happening
Apr 25 00:14:11 Ushas-MacBook-Air[1] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Apr 25 00:01:22 Ushas-MacBook-Air[1] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Apr 25 00:05:57 Ushas-MacBook-Air[1] ([762]): Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9 sent by[762]
Multiple cache deletes requested after.
Apr 25 00:01:27 Ushas-MacBook-Air logd[57]: _handle_cache_delete_with_urgency(0x7fdf19412a60, 3, 0)
Apr 25 00:01:27 Ushas-MacBook-Air logd[57]: _handle_cache_delete_with_urgency(0x7fdf19412a60, 3, 0)
Apr 25 00:01:31 Ushas-MacBook-Air[700]: BUG in libdispatch client: kevent[EVFILT_MACHPORT] monitored resource vanished before the source cancel handler was invoked
Apr 25 00:01:33 Ushas-MacBook-Air logd[57]: _handle_cache_delete_with_urgency(0x7fdf19658620, 3, 0)
Apr 25 00:01:33 Ushas-MacBook-Air logd[57]: _volume_contains_cached_data(is /private/var/db/diagnostics/ in /) - YES
Apr 25 00:01:34 Ushas-MacBook-Air logd[57]: 239517600 bytes of purgeable space from log files
Apr 25 00:01:34 Ushas-MacBook-Air logd[57]: _purge_uuidtext only runs at urgency 0 (3)
Apr 25 00:01:34 Ushas-MacBook-Air logd[57]: 0 bytes of purgeable space from uuidtext files
And appears to be launching the FamilyCircleFramework
Apr 24 23:56:11 Ushas-Air[1] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Apr 24 23:56:16 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Apr 24 23:56:16 Ushas-Air familycircled[615]: objc[615]: Class FAFamilyCloudKitProperties is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FamilyCircle.framework/Versions/A/FamilyCircle (0x7fffbe466a60) and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FamilyCircle.framework/Versions/A/Resources/familycircled (0x10aa01178). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Apr 24 23:56:16 Ushas-Air familycircled[615]: objc[615]: Class FAFamilyMember is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FamilyCircle.framework/Versions/A/FamilyCircle (0x7fffbe466880) and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FamilyCircle.framework/Versions/A/Resources/familycircled (0x10aa01268). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Apr 24 23:56:16 Ushas-Air familycircled[615]: objc[615]: Class FAFamilyCircle is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FamilyCircle.framework/Versions/A/FamilyCircle (0x7fffbe466a10) and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FamilyCircle.framework/Versions/A/Resources/familycircled (0x10aa01358). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Activity related to Findmyfriends happening. The mac owner doesn't use FindMyFriends, or have a mac phone.
Apr 25 00:30:00 Ushas-MacBook-Air syslogd[40]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" sharing output destination "/var/log/FindMyFriendsApp/FindMyFriendsApp.asl" with ASL Module "".
Output parameters from ASL Module "" override any specified in ASL Module "".
Apr 25 00:30:00 Ushas-MacBook-Air syslogd[40]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" sharing output destination "/var/log/FindMyFriendsApp" with ASL Module "".
Output parameters from ASL Module "" override any specified in ASL Module "".
Apr 25 00:30:00 Ushas-MacBook-Air syslogd[40]: Configuration Notice:
The keybaglogd being shared with
Apr 25 00:30:00 Ushas-MacBook-Air syslogd[40]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "" sharing output destination "/private/var/log/keybagd.log" with ASL Module "".
I'm using EAServer 5.5 on Windows7 and the server is running with JDK 1.5
Now I want to UpGrade JDK1.5 to 1.8. Can you please some one help me.
I am getting the following error.
DynamicLibrary::lookup: af_dll_lookup (libjjdk12.dll, new_JagComponent) failed (libjdispatch) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\
000095 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 E [018286] CTS_JagComponent::load: failed to load component model library (libjdispatch) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\
000096 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 E [018918] CTS_Component::load: failed for component 'Jaguar/Repository' (libjdispatch) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\
000097 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 A [099999] SystemException: OBJECT_NOT_EXIST (CosNaming/NamingContext/resolve - # (libjdispatch) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\
000098 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 E [018532] Exception 'CORBA::OBJECT_NOT_EXIST' in Session::create for component 'Jaguar/Repository' (libjdispatch) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\
000099 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 A [099999] SystemException: OBJECT_NOT_EXIST (Session/create - # (libjdispatch) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\
000100 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 A [099999] new_JagObjectRef: Bad URL - Jaguar/Repository (libjdispatch.iiop) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\cc\JagORB.c#1074)
000101 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 E [018480] SEVERE ERROR - failed to access Jaguar Repository (libjdispatch.repository) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\
000102 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 E [018488] Warning: failed to lookup properties for Package'CosNaming'(CORBA::INV_OBJREF) (libjdispatch.repository) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\
000103 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 E [018477] Missing value for Component 'CosNaming/NamingContext' property '' ( (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\
000104 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 E [018918] CTS_Component::load: failed for component 'CosNaming/NamingContext' (libjdispatch) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\
000105 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 A [099999] SystemException: OBJECT_NOT_EXIST (CosNaming/NamingContext/resolve - # (libjdispatch) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\
000106 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 E [018532] Exception 'CORBA::OBJECT_NOT_EXIST' in Session::create for component 'Jaguar/JavaInit' (libjdispatch) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\
000107 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 A [099999] SystemException: OBJECT_NOT_EXIST (Session/create - # (libjdispatch) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\
000108 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 A [099999] new_JagObjectRef: Bad URL - Jaguar/JavaInit (libjdispatch.iiop) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\cc\JagORB.c#1074)
000109 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 F [018506] SEVERE ERROR - failed to access Jaguar/JavaInit (libjdispatch) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\
I don't think this is possible or recommended.
