How to show all contacts on google map in salesforce(visualforce page) - apex-code

Could you guys provide me apex code to show all contacts on google map in visualforce page.

I think this is more of a google maps/JS question, most of the work would be setting up the client side to display the items on a google map. The Salesforce part of this would be a simple SOQL query on account to get the address of contacts that you want to show. The only thing would be to decide how you would pass the list of contacts back to the client, either remote action, public property or getter.

Following code works properly,


How do you obtain the click share data on Google Ads API?

How do you obtain the click share data on Google Ads API?
When you see this Google Ads API, it states that 'There's metrics that you can't use ad_group with FROM. ' The click share falls under this and we don't know how to obtain the data. Anyone have any idea how?
You could try their query in this query builder provided by Google.
From my experience, you can't query some field together. My guess is some fields are like group by in SQL so there is no way you can query both at once. Using the query builder, you could find out which field are exclusive to each other.

Deeplink from bot to tab in Microsoft Teams

I am currently working on a bot specifically targeting Teams. Search feature in this bot returns around 200-500 results. Even though i have integrated refines to narrow down search results, i still have to show around 50-100 records under a refined label. I am trying to avoid showing 100+ records as Carousel or list view in bot. so, I thought of integrating tab with bot and share a deeplink to tab where user can see complete search result in a data table (jquery).
I am unable to figure out two things on this approach and need help.
Tab content might be hosted in a different domain and needs authorization. How do I pass authorization info to Content url without asking user to login?
How do i pass custom parameters while creating a deep link to tab and read custom data in a tab? For example, userID, accessToken.
Note: I am using AzureADV1 token with Adal.Net for Bot authentication, and storing token cache in a persistent storage.
I appreciate any help on this.
You can include a "context" parameter in your static tab deeplink, similar to the configurable tab deeplink. If you include a "subEntityId" property in this context, you can get the value inside your static tab by calling getContext(). Then you can render a filtered results based on this sub-entity id.

show google places api reviews on my site

I have a review site where user can search using google places api autocomplete textbox to find a specific business and write reviews for it on my site.
The google api returns back bunch of stuff along with 5 reviews for the place searched.
is it ok for me to show the reviews the api returns on my site?
If yes,
do i need to put a disclamer or give credit to google for the
reviews shown?
google place api also returns the review's author name, can i to
show it? do i need any permission?
is it ok for me to copy the google api reviews to my site?
If you are showing a Map, along with that data, the Map must be a Google Map(i.e. that data cannot be accompanied with openstreetmap etc.)
If you are only displaying the reviews, you must show "Powered by Google" with them.
If your application displays Google Places API Web Service data on a map, that map must be provided by Google.
If your application displays Google Places API Web Service data on a page or view that does not also display a Google Map, you must show a "Powered by Google" logo with that data. For example, if your application displays a list of places on one tab, and a Google Map with those places on another tab, the first tab must show the "Powered by Google" logo.
More details here:

Mailchimp single user view

Is it possible to get a view of a user's activity (opens, clicks etc) via the Mailchimp API?
Looking through the docs, it seems possible at the campaign level, but I would like to see this information across all campaigns for a given user.
I think that Member-activity could be closed to what you want, I am not aware of any other direct method how to get this.
check API MailChimp API - Lists section

MVC3 - How to check if user clicked on the link you sent through e-mail in .net?

I'm running an e-commerce website and I send my customers regular newsletters.
I'm using nopcommerce v2.40.
I just see who all are subscribed. I want to develop a detailed newsletter management system, something like MailChimp.
I want a report on how many users actually clicked on the link that I sent them via e-mail.
Can anyone tell me how to do that??
This is a pretty generalized question but I'm new at this and I have no idea how to do it.
Thank you !
You can do this sort of thing quite simply with Google Analytics.
Here are some links worth looking at.
Google Analytics Email Tracking
Setting up campaign tracking in Google Analytics
in your email newsletter add params you need to collect.
click to view
Everytime someone would click on the above link, they would be taken to your default controller that collects clicks and other parameters you want. You would then save that data and redirect to an actual page you want them to see via "redirect" parameter provided in the url.
