jqgrid overriding the default URL in a Tree - jqgrid

I have a grid that has a datepicker with a button and a checkbox to reload the grid when the date changes. The datepicker is initialized to today's. This works fine. However I can't figure how to override the default url in the grid. Whenever the grid which is a tree is loaded it reads the default from the url configuration. Only when I click the button then it reloads the treee with the selected date. Even worst when I click in the icons in the tree to expand the child elements it overrides the date and all the loaded data with the value of the default URL. Can somebody tell me how to set the url properly? Also I don't understand why clicking in the elements reloads the tree since I have property loadonce=true.
url : "/reconcile?unMatchedOnly=true",
datatype : "json",
mtype : 'GET',
colModel : [
{name : "data.key.busnDate", label : "Business Date", hidden:false, sorttype:"date", width : 100 },
{name : "data.product", label : "Product", sorttype:"string", width : 50, editable : false},
{name : "data.quantityBought", label : "Quantity Bought", sorttype:"int", width : 100, editable : false},
{name : "matches", label : "match", "edittype":"checkbox","formatter":"checkbox", width : 25, editable : false}
cmTemplate: { width: 70 },
treeGrid: true,
pager : '#pager',
treeGridModel: "adjacency",
ExpandColumn: "data.key.busnDate",
rowNum : 25,
height: 'auto',
rowList : [ 25,50,100,200 ],
jQuery("#list").jqGrid('navGrid', '#pager', {
edit : false,
add : false,
del : false,
view : true,
search : true
onSelect: function (dateText, inst) {
var e = $("#list").data("events");
if (typeof (e) !== "undefined" && typeof (e.reloadGrid) !== "undefined") {
$("#datePick").datepicker('setDate', new Date());
jQuery("#list").setGridParam({url:'/reconcile?datePick=' + $("#datePick").val() + '&unMatchedOnly=' + $("#unMatchedOnly").val(),page:1});
var url = '/reconcile?datePick=' + $("#datePick").val() + '&unMatchedOnly=' + $("#unMatchedOnly").val();
$("#list").jqGrid('setGridParam', { url: url });
$('#showSelected').on('click', function () {
var url = '/reconcile?datePick=' + $("#datePick").val() + '&unMatchedOnly=' + $("#unMatchedOnly").val();
$("#list").jqGrid('setGridParam', { url: url });

I can't reproduce the problem, which you reports. If you want to load the data of TreeGrid at once then you don't need to use loadonce: true option. Instead of that the items of data should contains the property "loaded":true.
If you need to send some additional parameter to the server then you should use postData parameter with properties defined as functions (see the old answer). You can just use
url: "/reconcile",
postData: {
datePick: function () { return $("#datePick").val(); },
unMatchedOnly: function () { return $("#unMatchedOnly").val(); }
As the result the current data from #datePick and #unMatchedOnly will be sent to the server on every loading of the grid. To reload the TreeGrid you will need just use $("#list").trigger("reloadGrid");.
If you do loads the data of the grid on demand then expanding of nodes adds nodeid, n_level and parentid parameters to postData and the value of treeANode parameter will be changed from -1 to the rowid of expanding node. To reset the parameters before reloading you will need to reset treeANode parameter to -1.
I don't know the format of the data, which returns url: "/reconcile", but I suppose that you can use the following code
var $grid = $("#list"),
fullReloadOfTreeGrid = function () {
var p = $grid.jqGrid("getGridParam"); // get reference to parameters
p.treeANode = -1; // be sure that we reload full grid
onSelect: function (dateText, inst) {
$("#datePick").datepicker('setDate', new Date());
url: "/reconcile?unMatchedOnly=true",
datatype: "json",
postData: {
datePick: function () { return $("#datePick").val(); },
unMatchedOnly: function () { return $("#unMatchedOnly").val(); }
colModel: [
{name: "data.key.busnDate", label: "Business Date",
sorttype:"date", width : 100 },
{name: "data.product", label: "Product", width: 50},
{name: "data.quantityBought", label: "Quantity Bought",
sorttype:"int", width: 100},
{name: "matches", label: "match",
"template: "booleanCheckbox", width : 25}
cmTemplate: { width: 70 },
treeGrid: true,
pager: true,
treeGridModel: "adjacency",
ExpandColumn: "data.key.busnDate"
}).jqGrid('navGrid', {
edit : false,
add : false,
del : false,
view : true
$('#showSelected').on('click', function () {
As I wrote before, resetting of treeANode to -1 will be not required if you really correctly loads all the nodes at once (with loaded:true property in all nodes).


