yii2 sorting is not working - sorting

i want to sort the data fetched using id, i want to do it from controller but it's not working with both asc and desc,where i'm doing mistake? I hope someone can help me,thanks in advance
public function actionIndex()
$userid = Yii::$app->User->id;
$searchModel = new UservdoSearch();
$video= new ActiveDataProvider(
['query'=>Uservdo::find()->where('user_id=:uid',['uid'=>$userid])],**['sort' =>['defaultOrder'=>['id'=>SORT_DESC]]]**
return $this->render('index', [
'model' => $searchModel,'dataProvider'=>$video

You should not use 'sort' as an array element remove ['sort'......] with 'sort'....
public function actionIndex()
$userid = Yii::$app->User->id;
$searchModel = new UservdoSearch();
$video= new ActiveDataProvider(
['query'=> Uservdo::find()->where('user_id=:uid',['uid'=>$userid]),
'sort' => ['defaultOrder'=>['id'=>SORT_DESC]],
return $this->render('index', [
'model' => $searchModel,'dataProvider'=>$video

i got the answer bro,it should be inside query.thanks for your help.Answer is,['query'=>Uservdo::find()->where('user_id=:uid',['uid'=>$userid]),'sort' =>['defaultOrder'=>['id'=>SORT_DESC]]]


How to set default value for a field in laravel `morphMany` relationship (not database tier)

I have a model File where save files of my app, it like:
class File{
public const IMAGE_TYPE = 'image';
public const AUDIO_TYPE = 'audio';
public const VIDEO_TYPE = 'video';
public const APPLICATION_TYPE = 'application';
protected $fillable = ['path', 'type', 'description', 'order', 'filable_type', 'filable_id'];
Suppose I have an Post model, it like:
class Post{
public function videos(){
return $this->morphMany(File::class, 'filable')
->where('type', File::VIDEO_TYPE);
public function images(){
return $this->morphMany(File::class, 'filable')
->where('type', File::IMAGE_TYPE);
When I get data of above relationships it's okay
But when I create a new file of post it is repetitive and easily make mistakes
'path' => 'my-image.jpg',
'type' => File::IMAGE_TYPE,
'path' => 'my-image.mp3',
'type' => File::VIDEO_TYPE,
I want it look like:
'path' => 'my-image.jpg',
'path' => 'my-image.mp3',
I don't need declare type per creating videos or images of a post.
How I can accomplish this!
// Change morphMany to hasMAny
public function videos()
return $this->hasMany(File::class, 'fileable')
->where('type', File::IMAGE_TYPE);
// You can do this
$vedioToCreate = $post->videos();
$vedioToCreate->path = 'my-image.mp3';
// Or you can do this
'path' => 'my-image.mp3',

an added value of array of request disappears in Laravel Controller

the user id is existed Before doing create. so it causes an error in the first one.
I made it the other way. the second one below works correctly.
I would like to know why the first one is wrong and it's gone.
public function store(ContactRequest $request)
$request->user_id = $request->user()->id;
public function store(ContactRequest $request,Contact $contact)
$request->user_id = $request->user()->id;
$contact->title = $request->title;
$contact->body = $request->body;
$contact->user_id = $request->user()->id;
the log of the first one is here.
What happened to the user_id!?
[2020-05-30 15:59:10] local.DEBUG: 59
[2020-05-30 15:59:10] local.DEBUG: array (
'_token' => 'gGWuxW6C2JRSCYDuCAC9HauynGclKQEQB7qUh6Rw',
'title' => 'TITLE',
'body' => 'MESSAGE',
'action' => 'SEND',
Contact is model class.
ContactRequest is here.
class ContactRequest extends FormRequest
public function authorize()
return true;
public function rules()
return [
'title' => 'required|max:100',
'body' => 'required|max:1000'
public function attributes() {
return [
'title' => 'title',
'body' => 'CONTENTS'
You will have to use $request->merge(['user_id'=>$request->user()->id]).
Another tips is that you can simply use Auth::user()->id which also return the user id of current user.
What if you do this:
Auth::user() - >contact($request->all()) - >save() ;
Or also as an experiment:
$contact = new Contact($request->all()) ;
$contact->user_id = Auth::user() - >id;
$contact->save() ;
Actually the second snippet will surely work. The first one I did not test though it looks nice. :)

