How to convert timestamp locally according to our location - go

startTime := time.Unix(logUserDetail[k].LogTime, 0)
startTimeOfLog := startTime.String()[11:16]
I have time in timestamp format and it is in UTC time zone. I want to convert this time to the local timezone according to our location.
logUserDetail[k].LogTime is in timestamp(1499335473)

You can use (t Time) In() (Golang documentation) to convert startTime to use your local timezone.

Please check the Local function for time structs:
package main
import (
func main() {
startTime := time.Now()


Easy way to receive a string from day from time.Now()

I'm trying to get the day as a string from a time.Now() instance.
now := time.Now() // .String() would give me the entire date as a string which I don't need
day := now.Day()) // is what I want but as a String.
So string(day) tells me "can not convert day to string".
For me now.Day().String() would be nice but there is no such method...
I could now try to take time.Now().String() and manipulate until the day is left over. But there should be a easier way to do it...
Use strconv to convert int to string
You can import and use strconv as KibGzr mentioned. Just to give a complete example:
package main
import (
func main() {
now := time.Now()
day := now.Day()
dayString := strconv.Itoa(day)

Generating Random Timestamps in Go

I'd like to generate a random timestamp within the last relative 3 years and have it be printed out with this format: %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z
Here is what I have right now:
package main
import (
func randomTimestamp() time.Time {
randomTime := rand.Int63n(time.Now().Unix() - 94608000) + 94608000
randomNow, err := time.Parse("10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700", strconv.FormatInt(randomTime, 10))
if err != nil {
return randomNow
func main() {
This always throws: panic: parsing time "...": month out of range. How can I generate a random timestamp for a given range, then convert it to the string format I want with the standard library?
Don't use time.Parse. You have a Unix time, not a time string. Use the Unix() method instead. You can also choose a minimum time value, say 1/1/1900 and add a random Duration of seconds to the time using the Add method on Time and passing a Duration you made with the Ticks() method.
Here's a Go Playground link. Just remember that the Go Playground doesn't support actual randomness.
package main
import (
func randomTimestamp() time.Time {
randomTime := rand.Int63n(time.Now().Unix() - 94608000) + 94608000
randomNow := time.Unix(randomTime, 0)
return randomNow
func main() {

How to extract unix timestamp and get date

I have an integer
x := 1468540800
I want to fetch the date out of this unix timestamp in Golang. I have tried time.ParseDuration but looks like that's not the correct way to extract date out of this. Converstion should happen like this
I intend to convert into in ISO 8601 format may be. I want string like 2016-09-14.
You may use t := time.Unix(int64(x), 0) with location set to local time.
Or use t := time.Unix(int64(x), 0).UTC() with the location set to UTC.
You may use t.Format("2006-01-02") to format,
Code (try on The Go Playground):
package main
import (
func main() {
x := 1468540800
t := time.Unix(int64(x), 0).UTC() //UTC returns t with the location set to UTC.
Use time.Unix with nanoseconds set to 0.
t := time.Unix(int64(x), 0)
You can use strconv.ParseInt() for parsing to int64 in combination with time.Unix.
myTime,errOr := strconv.ParseInt(x, 10, 64)
if errOr != nil {
newTime := time.Unix(myTime, 0)
echo gmdate("Y-m-d", $timestamp);

How can I extract the value of my current local time offset?

I'm struggling a bit trying to format and display some IBM mainframe TOD clock data. I want to format the data in both GMT and local time (as the default -- otherwise in the zone the user specifies).
For this, I need to get the value of the local time offset from GMT as a signed integer number of seconds.
In zoneinfo.go (which I confess I don't fully understand), I can see
// A zone represents a single time zone such as CEST or CET.
type zone struct {
name string // abbreviated name, "CET"
offset int // seconds east of UTC
isDST bool // is this zone Daylight Savings Time?
but this is not, I think, exported, so this code doesn't work:
package main
import ( "time"; "fmt" )
func main() {
l, _ := time.LoadLocation("Local")
Is there a simple way to get this information?
You can use the Zone() method on the time type:
package main
import (
func main() {
t := time.Now()
zone, offset := t.Zone()
fmt.Println(zone, offset)
Zone computes the time zone in effect at time t, returning the abbreviated name of the zone (such as "CET") and its offset in seconds east of UTC.
Package time
func (Time) Local
func (t Time) Local() Time
Local returns t with the location set to local time.
func (Time) Zone
func (t Time) Zone() (name string, offset int)
Zone computes the time zone in effect at time t, returning the
abbreviated name of the zone (such as "CET") and its offset in seconds
east of UTC.
type Location
type Location struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
A Location maps time instants to the zone in use at that time.
Typically, the Location represents the collection of time offsets in
use in a geographical area, such as CEST and CET for central Europe.
var Local *Location = &localLoc
Local represents the system's local time zone.
var UTC *Location = &utcLoc
UTC represents Universal Coordinated Time (UTC).
func (Time) In
func (t Time) In(loc *Location) Time
In returns t with the location information set to loc.
In panics if loc is nil.
For example,
package main
import (
func main() {
t := time.Now()
// For a time t, offset in seconds east of UTC (GMT)
_, offset := t.Local().Zone()
// For a time t, format and display as UTC (GMT) and local times.
2016-01-24 16:48:32.852638798 +0000 UTC
2016-01-24 11:48:32.852638798 -0500 EST
I don't think it makes sense to manually convert time to another TZ. Use time.Time.In function:
package main
import (
func printTime(t time.Time) {
zone, offset := t.Zone()
fmt.Println(t.Format(time.Kitchen), "Zone:", zone, "Offset UTC:", offset)
func main() {
loc, _ := time.LoadLocation("America/New_York")

why does time.Parse parse the time incorrectly?

I'm trying to parse a string as time with but unfortunately go gets the wrong month (January instead of June)
package main
import "fmt"
import "time"
func main() {
t := "2014-06-23T20:29:39.688+01:00"
tc, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05.000+01:00", t)
fmt.Printf("t was %v and tc was %v", t, tc)
The problem is that your timezone offset is ill-defined in the layout: the reference offset is -0700. You defined yours as +01:00, so the 01 is interpreted as the month and erase the previously defined one. And as your working offset is 01 as well, it is parsed as january.
The following example works for me playground
package main
import "fmt"
import "time"
func main() {
t := "2014-06-23T20:29:39.688+01:00"
tc, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05.000-07:00", t)
fmt.Printf("t was %v and tc was %v", t, tc)
Your layout string is incorrect. The numbers in the layout string have special meanings, and you are using 1 twice: once in the month portion and once in the time zone portion. The time zone in the string you are parsing is 01:00, so you are storing 1 into the month. This explains why the returned month was January (the first month).
A corrected layout string is 2006-01-02T15:04:05.000-07:00. Or, if you're happy with using Z to represent UTC, the time.RFC3339 constant might be appropriate.
