O(n) algorithm for two identical points - algorithm

The Problem Statement
Given n points in a 2D plane having x and y coordinate. Two points are identical if one can be obtained from the other by multiplication by the same number. Example: (10,15) and (2,3) are identical whereas (10,15) and (10,20) are not. Suggest an O(n) algorithm which determines whether the input n points contains two identical points or not.
The simple approach can be just checking for each points i.e. if there are 5 points, for the first one I have 4 comparisons, for the second one I have 3 comparisons and so on. But that isn't an O(n) time complexity solution. I really can't think ahead of that. Any suggestions?

One obvious (but possibly inadequate) possibility would be to reduce each point to a floating point number representing the ratio, so (2,3) and (10,15) both become 0.66667, and (10, 20) become 0.5.
The reason this wouldn't work is that floating point numbers tend to be approximate, so you'd just about need to use an approximate comparison, and put up with the fact that it would show points as identical as long as they were equal to (say) 15 decimal places.
If you don't want that, you could create a rational number class that supported comparison (e.g., reduced each ratio to lowest terms).
Either way, once you've reduced a point to a single number, you just insert each into (for one possibility) a hash table. As you insert each you check whether that ratio is already in the hash table--if it is, you have an identical point. If not, insert it normally.

One way to reduce a point to a single number is to multiply the first co-ordinate of the point by product of all the second co-ordinates of the other points.
So for e.g:
(10, 20) -> 10 * 10 * 4 = 400
(5, 10) -> 5 * 20 * 4 = 400
(3, 4) -> 3 * 20 * 10 = 600
The first and second point match. For large sets of points the products would be very large, and would require using a BigNumber (which will be more than O(n)) but you could keep the numbers within a reasonable limit by taking a modulo after each multiplication. Then use a hash table as suggested in Jerry Coffin's answer.
You can easily compute the product of all the second co-ordinates by doing a single forward pass then a single backwards pass over the array and keeping running products:
e.g. in Java:
long m = 9223372036854775783L; // largest prime less than max long
int[][] points = {{1, 2}, {1, 3}, {1, 4}, {1, 5}, {2, 6}};
long[] mods = new long[points.length];
long prod = 1;
for(int i = 0; i < points.length; i++)
mods[i] = prod;
prod = (points[i][1] * prod) % m;
prod = 1;
for(int i = points.length - 1; i >= 0 ; i--)
mods[i] = (mods[i] * prod) % m;
prod = (points[i][1] * prod) % m;
HashSet<Long> set = new HashSet<Long>();
for(int i = 0; i < points.length; i++)
prod = (mods[i] * points[i][0]) % m;
System.out.println("Found a match");
This algorithm assumes all the co-ordinates are integers != 0. Zeroes can be handled as special cases: all points with zero in the first place match each other, likewise for those with zero in the second place, and (0, 0) matches all points. As an optimization, the second and third pass through the array could be merged into a single pass.


Algorithm for downsampling array of intervals

I have a sorted array of N intervals of different length. I am plotting these intervals with alternating colors blue/green.
I am trying to find a method or algorithm to "downsample" the array of intervals to produce a visually similar plot, but with less elements.
Ideally I could write some function where I can pass the target number of output intervals as an argument. The output length only has to come close to the target.
input = [
[0, 5, "blue"],
[5, 6, "green"],
[6, 10, "blue"],
// ...etc
output = downsample(input, 25)
// [[0, 10, "blue"], ... ]
Below is a picture of what I am trying to accomplish. In this example the input has about 250 intervals, and the output about ~25 intervals. The input length can vary a lot.
Update 1:
Below is my original post which I initially deleted, because there were issues with displaying the equations and also I wasn't very confident if it really makes sense. But later, I figured that the optimisation problem that I described can be actually solved efficiently with DP (Dynamic programming).
So I did a sample C++ implementation. Here are some results:
Here is a live demo that you can play with in your browser (make sure browser support WebGL2, like Chrome or Firefox). It takes a bit to load the page.
Here is the C++ implementation: link
Update 2:
Turns out the proposed solution has the following nice property - we can easily control the importance of the two parts F1 and F2 of the cost function. Simply change the cost function to F(α)=F1 + αF2, where α >= 1.0 is a free parameter. The DP algorithm remains the same.
Here are some result for different α values using the same number of intervals N:
Live demo (WebGL2 required)
As can be seen, higher α means it is more important to cover the original input intervals even if this means covering more of the background in-between.
