xamarin forms carousel view swipe over button - xamarin

I am newbie to xamarin.I came across a problem where I need to have carousel view without swipe and it should only done by button (next and back button) anyone know how to do it ? is there any property to disable the swiping ?


Clickable toolbar in Xamarin

I am newest in Xamarin and have question for developers with more experiences.
I want to hide custom picker when user clicks anywhere any view in app. This working with view where is custom picker opened, but when I click on toolbar he remains opened. This problem is existing only on iOS, Android work as expected.
Could i make whole toolbar to be clickable and how?
Thanks in advance
In the Picker Toolbar you can set UIBarButtonItem to add Done button. Then you can add a Click Event for the Done button and write following code in it.

Back button is not showing on Navigationbar . Xamarin

When show screen, navigation is showing at the Top.But Back button is not showing.
When i use Navigation.PushAsync method then back button is showing.
I am using below code.
Navigation.PushModalAsync(new LoginSelection());
how can i show backbutton at left side of Modal screen.
When you call PushModalAsync(), you are creating an another Navigation Stack of Modals.Thus, your LoginSelection() page is not added to the Page Navigation Stack,but it is added on Modal Navigation Stack.
Thus,there are no pages in your modal stack and that's why back button is not appearing
Check the below link:-
Xamarin Forms Reverse PushModalAsync

How to Re-Establish Clicked Events?

How do I re-establish the clicked event of a Xamarin Forms button?
The button was made invisible and it's footprint covered by a popup listview. The listview was subsequently removed, but the button does not respond. Other buttons on the page do.
This only happens on the iOS version of the page.

How to implement Sliding Panel in UWP?

I have created AppShell Page as a master page for my mvvmcross UWP(windows 10) app and added hamburger menu in it. Now I want to add two buttons like Users and Customers in hamburger menu. When click on users button i want to open sliding panel from right side with animation and display list in it and when user click anywhere in page except sliding layout then hide sliding layout.
Please suggest me any good way to achieve this.
Thank you.
Easy - use a TranslateTransform to animate sliding and Visibility to make it show up or hide.

Swipe Gesture not working in xcode

Since Xcode got updated, i can't use swipe gesture. I have 2 UIViewController, i dragged a Swipe Gesture in the first and in the second. I connected them with Modal Action Segue. I tried in the simulator and on my device and both didn't work. It's so simple and i used to be able to do it but now it just doesn't work. Am i missing something ? I tried playing with the "State: Enable button" but that didn't worked. Normally i would just do a navigation bar with a button to change view but for this app i really want to you swipe gesture... Thanks
That was a stupid mistake... I dragged the Swipe Gestures on the background images. You need do drag them on the view itself. Just move the background image and drag the swipe gesture on the UIView and it should work!
Lol, I'm having trouble with that too.
I fixed it by making swipe gesture programatically
