Get Redis Status Through Ruby - ruby

I would like to retrieve the Redis status using a Ruby script, I tried the following commands:
redis_status_command, stdeerr, status = Open3.capture3(`redis-cli -h -p 6379 info|grep status`)
redis_status_command, stdeerr, status = Open3.capture3(`systemctl status redis`)
Then when I try to print the variable redis_status_command it returns a blank space, but I know that the commands that are inside the Open3.capture3 part work in the command line. How can I retrieve the Redis status using Ruby? Thank you

With the "redis" gem, you can get all the info properties as follows:
require 'redis'
client =
url: "redis://",
port: 6379
The output will be a Hash of the info:
"redis_version" => "3.2.4",
"redis_git_sha1" => "0",
"redis_git_dirty" => "0",
"redis_build_id" => "0",
"redis_mode" => "standalone",
"os" => "Amazon ElastiCache",
"arch_bits" => "64",
"multiplexing_api" => "epoll",
"gcc_version" => "0.0.0",
"process_id" => "1",
"run_id" => "73f5f76133b7bfd66eb89850a2f9df43e838f567",
"tcp_port" => "6379",
"uptime_in_seconds" => "1754115",
"uptime_in_days" => "20",
"hz" => "10",
"lru_clock" => "5884700",
"executable" => "-",
"config_file" => "-",
"connected_clients" => "10",
"client_longest_output_list" => "0",
"client_biggest_input_buf" => "0",
"blocked_clients" => "0",
"used_memory" => "16110168",
"used_memory_human" => "15.36M",
"used_memory_rss" => "19808256",
"used_memory_rss_human" => "18.89M",
"used_memory_peak" => "19915496",
"used_memory_peak_human" => "18.99M",
"used_memory_lua" => "37888",
"used_memory_lua_human" => "37.00K",
"maxmemory" => "6501171200",
"maxmemory_human" => "6.05G",
"maxmemory_policy" => "volatile-lru",
"mem_fragmentation_ratio" => "1.23",
"mem_allocator" => "jemalloc-4.0.3",
"loading" => "0",
"rdb_changes_since_last_save" => "30264",
"rdb_bgsave_in_progress" => "0",
"rdb_last_save_time" => "1497302809",
"rdb_last_bgsave_status" => "ok",
"rdb_last_bgsave_time_sec" => "-1",
"rdb_current_bgsave_time_sec" => "-1",
"aof_enabled" => "0",
"aof_rewrite_in_progress" => "0",
"aof_rewrite_scheduled" => "0",
"aof_last_rewrite_time_sec" => "-1",
"aof_current_rewrite_time_sec" => "-1",
"aof_last_bgrewrite_status" => "ok",
"aof_last_write_status" => "ok",
"total_connections_received" => "29746",
"total_commands_processed" => "3809776",
"instantaneous_ops_per_sec" => "1",
"total_net_input_bytes" => "382270539",
"total_net_output_bytes" => "3134102675",
"instantaneous_input_kbps" => "0.05",
"instantaneous_output_kbps" => "0.03",
"rejected_connections" => "0",
"sync_full" => "1",
"sync_partial_ok" => "0",
"sync_partial_err" => "0",
"expired_keys" => "0",
"evicted_keys" => "0",
"keyspace_hits" => "674",
"keyspace_misses" => "318",
"pubsub_channels" => "0",
"pubsub_patterns" => "0",
"latest_fork_usec" => "162",
"migrate_cached_sockets" => "0",
"role" => "master",
"connected_slaves" => "1",
"slave0" => "ip=,port=6379,state=online,offset=341359205,lag=0",
"master_repl_offset" => "341359205",
"repl_backlog_active" => "1",
"repl_backlog_size" => "1048576",
"repl_backlog_first_byte_offset" => "340310630",
"repl_backlog_histlen" => "1048576",
"used_cpu_sys" => "494.00",
"used_cpu_user" => "912.16",
"used_cpu_sys_children" => "0.00",
"used_cpu_user_children" => "0.00",
"cluster_enabled" => "0",
"db0" => "keys=3479,expires=0,avg_ttl=0"