Additional data in Laravel Resource

I use Laravel resource from the controller:
$data = Project::limit(100)->get();
return response()->json(ProjectResource::collection($data));
I like to pass additional information to the ProjectResource. How it's possible? And how can i access the additional data?
I tried like this:
$data = Project::limit(100)->get();
return response()->json(ProjectResource::collection($data)->additional(['some_id => 1']);
But it's not working.
What's the right way?
I like to access the some_id in the resource like this.
public function toArray($request)
return [
'user_id' => $this->id,
'full_name' => $this->full_name,
'project_id' => $this->additional->some_id
In your controller don't wrap return Resource in response()->json.
Just return ProjectResource.
So like:
$data = Project::limit(100)->get();
return ProjectResource::collection($data)->additional(['some_id => 1']);
Sorry for misunderstanding the question.
I don't think there is an option to pass additional data like this. So you will have to loop over the collection and add this somehow.
One option is to add to resources in AnonymousCollection. For example:
$projectResource = ProjectResource::collection($data);
$projectResource->map(function($i) { $i->some_id = 1; });
return $projectResource;
and then in ProjectResource:
return [
'user_id' => $this->id,
'full_name' => $this->full_name,
'project_id' => $this->when( property_exists($this,'some_id'), function() { return $this->some_id; } ),
Or add some_id to project collection befour passing it to ResourceCollection.

Extend Laravel package

I've searched around and couldn't find a definitive answer for this...
I have a package DevDojo Chatter and would like to extend it using my application. I understand I'd have to override the functions so that a composer update doesn't overwrite my changes.
How do I go about doing this?
public function store(Request $request)
$request->request->add(['body_content' => strip_tags($request->body)]);
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
'title' => 'required|min:5|max:255',
'body_content' => 'required|min:10',
'chatter_category_id' => 'required',
Event::fire(new ChatterBeforeNewDiscussion($request, $validator));
if (function_exists('chatter_before_new_discussion')) {
chatter_before_new_discussion($request, $validator);
if ($validator->fails()) {
return back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput();
$user_id = Auth::user()->id;
if (config('chatter.security.limit_time_between_posts')) {
if ($this->notEnoughTimeBetweenDiscussion()) {
$minute_copy = (config('chatter.security.time_between_posts') == 1) ? ' minute' : ' minutes';
$chatter_alert = [
'chatter_alert_type' => 'danger',
'chatter_alert' => 'In order to prevent spam, please allow at least '.config('chatter.security.time_between_posts').$minute_copy.' in between submitting content.',
return redirect('/'.config('chatter.routes.home'))->with($chatter_alert)->withInput();
// *** Let's gaurantee that we always have a generic slug *** //
$slug = str_slug($request->title, '-');
$discussion_exists = Models::discussion()->where('slug', '=', $slug)->first();
$incrementer = 1;
$new_slug = $slug;
while (isset($discussion_exists->id)) {
$new_slug = $slug.'-'.$incrementer;
$discussion_exists = Models::discussion()->where('slug', '=', $new_slug)->first();
$incrementer += 1;
if ($slug != $new_slug) {
$slug = $new_slug;
$new_discussion = [
'title' => $request->title,
'chatter_category_id' => $request->chatter_category_id,
'user_id' => $user_id,
'slug' => $slug,
'color' => $request->color,
$category = Models::category()->find($request->chatter_category_id);
if (!isset($category->slug)) {
$category = Models::category()->first();
$discussion = Models::discussion()->create($new_discussion);
$new_post = [
'chatter_discussion_id' => $discussion->id,
'user_id' => $user_id,
'body' => $request->body,
if (config('chatter.editor') == 'simplemde'):
$new_post['markdown'] = 1;
// add the user to automatically be notified when new posts are submitted
$post = Models::post()->create($new_post);
if ($post->id) {
Event::fire(new ChatterAfterNewDiscussion($request));
if (function_exists('chatter_after_new_discussion')) {
if($discussion->status === 1) {
$chatter_alert = [
'chatter_alert_type' => 'success',
'chatter_alert' => 'Successfully created a new '.config('chatter.titles.discussion').'.',
return redirect('/'.config('chatter.routes.home').'/'.config('chatter.routes.discussion').'/'.$category->slug.'/'.$slug)->with($chatter_alert);
} else {
$chatter_alert = [
'chatter_alert_type' => 'info',
'chatter_alert' => 'You post has been submitted for approval.',
return redirect()->back()->with($chatter_alert);
} else {
$chatter_alert = [
'chatter_alert_type' => 'danger',
'chatter_alert' => 'Whoops :( There seems to be a problem creating your '.config('chatter.titles.discussion').'.',
return redirect('/'.config('chatter.routes.home').'/'.config('chatter.routes.discussion').'/'.$category->slug.'/'.$slug)->with($chatter_alert);
There's a store function within the vendor package that i'd like to modify/override. I want to be able to modify some of the function or perhaps part of it if needed. Please someone point me in the right direction.
If you mean modify class implementation in your application you can change the way class is resolved:
app()->bind(PackageClass:class, YourCustomClass::class);
and now you can create this custom class like so:
class YourCustomClass extends PackageClass
public function packageClassYouWantToChange()
// here you can modify behavior
I would advise you to read more about binding.
Of course a lot depends on how class is created, if it is created using new operator you might need to change multiple classes but if it's injected it should be enough to change this single class.