jqgrid tree not showing like a list instead of a tree

I have the jqgrid configuration below that is supposed to supposed to show a Tree like structure. Instead I am getting a flat list structure displayed. Can somebody please tell me what I am missing?
Here are the versions I am using in the order listed in the html page:
From triand.com site:
I am also using these CSS:
jqgrid/themes/ui.jqgrid.css (from triand.com),
in that order. My grid looks gray as opposed to the nice blue. I can't figure why.
url : "/reconcile",
datatype : "json",
mtype : 'GET',
colModel : [
{name: "id",width:1,hidden:true, key:true},
{name : 'data.key.busnDate', label : 'Business Date', hidden:false, sorttype:"date", width : 80 },
{name : 'data.product', label : 'Product', sorttype:"string", width : 50, editable : false},
{name : 'data.quantityBought', label : 'Quantity Bought', sorttype:"int", width : 100, editable : false},
treeGrid: true,
pager : '#pager',
rowNum : 25,
height: 'auto',
rowList : [ 25,50,100,200 ],
sortname : 'key.positionId',
sortorder : 'asc',
viewrecords : true,
gridview : true,
multiselect: false,
multiboxonly: false,
autoencode: true,
caption : 'ARC Reconciliation',
emptyrecords: "No records to found for given date!",
jsonReader : {
repeatitems : true,
treeIcons : {
"plus": "ui-icon-circlesmall-plus",
"minus": "ui-icon-circlesmall-minus",
"leaf" : "ui-icon-document"
ExpandColumn: 'key.positionId'
jQuery("#list").jqGrid('navGrid', '#pager', {
edit : false,
add : false,
del : false,
view : true,
search : true
onSelect: function (dateText, inst) {
var e = $("#list").data("events");
if (typeof (e) !== "undefined" && typeof (e.reloadGrid) !== "undefined") {
You can look at our new Guriddo jqGrid documentation here in order to get answer of your problem.
Additionally to this you may want to visit or tree grid demo here with a lot of new features

jqGrid filterToolbar with local data

I have a jQgrid that loads data initially via an ajax call from backend(java struts). Again, this is one time load and once loaded, the jqGrid should operate on the data available locally.
Initially, datatype:json and once loadcomplete, set datatype:local.
Now is there a way to use filterToolbar for local datatype with the following options in free jqgrid;
autocomplete enabled in the toolbar
excel like filtering options
Jqgrid Options:
datatype: "json",
colNames: ['Label','Value'],
colModel: [
{name:'label',index:'label',width: 40,search:true, stype:'text',sorttype:'int'},
{name:'value',index:'value',width: 56,search:true, stype:'text',sorttype:'text'}
autowidth: true,
autoResizing: { compact: true, widthOfVisiblePartOfSortIcon: 13 },
rowNum: 10,
rowList: [5, 10, 20, "10000:All"],
viewrecords: true,
pager: true,
toppager: true,
rownumbers: true,
sortname: "label",
sortorder: "desc",
caption: "Test 235",
height: "200",
search: true,
loadonce: true,
loadComplete: function (data) {
gridComplete: function(){
jQuery("#listTable").jqGrid('setGridParam', { datatype: 'local' });
}) .jqGrid("navGrid", { view: true, cloneToTop: true})
All the features are enabled by default if I understand you correctly. The server just have to return all data instead of one page of data to make loadonce: true property work correctly. You need just call filterToolbar after creating the grid. All will work like with local data. You should consider to set sorttype property for correct local sorting and stype and searchoptions for correct filtering of data.
To have "autocomplete" and "excel like filtering options" you need additionally to follow the answer which set autocomplete or stype: "select", searchoptions: { value: ...} properties based on different values of input data. You can do this inside of beforeProcessing callback. The code from the answer use this.jqGrid("getCol", columnName) which get the data from the grid. Instead of that one have access to data returned from the server inside of beforeProcessing callback. So one can scan the data to get the lists with unique values in every column and to set either autocomplete or stype: "select", searchoptions: { value: ...} properties.
UPDATED: I created JSFiddle demo which demonstrates what one can do: http://jsfiddle.net/OlegKi/vgznxru6/1/. It uses the following code (I changed just echo URL to your URL):
url: "/WebTest/MainAction.do",
datatype: "json",
colNames: ["Label", "Value"],
colModel: [
{name: "label", width: 70, template: "integer" },
{name: "value", width: 200 }
loadonce: true,
pager: true,
rowNum: 10,
rowList: [5, 10, "10000:All"],
iconSet: "fontAwesome",
cmTemplate: { autoResizable: true },
shrinkToFit: false,
autoResizing: { compact: true },
beforeProcessing: function (data) {
var labelMap = {}, valueMap = {}, i, item, labels = ":All", values = [],
$self = $(this);
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
item = data[i];
if (!labelMap[item.label]) {
labelMap[item.label] = true;
labels += ";" + item.label + ":" + item.label;
if (!valueMap[item.value]) {
valueMap[item.value] = true;
$self.jqGrid("setColProp", "label", {
stype: "select",
searchoptions: {
value: labels,
sopt: ["eq"]
$self.jqGrid("setColProp", "value", {
searchoptions: {
sopt: ["cn"],
dataInit: function (elem) {
source: values,
delay: 0,
minLength: 0,
select: function (event, ui) {
var grid;
if (typeof elem.id === "string" && elem.id.substr(0, 3) === "gs_") {
grid = $self[0];
if ($.isFunction(grid.triggerToolbar)) {
} else {
// to refresh the filter
// one should use stringResult:true option additionally because
// datatype: "json" at the moment, but one need use local filtreing later
$self.jqGrid("filterToolbar", {stringResult: true });