Parsing Hash in Ruby

Bit lost while parsing the hash, actually i want to retrieve the id for "HTTP get traffic" which is in this case 9.? can anyone help?
gettest = {
"Groups" => [
"GroupName" => {"TextId" => "Hardware"},
"Tests" => [
{"Description"=>{"TextId"=>"ODU current measurement"}, "Id" => 0}
"Tests" => [
{"Description" => {"TextId" => "Ethernet status"}, "Id" => 2},
{"Description" => {"TextId" => "Number of TCP Sessions"}, "Id" => 3}
"GroupName" => {"TextId" => "Satellite connection"},
"Tests" => [
{"Description" => {"TextId" => "Physical layer status"}, "Id" => 4},
{"Description" => {"TextId" => "Data link layer status"}, "Id" => 5},
{"Description" => {"TextId" => "Network layer status"}, "Id" => 6}
"GroupName" => {"TextId" => "Software"},
"Tests" => [
{"Description" => {"TextId" => "Software"}, "Id" => 1}
"GroupName" => {"TextId" => "Traffic"},
"Tests" => [
{"Description" => {"TextId" => "Ping traffic"}, "Id" => 7},
{"Description" => {"TextId" => "DNS traffic"}, "Id" => 8},
{"Description" => {"TextId" => "HTTP get traffic"}, "Id" => 9}
anything like this?
traffic_group = gettest['Groups'].find do |group|
group['GroupName']['TextId'] == 'Traffic'
if traffic_group
http_get_traffic = traffic_group['Tests'].find do |test|
test['Description']['TextId'] == 'HTTP get traffic'
if http_get_traffic
http_get_traffic_id = http_get_traffic['Id']
puts "HTTP get traffic id: #{http_get_traffic_id}"
puts 'no http get traffic node found'
puts 'no traffic group found'

How to add custom shipment CS-Cart

I need to add dynamic shipment option to the checkout page, the shipment's pricing, duration and name come from other API.
I tried these hook, none of these invoked during checkout.
tried to hook shipping_methods_list.pre.tpl
{assign var="s" value=$all_shippings[0][1]}
{$s["shipping_id"] = '2'}
{$all_shippings[0][2] = $s}
I'm using cs-cart 4.14
The right hook was shippings_get_shippings_list_post, since it's not adding to the database, it seems you need to hook orders:shipping_info on the backend for further customization.
function fn_example_addons_shippings_get_shippings_list_post(&$group, &$lang, &$area, &$shippings_info)
$package_info = $group['package_info'];
$fromZipcode = $package_info['origination']['zipcode'];
$toZipcode = $package_info['location']['zipcode'];
$weight = (int)round(ceil($package_info["W"]));
$item_price = (int)round(ceil($package_info["C"]));
$shipments = fn_example_addons_getRates($fromZipcode, $toZipcode, $weight, $item_price);
foreach ($shipments as $key => $shipment) {
$shippings_info[$key] = $shipment;
for the shipments
$shipments["SHIPMENT_ID"] = array(
"shipping_id" => "SHIPMENT_ID",
"shipping" => "Example Shipment"
"delivery_time" => "2-3 days",
"description" => "",
"rate_calculation" => "M",
"service_params" => array(),
"destination" => "I",
"min_weight" => "0.0",
"max_weight" => "0.0",
"service_id" => "0",
"free_shipping" => "N",
"module" => null,
"service_code" => null,
"is_address_required" => "Y",
"rate_info" => array(
"rate_id" => "0",
"shipping_id" => "0",
"rate_value" => array(
"C" => array(
"range_from_value" => 0,
"range_to_value" => "",
"value" => $price_in_point
"destination_id" => "1",
"base_rate" => "0.0"
"disable_payments_ids" => array()

I tried to import a 3GB system log file through elk but getting errors

files started importing like this..through logstash..kindly suggest me how to remove the errors i use kv filter only in my conf program
"authserver" => "a_India RADIUS",
"proto" => "6",
"devname" => "FW_1",
"10:56:12\tdate" => "2020-06-22\tlocal7\tnotice\t\ttime=10:56:11",
"host" => "kali",
"dstintf" => "wan1",
"path" => "/root/Cybrotech-/log00",
"subtype" => "webfilter",
"srcintf" => "ssl.root",
"method" => "domain",
"eventtype" => "ftgd_allow",
"hostname" => "",
"cat" => "33",
"srcintfrole" => "undefined",
"dstip" => "",
"type" => "utm",
"sessionid" => "677535",
"dstintfrole" => "wan",
"srcport" => "6095",
"url" => "/",
"profile" => "monitor-all",
"srcip" => "",
"logid" => "07013312",
"policyid" => "17",
"eventtime" => "12803571",
"direction" => "outgoing",
"level" => "notice",
"#version" => "1",
"reqtype" => "direct",
"catdesc" => ""Health",
"action" => "passthrough",
"vd" => "root",
"dstport" => "443",
"service" => "HTTPS",
"#timestamp" => 2020-07-13T09:10:47.811Z,
"sentbyte" => "192",
"devid" => "FG0TK19907000",
"group" => "SSLVPN_Group",
"msg" => "URL belongs to an allowed category in policy",
"user" => "\ASINGH",
"rcvdbyte" => "0"
after some time i got this error on screen..
"_type"=>"doc", "_id"=>"LzhxR3MBoH6QvDEw21Sy", "status"=>400, "error"=>{"type"=>"illegal_argument_exception", "reason"=>"Limit of total fields [1000] in index [log00_210270] has been exceeded"}}}}

