How to serve static files in Wakanda v2 - wakanda

I've been using Wakanda v2 server for a few months now. I'm using Angular (v2+ not angularJS) for the front end.
I finally got to the point where I want to publish my Angular app through Wakanda. (I suppose I could just as easily use Apache but Wakanda has a web server so why not use it?)
The problem is I don't know how to publish the app with Wakanda. I tried putting the 'dist' files in the web folder but Wakanda keeps saying "Service Not Available".
Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

This feature is under hard work and schedule for the v2.2 release.
In the meantime, you can do these steps manually:
Open the web folder in terminal. Right click on web folder, then select open in terminal
Run npm run build. A dist folder is created
Move the dist folder into the backend project
In studio, set the dist folder in the backend project as the WebFolder. Right click on it, then select set as active webfolder.
You can have issue with the angular URL strategy. The # angular is not understood by Wakanda Server. Therefor, you can add useHash: true in the /src/app/app.module.ts.
RouterModule.forRoot(routes, { useHash: true })


Laravel App Build and Deploy in Azure DevOps Pipeline

I am trying to build and deploy Laravel app in Azure DevOps Pipeline.
But there is no template about Laravel even at marketplace.
How can I build and deploy on server... Windows environment.
I have checked at GitHub about that and it is also providing only testing Laravel app.
Azure only providing PHP generic template.
Also searched much on Google no result found about that.
I want to build it and create a package which can be then deployed on server.
Or directly deploy it on server and run app.
You need to set up a local environment on windows ( think Laragon ), you would then add that to your Azure pipeline....other alternative is WSL on windows to run Linux locally.
Something akin to this:
Go to Web component under Marketplace module in Azure Portal and search for Web App + MySQL.
Click create and fill out the form. You can reuse an existing database or create a new one.
Configure the Web App as a PHP application. On the web app sidebar menu, go to Settings >Configuration > General settings > Stack settings. Change stack to PHP and do not forget to choose the version of PHP your application is using and Save the Changes.
We need to install composer on the web app. Go to App service and click on your web app application, then find Extensions under development tools on its menu sidebar.
Click the Add button > choose extension, then search for "Composer". Agree to Legal terms and click ok.
Upload your application
Go to settings > configuration > path mappings > virtuals application and directories. Change the default folder from “site\wwwroot” to “site\wwwroot\public” and Save the Changes.
I have found this.
Not already tested but seems good.

Vue js Development Code is Working fine but Production build Gives Blank white screen on Opening

Developers Recently i am working on a vue js Website, and everything is working fine on Development but when i build the code using npm run build , the production build gets successfully build but when i try to open the index.html file inside dist directory the file gets opened in Browser but a Blank white page gets Displayed.
You need to start your server, not open the file directly.
Because Vue builds files and connects JS and CSS like it would be on the server.
And now, when you are opening the file, it can't find JS/CSS.
How do you want to deploy your app? I think the following post can help you:
How to deploy vue app
Please check if you have a vue.config.js file and if the configuration is correct according to your project setup.

How to convert a mobile app project to a web app (code-sharing) structure in NativeScript?

The official documentation explains how to migrate an existing Angular Web project to a code-sharing structure.
But I could not find documentation on how to do the other way around. That is, how to migrate an existing NativeScript Mobile project to a code-sharing structure.
Any thoughts on how to convert an existing mobile app project to a web app project?
I have answered this before as well, here are the steps that I followed to do the same.
It is actually very time-saving to use same code base for both Web and mobile. Here are the steps I would suggest based on my experience.
You should be using #angular/cli#6.1.0 or newer. npm i -g #angular/cli
Installl nativescript-schematics. npm i -g #nativescript/schematics
Create a new Project. ng new --collection=#nativescript/schematics my-mobile-app (I did it in this way and then copied over src/app folder here from Mobile app).
Copy the app/src folder from existing project. (You may want to look for source folder in nsconfig.json "appPath": "app")
Find the .ts file where you are using mobile specific components and create a wrapper class for the same. E.g. I was using Fancy Alerts for mobile apps, so I created a wrapper helper class like helper.tns.ts and helper.ts
in helper.ts
public show() {
alert('Javascript+HTML alert') .
in helper.tns.ts
public show() {
TNSFancyAlert.showWarning('Warning!', 'Message', `Ok`, 0, 300).then(() => {
Rename all .html to .tns.html and create web specific html files.
Build a web app
ng serve
Build a Mobile app
tns run android --bundle
tns run ios --bundle
P.S. --bundle is the key here to compile mobile specific files only. The HTML code that defines the View of the component should be different between a web and a mobile app.

Azure Bot Services templates - botFilePath / botFileSecret fields are missing (Node.js / SDK v4

After using the Azure templates for Basic and Echo bot (Node.js SDK v4) the resources are created and testing the bots via the online WebChat in the Azure portal works fine.
In the application settings, however, the botFilePath and botFileSecret are not visible (only MicrosoftAppId and MicrosoftAppPassWord). After downloading the source code, I noticed that the .env file is created with MicrosoftAppId and MicrosoftAppPassWord.
Any thoughts anyone?
botFilePath and botFileSecret aren't included because the newer Echo and Basic bots don't have .bot files. We're moving away from using them in all BotBuilder SDKs. It will take some time for all of the samples, documentation, and emulator to reflect this. All secrets and settings should be stored in .env (Node) or appsettings.json (C#).
If you need to test your downloaded bot with the Emulator (for now):
Open Emulator (note: you likely need the latest version)
Click Open Bot
Add the bot URL (usually http://localhost:3978/api/messages) and click Connect
Note: Leave App ID and App password blank and remove it from your .env file for local testing. Be sure it's in your App Settings when deploying (it should stay there, by default, when you re-deploy/publish).

Media Error with Google App Engine Deployment

I have successfully deployed a running website on the app engine - here is the URL:
This website was on a PHP hosting, and we migrated it to Google Apps, and deployed it using the App Engine. I understand that to put up any media, I will have to change my local version, and then re-deploy it. Same goes for plugins. However, when I browse into my local version using the App Engine launcher, login wordpress, and try to add an image in the media section, I get an error, as shown in the image below:
I googled this, and understand it is a permission error from the file system. My folder has a "Read only" checkbox which is marked blue, and no matter how many times I uncheck it, it is checked again.
I also assigned all the users full control, i.e. the following privileges (to folders, and subfolders)
Any help or ideas will be appreciated!
Adding google_app_engine.disable_readonly_filesystem = 1 to your php.ini file should fix the issue.
