Regex to obfuscate substring of a repeating substring - ruby

Given a string like:
abc_1234 xyz def_123aa4a56
I want to replace parts of it so the output is:
abc_*******z def_*******56
The rules are:
abc_ and def_ are kind of delimiters, so anything between the two are part of the previous delimiter string.
The string between the abc_ and def_, and the next delimited string should be replaced by *, except for the last 2 characters of that substring. In the above example, abc_1234 xyz (note trailing space), got turned into abc_*******z

prefixes = %w|abc_ def_|
input = "Hello abc_111def_frg def_333World abc_444"
input.gsub(/(#{Regexp.union(prefixes)})../, "\\1**")
#⇒ "Hello abc_**1def_**g def_**3World abc_**4"

Is this what you are looking for?
str = "Hello abc_111def_frg def_333World abc_444"
# => ["111", "frg", "333", "444"]
I've assumed the string following "abc_" or "def_" is either all digits or all letters. It won't work if, for example, you wished to extract "a1b" from "abc_a1b cat". You need to better define the rules for what terminates the strings you want.
The regular expression reads, "Following the string "abc_" or "def_" (a positive lookbehind that is not part of the match), match a string of digits or a string of letters".

> s
=> "abc_1234 xyz def_123aa4a56"
You can do:
> s.gsub(/(?<=abc_|def_)(.*?)(..)(?=(?:abc_|def_|$))/) { |m| "*" * $1.length<<$2 }
=> "abc_*******z def_*******56"


How to replace every 4th character of a string using .gsub in Ruby?

Beginner here, obviously. I need to add a sum and a string together and from the product, I have to replace every 4th character with underscore, the end product should look something like this: 160_bws_np8_1a
I think .gsub is the way, but I can find a way to format the first part in .gsub where I have to specify every 4th character.
total = (1..num).sum
final_output = "#{total.to_s}" + "06bwsmnp851a"
return final_output.gsub(//, "_")
This would work:
s = '12345678901234'
s.gsub(/(...)./, '\1_')
#=> "123_567_901_34"
The regex matches 3 characters (...) that are captured (parentheses) followed by another character (.). Each match is replaced by the first capture (\1) and a literal underscore (_).
s = "12345678901234"
Here are two ways to do that. Both return
Match every four-character substring and replace the match with the first three characters of the match followed by an underscore
s.gsub(/.{4}/) { |s| s[0,3] << '_' }
Chain the enumerator s.gsub(/./) to Enumerator#with_index and replace every fourth character with an underscore
s.gsub(/./).with_index { |c,i| i%4 == 3 ? '_' : c }
See the form of String#gsub that takes a single argument and no block.

Return specific segment from Ruby regex

I have a big chunk of text I am scanning through and I am searching with a regex that is prefixed by some text.
var1 = textchunk.match(/thedata=(\d{6})/)
My result from var1 would return something like:
How do I only return the number part of the search so in the example above just 123456 without taking var1 and then stripping thedata= off in a line below
If you expect just one match in the string, you may use your own code and access the captures property and get the first item (since the data you need is captured with the first set of unescaped parentheses that form a capturing group):
See this IDEONE demo
If you have multiple matches, just use scan:
NOTE: to only match thedata= followed with exactly 6 digits, add a word boundary:
or a lookahead (if there can be word chars after 6 digits other than digits):
▶ textchunk = 'garbage=42 thedata=123456'
#⇒ "garbage=42 thedata=123456"
▶ textchunk[/thedata=(\d{6})/, 1]
#⇒ "123456"
▶ textchunk[/(?<=thedata=)\d{6}/]
#⇒ "123456"
The latter uses positive lookbehind.

best way to find substring in ruby using regular expression

I have a string I want a new string that contains the domain from the given string using regular expressions.
x = ""
newstring = ""
Example 2:
x = ""
newstring = ""
#⇒ ""
(?<=..) is a positive lookbehind.
If string = "",
a really easy way is string.split("http://")[1]. But this isn't regex.
A regex solution would be as follows:
To explain:
String#scan returns the first match of the regex.
The regex:
^ matches beginning of line
http: matches those characters
\/\/ matches //
(.+) sets a "match group" containing any number of any characters. This is the value returned by the scan.
$ matches end of line
.flatten.first extracts the results from String#scan, which in this case returns a nested array.
You might want to try this:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
str = ""
if mtch = str.match(/(?::\/\/)(/S)/)
f1 = mtch.captures
There are two capturing groups in the match method: the first one is a non-capturing group referring to your search pattern and the second one referring to everything else afterwards. After that, the captures method will assign the desired result to f1.
I hope this solves your problem.

