Oracle DB: calculate age from strings - oracle

I need to calculate age for the people and their birthdates are saved in varchar2 like 19900130, and some people don't have their birthdates recorded and default value is 00000000.
Here is my code:
(CASE WHEN SUBSTR(e.birth_dt, 1, 4) = '0000' THEN 0
WHEN SUBSTR(e.birth_dt, 1, 4) <> '0000' THEN
END) age
FROM employee e
The error is:
ORA-01843: Not a valid month
Is anything wrong? I couldn't figure out.

Is anything wrong? Yes, your case is not covering the possibility that some strings have something other than 01, 02, ..., 12 in character positions 5 and 6. Likewise, your case is not covering the possibility that the day of the month character positions are something other than 01, 02, ... 31 (and the covering of the possibility that a day of the month is not valid for a particular month).
If I were you, I'd add a proper date column, modify the app to populate both columns, fix the app so that it stops putting bad data into the table, decide what to do with the bad data, modify the app to stop populating the varchar2 column, and then drop the varchar2 column.


Is it possible to use multiple conditions in a check constraint in Oracle?

I want to use (between, and, or) conditions in a check constraint at the same time. For example:
Alter table called_no add constraint called_no_chck
check ("call_time" between '01:00:00 AM' and '12:59:59 AM' or
between '01:00:00 PM' and '12:59:59 PM')
You certainly may use multiple conditions in a single check constraint.
Your attempt fails because you wrote an invalid condition. The same condition would fail if it was in the where clause of a query, or in any other place where you need a condition.
The correct way to check that a date-time is between A and B or between C and D looks like this:
...check (call_time between A and B OR call_time between C and D)
You understand the shorthand, where you don't repeat the column name (call_time) before the second between. I understand it too. A computer does not - they are not human. OR must appear between two conditions. A condition such as between must be applied to something, and you can't leave that "something" out and expect the computer to understand it's the same "something" you already used in another condition.
There are other mistakes in your condition though. 12:59:59 AM is about one hour after midnight; it's not about one hour after noon, as you seem to believe. Nothing is ever between 1 AM and 12:59:59 AM (of the same day), because 1 AM is after 12:59:59 AM.
It's also not clear what the data type of your column is. If it's date (as it almost surely should be), you can't just compare it to strings (as you have in your condition). And, you can't simply compare a date-time to something that's just time-of-day.
All these mistakes, though, are out of the scope of your question as you asked it (which was: Can you use "compound" conditions in a constraint; the answer, again, is YES).
Do not use a string column.
If you just want a time without a date, use an INTERVAL DAY(0) TO SECOND(0) column.
If you want a date-time column with accuracy down to whole seconds (and no time-zone) then use a DATE column (which always has the components year, month, day, hour, minute and seconds).
With either of those two options, you do not need a CHECK constraint as it will not accept invalid times.
If you want to format the value using the 12-hour clock then you can use a virtual column.
CREATE TABLE table_name (
datetime DATE,
formatted_time VARCHAR2(11)
GENERATED ALWAYS AS (TO_CHAR(DATE '1970-01-01' + time, 'HH12:MI:SS AM')),
formatted_datetime VARCHAR2(11)
INSERT INTO table_name (time, datetime)
SELECT * FROM table_name;
+0 00:12:34
2021-12-18 15:37:34
12:12:34 AM
03:35:47 PM
+0 12:34:56
2021-12-19 03:37:34
12:34:56 PM
03:35:47 AM
If you are storing it in a string (don't) then, yes, you can use multiple conditions in a single constraint:
CREATE TABLE table_name (
time VARCHAR2(11)
SUBSTR(time, 1, 2) BETWEEN '01' AND '12'
AND SUBSTR(time, 4, 2) BETWEEN '00' AND '59'
AND SUBSTR(time, 7, 2) BETWEEN '00' AND '59'
AND SUBSTR(time, 10, 2) IN ('AM', 'PM')
AND time LIKE '__:__:__ __'
or multiple constraints:
CREATE TABLE table_name (
time VARCHAR2(11)
CONSTRAINT invalid_hours CHECK (SUBSTR(time, 1, 2) BETWEEN '01' AND '12')
CONSTRAINT invalid_minutes CHECK (SUBSTR(time, 4, 2) BETWEEN '00' AND '59')
CONSTRAINT invalid_seconds CHECK (SUBSTR(time, 7, 2) BETWEEN '00' AND '59')
CONSTRAINT invalid_meridian CHECK (SUBSTR(time, 10, 2) IN ('AM', 'PM'))
CONSTRAINT invalid_format CHECK (time LIKE '__:__:__ __')
But its much easier to not implement all those constraints and just use either an INTERVAL or a DATE when you won't be allowed to enter invalid data.
db<>fiddle here