Original post
Even-though some good algorithms have already been proposed, I would like to propose a slightly unusual approach - interpreting the task as an optimisation problem. Although, I don't know how to efficiently solve the optimisation problem (or even if it can be solved in reasonable time at all), it might be useful to someone purely as a concept.
First, without loss of generality, lets declare the blue color to be background. We will be painting N green intervals on top of it (N is the number provided to the downsample() function in OP's description). The ith interval is defined by its starting coordinate 0 <= xi < xmax and width wi >= 0 (xmax is the maximum coordinate from the input).
Lets also define the array G(x) to be the number of green cells in the interval [0, x) in the input data. This array can easily be pre-calculated. We will use it to quickly calculate the number of green cells in arbitrary interval [x, y) - namely: G(y) - G(x).
We can now introduce the first part of the cost function for our optimisation problem:
The smaller F1 is, the better our generated intervals cover the input intervals, so we will be searching for xi, wi that minimise it. Ideally we want F1=0 which would mean that the intervals do not cover any of the background (which of course is not possible because N is less than the input intervals).
However, this function is not enough to describe the problem, because obviously we can minimise it by taking empty intervals: F1(x, 0)=0. Instead, we want to cover as much as possible from the input intervals. Lets introduce the second part of the cost function which corresponds to this requirement:
The smaller F2 is, the more input intervals are covered. Ideally we want F2=0 which would mean that we covered all of the input rectangles. However, minimising F2 competes with minimising F1.
Finally, we can state our optimisation problem: find xi, wi that minimize F=F1 + F2
How to solve this problem? Not sure. Maybe use some metaheuristic approach for global optimisation such as Simulated annealing or Differential evolution. These are typically easy to implement, especially for this simple cost function.
Best case would be to exist some kind of DP algorithm for solving it efficiently, but unlikely.
I would advise you to use Haar wavelet. That is a very simple algorithm which was often used to provide the functionality of progressive loading for big images on websites.
Here you can see how it works with 2D function. That is what you can use. Alas, the document is in Ukrainian, but code in C++, so readable:)
This document provides an example of 3D object:
Pseudocode on how to compress with Haar wavelet you can find in Wavelets for Computer Graphics: A Primer Part 1y.
You could do the following:
Write out the points that divide the whole strip into intervals as the array [a[0], a[1], a[2], ..., a[n-1]]. In your example, the array would be [0, 5, 6, 10, ... ].
Calculate double-interval lengths a[2]-a[0], a[3]-a[1], a[4]-a[2], ..., a[n-1]-a[n-3] and find the least of them. Let it be a[k+2]-a[k]. If there are two or more equal lengths having the lowest value, choose one of them randomly. In your example, you should get the array [6, 5, ... ] and search for the minimum value through it.
Swap the intervals (a[k], a[k+1]) and (a[k+1], a[k+2]). Basically, you need to assign a[k+1]=a[k]+a[k+2]-a[k+1] to keep the lengths, and to remove the points a[k] and a[k+2] from the array after that because two pairs of intervals of the same color are now merged into two larger intervals. Thus, the numbers of blue and green intervals decreases by one each after this step.
If you're satisfied with the current number of intervals, end the process, otherwise go to the step 1.
You performed the step 2 in order to decrease "color shift" because, at the step 3, the left interval is moved a[k+2]-a[k+1] to the right and the right interval is moved a[k+1]-a[k] to the left. The sum of these distances, a[k+2]-a[k] can be considered a measure of change you're introducing into the whole picture.
Main advantages of this approach:
It is simple.
It doesn't give a preference to any of the two colors. You don't need to assign one of the colors to be the background and the other to be the painting color. The picture can be considered both as "green-on-blue" and "blue-on-green". This reflects quite common use case when two colors just describe two opposite states (like the bit 0/1, "yes/no" answer) of some process extended in time or in space.
It always keeps the balance between colors, i.e. the sum of intervals of each color remains the same during the reduction process. Thus the total brightness of the picture doesn't change. It is important as this total brightness can be considered an "indicator of completeness" at some cases.
Here's another attempt at dynamic programming that's slightly different than Georgi Gerganov's, although the idea to try and formulate a dynamic program may have been inspired by his answer. Neither the implementation nor the concept is guaranteed to be sound but I did include a code sketch with a visual example :)
The search space in this case is not reliant on the total unit width but rather on the number of intervals. It's O(N * n^2) time and O(N * n) space, where N and n are the target and given number of (green) intervals, respectively, because we assume that any newly chosen green interval must be bound by two green intervals (rather than extend arbitrarily into the background).
