can't run jar file on Amazon AWS ec2 instance - amazon-ec2

I'm trying to run a jar file of my Spring boot project on a Amazon AWS ec2 instance, but when I try this I get a message i do not understand (i have limited knowledge of linux...). Click the link below to see the screenhot with the message:
link to screenshot
As you can see i've installed Java and copied the jar file to /home/ec2-user.
Can anyone explain me how to proceed?
Many thanks in advance!

you need rapackage the jar, if you use maven you do like this :
1-add this in your pom:
2- run this commande for packaiging:
mvn package
3- run your jar
java -jar <jar-file-name>.jar


How to pass add-module to spring boot application?

I am using a maven dependency which require me to pass add-module during compilation and runtime as mentioned here.
Can someone let me know how can I pass --add-module option to a spring boot application during compilation and runtime? It will be good if I can control both compilation and runtime behaviour from the pom.xml.
For compilation you can use the maven-copmiler-plugin in your build of your pom.xml.
As you see I have included also the --enable-preview. In JDK14 as reported in JEPS 370 it is not needed since this is not a preview feature. But keep an eye on it since it might be needed in other jdk versions since in some versions this belongs in preview features.
As for runntime a spring-boot application is normally just a .jar executable file which you start with the normal java -jar myApp.jar command.
According to oracle documentation, the format of the command line is
To execute a JAR file:
java [options] -jar jarfile [args...]
So the command you want would be
java --add-modules jdk.incubator.foreign -jar myApp.jar

Spring Boot Admin - How to show app version (build-info) in wallboard?

I see on the web some images refferred to Spring Boot Admin showing the app version in the wallboard page.
I'm using latest version of SBA, currently 2.1.6 and i can't see the versions in the wallboard.
I see something like this.
Reading the documentation it seems that a maven plugin is needed:
I added it in the pom.xml of a micro-service and I restarted all docker swarms stacks (including SBA) but no changes.
I did some search but I can't find any reference.
The 'spring-boot-maven-plugin' is required to generate the build-info in
Spring Boot Admin picks up the build info including the application version from this file. Please check if this file is generated.
You need to execute the maven plugin first or just run
mvn clean install
For Spring Boot applications
The easiest way 😄 to show the version, is to use the build-info goal from the spring-boot-maven-plugin, which generates the META-INF/
1) Change/add the plugin in the pom.xml as below👇
2) Delete 🚮 your target folder and do a mvn clean install🧹
3) Restart your app and check the version is there 👏
I did so and it worked.
Src.➡Show Version in Application List
Dirty fix
If the previous solution does not work...
You can read the properties from the META-INF (in the jar) and concatenate it to the app name (here: myApp-service).
1) Do the previous step 👆 (add goal in maven plugin)
2) Add in the properties:
spring.config.import=classpath:META-INF/ ${build.version}
3) Check the result (image below 📸 )

Spring boot Jar cannot work in Debian 8.1 via /etc/init.d/myapp, But work in CentOS

I use the spring-boot-starter, my pom is:
when I execute service myapp start, the message shown:
/etc/init.d/weacar: 2: /etc/init.d/weacar: Syntax error: ")" unexpected
But it's ok In CentOS, Why this happen? Is it bug of Spring-boot?
I got a similar error when I was trying to start a regular/fat boot jar accidentally using this approach. I had changed my build.xml to create an executable jar, but I had not updated the /var folder on the Linux machine with the new executable jar. Once I did a 'mvn clean package', and then copied the resulting new executable jar to the Linux machine I was trying this on, 'service start' worked as expected. 

Is it possible to get the maven install plugin to deploy the ejb client jar?

After years of working with Spring, I'm working on a Java EE 7 application with EJB 3.2 and Maven. One thing I would like is to deploy the EJB Jars separately from the web application so I can develop independently. Including the EJB Jars in the WAR causes the app server to redefine the EJBs in the context of the WAR, which I don't want to happen.
The prescribed method is to have maven create a client jar with this directive:
I'm excluding any Impls from the Client JAR.
The issue I'm having is that maven isn't installing the client jar during the install phase.
I can install it manually by doing this:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=foo-1.0-client.jar -DgroupId=com.awesome -DartifactId=foo -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar -Dclassifier=client
I fiddled around a lot and came up with this
However, this isn't proper. This installs the client as a new artifact, not as the same artifact with classifier client. When you include the client in another application, you are supposed to use ejb-client. This looks in your folder that contains the normal artifact, foo-1.0.jar, and looks for something with classifier client.
Stumped here, any ideas?

Deploy a web-application on Websphere 8.5 using maven 3

I´m trying to make a Maven Project from an existing web application using JSF. The Project
should be deployed on Web Sphere 8.5.
Since i'm new to Web Sphere, don´t know how to build the "ear" Module, in order to be deployable on Web Sphere 8.5.
Does anyone know, where i can find further Information about deploying a web application on Web Sphere 8.5 using Maven 3.0.3?
Thanking you in anticipation,
I've never worked with WebSphere Application Server 8.5; but in the days I was playing with IBM WAS 6.1 the WAS6 Maven plugin worked pretty well (it seems it works with WAS7 too). Here's a POM fragment from the plugin site that allows automatic EAR deployment:
That plugin is for deployment and other administrative task, for EAR generation you can use the Maven EAR Plugin as described in 20InchMovement answer.
Hope this could helps:
<host>${local or remote address}</host>
in order to package an *.ear, you don't need Websphere.
This can be accomplished with maven itself.
Then you add your dependencies.
On command line go to your project and run mvn package.
Because of the package defined in you pom.xml, the ear will be created and can be found in the YourApp/target directory.
On the websphere admin console you can simply install the ear.
After login, goto:
Applications->Websphere enterprise applications and install a new application.
Select your YourApp.ear and go for easiness through the fast path to install the app.
The port to check is probably
Good luck.
Websphere Maven Plugin provides goals to:
deploy ear on websphere 7
start application
stop application
require websphere application client.