jqGrid LoadOncomplete

Spec: JqGrid 1.11.2
Browser : Firefox 36.0.4
I have successfully be able to load json data on to a jQGrid via Ajax technique on click of a button.
Problem : I need some extra data "userdata" to be fetched along with the json-data to be loaded on to the page other then the jQGrid.
Grid Data:-
{"id":"1","cell":["PDF","J2EEHandbook.pdf","/PDF Handbook.pdf"]}
Ajax-function : -
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#buttSerch').click(function() {
var newurl = 'Data.jsp?srchword='+
$('#srchTxt').val() +'&srchType='+gdsrctp;
$('#'+ gdivid).jqGrid().setGridParam(
{url : newurl }).trigger("reloadGrid");
//?? fetch userdata
Question : I need to fetch the data "userdata" in the Ajax function
How can this be achieved.
with regards
The userdata can be accessed by usage getGridParam method with parameter "userData" (!! the case is important it should be userdata in the JSON data and "userData" in getGridParam method):
var userdata = $('#'+ gdivid).jqGrid("getGridParam", "userData");
Code for the Grid
{name:'CATEGORY',index:'true',width:'5',sortable:'true',align:'left',editable: true,formatter:iconColumnFormat },
{name:'PAGENO',index:'true',width:'3',sortable:'true',align:'left',editable: true, },
{name:'CONTENTFILENAME',index:'true',width:'25',sortable:'true',align:'left',editable: true, },
{name:'DATEOFCRTE',index:'true',width:'10',sortable:'true',align:'left',editable: true, },
{name:'DATEOFINDEX',index:'true',width:'10',sortable:'true',align:'left',editable: true, },
{name:'SIZEOF',index:'true',width:'8',sortable:'true',align:'left',editable: true, },
{name:'UCODEDTLS',index:'true',width:'8',sortable:'true',align:'left',editable: true, },
{name:'CONTENTEXTN',index:'true',width:'5',sortable:'true',align:'left',editable: true, },
{name:'PATHOFCONTENT',index:'true',width:'40',sortable:'true',align:'left',editable: true, },
{name:'CONTENT',index:'true',width:'15',sortable:'true',align:'left',editable: true,formatter:linkdialogColumnFormat },
{name:'DOCNUM',index:'true',width:'5',sortable:'true',align:'left',editable: true, },
{name:'DOCWIGHT',index:'true',width:'8',sortable:'true',align:'left',editable: true, }
jsonReader:{root:'rows',page:'page',total:'total',records:'records', userdata:'userdata',cell:'cell',id:'id'},
caption:"'Grid from Database -jsonstring'",
pager : "#pgerId",

