Strange joomla mobile site behavior - joomla

Till 2 days ago, everything was great with my Joomla site (web shop), but now I have strange problem. Don't know if it is hack, malware, or something else, but here is what is so strange:
When I am looking and browsing on desktop site (on my laptop or desktop computer), everything is OK and no problem, also, when I am looking trough site with my mobile phone or small tablet everything is still OK, but when I press "back button" in browser, it doesn't take me back on my mobile web site, but starts jumping trough several web addresses and then ends on some address that is some kind advertise or "download this" - "download that" stuff.
Everything is OK on mobile when I am going in forward trough menu, trough shop item and putting it to cart, but every time I press back, it doesn't matter where I am on web site, or from which device is browsing (iOS or Android), first time I press "back" it goes to some advertise site.
There is no problem on my mobile device if I put site to "browse as desktop version". When is desktop verison, also on my mobile device I can go back and advance trough site, but as soon as I put it to "mobile version" (responsive), back button is just "hacked".
Is it possible that this is somewhere in my code? Because I have replace all theme files again trough FTP, also, I have made site restore from several days ago and still same problem.
I did not touch my server, because everything is OK with desktop version, so I assume that this is problem somewhere in code for mobile version.
Did any of you stump on similar problem? I have searching trough web for similar problem last 2 days but nothing even close to this one :/
I'll appreciate for any kind of help, this site is really very important to me and I have insert month and month of hard work in it... :(
Thanks in advance.


How do I sync a Slack workspace from mobile to desktop?

I was added to a Slack workspace by a coworker. I must've accepted something on the mobile app because I have access to the workspace there. Somehow, the desktop app never reflected this change and shows no sign of knowing about the workspace. I attempted to solve this problem by inviting myself to the workspace from the mobile app and accepting the invite link on the desktop app. I now have access to the workspace on the desktop app, but no direct messages have been carried over. (My desktop is Debian and mobile is iOS, if that makes any difference.)
I can't find any discussion about this on the Slack website or through a DuckDuckGo search... Does anyone know how to sync Slack from mobile to desktop? I will greatly appreciate any suggestions or direction. Thank you in advance!
This is not possible and despite the fact that this question was raised as soon people had two devices, Slack never agreed to address it.
On desktop I have no less than 15 workspaces.
A workaround that just worked for me was signing out of the desktop app and signing again. That allowed me see all the workspaces I was already in.
Here's a workaround (it is not ideal so I'm still searching for a better solution):
From the channel(s) I wanted to sync, on the mobile app, I added myself and now I have access to those channels on the desktop app. Unfortunately, I show up as two members with the same name...
I know this is an old thread, but I was struggling just now with the opposite problem: there was a Slack workspace that I could see in my computer but not in my mobile app. I write here how I solved it in case someone faces the same problem in the future.
In my case, it turned out that the problem was that I was using different email addresses for the different workspaces (either my professional or personal email), and I had pending to verify one of the addresses.
To solve it I:
Opened the Home menu by either sweeping right of tapping on the icon of the workspace I was in at that time
Went to Add a workspace
Saw that there was one email pending to confirm, so I confirmed it and immediately saw the missing workspace in my home menu together with the rest

Debugging web application causes Google captcha

Not sure if this is the right place to ask this question, but I am seeing an annoying issue when debugging ASP MVC applications on visual studio.
After pressing F5, Firefox opens and everything works normally, but after doing this a few times, when I try searching anything on google from the same network I am presented with multiple captchas (usually 2 at a time).
It seems that Google thinks there is some suspicious activity going on on my computer, but of course everything is just fine.
I am still able to search normally through Chrome, IE etc.
Has anyone else expereienced this issue? If so is there perhaps an option within VS or in my browser to prevent this from happening?

Google Play Developer App Marketing Strategy-Why App download decreased after icon change?

I have an app on google play over 5000000 downloads. And 20000+ downloads every day. When the designer changed the app icon to new good one ,the daily download decreased from 20000+ to 5000- . I don't think it's not good icon. I think may be there is a marketing strategy after icon changing google play changed app position on google play. Any idea about this?
Old Icon
New Icon
It is hard to pin down an exact reason. Maybe it was too similar to another app icon or simply new users didn't like it as much.
You can run A/B tests in the store listings, it's a hidden menu. Click Store Listing and beneath that, you should see experiments. You can run up to 4 icons (for example) and see which gets more downloads. This also works with the promotional video, screenshots, short app listing and full app listing.
There are a lot of customization choices as well.
I would make a few iterations of the logo, with different elements removed. I think the new one is a little too busy. try removing the phone on the left and right and see how users respond.
Run A/B tests on your store listing
Increase installs with Store Listing Experiments
I think that the main reason is people knew the product. If they start looking for it now, they see something that they don't know as it has changed and will not download it as fast as before.
If everyone is used to the icon, your downloads will increase.
There is no ranking part that depends on the icon, so as I know.
I think there are 3 possible reasons:
1) Google dropped your app in the list because at the time you changed the icon, there where other apps added in this category. This made google to re-place and orden the apps. As your app was there longer and had a minor change, it was ranked as "old & going down", so it lost the confident place in the list.
2)Because of the new icon, people are not finding it as quick or they think the new icon is an actual scam version of your app, so they aren't downloading it anymore.
3)Your app simply got less popular. You got pretty much downloads, the rate was high. Maybe you reached all the people that needed this app and there are minus people wanting it.
maybe the download count raises again and you just need to wait a little week. It is very unlikely, but it also could just be a error at Google's side.

My web page all of a sudden opens only partially and cannot be changed

Vista 32; IE9; FrontPage 2003. I've updated my web page for years on a daily basis. Today, after updating my web page only displayed less than half of the Home Page. All other pages of my web page worked. Other computers were able to open the web page normally.
I tried to change the Home Page and uploaded, but the result was the same. I refreshed the page, I restarted and new-started the computer,no difference. I've spent several hours trying to fix the problem myself, but to no avail.
Thanks for any help
Max Klepp
Unfortunately I realized too late that I was in the wrong forum. You're right, it's of course not a programming problem. PLUS: today everything works without any changes having been made. There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,...
Thanks for all your efforts
Max Klepp

Facebook Page Tab not showing on a PC

I have created a couple of apps to show on my companies facebook page. I have tested every browser on my mac and everything is working as its supposed to. However, it will not work on any browser on a Windows machine. I have inputted both the page tab url as well as the secure page tab url so I am confused as to why it will not show up on a PC.
Here is think to one of my page tabs:
I have searched all over and cant find any solutions to this problem.
Any help would be appreciated.
I have figured out what was going on. I did not have "www" listed after "https://". For whatever reason the Windows machine did not like that.
