InDesign Script to Maximize Window - adobe-indesign

In my Adobe InDesign I have a startup script where I want to automatically maximize the entire InDesign window.
This says I have an invalid object.
var window = app.documents[0].layoutWindows[0];
How do I make this work?

This works for me:
var w =[0];

Object 'Window' only parent is 'Document'. It means you can't control the main app window using script (in Windows).


How can I get data from dialog of window?

I am a newbie in Xlib world. In my project,I want to share my window to another via Remote desktop protocol, but they only saw content of window and didn't see anything if click on menu item of window. I used XGetImage to get data of specifies window. But If that window contain dialog ( see image here) I couldn't get data of dialog .
I use freeRDP source code, I modify in X11_shadow.c
int x11_shadow_screen_grab(x11ShadowSubsystem* subsystem){
image = XGetImage(subsystem->display, 58720435, 0, 0, surface->width,
surface->height, AllPlanes,ZPixmap); //with 58720435 is window id of chrome
... }
In my opinion, the most important here is how can I get data of dialog in Window. I have a solution :
1. get window id of that dialog ( I am not sure the dialog has owner Window ID)
2. Use XGetImage get data of that dialog.
But It's not working.
I works on Linux environment.
Are there any solutions for my problems?
Thank you very much

How to write WATIN scripts for a child window opened with

I have a main menu window. On clicking any menu item it opens a child window using I am writing automated test script for this using Watin. How do i write Test script for the child windows.
The Watin.Core.IE class has a static AttatchToIE method you can use. It takes a Watin.Core.Constraint object as an argument (i.e. you have to use Find.ById, Find.ByName, etc.) to help Watin find the window you are looking for, and it returns a reference to an IE object.
IE myIE = IE.AttatchToIE(Find.ByTitle("Child Window Title"));
From there you can use the myIE object to run your tests, make sure it loads, make sure it has the expected text, etc.

How to create full screen window with MFC?

I want to create full screen topmost (screen saver) window with MFC? How to create such full screen window in MFC? I tried to create win32 application and i am able to create fullscreen top most window but i want to create using MFC so later i can put different MFC controls on that window?
Please help me.
I think removing the border from the dialog resource and showing the window as maximized (ShowWindow(SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED)) should do the job.
As for topmost use the System Modal style in the dialog resource.
I do it with a Dialog Box app. In the resource editor properties for the dialog resource, set Border=None and Title Bar=False to eliminate all border elements. In OnInitDialog, use the following to resize the dialog to the entire desktop:
CRect rcDesktop;
rcDesktop.left = GetSystemMetrics(SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN);
rcDesktop.right = rcDesktop.left + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN); = GetSystemMetrics(SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN);
rcDesktop.bottom = + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN);
MoveWindow(rcDesktop, FALSE);
This code works on multiple monitors, unlike maximizing the window.
No need to worry about making the window topmost, Windows will display it on a dedicated desktop with no other windows present.
You should be able to adapt the example code here to do what you want:
MSDN: Initializing a dialog box

Setting the front most window using accessibility API

I want to set a certain window, from an external app (for example textedit), to be front most.
I can successfully get a reference to the app itself using GetFrontProcess, and check whether it is front most. If it is not, I can use setFrontProcess to make it focussed.
I can then use the the accessibility API to examine all the windows under that application. I am checking that a certain window exists, and if so I compare it against the front most window of the application:
//get the front window of textEditApp and store it in 'currentFrontWindow'
AXUIElementCopyAttributeValue(textEditApp, kAXFocusedWindowAttribute, (CFTypeRef *)&currentFrontWindow);
If the window I am interested in is not frontmost, I need to set it so. I thought that I could use AXUIElement Set AttributeValue to do this but I am not getting any success. Below is how I have tried to do it.
//set the front window of textEditApp to be desiredFrontWindow
AXUIElementSetAttributeValue(textEditApp, kAXFocusedUIElementAttribute, desiredFrontWindow);
I have checked that the window exists, and the application is 'switched to' successfully. But why doesn't this line of code bring the specified window to the front?
But why doesn't this line of code bring the specified window to the front?
Because you tried to set a read-only attribute.
In order to make a window frontmost, you need to set the appropriate property of the window. The same goes for an application: To make an application frontmost, you need to set the appropriate property of the application.
The Cocoa/Mac OS X name for the frontmost window is “the main window”. (See, for example, NSApplication's and NSWindow's methods relating to that concept.) Accessibility uses the same name, so to make a single window frontmost, set the value of its kAXMainAttribute to kCFBooleanTrue.
The way to make the application frontmost is similar: Set the value of its kAXFrontmostAttribute to kCFBooleanTrue. You'll need to do both of these to both set the frontmost window of the application and make the application active.
As far as I can tell, there is no way to bring only a single window of an application frontmost and give it session focus.
I was able to accomplish this in an app I worked on by bringing the application to the front, then bringing a single window to the front.
First bringing the app to the front:
let currentPid = NSRunningApplication.currentApplication().processIdentifier
if let pid = (the pid of the app in question) where pid != currentPid {
NSRunningApplication(processIdentifier: pid)?.activateWithOptions(.ActivateIgnoringOtherApps)
Then sending the window to the front:
let window = (window AXUIElement)
AXUIElementSetAttributeValue(window, NSAccessibilityMainAttribute, true)
I recently discovered that, if you don't mind some Carbon, you can use SetFrontProcessWithOptions to bring a window to the front and give it focus if you pass kSetFrontProcessFrontWindowOnly as the second argument.

What are the Win32APIs corresponding to the "Parent" and "Owner" Window values displayed by MS Spy++?

I'd like to obtain the same values via code. However I'd like to obtain the top-most or root windows in the hierarchy
I seem to have got the Root Parent with
HWND rootWinHandle = GetAncestor(activatedWinHandle, GA_PARENT);
However I can't get the owner window correctly. Tried
HWND rootOwnerWinHandle = GetAncestor(activatedWinHandle, GA_ROOTOWNER);
For a particular modeless dialog, Spy++ returns the Main Exe window whereas the above line returns the input i.e. activatedWinHandle. Am I looking at the wrong api ?
I'd like to obtain this without MFC if possible... coz nothing else in my project requires it.
See the GW_OWNER flag for GetWindow.
The GetParent documentation states:
If the window is a child window, the return value is a handle to the parent window. If the window is a top-level window, the return value is a handle to the owner window.
Try GetParent(). I believe this will return the owner window of a window without the WS_CHILD style, and the parent window of a window with WS_CHILD.
Only bit of insight i can add it from Raymond Chen:
Remember that owner and parent are two
different things.
Modal dialogs disable their OWNERs.
All top-level windows have the desktop
as their PARENT.
From: What's so special about the desktop window?
Special demo (+src):
