Can't run sudo command in Ansible playbook - ansible

I am writing an Ansible playbook to automate a series of sudo commands on various hosts. When I execute these commands individually in puTTY, I have no permission problems, as I have been granted proper access. However, when I attempt to create a playbook to do the same thing, I am told
user is not allowed to execute ... on host_name
For example, if I do $ sudo ls /root/, I have no problem, and, once I enter my password, can see the contents of /root/
In the case of my Ansible playbook ...
- host: servers
- name: ls /root/
shell: ls /root/
become: true
become_method: sudo
...I then get the error mentioned above.
Any ideas why this would be the case? It seems to be telling me I don't have permission to run a command that I otherwise could run in an individual puTTY terminal.

[ ] automate a series of sudo commands on various hosts. When I execute these commands individually [ ]
Any ideas why this would be the case?
Sounds like you configured specific commands in the sudoers file (unfortunately you did not provide enough details, fortunately you asked for "ideas" not the real cause).
Ansible shell module does not run the command you specify prepended with sudo - it runs the whole shell session with sudo, so the command doesn't match what you configured in sudoers.
Either allow all commands to be run with elevated privileges for the Ansible user, or use raw module instead of shell.


Where would Ansible run a command if no directory is specified?

I am encountering a problem where I am running the same tasks on 2 remote nodes and the directories that those commands are executed at are different.
If I run pwd through Ansible on each remote host before this command, they return different paths. For example /usr and /usr/src. If I log into the remote host manually I go to /usr/src for both (As specified in their configuration files).
Can anyone explain to me why is this happening? To what directory does Ansible go if you run a command without specifying a chdir?
I would expect this difference to happen because, when login in manually, you have a .bashrc that cd you in the right folder in one of those two hosts, when Ansible does not source the .bashrc file.
Per default, ssh, and, so, Ansible, logs you into the $HOME folder of the user you define Ansible to connect with, which you can also find in /etc/passwd
Another reason I could see for this to happen would be because you use one user to log into the node but then become another one.
ansible_user: some_user
- hosts: all
- command: pwd # still you will be in /home/some_user
become: yes
become_user: some_other_user

Ansible run commands with sudo but don't become root

I have a use case where I don't want the user executing the ansible commands to become root but I do want them to use sudo to do the commands.
probably not possible but i can't find anything that says one way or the other
sudo allows you to specify which commands a given user or group of users is allowed to run as root . For example, my backuppc account can only run two commands as root:
backuppc ALL=(root) /usr/bin/rsync,/sbin/e2label

Whats the difference between ansible 'raw', 'shell' and 'command'?

What is the difference between raw, shell and command in the ansible playbook? And when to use which?
command: executes a remote command on the target host, in the same shell of other playbook's tasks.
It can be used for launch scripts (.sh) or for execute simple commands. For example:
- name: Cat a file
command: cat somefile.txt
- name: Execute a script
command: param1 param2
shell: executes a remote command on the target host, opening a new shell (/bin/sh).
It can be used if you want to execute more complex commands, for example, commands concatenated with pipes. For example:
- name: Look for something in a file
shell: cat somefile.txt | grep something
raw: executes low-level commands where the interpreter is missing on the target host, a common use case is for installing python. This module should not be used in all other cases (where command and shell are suggested)
Since I were I stumbling about the same question, I wanted to share my findings here too.
The command and shell module, as well gather_facts (annot.: depend on a properly installed Python interpreter on the Remote Node(s). If that requirement isn't fulfilled one may experience errors were it isn't possible to execute
python <>
In a Debian 10 (Buster) minimal installation i.e., python3 was installed but the symlink to python missing.
To initialize the system correctly before applying all other roles, I've used an approach with the raw module
- hosts: "{{ target_hosts }}"
gather_facts: no # is necessary because depends on Python too
- name: "Make sure remote system is initialized correctly"
raw: 'ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python'
register: set_symlink
failed_when: set_symlink.rc != 0 and set_symlink.rc != 1
which is doing something like
/bin/sh -c 'ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python'
on the remote system.
Further Documentation
raw module – Executes a low-down and dirty command
A common case is installing python on a system without python installed by default.
... but not only restricted to that
Playbook Keyword - pre_tasks
A list of tasks to execute before roles.
Set the order of task execution in Ansible

Is there an alternative for Ansible's `become: yes`?