The idea also utilises the prefix sum idea used to calculate runs with a majority element. We add 1 when we see the target element (in this case green) and subtract 1 for others (that algorithm is also amenable to multiple elements with parallel prefix sum tracking). (I'm not sure that restricting candidate intervals to sections with a majority of the target colour is always warranted but it may be a useful heuristic depending on the desired outcome. It's also adjustable -- we can easily adjust it to check for a different part than 1/2.)
Where Georgi Gerganov's program seeks to minimise, this dynamic program seeks to maximise two ratios. Let h(i, k) represent the best sequence of green intervals up to the ith given interval, utilising k intervals, where each is allowed to stretch back to the left edge of some previous green interval. We speculate that
h(i, k) = max(r + C*r1 + h(i-l, k-1))
where, in the current candidate interval, r is the ratio of green to the length of the stretch, and r1 is the ratio of green to the total given green. r1 is multiplied by an adjustable constant to give more weight to the volume of green covered. l is the length of the stretch.
JavaScript code (for debugging, it includes some extra variables and log lines):
function rnd(n, d=2){
let m = Math.pow(10,d)
return Math.round(m*n) / m;
function f(A, N, C){
let ps = [[0,0]];
let psBG = [0];
let totalG = 0;
for (let i=1; i<A.length; i++){
let [l,r,c] = A[i];
if (c == 'g'){
totalG += r - l;
let prevI = ps[ps.length-1][1];
let d = l - A[prevI][1];
let prevS = ps[ps.length-1][0];
[prevS - d, i, 'l'],
[prevS - d + r - l, i, 'r']
psBG[i] = psBG[i-1];
} else {
psBG[i] = psBG[i-1] + r - l;
let m = new Array(N + 1);
m[0] = new Array((ps.length >> 1) + 1);
for (let i=0; i<m[0].length; i++)
m[0][i] = [0,0];
// for each in N
for (let i=1; i<=N; i++){
m[i] = new Array((ps.length >> 1) + 1);
for (let ii=0; ii<m[0].length; ii++)
m[i][ii] = [0,0];
// for each interval
for (let j=i; j<m[0].length; j++){
m[i][j] = m[i][j-1];
for (let k=j; k>i-1; k--){
// our anchors are the right
// side of each interval, k's are the left
let jj = 2*j;
let kk = 2*k - 1;
// positive means green
// is a majority
if (ps[jj][0] - ps[kk][0] > 0){
let bg = psBG[ps[jj][1]] - psBG[ps[kk][1]];
let s = A[ps[jj][1]][1] - A[ps[kk][1]][0] - bg;
let r = s / (bg + s);
let r1 = C * s / totalG;
let candidate = r + r1 + m[i-1][j-1][0];
if (candidate > m[i][j][0]){
m[i][j] = [
ps[kk][1] + ',' + ps[jj][1],
bg, s, r, r1,k,m[i-1][j-1][0]
for (row of m)
row.map(l => l.map(x => typeof x != 'number' ? x : rnd(x)))));
let result = new Array(N);
let j = m[0].length - 1;
for (let i=N; i>0; i--){
let [_,idxs,w,x,y,z,k] = m[i][j];
let [l,r] = idxs.split(',');
result[i-1] = [A[l][0], A[r][1], 'g'];
j = k - 1;
return result;
function show(A, last){
if (last[1] != A[A.length-1])
let s = '';
let j;
for (let i=A.length-1; i>=0; i--){
let [l, r, c] = A[i];
let cc = c == 'g' ? 'X' : '.';
for (let j=r-1; j>=l; j--)
s = cc + s;
if (i > 0)
for (let j=l-1; j>=A[i-1][1]; j--)
s = '.' + s
for (let j=A[0][0]-1; j>=0; j--)
s = '.' + s
return s;
function g(A, N, C){
const ts = f(A, N, C);
show(A, A[A.length-1]);
show(ts, A[A.length-1]);
var a = [
// (input, N, C)
g(a, 2, 2);
g(a, 3, 2);
g(a, 4, 2);
g(a, 4, 5);
I would suggest using K-means it is an algorithm used to group data(a more detailed explanation here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-means_clustering and here https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.cluster.KMeans.html)
this would be a brief explanation of how the function should look like, hope it is helpful.