Oracle - Show 0 if no data for the month

i'm trying to show some averages over the past 12 months but there is no data for June/July so i want the titles for the months to display but just 0's in the 3 columns
currently it's only showing August - May which is 10 rows so it's throwing off formulas and charts etc.
select to_char(Months.Period,'YYYY/MM') As Period, coalesce(avg(ec.hours_reset),0) as AvgOfHOURSReset, coalesce(AVG(ec.cycles_reset),0) as AvgofCycles_Reset, Coalesce(AVG(ec.days_reset),0) as AvgofDAYS_Reset
from (select distinct reset_date as Period from engineering_compliance
where reset_date between '01/JUN/15' and '31/MAY/16') Months
left outer join engineering_compliance ec on ec.reset_date = months.Period
group by to_char(Months.Period,'YYYY/MM')
order by to_char(Months.Period,'YYYY/MM')
(select distinct to_char(reset_date,'YYYY/MM') as Period from engineering_compliance
where reset_date between '01/JUN/15' and '31/MAY/16') Months;
That query is pretty good, it's not far from working.
You would need to replace the Months table part. You want exactly one row per month, regardless of whether there's any data in the ec table.
You could maybe synthesize some data without going to any actual table in your own schema.
For example:
extract(month from add_months(sysdate,level-1)) Row_Month,
extract(year from add_months(sysdate,level-1)) Row_Year,
to_char(add_months(sysdate,level-1),'YYYY/MM') Formatted_Date,
trunc(add_months(sysdate,level-1),'mon') Join_Date
FROM dual
CONNECT BY level <= 12;
Option 1: Write that subselect inline into your query, replacing sysdate with the start month and the figure 12 on the last line can be altered for the number of months you want in the series.
Option 2 (can be reused more conveniently in a variety of situations and queries): Write a view with a long series of months (for example, Jan 1970 to Dec 2199) using my SQL above. You can then join to that view on join_date with whatever start and end months you want. It will give you one row per month and you can pick up the formatted date from its column.

Contatenating two date values into one column

Should be a pretty simple question. I have two fields - one a year field and the other a month field. The month field is an integer and if there is only one digit such as 6 for June there is no leading zero. I want to concatenate the two fields together to get 201406 not 20146 if I concatenate them together now. I tried
year||to_char(month,'09') but the field is being displayed as 2014 06 with a space in-between the year and month. Is there a way to do this without a space?
If your output contains a space, then either your year or your month column contains a space. To get rid of these, you can use TRIM:
with v_data(year, month) as (
select '2015 ', ' 1' from dual union all
select ' 2014 ', ' 12 ' from dual union all
select '2014', '3' from dual
select trim(year) || lpad(trim(month), 2, '0')
from v_data
(this assumes that you really have two string columns - if you indeed have two date columns, please add example input to your question)
If you want to use to_char() instead, you should use the FM format modifier to get rid of the space:
select trim(year) || trim(to_char(month, 'FM09'))
from v_data
The issue is that, by default, to_char leaves a space in front of a positive formatted number, so that they line up well with negative numbers. To prevent this, use to_char(month,'fm09').

