I currently have a Hyper-V Virtual machine whose guest OS is Microsoft Server 2016
I was able to install the Docker Service and use the command line to create a docker image
I would like to try the same process out in Visual Studio using compose, but it looks like that will only work if the ToolBox is installed. I installed the Toolbox and when I build I get an error around the volume spec, I believe this is because the target OS is Linux.
Since Windows Server 2016 is not compatible with Docker for Windows, is it the case that when targeting Windows Containers onc can only use the service + powerhsell, and if they want to use Compose in Visual Studio I would have to disable the hyper-visor internally and make sure the Linux VM is running?
I am a little confused on the workflow regarding windows server + VS with Docker. Thanks for any clarification.
I uninstalled the ToolBox to simplify the environment, I downloaded compose this way:
Invoke-WebRequest " https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.15.0-rc1/docker-compose-Windows-x86_64.exe" -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $Env:ProgramFiles\docker\docker-compose.exe
And now the build error is:
ERROR: for dockercompose1517717654_azurecontainersite_1 __init__() got an
unexpected keyword argument 'cpu_count'
ERROR: for azurecontainersite __init__() got an unexpected keyword
argument 'cpu_count'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "docker-compose", line 3, in <module>
File "compose\cli\main.py", line 68, in main
File "compose\cli\main.py", line 118, in perform_command
File "compose\cli\main.py", line 926, in up
File "compose\project.py", line 424, in up
File "compose\parallel.py", line 69, in parallel_execute
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'cpu_count'
Failed to execute script docker-compose.
At this time Visual Studio tools only support Linux Containers. If/when that changes I will update this answer.
Also to get VS with Compose to work on Server 2016, I installed the edge version of Docker for Windows with the following link:
I have a Windows docker container (servercore) running on Windows, which works as expected. My entrypoint in docker executes a variety of commands in a row. At some point certain executables stop working and return with no output. Is there any chance to debug Docker or find out what is causing this behaviour? Example:
PS C:\tools> .\unzip.exe
PS C:\tools>
I tried executing windbg, but no success. I tried the powershell to access the event log, but I can't think of any proper way to tackle down this problem without having certain UI tools like Process Monitor (which also doesn't work) on cmd although it should (see below):
PS C:\tools> .\Procmon.exe /AcceptEula /Quiet /Minimized /BackingFile c:\temp\log.pml
PS C:\tools>
Python on the other hand works totally fine:
PS C:\tools> .\python.exe --version
Python 3.7.4
Update: The exit code of the applications which don't work is STATUS_DLL_INIT_FAILED (What does ExitCode -1073741502 mean?)
There came another question in today with a similar question and problem: How to start PowerShell (x86) in Windows Docker Container?
I was facing a very similar issue when suddenly MSBuild stopped working and returned exit code -1073741502 (aka 0xC0000142 / STATUS_DLL_INIT_FAILED).
Although probably not a satisfying answer, but at least a summary of the present state:
Windows Server 1909 (OS Build 18363.592) - January 28, 2020 - KB4532695 - works
Windows Server 1909 (OS Build 18363.657) - February 11, 2020 - KB4532693 - does not work
Windows Server 1909 (OS Build 18363.693) - February 27, 2020 - KB4535996 - does not work
I'm trying to setup my first development for esp32 with eclipse on windows 7.
I installed esp-idf using esp-idf-tools-setup.exe installer which should install
everything needed.
I'm testing with the hello world example app from esp-idf. I can compile it using the python command line
idf.py build
But I need eclipse, it's a bit less obvious... I followed these instructions:
In this page, I can see that there's a need of msys. So I installed
msys2 64 bits.
I copied the xtensa-esp32-elf dir into the "msys64\var\opt" directory to match the PATH variable (and updated it based on the documentation)
Now, when compiling with eclipse, I got the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/program/esp-idf/tools/windows/eclipse_make.py", line 36, in <module>
File "C:/program/esp-idf/tools/windows/eclipse_make.py", line 29, in main
make = subprocess.Popen(["make"] + sys.argv[1:] + ["BATCH_BUILD=1"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
File "C:\python27\lib\subprocess.py", line 390, in __init__
errread, errwrite)
File "C:\python27\lib\subprocess.py", line 640, in _execute_child
WindowsError: [Error 2] Le fichier spécifié est introuvable
Python make is unable to launch "make". The thing is I can't find a make exe anywhere...
This other page states that I must run
make menuconfig
before building with eclipse but, of course, this does not work better for the same reason...
What should I do?