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import numpy as np
def downsample(input, cluster = 25):
# you will need to group your labels in a nmpy array as shown bellow
# for the sake of example I will take just a random array
X = np.array([[1, 2], [1, 4], [1, 0],[4, 2], [4, 4], [4, 0]])
# n_clusters will be the same as desired output
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters= cluster, random_state=0).fit(X)
# then you can iterate through labels that was assigned to every entr of your input
# in our case the interval
kmeans_list = [None]*cluster
for i in range(0, X.shape[0]):
# after that you will basicly have a list of lists and every inner list will contain all points that corespond to a
# specific label
ret = [] #return list
for label_list in kmeans_list:
left = 10001000 # a big enough number to exced anything that you will get as an input
right = -left # same here
for entry in label_list:
left = min(left, entry[0])
right = max(right, entry[1])
return ret

Need help understanding the solution for the Jewelry Topcoder solution

I am fairly new to dynamic programming and don't yet understand most of the types of problems it can solve. Hence I am facing problems in understaing the solution of Jewelry topcoder problem.
Can someone at least give me some hints as to what the code is doing ?
Most importantly is this problem a variant of the subset-sum problem ? Because that's what I am studying to make sense of this problem.
What are these two functions actually counting ? Why are we using actually two DP tables ?
void cnk() {
FOR(k,1,MAXN) {
FOR(n,1,MAXN) {
nk[n][k] = nk[n-1][k-1]+nk[n-1][k];
void calc(LL T[MAXN+1][MAX+1]) {
T[0][0] = 1;
FOR(x,1,MAX) T[0][x]=0;
FOR(ile,1,n) {
int a = v[ile-1];
FOR(x,0,MAX) {
T[ile][x] = T[ile-1][x];
if(x>=a) T[ile][x] +=T[ile-1][x-a];
How is the original solution constructed by using the following logic ?
FOR(u,1,c) {
int uu = u * v[done];
res += B[done][x-uu] * F[n-done-u][x] * nk[c][u];
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Let's consider the following task first:
"Given a vector V of N positive integers less than K, find the number of subsets whose sum equals S".
This can be solved in polynomial time with dynamic programming using some extra-memory.
The dynamic programming approach goes like this:
instead of solving the problem for N and S, we will solve all the problems of the following form:
"Find the number of ways to write sum s (with s ≤ S) using only the first n ≤ N of the numbers".
This is a common characteristic of the dynamic programming solutions: instead of only solving the original problem, you solve an entire family of related problems. The key idea is that solutions for more difficult problem settings (i.e. higher n and s) can efficiently be built up from the solutions of the easier settings.
Solving the problem for n = 0 is trivial (sum s = 0 can be expressed in one way -- using the empty set, while all other sums can't be expressed in any ways).
Now consider that we have solved the problem for all values up to a certain n and that we have these solutions in a matrix A (i.e. A[n][s] is the number of ways to write sum s using the first n elements).
Then, we can find the solutions for n+1, using the following formula:
A[n+1][s] = A[n][s - V[n+1]] + A[n][s].
Indeed, when we write the sum s using the first n+1 numbers we can either include or not V[n+1] (the n+1th term).
This is what the calc function computes. (the cnk function uses Pascal's rule to compute binomial coefficients)
Note: in general, if in the end we are only interested in answering the initial problem (i.e. for N and S), then the array A can be uni-dimensional (with length S) -- this is because whenever trying to construct solutions for n + 1 we only need the solutions for n, and not for smaller values).
This problem (the one initially stated in this answer) is indeed related to the subset sum problem (finding a subset of elements with sum zero).
A similar type of dynamic programming approach can be applied if we have a reasonable limit on the absolute values of the integers used (we need to allocate an auxiliary array to represent all possible reachable sums).
In the zero-sum problem we are not actually interested in the count, thus the A array can be an array of booleans (indicating whether a sum is reachable or not).
In addition, another auxiliary array, B can be used to allow reconstructing the solution if one exists.
The recurrence would now look like this:
if (!A[s] && A[s - V[n+1]]) {
A[s] = true;
// the index of the last value used to reach sum _s_,
// allows going backwards to reproduce the entire solution
B[s] = n + 1;
Note: the actual implementation requires some additional care for handling the negative sums, which can not directly represent indices in the array (the indices can be shifted by taking into account the minimum reachable sum, or, if working in C/C++, a trick like the one described in this answer can be applied: https://stackoverflow.com/a/3473686/6184684).
I'll detail how the above ideas apply in the TopCoder problem and its solution linked in the question.
The B and F matrices.
First, note the meaning of the B and F matrices in the solution:
B[i][s] represents the number of ways to reach sum s using only the smallest i items
F[i][s] represents the number of ways to reach sum s using only the largest i items
Indeed, both matrices are computed using the calc function, after sorting the array of jewelry values in ascending order (for B) and descending order (for F).
Solution for the case with no duplicates.
Consider first the case with no duplicate jewelry values, using this example: [5, 6, 7, 11, 15].
For the reminder of the answer I will assume that the array was sorted in ascending order (thus "first i items" will refer to the smallest i ones).
