Maintaining same session accross Angular2 and Spring Applications - spring

I have a Spring + JSF based web application currently running. We are planning to migrate it in Angular 2 with Typescript module by module.
How can I achieve integration of session state between the two web applications? User will sign in only once. Depending upon the module he selects, he will be redirected to Spring or Angular app.

This is possible using session storage. Once you login to spring application, make a call to token store with username and password. This will give you access and refresh tokens back as a JSON response. Store that in session storage. Use the same tokens to login to angular.
Its working fine for me.


How can I implement Single Sign On (SSO) multi tenancy functionality with Keycloak and Spring Boot OAuth2 clients?

Implementing SSO login for multiple OAuth2 providers in Spring Boot.
Two Spring Boot web applications (App1 and App2) that are configured to be OAuth2 clients. Both will communicate with a Keycloak authorization server that has two realms.
Business Requirements
Implement Single Sign-On functionality (SSO).
Multi tenancy with shared user base.
Only one user can access one tenant at any time.
I have two spring boot applications which are OAuth2 clients running in docker containers. We are setting up multiple Keycloak realms that are configured for each tenant. From the Spring side of things, we include the auto configuration properties for two providers where each provider will be mapped to a different Keycloak realm. So the properties will look as follows:
When a user logs into the first application (App1), Spring shows a generated html page. This page shows a list of each provider configured from the as an option to login to.
A user can select one and is redirected to the Keycloak login page with the realm that was mapped from Spring's provider properties. Then when successfully logged in, the user is redirected back as expected.
We use Spring Mongo session to store the session information and we also see in the Keycloak admin client the realm that shows the active session as well.
When trying to access the other application (App2), Spring does not detect the user or session and will show the same generated html page that shows the providers to select and login to.
When clicking on the same provider (realm), Spring will then find the session and will be redirected to the requested resource and all is well. This part is what I am trying to implement without asking for the provider first. The main reason is to enforce a business requirement where a user in a session can not access more than one realm at a time.
Attempted Solution
Provide a Spring Security login controller that will have a service layer to find the mongo session and then build the OAuth2 link Spring generates when you click a provider from the list.
However, I dont have the user yet. This also becomes a problem when opening a different tab as I dont believe I have any scope to the cookies that were created from the first application as well.
The only other thing I can think of is trying to get the client ip and store that in the session so I can find it later. However, when using nginx proxy configuration, this becomes a problem as I cant seem to get the actual ip and always seem to get the proxy ip instead even with the nginx headers I have seen from documentation.
Is there anyway to find the session and redirect to the requested provider programmatically?
Note: I am currently aware of the keycloak starter dependencies that are available but I was trying to see if there is a more Spring oriented solution with its general OAuth2 client security configuration.
Front end solution
User navigate to app1, app1 detects no user session (need for login), app1 redirects user to app2 with some query parameters indicating purpose of redirect.
App2 receives redirect request and check if session exist (user logged in to app2). Now you can deal with it. redirect back to app1 or display some error, etc.
User not logged in to app2 , app2 redirects back to app1 with indication "show providers"
Symmetrical behavior shall be implemented on app1 too.
Depending on security requirements query parameters can be encrypted to prevent manual url hacking.
If you need further protection Keycloak authentication can be extended with functionality to check your Session storage for already logged in users.

Stateless front-end grails server?

I have a single grails (3.3.5) web server, and I am interested in improving the availability and I'd like to add another server and put a load balancer in front of it.
Rather than share sessions between servers, or use sticky sessions, i'd like to know if there is a good way to have a session-less front-end server. I don't use sessions for anything other than using spring-security to validate the session token that it is using to identify the user.
I'd like to find a token based authentication system suitable for the front-end such that the token is safe and sufficient for identifying the current user.
I've seen the grails-spring-security-rest plugin which looks promising, but it seems like everyone is using it for back-end rest api calls. Is it also suitable for front-end authentication when you aren't storing application data in the webapp session?
If you don't use the session objects in your controller then tomcat will not create any sessions for you.
Also you can define your controllers to be
static singleton = true
then they will be instantiated not on per-request basis.
Now, if you still want to use sessions, you can use something like Cookie Sessions and keep your data inside the cookies instead of tomcat's memory.
I haven't used the grails-spring-security-rest, but you should be able to tweak spring-security-core to be session-less. You should set scr.allowSessionCreation to false and use remember-me.
Since Grails is built on Spring Boot, you can access all the features of Spring Session (, which includes the ability to share session data between server instances with some data store instead of keeping it in memory.
In those docs you'll find this pointer to a guide with a Grails 3.1 example that uses Redis as the store.
Is it also suitable for front-end authentication when you aren't storing application data in the webapp session?
Yes, you can use JWT tokens in your front-end. You need to properly configure the security filters of your controllers so that they are not using cookie for authentication but they are looking for JWT.
See : for configuration of endpoints that should validate JWT tokens.
Have a look at for a stateless example with Angular.

