Unable to get some Facebook Ad API fields - facebook-ads-api

I am trying to get the Video fields, but API is not returning the columns even API requesting in fields.
Fields I'm trying to get are: video_p25_watched_actions,video_p50_watched_actions,video_p75_watched_actions,video_p100_watched_actions.
My API request parameters as below:
request.AddParameter("export_columns", "['actions:video_view','actions:video_view:video_p25_watched_actions','adgroup_name','date_start','date_stop','campaign_group_name','campaign_name','adgroup_id','impressions','clicks','spend','actions:like','actions:offsite_conversion','actions:receive_offer','actions:rsvp','actions:leadgen.other','actions:link_click','actions:comment','actions:post','actions:post_engagement','social_impressions']");
request.AddParameter("fields", "['ad_name','campaign_name','adset_name','ad_id','impressions','clicks','spend','actions','social_impressions','video_p25_watched_actions','video_p50_watched_actions','video_p75_watched_actions','video_p100_watched_actions']");
request.AddParameter("filtering", "[{ 'field':'ad.impressions','operator':'GREATER_THAN','value':0}]");
Please help me if I am missing anything.


How to test an Appsync in Insomnia for IAM authenticated Query

I have an Appsnyc query which I would like to test via clients like Insomnia or Postman as I want to check what header parameters work when trying to access the appsync via client side code
The Appsync query has IAM authentication.
In header parameter, what should be given to execute the query. I understand ACCESS_KEY; SECRET_KEY and SESSION_KEY should be given but not sure about exact parameter key name?
Can you please help on this? Searched lot of documents but execution only using API KEY is given mostly.
For example: to test API KEY secured appsync, one has to give something like "x-api-key" under header parameter.
What works correctly for IAM secured query?

Setting Up a Poap Booth to Give Out tokens at a decentraland event

Hey I am tryng to create a poap-booth for my event on decentraland.
Using the following documentation I am linking the booth in the game.ts SDK to the poapHandler.ts
This would allow me to create a token to give out at events when connected to the POAPBOOTH entity
I need help as to connect to firebase using cloudfirestore which is used to store addresses and give out the token I need to set up two api endpoints using postman
the GET function works with a success message of 200
However the POST method for signatures does not with 500 error

How to get image url for specific twitter status - Twitter API

I've seen from this post that you can get a user profile image from any of these:
And that redirects to an image, which works fine. I'm trying to similarly get the image from a status of form
This doesn't redirect to anything, and neither does this:
Searching Twitter API brings up only their libraries. Is there a URL to do this?
No, there's no shortcut URL to get the images attached to a Tweet. You'll need to retrieve the Tweet via the API, and then extract the media URLs from the JSON response. Use the statuses/lookup endpoint to get a Tweet by ID.
I'd also suggest using the API to get the user profile image, as the shortcut URL you mention is not officially supported, does not work on mobile, and may be removed in future. Use the users/show endpoint to retrieve a user by screen_name.

Retrieving photos from Google People API results

The people.getBatchGet call in the People API returns resources of type Person which have a photos field with a url.
Attempting to retrieve these photos with a GET request to the photo urls authorized with the same credentials used for the people.getBatchGet call results in a 403 error.
What am I missing here?

invalidSearchFilter when searching my videos using YouTube api v3

I keep getting invalidSearchFilter error when using YouTube API v3. I have the following params:
part: snippet
q: testtag
forMine: true
type: video
I am using the API playground, and noticed that if I do an OAuth call, it will work, but with just the API key (Execute without OAuth), it fails. Same thing happens in my code. A basic list call works in both, so I am suspecting a bug in their API, or I'm missing something.
Can anyone else confirm this to see if I'm missing something?
It works if I leave off the forMine and type params, but then it searches globally, which is not what I want.
I have searched for this, and the only other references I've found have been related to not setting the type param, but I have it set.
I found this link which suggests a possible API bug: youtube v3 api error when searching with forMine set to false
The documentation is your friend Search: list
forMine boolean This parameter can only be used in a properly
authorized request. The forMine parameter restricts the search to only
retrieve videos owned by the authenticated user. If you set this
parameter to true, then the type parameter's value must also be set to
So yes you are missing something the part where you can only use forMime type parameter with authorized requests. Using an Api key is an unauthorized request you are accessing the public API. How do you think it would be able to search videos that yours if you aren't authenticated? It doesn't know who you are.