Each item given to Bob has value less (or equal) to each item given to Frank, thus in every good solution there will be a separation point such that Bob receives only items before that separation point, and Frank receives only items after that point.
To count all solutions we would need to sum over all possible separation points.
When, for example, the separation point is between the 3rd and 4th item, Bob would pick items only from the [5, 6, 7] sub-array (smallest 3 items), and Frank would pick items from the remaining [11, 12] sub-array (largest 2 items). In this case there is a single sum (s = 11) that can be obtained by both of them. Each time a sum can be obtained by both, we need to multiply the number of ways that each of them can reach the respective sum (e.g. if Bob could reach a sum s in 4 ways and Frank could reach the same sum s in 5 ways, then we could get 20 = 4 * 5 valid solutions with that sum, because each combination is a valid solution).
Thus we would get the following code by considering all separation points and all possible sums:
res = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int s = 0; s <= maxS; s++) {
res += B[i][s] * F[n-i][s]
However, there is a subtle issue here. This would often count the same combination multiple times (for various separation points). In the example provided above, the same solution with sum 11 would be counted both for the separation [5, 6] - [7, 11, 15], as well as for the separation [5, 6, 7] - [11, 15].
To alleviate this problem we can partition the solutions by "the largest value of an item picked by Bob" (or, equivalently, by always forcing Bob to include in his selection the largest valued item from the first sub-array under the current separation).
In order to count the number of ways to reach sum s when Bob's largest valued item is the ith one (sorted in ascending order), we can use B[i][s - v[i]]. This holds because using the v[i] valued item implies requiring the sum s - v[i] to be expressed using subsets from the first i items (indices 0, 1, ... i - 1).
This would be implemented as follows:
res = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int s = v[i]; s <= maxS; s++) {
res += B[i][s - v[i]] * F[n - 1 - i][s];
This is getting closer to the solution on TopCoder (in that solution, done corresponds to the i above, and uu = v[i]).
Extension for the case when duplicates are allowed.
When duplicate values can appear in the array, it's no longer easy to directly count the number of solutions when Bob's most valuable item is v[i]. We need to also consider the number of such items picked by Bob.
If there are c items that have the same value as v[i], i.e. v[i] = v[i+1] = ... v[i + c - 1], and Bob picks u such items, then the number of ways for him to reach a certain sum s is equal to:
comb(c, u) * B[i][s - u * v[i]] (1)
Indeed, this holds because the u items can be picked from the total of c which have the same value in comb(c, u) ways. For each such choice of the u items, the remaining sum is s - u * v[i], and this should be expressed using a subset from the first i items (indices 0, 1, ... i - 1), thus it can be done in B[i][s - u * v[i]] ways.
For Frank, if Bob used u of the v[i] items, the number of ways to express sum s will be equal to:
F[n - i - u][s] (2)
Indeed, since Bob uses the smallest i + u values, Frank can use any of the largest n - i - u values to reach the sum s.
By combining relations (1) and (2) from above, we obtain that the number of solutions where both Frank and Bob have sum s, when Bob's most valued item is v[i] and he picks u such items is equal to:
comb(c, u) * B[i][s - u * v[i]] * F[n - i - u][s].
This is precisely what the given solution implements.
Indeed, the variable done corresponds to variable i above, variable x corresponds to sums s, the index p is used to determine the c items with same value as v[done], and the loop over u is used in order to consider all possible numbers of such items picked by Bob.
Here's some Java code for this that references the original solution. It also incorporates qwertyman's fantastic explanations (to the extent feasible). I've added some of my comments along the way.