I want to run an Ansible playbook to provision a server. I can ssh into the server as a non-root user. I have sudo privileges, but I am not allowed to switch to root user. I effectively just want to execute sudo mkdir /opt/some_directory (the command works when I ssh in and execute the command on the server).
Using become:true produces the error of trying to switch to root user and then creating the directory, I think.
The Code:
- name: "Info: Creating directory."
become: true
path: "{{ directory }}"
state: directory
mode: '0755'
The error I am getting is Sorry, user xxxxx is not allowed to execute '/bin/sh -c echo BECOME-SUCCESS...
Q: "Is there an alternative for Ansible's become: yes? I have sudo privileges, but I am not allowed to switch to root user. I effectively just want to execute sudo mkdir /opt/some_directory ..."
A: No. Quoting from Can’t limit escalation to certain commands
"Privilege escalation permissions have to be general... If you have ‘/sbin/service’ or ‘/bin/chmod’ as the allowed commands this will fail "...

Ansible doesn't load ~/.profile

I'm asking myself why Ansible doesn't source ~/.profile file before execute template module on one host ?
Distant host ~/.profile:
export ENV_VAR=/usr/users/toto
A single Ansible task:
- template: src=file1.template dest={{ ansible_env.ENV_VAR }}/file1
Ansible fail with:
fatal: [distant-host] => One or more undefined variables: 'dict object' has no attribute 'ENV_VAR'
Ansible is not running remote tasks (command, shell, ...) in an interactive nor login shell. It's same like when you execute command remotely via 'ssh user#host "which python"'
To source ~/.bashrc won't work often because ansible shell is not interactive and ~/.bashrc implementation by default ignores non interactive shell (check its beginning).
The best solution for executing commands as user after its ssh interactive login I found is:
- hosts: all
- name: source user profile file
#become: yes
#become_user: my_user # in case you want to become different user (make sure acl package is installed)
shell: bash -ilc 'which python' # example command which prints
register: which_python
- debug:
var: which_python
bash: '-i' means interactive shell, so .bashrc won't be ignored
'-l' means login shell which sources full user profile (/etc/profile and ~/.bash_profile, or ~/.profile - see bash manual page for more details)
Explanation of my example: my ~/.bashrc sets specific python from anaconda installed under that user.
Ansible is not running tasks in an interactive shell on the remote host. Michael DeHaan has answered this question on github some time ago:
The uber-basic description is ansible isn't really doing things through the shell, it's transferring modules and executing scripts that it transfers, not using a login shell.
i.e. Why does an SSH remote command get fewer environment variables then when run manually?
It's not a continous shell environment basically, nor is it logging in and typing commands and things.
You should see the same result (undefined variable) by running this:
ssh <host> echo $ENV_VAR
In a lot of places I've used below structure:
- name: Task Name
shell: ". /path/to/profile;command"
when ansible escalates the privilige to sudo it don't invoke the login shell of sudo user
we need to make changes in the way we call sudo like invoking it with -i and -H flags
"sudo_flags=-H" in your ansible.cfg file
If you can run as root, you can use runuser.
- shell: runuser -l '{{ install_user }}' -c "{{ cmd }}"
This effectively runs the command as install_user in a fresh login shell, as if you had used su - *install_user* (which loads the profile, though it might be .bash_profile and not .profile...) and then executed *cmd*.
I'd try not to run everything as root just so you can run it as someone else, though...
If you can modify the configuration of your target host and don't want to change your ansible yaml code. You can try this:
add the variable ENV_VAR=/usr/users/toto into /etc/environment file rather than ~/.profile.
shell: "bash -l scala -version"
by using bash -l will allow ansible to load corresponding bash_profile.
bash: '-i' (interactive shell) won't allow the ansible to run other task.
add the variable ENV_VAR=/usr/users/toto into /etc/environment file rather than ~/.profile.
You really can use /etc/environment, but only if a variable has a static value. If we use variable which gets the value of another variable it doesn't work. For example, if we put this line to /etc/environment
XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$(id -u)
Ansible can see exactly XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$(id -u), not XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1012.
And if we put this line to ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc:
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$(id -u)
User can see XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1012 (if user's id is 1012) when he works manually, but Ansible doesn't get variable XDG_RUNTIME_DIR at all.