OP was asking for upgrading Java (inside) used by EAServer (app server like JBoss, but for PowerBuilder+Java). Most of the Java classes inside EAServer were compiled to Java 1.2 and support only up to Java 1.5. I recently tried to upgrade my EAS 5.5 to JDK 1.6. This caused above issues you mentioned.
Several things are at play here:
Deprecated Java classes, methods, models.
JDBC interface itself is different now. For Oracle, I had to use OJBC6 and that breaks with older databases.
In the end, decided to simply upgrade JDK to 1.5.0_22, max build for 1.5 (Sybase's own limit was 1.5.0_03).
That said, if you still want to try, you will have to update a few batch files (I am assuming you are on windows) in \bin.
You may have to install/copy the JDK inside Sybase\Shared
folder, so you can customize, if needed.
You will need to add new JDK entries into setenv.bat and
serverstart.bat. Basically, current batches are agnostic about the
new JDK versions you are introducing to the EAServer.
You may have to update user_setenv.bat to customize JDBC/classpaths.
You may also have to generate batch file for Jaguar Manager and
change Java directory used to launch it.
It didn't work for me. But, if you are able to make it to work, can you please post back with your suggestions here?
Sorry for the late reply. Been busy with a project. Are you still having the problem? That essentially says the service did not start. Did you look at the Jaguar.log?
I suggest, you start it using the batch file first -
\EAServer\bin\serverstart.bat -jdk18
I hope you have added jdk18 options in the batch files. And watch the below logs:
Jaguarout.log, Jaguar_performance.log (if found), Jaguar.log
Once you get it to work, then you can use Serverstart with -install option to start as a service.
I just want to reiterate, that even if you get it to start, you may have issues with connection caches (particularly JDBC) and other interfaces as the specifications changed a lot since Java 1.4. If you are getting issues there, you will have to update the OJDBC driver etc. Good luck!
I have apache proxy web server ahead of 6 weblogic instances which are part of a single cluster.
For a client that hits my application the Apache's access logs shows the below loggin
/Replica/AddServlet;jsessionid=PvqTQtYfKLrzBHtT1dpcJX5WhryRgpTGBvMJ8pLbpJnSDR5p0K65!1647512983!-1661904304!1357731903334 HTTP/1.1" 200 284
How can I determine which out the six is the primary and which is the secondary weblogic server for this client request ?
You have to switch on the Apache DEBUG log, which notes the individual server HASH and maps it to the Managed server.
Turn on proxy debug by setting Debug=”ALL” in the proxy configuration file.
Example configuration for Apache plug-in (httpd.conf):
<Location /mywebapp>
WebLogicCluster sol1:8001,sol2:8001,sol3:8003
Debug ALL
DebugConfigInfo ON
WLLogFile /tmp/wlproxy.log
You can then see the exact host:port for your primary and secondary for the request.
Example from
Or try this link
Mon May 10 13:14:40 2004 getpreferredServersFromCookie: -2032354160!-457294087
Mon May 10 13:14:40 2004 GET Primary JVMID1: -2032354160
Mon May 10 13:14:40 2004 GET Secondary JVMID2: -457294087
Mon May 10 13:14:40 2004 [Found Primary]:
Mon May 10 13:14:40 2004 list[0].jvmid: -2032354160
Mon May 10 13:14:40 2004 secondary str: -457294087
Mon May 10 13:14:40 2004 list[1].jvmid: -457294087
Mon May 10 13:14:40 2004 secondary str: -457294087
Mon May 10 13:14:40 2004 [Found Secondary]:
Mon May 10 13:14:40 2004 Found 2 servers
Remember each time you restart the weblogic servers, new HASHes are used.