Delete an element from a hash based on a condition

I have these parameters:
Parameters: {transactions"=>{
"2"=>{"amount"=>"10", "finance_id"=>"4", "payee_id"=>"5", "category_id"=>"14", "payee_type"=>"Student", "transaction_date"=>"2015-08-10", "title"=>"Receipt No.. (Multiple Fees) F4", "finance_type"=>"FinanceFee", "payment_mode"=>"Cash", "payment_note"=>""},
"1"=>{"amount"=>"10", "finance_id"=>"4", "payee_id"=>"2", "category_id"=>"14", "payee_type"=>"Student", "transaction_date"=>"2015-08-10", "title"=>"Receipt No.. (Multiple Fees) F4", "finance_type"=>"FinanceFee", "payment_mode"=>"Cash", "payment_note"=>""}
I need to set a condition to delete the transaction with amount = 0.I tried this:
params[:transactions].each do |trans|
trans.delete_if {|amount, value| value == 0 || value.nil? || value.empty?}
but this doesn't delet the transaction with amount 0.
Just try this
transactions = {
"transactions" =>
"2" => {
"amount" => "10",
"finance_id" => "4",
"payee_id" => "5",
"category_id" => "14",
"payee_type" => "Student",
"transaction_date" => "2015-08-10",
"title" => "Receipt No.. (Multiple Fees) F4",
"finance_type" => "FinanceFee",
"payment_mode" => "Cash",
"payment_note" => ""
"1" => {
"amount" => "10",
"finance_id" => "4",
"payee_id" => "2",
"category_id" => "14",
"payee_type" => "Student",
"transaction_date" => "2015-08-10",
"title" => "Receipt No.. (Multiple Fees) F4",
"finance_type" => "FinanceFee",
"payment_mode" => "Cash",
"payment_note" => ""
"3" => {
"amount" => "0",
"finance_id" => "4",
"payee_id" => "2",
"category_id" => "14",
"payee_type" => "Student",
"transaction_date" => "2015-08-10",
"title" => "Receipt No.. (Multiple Fees) F4",
"finance_type" => "FinanceFee",
"payment_mode" => "Cash",
"payment_note" => ""
"4" => {
"amount" => nil,
"finance_id" => "4",
"payee_id" => "2",
"category_id" => "14",
"payee_type" => "Student",
"transaction_date" => "2015-08-10",
"title" => "Receipt No.. (Multiple Fees) F4",
"finance_type" => "FinanceFee",
"payment_mode" => "Cash",
"payment_note" => ""
"4" => {
"amount" => "",
"finance_id" => "4",
"payee_id" => "2",
"category_id" => "14",
"payee_type" => "Student",
"transaction_date" => "2015-08-10",
"title" => "Receipt No.. (Multiple Fees) F4",
"finance_type" => "FinanceFee",
"payment_mode" => "Cash",
"payment_note" => ""
transactions["transactions"].delete_if{|_, v| v["amount"].to_s.strip.to_i == 0}
Your value is an string convert this to integer
value.to_i == 0
value == 0.to_s

Group by and format array of hash values in ruby

Hey I have an array of hash values as follows.
[{"group" => "1", "message" => "hey", "weight" => 1}, {"group" => "1", "message"
=> "hey1", "weight" => 2}, {"group" => "2", "message" => "hey3", "weight" => 4}]
I want to group_by group and format it so that I get the following:
[{"group" => 1, "messages" => {"hey","hey1"}, "weights" => {1,2}}, {"group" => 2,
"messages" => {"hey3"}, "weights" => {4}}]
Is there a nice ruby way to achieve this?
Edit: Now I have:
{"group" => "1", "message" => {"hey" => "1"}},
{"group" => "1", "message" => {"hey1" => "2"}}
I'd like to have
{"group" => "1", "messages" => {"hey1" => "1", "hey2" => "2"} }
Based on your revised question:
groups = [
{"group" => "1", "message" => {"hey" => "1"}},
{"group" => "1", "message" => {"hey1" => "2"}}
merged = groups.inject do |h1,h2|
h1.merge(h2) do |k,v1,v2|
if v1==v2
elsif v1.is_a?(Hash) && v2.is_a?(Hash)
p merged
#=> {"group"=>"1", "message"=>{"hey"=>"1", "hey1"=>"2"}}
I think the output you want is:
[{"messages"=>["hey", "hey1"], "weights"=>[1, 2], "group"=>"1"}, {"messages"=>["hey3"], "weights"=>[4], "group"=>"2"}]
If this is the case, this code does what you want:
h.group_by { |item| item["group"] } do |item|
item.inject({"messages" => [], "weights" => []}) do |result, subitem|
result["group"] = subitem["group"]
result["messages"] << subitem["message"]
result["weights"] << subitem["weight"]
You should be able to improve it knowing more about your specific problem, but it should be a good starting point.