Retain filter text in filter toolbar on grid reload

I'm using jqgrid in which i'm trying to retain the filter text after the grid reload.
I have cell update functionality,
url: '#Url.Action("UpdateComments", "Home")',
datatype: 'json',
data: { 'resultData': filterResult, 'action': postdata.oper },
type: 'POST',
success: OnCompleteComments,
error: function (xhr, status, error) {
if (xhr.statusText == "Session TimeOut/UnAuthorized") {
window.location.href = '#Url.Action("LogOut", "Account")';
//After update Load the grid.
function OnCompleteComments(result) {
myfilter = $('#TransactionsGrid').jqGrid("getGridParam", "postData").filters;
After the successful udpate of the cell i'm reloading the grid for the cell to reflect the udpated values. In the OnComplete i'm getting the filter assigned to a golbally declared variable(myfilter).
datatype: 'local',
hoverrows: false,
colNames: colHeader,
colModel: colname,
localReader: { id: 'TransactionId' },
rowNum: 10,
hidegrid: false,
rownumbers: true,
pager: '#TransactionsGridPager',
viewrecords: true,
caption: "Transaction Details",
height: 'auto',
scrollOffset: 0,
page: PageNumber,
gridview: true,
shrinkToFit: true,
autoencode: true,
ignoreCase: true,
mySelection: {},
onInitGrid: function () {
// get reference to parameters
var p = $(this).jqGrid("getGridParam");
// set data parameter
p.data = gridData.BuildTransactionsDataTable;
In grid reload(ajax function is called), once the grid is loaded i'm re assigning the filter. In this place i'm getting the filtered results in the grid exactly bu the text which i used to filter the results is not in the filter toolbar. Its empty.
GridReload(Retain filter):
if (myfilter) {
var searchFiler = JSON.parse(myfilter).rules[0].data, grid = $("#TransactionsGrid"), f;
if (searchFiler.length === 0) {
grid[0].p.search = false;
$.extend(grid[0].p.postData, { filters: "" });
f = { groupOp: "OR", rules: [] };
f.rules.push({ field: JSON.parse(myfilter).rules[0].field, op: "cn", data: searchFiler });
grid[0].p.search = true;
$.extend(grid[0].p.postData, { filters: JSON.stringify(f) });
grid.trigger("reloadGrid", [{ page: 1, current: true }]);
Now i need the filtered text to be retained in the filter toolbar. how can i achieve this?

Fetching kendo grid row data on selecting checkbox

I am trying to fetch kendo data on selecting particular row using checkbox.
This is part of code of controller.js
$scope.campaignLabelOptions = {
dataSource: {
data: [] ,
sortable: true,
pageable : {pageSizes : [5, 10, 25, 50]},
filterable : true,
resizable :true,
reordable :true,
columnMenu: true,
selectable :true,
editable: {
confirmation: "Are you sure that you want to delete this record?",
mode: "popup"
columns : [
{template: "<input type='checkbox' class='checkbox' ng-click='onClick($event)'/>" },
{field : "campaign_name", title :"Campaign Name", width : "150px", attributes: {style: "font-size: 12px"}},
// {field : "time_line", title :"Timeline", width : "100px",attributes: {style: "font-size: 12px"} },
{field : "spend", title :"Spend", width : "90px",attributes: {style: "font-size: 12px"} },
{field : "campaign_group_status", title :"Status", width : "85px", attributes: {style: "font-size: 12px"}},
{field : "performance", title :"Performance", width : "130px", attributes: {style: "font-size: 12px"}},
// {field : "creation_time", title :"Created Time", width : "135px", attributes: {style: "font-size: 12px"}},
$scope.checkedIds = [];
$scope.showCheckboxes = function(){
var checked = [];
for(var i in $scope.checkedIds){
$scope.onClick = function(e){
var element =$(e.currentTarget);
var checked = element.is(':checked');
var row = element.closest("tr");
var grid = element.closest('kendoGrid').getKendoGrid();
var dataItem = grid.dataItem(row);
$scope.checkedIds[dataItem.EmployeeID] = checked;
if (checked) {
} else {
I have copied similar code from http://dojo.telerik.com/exAB/5 for select logic . But here grid variable is coming undefined. Its not getting getKendoGrid() method..
Is there any better way to get row data? If yes what and if not -- how to use this current code?