import java.util.*;
public class Jewelry {
int MAX_SUM=30005;
int MAX_N=30;
long[][] C;
// Generate all possible sums
// ret[i][sum] = number of ways to compute sum using the first i numbers from val[]
public long[][] genDP(int[] val) {
int i, sum, n=val.length;
long[][] ret = new long[MAX_N+1][MAX_SUM];
ret[0][0] = 1;
for(i=0; i+1<=n; i++) {
for(sum=0; sum<MAX_SUM; sum++) {
// Carry over the sum from i to i+1 for each sum
// Problem definition allows excluding numbers from calculating sums
// So we are essentially excluding the last number for this calculation
ret[i+1][sum] = ret[i][sum];
// DP: (Number of ways to generate sum using i+1 numbers =
// Number of ways to generate sum-val[i] using i numbers)
ret[i+1][sum] += ret[i][sum-val[i]];
return ret;
// C(n, r) - all possible combinations of choosing r numbers from n numbers
// Leverage Pascal's polynomial co-efficients for an n-degree polynomial
// Leverage Dynamic Programming to build this upfront
public void nCr() {
C = new long[MAX_N+1][MAX_N+1];
int n, r;
C[0][0] = 1;
for(n=1; n<=MAX_N; n++) {
C[n][0] = 1;
for(r=1; r<=MAX_N; r++)
C[n][r] = C[n-1][r-1] + C[n-1][r];
General Concept:
- Sort array
- Incrementally divide array into two partitions
+ Accomplished by using two different arrays - L for left, R for right
- Take all possible sums on the left side and match with all possible sums
on the right side (multiply these numbers to get totals for each sum)
- Adjust for common sums so as to not overcount
- Adjust for duplicate numbers
public long howMany(int[] values) {
int i, j, sum, n=values.length;
// Pre-compute C(n,r) and store in C[][]
Incrementally split the array and calculate sums on either side
For eg. if val={2, 3, 4, 5, 9}, we would partition this as
{2 | 3, 4, 5, 9} then {2, 3 | 4, 5, 9}, etc.
First, sort it ascendingly and generate its sum matrix L
Then, sort it descendingly, and generate another sum matrix R
In later calculations, manipulate indexes to simulate the partitions
So at any point L[i] would correspond to R[n-i-1]. eg. L[1] = R[5-1-1]=R[3]
// Sort ascendingly
// Generate all sums for the "Left" partition using the sorted array
long[][] L = genDP(values);
// Sort descendingly by reversing the existing array.
// Java 8 doesn't support Arrays.sort for primitive int types
// Use Comparator or sort manually. This uses the manual sort.
for(i=0; i<n/2; i++) {
int tmp = values[i];
values[i] = values[n-i-1];
values[n-i-1] = tmp;
// Generate all sums for the "Right" partition using the re-sorted array
long[][] R = genDP(values);
// Re-sort in ascending order as we will be using values[] as reference later
long tot = 0;
for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
int dup=0;
// How many duplicates of values[i] do we have?
for(j=0; j<n; j++)
if(values[j] == values[i])
Calculate total by iterating through each sum and multiplying counts on
both partitions for that sum
However, there may be count of sums that get duplicated
For instance, if val={2, 3, 4, 5, 9}, you'd get:
{2, 3 | 4, 5, 9} and {2, 3, 4 | 5, 9} (on two different iterations)
In this case, the subset {2, 3 | 5} is counted twice
To account for this, exclude the current largest number, val[i], from L's
sum and exclude it from R's i index
There is another issue of duplicate numbers
Eg. If values={2, 3, 3, 3, 4}, how do you know which 3 went to L?
To solve this, group the same numbers
Applying to {2, 3, 3, 3, 4} :
- Exclude 3, 6 (3+3) and 9 (3+3+3) from L's sum calculation
- Exclude 1, 2 and 3 from R's index count
We're essentially saying that we will exclude the sum contribution of these
elements to L and ignore their count contribution to R
for(j=1; j<=dup; j++) {
int dup_sum = j*values[i];
for(sum=dup_sum; sum<MAX_SUM; sum++) {
// (ways to pick j numbers from dup) * (ways to get sum-dup_sum from i numbers) * (ways to get sum from n-i-j numbers)
tot += C[dup][j] * L[i][sum-dup_sum] * R[n-i-j][sum];
// Skip past the duplicates of values[i] that we've now accounted for
i += dup-1;
return tot;

Generating a non-repeating set from a random seed, and extract result by index

p.s. I have referred to this as Random, but this is a Seed Based Random Shuffle, where the Seed will be generated by a PRNG, but with the same Seed, the same "random" distribution will be observed.
I am currently trying to find a method to assist in doing 2 things:
1) Generate Non-Repeating Sequence
This will take 2 arguments: Seed; and N. It will generate a sequence, of size N, populated with numbers between 1 and N, with no repetitions.
I have found a few good methods to do this, but most of them get stumped by feasibility with the second thing.
2) Extract an entry from the Sequence
This will take 3 arguments: Seed; N; and I. This is for determining what value would appear at position I in a Sequence that would be generated with Seed and N. However, in order to work with what I have in mind, it absolutely cannot use a generated sequence, and pick out an element.
I initially worked with pre-calculating the sequence, then querying it, but this only really works in test cases, as the number of Seeds, and the value of N that will be used would create a database into the Petabytes.