Using pluck() helper function in laravel

I'm building a small application on laravel 5.5 where I'm getting a list of multiple users with there information, from the forms as below format:
"description":"Test the description",
"name":"Nitish Kumar",
"name":"Rajesh Kumar Sinha",
I just want to get the value key form the users array via laravel collection something like this:
$userIds = $request->users->pluck('value');
so that I can put them into query:
$user = User::all()->whereIn('unique_id', $userIds);
May be I'm doing most of the things wrong but my main motive is to use laravel collection or helper functions and make a cleaner code for this:
$teamData['name'] = $request->name;
$teamData['description'] = $request->description;
$teamData['unique_id'] = str_random();
$users = $request->users;
$team = Team::create($teamData);
$userIds = [];
foreach ($users as $user)
$getUser = User::where('unique_id', $user['value'])->get()->first();
$userIds [] = $getUser->id;
return response()->json(['message' => 'Created Successfully'], 200);
return response()->json(['message' => 'Something went wrong'], 500);
I'm still learning collections, any suggestions is appreciated. Thanks
Data that come from $request (form) isn't a collection. It's an array. If you need it to be collection, you should convert it to collection first.
PS. If you have multiple DB actions in single method, It's good to have DB transaction.
\DB::transaction(function () use ($request) {
// convert it to collection
$users = collect($request->users);
$team = Team::create([
'name' => $request->name,
'description' => $request->description,
'unique_id' => str_random(),
// HTTP Created is 201 not 200
return response()->json(['message' => 'Created Successfully'], 201);
or you'll need something like this:
return \DB::transaction(function () use ($request) {
$users = collect($request->users);
$team = Team::create([
'name' => $request->name,
'description' => $request->description,
'unique_id' => str_random(),
return response()->json([
'message' => 'Created Successfully',
'data' => $team,
], 201);
I just want to get the value key form the users array via laravel collection
Just use map then:
$userIds = $request->users->map(function($user) {
return $user->value; // or $user['value'] ? not sure if this is an array
if $request->users is not a collection, make it one before calling map:
$users = collect($request->users);
$userIds = $users->map(function($user) {
return $user->value; // or $user['value'] ? not sure if this is an array