Select Month in Oracle Query

I tried the below query in oracle
select cast(TO_DATE (cal.MONTH,'MM') AS varchar2(30)) as result
FROM JOBCONTROL_USER.ods_calendar_weeks cal
WHERE cal.YEAR NOT IN (0, 9999)
it gives result in dd-mon-yy format. Now I want only mon from the result, how can I achieve this without using to_char()?
If you're avoiding Oracle functions and the month number is stored on its own as a varchar2 field, then you could brute-force it:
select case cast(month as number)
when 1 then 'Jan'
when 2 then 'Feb'
when 3 then 'Mar'
when 4 then 'Apr'
when 5 then 'May'
when 6 then 'Jun'
when 7 then 'Jul'
when 8 then 'Aug'
when 9 then 'Sep'
when 10 then 'Oct'
when 11 then 'Nov'
when 12 then 'Dec'
end as mon
from ods_calendar_weeks cal
where cal.year not in (0, 9999);
But you're having to specify the language; you don't get Oracle's conversion of the month to the NLS date language. Which might be a bonus or a problem depending on your context.
I'd be tempted to put the conversions into a look-up table instead and join to that; or to add the month name as a separate column on the table, as a virtual column in 11g.
You can try somthing like this:-
FROM JOBCONTROL_USER.ods_calendar_weeks cal
WHERE cal.YEAR NOT IN (0, 9999)
Hope this will help you.
select to_char(cal.Month,'month')
) AS result
FROM JOBCONTROL_USER.ods_calendar_weeks cal
WHERE cal.YEAR NOT IN (0, 9999);
This will gives month. the to_char() is a function which has two arguments 1. Column name ans 2. Month. Column name is of date data type so we have to convert the date into character data type and we required only the month so the second column will describes what will be extracted from the date. Finally the result is displayed as a character datatype. This query will returns the months name if year neither 0 nor 9999.

Oracle - Date substraction in where clause

I'm trying to figure out how to compare the result of a date substraction in a where clause.
Clients subscribed to a service and therefore are linked to a subscription that has an end date. I want to display the list of subscriptions that will come to an end within the next 2 weeks.
I did not designed the databse but noticed that the End_Date column type is a varchar and not a date.. I can't change that.
My problem is the following:
If I try to select the result of the substraction for example with this request:
from SUBSCRIPTION s WHERE s.id_acces = 15
This will work and give me the number of days between the end of the subscription and the current date.
BUT now, if I try to include the exact same request in a clause where for comparison:
WHERE (TO_DATE(s.end_date,'YYYY-MM-DD') - TRUNC(SYSDATE)) between 0 and 16
I will get an error: "ORA-01839 : date not valid for month specified".
Any help would be appreciated..
Somewhere in the table you have your date formatted in a different way from YYYY-MM-DD. In your first query you check a certain row (or a set of rows, s.id_acces = 15), which is probably ok, but in the second you scan through all the table.
Try finding these rows with something like,
select end_date from subscription
where not regexp_like(end_date, '[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}')
Check your DD value (ie: day of the month). This value must be between 1 and the number of days in the month.
January - 1 to 31
February - 1 to 28 (1 to 29, if a leap year)
March - 1 to 31
April - 1 to 30
May - 1 to 31
June - 1 to 30
July - 1 to 31
August - 1 to 31
September - 1 to 30
October - 1 to 31
November - 1 to 30
December - 1 to 31
" the End_Date column type is a varchar and not a date.. I can't
change that."
If you can't change the date you'll have to chang3 the data. You can identify the rogue values with this function:
create or replace check_date_format (p_str in varchar2) return varchar2
d date;
d := to_date(p_str,'YYYY-MM-DD');
return 'VALID';
when others then
return 'INVALID';
You can use this function in a query:
select sid, end_date
where check_date_format(end_date) != 'VALID';
Your choices are:
fix the data so all the dates are in the same format
fix the data and apply a check constraint to enforce future validity
write a bespoke MY_TO_DATE() function which takes a string and applies lots of different date format masks to it in the hope of getting a successful conversion.
