How to remove straight lines from a Matlab image? - algorithm

I have a matlab image from a matrix named Two_dim as shown in the figure below.
I would like to remove all 3 of the bottom straight horizontal lines from the image. I looked up on Stackoverflow to use regionprops to eliminate horizontal lines and obtained this code. But that doesn't seem to remove the lines.
rp = regionprops(Two_dim, 'PixelIdxList', 'Eccentricity', 'Orientation');
rp = rp([rp.Eccentricity]>0.95 & (abs([rp.Orientation])<2 | abs([rp.Orientation])>89));
Two_dim(vertcat(rp.PixelIdxList)) = false;

Here is an answer using Hough transform approach. I will add some more explanations to the code below later:
% I crop only the intresting part for illustration:
BW = edge(Two_dim(1:1000,:),'canny');
subplot 131
title('Original image')
axis xy
[H,theta,rho] = hough(BW); % preform Hough transform
subplot 132
P = houghpeaks(H,10,'NHoodSize',[1 1]); % find the peaks in the transformation
lines_found = houghlines(BW,theta,rho,P,...
'FillGap',50,'MinLength',1); % convert the peaks to line objects
imagesc(Two_dim(1:1000,:)), hold on
result = Two_dim(1:1000,:);
for k = 1:length(lines_found)
% extract one line:
xy = [lines_found(k).point1; lines_found(k).point2];
% Plot the detected lines:
% remove the lines from the image:
% note that I take a buffer of 3 to the 'width' of the line
result(xy(1,2):xy(1,2)+3,xy(1,1):xy(2,1)) = 0;
title('Detected lines')
axis xy
subplot 133
title('Corrected image')
axis xy
The output:

You could look at the row intensity sums. They will stand out as long as the lines stay horizontal.
grayI = rgb2gray(I);
rowSums = sum(grayI,2);
filterRows = rowSums > 1*10^5
I(filterRows,:,:) = 255;

regionprops needs a binary image with each pixel being one of two values.
You can do e.g.
Two_dim(Two_dim<0.5) = 0;
Two_dim(Two_dim>=0.5) = 1; # the actual value doesn't matter
Two_dim = logical(Two_dim);


How can I automatically identify multiple lines in an image?

Given a binary image comprising angled lines, how could I automatically identify as much lines as possible? Using the bwtraceboundary function in Matlab, I have been able to identify one of them, manually providing the starting coordinates of the identified line.
Could anyone point out a way to loop the matrix of ones and zeros to automatically identify as many as possible?
Here's an example image:
% Read the image
I = imread('./synthetic.jpg');
BW = im2bw(I, 0.7);
c = 255; % X coordinate of a manually identified line
r = 490; % Y coordinate of a manually identified line
contour = bwtraceboundary(BW,[c r],'NE',8, 1000,'clockwise');
hold on;
From the above code we get:
This is a small example of how to use Hough transform for lines in MATLAB, with some denoising prior for your images.
This code does not detect all lines, and you may need to tune it/change it a bit, and that will need some learning on what is going on, which is out of the scope for StackOverflow. Perhaps someone with more knowledge can find a better method:
I = imgaussfilt(I,1);
BW = edge(I,'canny');
[H,T,R] = hough(BW);
P = houghpeaks(H,5,'threshold',ceil(0.3*max(H(:))));
lines = houghlines(BW,T,R,P,'FillGap',5,'MinLength',3);
figure, imshow(I), hold on
max_len = 0;
for k = 1:length(lines)
xy = [lines(k).point1; lines(k).point2];
% Plot beginnings and ends of lines
% Determine the endpoints of the longest line segment
len = norm(lines(k).point1 - lines(k).point2);
if ( len > max_len)
max_len = len;
xy_long = xy;