From what I can tell, having a method that implements requirement 1 by using requirement 2 would be the most ideal method.
i.e. a sequence is generated by:
function Generate_Sequence(int S, int N) {
int[] sequence = new int[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
sequence[i] = Extract_From_Sequence(S, N, i);
return sequence;
For Example
GS = Generate Sequence
ES = Extract from Sequence
S = 1
N = 5
I = 4
GS(S, N) = { 4, 2, 5, 1, 3 }
ES(S, N, I) = 1
let S = 2
GS(S, N) = { 3, 5, 2, 4, 1 }
ES(S, N, I) = 4
One way to do this is to make a permutation over the bit positions of the number. Assume that N is a power of two (I will discuss the general case later!).
Use the seed S to generate a permutation \sigma over the set of {1,2,...,log(n)}. Then permute the bits of I according to the \sigma to obtain I'. In other words, the bit of I' at the position \sigma(x) is obtained from the bit of I at the position x.
One problem with this method is its linearity (It is closed under the XOR operation). To overcome this, you can find a number p with gcd(p,N)=1 (this can be done easily even for very large Ns) and generate a random number (q < N) using the seed S. The output of the Extract_From_Sequence(S, N, I) would be (p*I'+q mod N).
Now the case where N is not a complete power of two. The problem arises when the I' falls outside the range of [1,N]. In that case, we return the most significant bits of I to their initial position until the resulting value falls into the desired range. This is done by changing the \sigma(log(n)) bit of I' with the log(n) bit, and so on ....

Dynamic algorithm to find maximum sum of products of "accessible" numbers in an array

I have been asked to give a dynamic algorithm that would take a sequence of an even amount of numbers (both positive and negative) and do the following:
Each "turn" two numbers are chosen to be multiplied together. The algorithm can only access either end of the sequence. However, if the first number chosen is the leftmost number, the second number can be either the rightmost number, or the new leftmost number (since the old leftmost number has already been "removed/chosen") and vice-versa. The objective of the program is to find the maximum total sum of the products of the two numbers chosen each round.
Sequence: { 10, 4, 20, -5, 0, 7 }
Optimal result: 7*10 + 0*-5 + 4*20 = 150
My Progress:
I have been trying to find a dynamic approach without much luck. I've been able to deduce that the program is essentially only allowed to multiply the end numbers by the "adjacent" numbers each time, and that the objective is to multiply the smallest possible numbers by the smallest possible numbers (resulting in either a double negative multiplication - a positive number, or the least-smallest number attainable), and continue to apply this rule each time right to the finish. Contrastingly, this rule would also apply in the opposite direction - multiply the largest possible numbers by the largest possible numbers each time. Maybe the best way is to apply both methods at once? I'm not sure, as I mentioned, I haven't had much luck implementing an algorithm for this problem.
Let's look at both a recursive and a bottom-up tabulated approach. First the recursive:
{10, 4,20,-5, 0, 7}
First call:
f(0,5) = max(f(0,3)+0*7, f(2,5)+10*4, f(1,4)+10*7)
Let's follow one thread:
f(1,4) = max(f(1,2)+(-5)*0, f(3,4)+4*20, f(2,3)+4*0)
f(1,2), f(3,4), and f(2,3) are "base cases" and have a direct solution. The function can now save these in a table indexed by i,j, to be accessed later by other threads of the recursion. For example, f(2,5) = max(f(2,3)+0*7... also needs the value for f(2,3) and can avoid creating another function call if the value is already in the table. As the recursive function calls are returned, the function can save the next values in the table for f(1,4), f(2,5), and f(0,3). Since the array in this example is short, the reduction in function calls is not that significant, but for longer arrays, the number of overlapping function calls (to the same i,j) can be much larger, which is why memoization can prove more efficient.
The tabulated approach is what I tried to unfold in my other answer. Here, instead of a recursion, we rely on (in this case) a similar mathematical formulation to calculate the next values in the table, relying on other values in the table that have already been calculated. The stars under the array are meant to illustrate the order by which we calculate the values (using two nested for loops). You can see that the values needed to calculate the formula for each (i,j)-sized subset are either a base case or exist earlier in the loop order; these are: a subset extended two elements to the left, a subset extended two elements to the right, and a subset extended one element to each side.
You're probably looking for a dynamic programming algorithm. Let A be the array of numbers, the recurrence for this problem will be
f(start,stop) = max( // last two numbers multiplied + the rest of sequence,
// first two numbers multiplied + the rest of sequence,
// first number*last number + rest of sequence )
f(start,stop) then is the optimal result for the subsequence of the array beginning at start,stop. You should compute f(start,stop) for all valid values using dynamic programming or memoization.
