How do I call a c function on each occurrence in LoadRunner? - performance

So there is this HUGE JSON that I am loading from a file and than I run it through lr_eval_string and save it to a parameter. This parameter is later used as a body in one of my REST calls.
I use lr_eval_string to dynamically replace different values in that JSON.
Now here is the problem, one of the values that I replace is unique and generated by a c function. This value appears numerous times in that JSON and needs to be unique each time, yet I am only able to call that c function once at the beginning of the action. The result is that all values end up being equal...
So my question is: how can I call my function each time this unique value appears? I am talking about functionality similar to "Update value on: Each occurrence" that is available on the Parameters section.
I see an option called "User Defined Function" in parameters which I guess could do what I am looking for yet I couldn't find any good tutorial on how to actually use this functionality. Is user defined action the way to go, is there any other solution?
Any help would be highly appreciated! :)


SoapUI (non pro) Property Transfer getting the basics going using XPath

Preamble: First off - I am a complete novice, and have zero clue what I am doing, apologies in advance.
I have working SOAP messages in SoapUI (regular flavour) that I have valid responses to. I am trying to build a set of test steps that can complete a transaction lifecycle for testing.
I only just figured out that Property Transfer could be used to take a response from call A to be used in call B.
I have the source declared correctly, and the Target correctly, With the default namespace info I have successfully transferred the complete response of call A into the target property. Now I just need to cut that down to one element only. I have tried all manner of things, but I seem to be getting [null] every time (except where I don't include the bit to choose one element at all, as noted above).
I just don't know what the format of the line that specifies the desired field should be. I know I have to have the name of the desired field in it, near the end, but beyond that I am randomly trying all sorts.
Okay, I have it solved, after many stupid trials and errors. For posterity and so I can reference it myself in future, this is what I got going:
Inside the soap message response body, there is a tag ns1 (which I am guessing is namespace 1).
Inside that is a section called salesInvoiceReturn.
Inside that is another section called salesInvoiceDetails.
Inside that is a field that I need is called salesInvoiceSalesTax.
So my line in the XPath Source section that works reads:
Pressing the Run button shows me it captures the correct value into the Custom Property I selected. I don't seem to need any code at all in the Target section.

Passing values between cucumber statements

I'm running in to an issue in that I need to get one value in a cucumber statement, and then give that value to another statement.
Specifically I am getting a JSON object from one page (where that object gets sent to an api endpoint as a preference) and then using information out of that after I query the api, which happens in a completely separate step.
I am suspecting that I have to write the value somewhere, and then pull that value when the step that needs it comes up, but I'm kind of at a loss for doing that as well.
I can provide any further needed details, thanks for any help!
Definitely a rookie question - to which the answer is to use instance variables - #variable_name = get_method in the helper method your step calls.

Standard practice for validating a large number of parameters

I am creating an Express.js API and am having trouble programming parameter validation eloquently. If I'm expecting 10-15 parameter variables for incoming POST requests what is the standard format for validating all of those variables?
Does anyone have any examples they could point at?
In my specific case I receive an Object (JavaScript) and I need to validate that the variable exist and are an accepted value. I do obviously know to test that it is set, and it is a string, and it is an excepted value etc. My question is really with the algorithm formatting.
Do I just have a validate function that goes through a giant if statement or what?

Using Moq how do you verify function was called without specifying parameters?

Sometimes I want to just verify that a function was called rather than have to test the function was called with specific parameters.
The reason for this that there is a complex object being passed in as a parameter, but the later call inside that function makes a database fetch. Since this will be mocked, it will just have nulls & 0s.
I just want to verify the call without testing against the passed in parameters. How can I do this?
You may find the following blog post useful. Quote:
x => x.Connect(It.IsAny<MyArgumentType>())

Drupal6: Load a field, like one would load a node?

Is there a field_load() function equivalent to node_load()? I want to get information about the type of a field and other validation constraints without going to the database myself.
Better yet, is there any function that will validate it for me, like is_valid_for_field(field_name, input), that would take a field name and a potential input and return a boolean indicating whether or not the potential input is valid (within min/max, etc) for the specified field?
There is the content_fields() function, which will get you the meta data for a field. In terms of validation, IIRC, you can call content_field() with the operation set to validate, and the relevant data. However, by calling node_save with your completed node, the cck module will take care of all the relevant validation hooks for the entire node structure, so you may be better off taking that route.