How to secure a Spring RESTful webservice for Angular.js or Ember.js

I have a Spring MVC application that uses Spring Security to handle user login authentication, which works fine.
Now I want to add some Ember.js and Angular.js code to the HTML pages that accesses the Spring RESTful web services (which just return JSON data).
How do I bind the user login authentication to the authentication for the RESTful web services? In other words, I want to make it so that the RESTful web services can only be accessed once a user has logged in. That way, the Angular.js and Ember.js libraries can access these RESTful web services securely from my user pages only without anyone else being able to directly call them.
I read on one other post that Spring Security was never meant to be used with a full Ajax framework, is that true? I hope this is not the case. I'd imagine that this type of thing must be pretty common now as there are so many AJAX client side frameworks that work based off accessing a JSON/RESTful API.
It is certainly not true that Spring Security was never meant to be or cannot be used in AJAX applications. I have two applications in production that use Spring Security as well as AJAX and more applications under development with the same mix.
If you are going to use EmberJS or AngularJS in an existing web application with Spring Security working, you should not face too many problems if you simply add the JavaScript library to your project. This is because once your users are authenticated, any normal HTTP requests will be treated as authenticated as well because the browser will ensure that session information is passed back and forth using cookies or URL parameters, as appropriate. You can see one of my working examples on Github for Spring Security and EmberJS integration.
The only thing you may need to worry about is CSRF tokens for form submissions using AJAX. The latest Spring Security documentation has a small section dedicated to this so you should not face too many problems getting that to work either. However, I would like to clarify that this particular issue is not specific to Spring Security. CSRF protection typically involves including a secure, randomly generated token with every HTTP POST request. The challenge arises from making existing JavaScript libraries aware of this token and how it should be included in HTTP POST requests. This would be a challenge in any application, not just those using Spring Security.
If however you will work with stateless clients, such as, mobile devices, you will be unable to rely on the default Spring Security mechanism of storing the user credentials in HTTP Session because HTTP requests will not have information to tie them to a session. This again is not specific to a Spring or Spring Security application because the constraint is imposed by the nature of the client and the client-server communication rather than any server-side technology. In such circumstances you will need to pass some authentication token in the HTTP headers for the application to maintain security state on the server side. I have a working example for this as well. If you need more details, there are articles on the web that explain how to do something like this with Spring Security.

Spring Security - Preventing Users access to a page if an id is invalid

I am new to Spring Security and am mulling over the idea of using it or not in my application.
The requirement is as follows :
In my web application i store a session information inside the database,a key for this is stored in a cookie
2.Now whenever someone tries to access a url which is not according to the flow i want to deny access.
3.Can i use Spring Security for this.
I am using Spring MVC,Mongo DB and MySQL as the develeoment environment.
If you're trying to simply control the flow of an application, I'd suggest using Spring Webflow. This allows you to define set flows in a multi-page application.
Spring Security can be used to control flows, but only for access control. It integrates well with Webflow (and with Spring MVC) to ensure you can secure some or all of your flows.

Session not cleared when logging out of Liferay in third party application

An application has been integrated into liferay using iFrame. Application is developed in JSF with bean being in session scoped. For authentication CAS has been used with liferay. The application uses login username of liferay. When liferay is loggout out, the session of application is not cleared so because of which logging with another account shows old data. How can I clear the session of application when logging out of liferay?
Looking for the help.
Have a look at com.liferay.portal.action.LogoutAction.execute() method. Here at line#100.
You have to call your jsf application code at this moment to invalidate the session that you have in that particular application.
Now, in order to change the LogoutAction, you can use the EXT environment or you can write the code into LogoutPostAction by modifying the same using hook.