Hint: The first part // last two numbers multiplied + the rest of sequence looks like:
f(start,stop-2) + A[stop-1]*A[stop-2]
Let i and j represent the first and last indexes of the array, A, after the previous turn. Clearly, they must represent some even-sized contiguous subset of A. Then a general case for dp[i][j] ought to be max(left, right, both) where left = A[i-2]*A[i-1] + dp[i-2][j], right = A[j+1]*A[j+2] + dp[i][j+2], and both = A[i-1]*A[j+1] + dp[i-1][j+1]; and the solution is max(A[i]*A[i+1] + dp[i][i+1]) for all i except the last.
Fortunately, we can compute the dp in a decreasing order, such that the needed values, always representing larger surrounding subsets, are already calculated (stars represent the computed subset):
{10, 4,20,-5, 0, 7}
* * * * * *
* * * *
* *
* * * * (70)
* *
* * * *
* *
* * left = (80 + 70)
* *
Below is the code snippet of recursive approach.
public class TestClass {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] arr = {10, 4, 20, -5, 0, 7};
System.out.println(findMaximumSum(arr, 0, arr.length - 1));
private static int findMaximumSum(int[] arr, int start, int end) {
if (end - start == 1)
return arr[start] * arr[end];
return findMaximum(
findMaximumSum(arr, start + 2, end) + (arr[start] * arr[start + 1]),
findMaximumSum(arr, start + 1, end - 1) + (arr[start] * arr[end]),
findMaximumSum(arr, start, end - 2)+ (arr[end] * arr[end - 1])
private static int findMaximum(int x, int y, int z) {
return Math.max(Math.max(x, y), z);
The result is 10*4 + 20*7 + -5*0 = 180
and similarly for the input {3,9,7,1,8,2} the answer is 3*2 + 9*8 + 7*1 = 85
Let's turn this into a sweet dynamic programming formula.
We define the subproblem as follows:
We would like to maximize the total sum, while picking either the first two, the first and last, or the last two values of the subarray i, j.
Then the recurrence equation looks like this:
set OPT(i,j) =
if i == j
else if i < j:
max (
v[i] + v[i+1] + OPT(i + 2,j),
v[i] + v[j] + OPT(i + 1,j + 1),
v[j] + v[j-1] + OPT(i, j - 2)
The topological order: either or both i and j are getting smaller.
Now the base case comes when i is equal to j, the value is returned.
And to come to the original problem, calling OPT(0,n-1) returns the maximum sum.
The time complexity is O(n^2). Since we use dynamic programming, it enables us to cache all values. Per subproblem call, we use at most O(n) time, and we do this O(n) times.

Number of distinct sequences of fixed length which can be generated using a given set of numbers

I am trying to find different sequences of fixed length which can be generated using the numbers from a given set (distinct elements) such that each element from set should appear in the sequence. Below is my logic:
eg. Let the set consists of S elements, and we have to generate sequences of length K (K >= S)
1) First we have to choose S places out of K and place each element from the set in random order. So, C(K,S)*S!
2) After that, remaining places can be filled from any values from the set. So, the factor
(K-S)^S should be multiplied.
So, overall result is
But, I am getting wrong answer. Please help.
PS: C(K,S) : No. of ways selecting S elements out of K elements (K>=S) irrespective of order. Also, ^ : power symbol i.e 2^3 = 8.
Here is my code in python:
# m is the no. of element to select from a set of n elements
# fact is a list containing factorial values i.e. fact[0] = 1, fact[3] = 6& so on.
def ways(m,n):
res = fact[n]/fact[n-m+1]*((n-m)**m)
return res
What you are looking for is the number of surjective functions whose domain is a set of K elements (the K positions that we are filling out in the output sequence) and the image is a set of S elements (your input set). I think this should work:
static int Count(int K, int S)
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= S; i++)
sum += Pow(-1, (S-i)) * Fact(S) / (Fact(i) * Fact(S - i)) * Pow(i, K);
return sum;
...where Pow and Fact are what you would expect.
Check out this this math.se question.
Here's why your approach won't work. I didn't check the code, just your explanation of the logic behind it, but I'm pretty sure I understand what you're trying to do. Let's take for example K = 4, S = {7,8,9}. Let's examine the sequence 7,8,9,7. It is a unique sequence, but you can get to it by:
Randomly choosing positions 1,2,3, filling them randomly with 7,8,9 (your step 1), then randomly choosing 7 for the remaining position 4 (your step 2).
Randomly choosing positions 2,3,4, filling them randomly with 8,9,7 (your step 1), then randomly choosing 7 for the remaining position 1 (your step 2).
By your logic, you will count it both ways, even though it should be counted only once as the end result is the same. And so on...