Using Regexp to check whether a string starts with a consonant

Is there a better way to write the following regular expression in Ruby? The first regex matches a string that begins with a (lower case) consonant, the second with a vowel.
I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to write a regular expression that matches the negative of the second expression, versus writing the first expression with several ranges.
string =~ /\A[b-df-hj-np-tv-z]/
string =~ /\A[aeiou]/
The statement
$string =~ /\A[^aeiou]/
will test whether the string starts with a non-vowel character, which includes digits, punctuation, whitespace and control characters. That is fine if you know beforehand that the string begins with a letter, but to check that it starts with a consonant you can use forward look-ahead to test that it starts with both a letter and a non-vowel, like this
$string =~ /\A(?=[^aeiou])(?=[a-z])/i
To match an arbitrary number of consonants, you can use the sub-expression (?i:(?![aeiou])[a-z]) to match a consonant. It is atomic, so you can put a repetition count like {3} right after it. For example, this program finds all the strings in a list that contain three consonants in a row
list = %w/ aab bybt xeix axei AAsE SAEE eAAs xxsa Xxsr /
puts { |word| word =~ /\A(?i:(?![aeiou])[a-z]){3}/ }
I modified the answer provided by #Alexander Cherednichenko in order to get rid of the if statements.
/^[^aeiou\W]/i.match(s) != nil
If you want to catch a string that doesn't start with vowels, but only starts with consonants you can use this code below. It returns true if a string starts with any letter other than A, E, I, O, U. s is any string we give to a function
if /^[^aeiou\W]/i.match(s) == nil
return false
return true
i added at the end to make regular expression case insensitive.
\W is used to catch any non-word character, for example if a string starts with a digit like: "1something"
[^aeiou] means a range of character except a e i o u
And we put ^ at the beginning before [ to indicate that the following range [^aeiou\W] if for the 1st character
Note that ^[^aeiou\W] pattern is not correct because it also matches a line that starts with a digit, or underscore. Borodin's solution is working well, but there is one more possible solution without lookaheads, based on character class subtraction (more here) and using the more contemporary Regexp#match?:
See the Rubular demo.
\A - start of a string (^ in Ruby is start of any line)
[a-z&&[^aeiou]] - an a-z character range matching any ASCII letter (/i flag makes it case insensitive) except for the aeiou chars.
See the Ruby demo:
test = %w/ 1word _word ball area programming /
puts { |w| /\A[a-z&&[^aeiou]]/i.match?(w) }
# => ['ball', 'programming']

Ruby regular expression

Apparently I still don't understand exactly how it works ...
Here is my problem: I'm trying to match numbers in strings such as:
910 -6.258000 6.290
That string should gives me an array like this:
[910, -6.2580000, 6.290]
while the string
blabla9999 some more text 1.1
should not be matched.
The regex I'm trying to use is
but it doesn't do exactly that. Could someone help me ?
It would be great if the answer could clarify the use of the parenthesis in the matching.
Here's a pattern that works:
Note that [^\d]+ means at least one non digit character.
On second thought, here's a more generic solution that doesn't need to deal with regular expressions:
str.gsub(/[^\d.-]+/, " ").split.collect{|d| d.to_f}
str = "blabla9999 some more text -1.1"
[9999.0, -1.1]
The parenthesis have different meanings.
[] defines a character class, that means one character is matched that is part of this class
() is defining a capturing group, the string that is matched by this part in brackets is put into a variable.
You did not define any anchors so your pattern will match your second string
blabla9999 some more text 1.1
^^^^ here ^^^ and here
Maybe this is more what you wanted
See it here on Regexr
^ anchors the pattern to the start of the string and $ to the end.
it allows Whitespace \s before and after the number and an optional fraction part (?:\.\d+)? This kind of pattern will be matched at least once.
maybe /(-?\d+(.\d+)?)+/
irb(main):010:0> "910 -6.258000 6.290".scan(/(\-?\d+(\.\d+)?)+/).map{|x| x[0]}
=> ["910", "-6.258000", "6.290"]
str = " 910 -6.258000 6.290"
# => [910.0, -6.258, 6.29]
If you don't want integers to be converted to floats, try this:
str = " 910 -6.258000 6.290"
str.scan(/-?\d+\.?\d+/).map do |ns|
ns[/\./] ? ns.to_f : ns.to_i
# => [910, -6.258, 6.29]