Well, in windows you have nmake (IIRC installed with visual studio tools - or the free where vstools compiler pack). Or you can install something more like gnu-make from one of:
mingw32 : link
cygwin : link
msys2 : link
gnuwin32 : link
There are others as well. Some of these have make command (if you add the bin folder to your path) others will have things like mingw32-make which you may have to alias (I made a batch file called make.bat which just calls mingw32-make %*. But where ever you install make (and nmake IMHO is a really limited poor version of make) you need to add it to your windows path before you run your python script. So in short I think you are just missing a set of tools...
Another option is to just copy ...\MinGW\bin\mingw32-make.exe to ...\MinGW\bin\make.exe
I did add mys2 thinking it will contain everything needed.
In fact msys2 is delivered with a very minimal set of features. I had to install make using the msys2 package manager with the following command:
pacman -S make
Pretty simple when you know!
For esp-idf cmake projects, try this https://github.com/espressif/idf-eclipse-plugin
Windows 7, Neo4j Community Edition - freshly installed.
I'm new to neo4j and I want to run some Cypher commands in a batch. I've read about the neo4j shell, so I tried to run it.
I'm getting the following error regardless of whether I run it from the "command prompt" at the desktop or starting a new cmd session:
(a bunch of DOS stuff)
D:\AppData\Neo4j\Sports2000>pushd "D:\APPLIC~1\NEO4JC~1.1\bin\..\lib"
The system cannot find the path specified.
followed later in the batch file by:
D:\AppData\Neo4j\Sports2000>java -classpath ;"" -Dapp.name="neo4j-shell" -Dapp.repo="D:\APPLIC~1\NEO4JC~1.1\bin\..\lib" -Dbasedir
="D:\APPLIC~1\NEO4JC~1.1\bin\.." org.neo4j.shell.StartClient
Error: Could not find or load main class org.neo4j.shell.StartClient
Reading the shell command it references to a zip version of Neo4j, and links to the front page of the Neo site which has no reference to a .zip file that I can see.
It looks like this is a packaging issue with my version of Neo4j:
Neo4j Error: Could not find or load main class org.neo4j.shell.StartClient
And upgrading to version 3 hasn't fixed the problem. Installing version 3 and then installing the zip file has gotten me a working powershell prompt.
From the Neo4j desktop app choose "Options", then "Command Prompt", then run Neo4jShell.bat at the command prompt.
See this post for more info.
I am trying to install CouchDB on a Windows 2008 R2 standard version server and it starts the couchdb service running but I am unable to access the couchdb url. And below is the error:
Erlang R15B (erts—5.9) [source] [smp:16:16] [async—threads:0]
Eshell V5.9 (abort with ^G)
1} ("init terminating in do_boot",{{badmatch,(error,{{app_would_not_start,os_mon
}, couch_app.start,[normal,["../etc/couchdb/default.ini","../etc/couchdb/local.i
Crash dump was written to: er]_crash.dump
init terminating in do_boot {}
Abnormal termination
When tried on Windows 7 the same installer works fine. Please help on how to fix the issue as it has to run on the Windows 2008 R2 Standard server machine.
First thing to check is if CouchDB starts from a command prompt, without running the service. The installer leaves an icon on the start menu for this, or you can try c:\couchdb\bin\couchdb.bat as well. I recommend installing to a filename without spaces just to ensure Windows is happy.
BTW you don't say what version/release of CouchDB this is, nor where you got it; R15B is not included in the recent official builds. I'd recommend the latest official release from http://couchdb.apache.org/#downloads which uses R16B02 and seeing how you get on.
I've been trying to run a GAE Go project I developed on my Mac on my Windows machine with GoClipse after installing and configuring the appropriate SDKs and so forth. When attempting to run the project, I get this error:
Exception occurred executing command line. Cannot run program
"C:\GoogleAppEngine\dev_appserver.py" (in directory
"D:\Golang\workspace\Project\src\pkg"): CreateProcess
error=193, %1 is not a valid Win32 application
How can I fix that error in order to run my project?
While the below configuration works on the Mac as it has Python installed by default, Windows requires a different configuration.
On Mac the GoClipse External Tools Configuration would be:
Location: /GoogleAppEngine/dev_appserver.py
Working Directory: ${workspace_loc:/Project/src/pkg}
Arguments: .
The Windows configuration should look like:
Location: C:\Python27\Python.exe
Working Directory:
Arguments: C:\GoogleAppEngine\dev_appserver.py "${workspace_loc:/Project/src/pkg}"
Trying to run .py (Which IMO is a Python file?) wont work directly on windows. You will need to install Python and then pass the above filename to Python something like (I don't know Python so don't go by exact syntax, you might need to look around)
python "C:\GoogleAppEngine\dev_appserver.py
The reason it's working on Mac is because Python comes pre-installed on mac as cited here But on windows it doesn't. So you can install Python and add the Python's bin folder to path, and then run above script and it should run fine!