Merging 2 images by showing one next to the other separated by a diagonal line

I have 2 images ("before" and "after"). I would like to show a final image where the left half is taken from the before image and the right half is taken from the after image.
The images should be separated by a white diagonal line of predefined width (2 or 3 pixels), where the diagonal is specified either by a certain angle or by 2 start and end coordinates. The diagonal should overwrite a part of the final image such that the size is the same as the sources'.
I know it can be done by looping over all pixels to recombine and create the final image, but is there an efficient way, or better yet, a built-in function that can do this?
Unfortunately I don't believe there is a built-in solution to your problem, but I've developed some code to help you do this but it will unfortunately require the image processing toolbox to play nicely with the code. As mentioned in your comments, you have this already so we should be fine.
The logic behind this is relatively simple. We will assume that your before and after pictures are the same size and also share the same number of channels. The first part is to declare a blank image and we draw a straight line down the middle of a certain thickness. The intricacy behind this is to declare an image that is slightly bigger than the original size of the image. The reason why is because I'm going to draw a line down the middle, then rotate this blank image by a certain angle to achieve the first part of what you desire. I'll be using imrotate to rotate an image by any angle you desire. The first instinct is to declare an image that's the same size as either the originals, draw a line down the middle and rotate it. However, if you do this you'll end up with the line being disconnected and not draw from the top to the bottom of the image. That makes sense because the line being drawn on an angle covers more pixels than if you were to draw this vertically.
Using Pythagorean's theorem, we know that the longest line that can ever be drawn on your image is the diagonal. Therefore we declare an image that is sqrt(rows*rows + cols*cols) in both the rows and columns where rows and cols are the rows and columns of the original image. After, we'll take the ceiling to make sure we've covered as much as possible and we add a bit of extra room to accommodate for the width of the line. We draw a line on this image, rotate it then we'll crop the image after so that it's the same size as the input images. This ensures that the line drawn at whatever angle you wish is fully drawn from top to bottom.
That logic is the hardest part. Once you do that, you declare two logical masks where you use imfill to fill the left side of the mask as one mask and we'll invert the mask to find the other mask. You will also need to use the line image that we created earlier with imrotate to index into the masks and set the values to false so that we ignore these pixels that are on the line.
Finally, you take each mask, index into your image and copy over each portion of the image you desire. You finally use the line image to index into the output and set the values to white.
Without further ado, here's the code:
% Load some example data
load mandrill;
% im is the image before
% im2 is the image after
% Before image is a colour image
im = im2uint8(ind2rgb(X, map));
% After image is a grayscale image
im2 = rgb2gray(im);
im2 = cat(3, im2, im2, im2);
% Declare line image
rows = size(im, 1); cols = size(im, 2);
width = 5;
m = ceil(sqrt(rows*rows + cols*cols + width*width));
ln = false([m m]);
mhalf = floor(m / 2); % Find halfway point width wise and draw the line
ln(:,mhalf - floor(width/2) : mhalf + floor(width/2)) = true;
% Rotate the line image
ang = 20; % 20 degrees
lnrotate = imrotate(ln, ang, 'crop');
% Crop the image so that it's the same dimensions as the originals
mrowstart = mhalf - floor(rows/2);
mcolstart = mhalf - floor(cols/2);
lnfinal = lnrotate(mrowstart : mrowstart + rows - 1, mcolstart : mcolstart + cols - 1);
% Make the masks
mask1 = imfill(lnfinal, [1 1]);
mask2 = ~mask1;
mask1(lnfinal) = false;
mask2(lnfinal) = false;
% Make sure the masks have as many channels as the original
mask1 = repmat(mask1, [1 1 size(im,3)]);
mask2 = repmat(mask2, [1 1 size(im,3)]);
% Do the same for the line
lnfinal = repmat(lnfinal, [1 1 size(im, 3)]);
% Specify output image
out = zeros(size(im), class(im));
out(mask1) = im(mask1);
out(mask2) = im2(mask2);
out(lnfinal) = 255;
% Show the image
We get:
If you want the line to go in the other direction, simply make the angle ang negative. In the example script above, I've made the angle 20 degrees counter-clockwise (i.e. positive). To reproduce the example you gave, specify -20 degrees instead. I now get this image:
Here's a solution using polygons:
function q44310306
% Load some image:
I = imread('peppers.png');
B = rgb2gray(I);
lt = I; rt = B;
% Specify the boundaries of the white line:
width = 2; % [px]
offset = 13; % [px]
sz = size(I);
wlb = [floor(sz(2)/2)-offset+[0,width]; ceil(sz(2)/2)+offset-[width,0]];
% [top-left, top-right; bottom-left, bottom-right]
% Configure two polygons:
leftPoly = struct('x',[1 wlb(1,2) wlb(2,2) 1], 'y',[1 1 sz(1) sz(1)]);
rightPoly = struct('x',[sz(2) wlb(1,1) wlb(2,1) sz(2)],'y',[1 1 sz(1) sz(1)]);
% Define a helper grid:
[XX,YY] = meshgrid(1:sz(2),1:sz(1));
rt(inpolygon(XX,YY,leftPoly.x,leftPoly.y)) = intmin('uint8');
lt(repmat(inpolygon(XX,YY,rightPoly.x,rightPoly.y),1,1,3)) = intmin('uint8');
rt(inpolygon(XX,YY,leftPoly.x,leftPoly.y) & ...
inpolygon(XX,YY,rightPoly.x,rightPoly.y)) = intmax('uint8');
final = bsxfun(#plus,lt,rt);
% Plot:
figure(); imshow(final);
The result:
One solution:
im1 = imread('peppers.png');
im2 = repmat(rgb2gray(im1),1,1,3);
imgsplitter(im1,im2,80) %imgsplitter(image1,image2,angle [0-100])
function imgsplitter(im1,im2,p)
s1 = size(im1,1); s2 = size(im1,2);
pix = floor(p*size(im1,2)/100);
val = abs(pix -(s2-pix));
dia = imresize(tril(ones(s1)),[s1 val]);
len = min(abs([0-pix,s2-pix]));
if p>50
ind = [ones(s1,len) fliplr(~dia) zeros(s1,len)];
ind = [ones(s1,len) dia zeros(s1,len)];
ind = uint8(ind);
hold on

How to draw repeating straight lines with specific radius and angle in matlab?

Suppose i would like to draw an image like the following:
Where the pixel values are refined to 0 for black and white for 1.
These line are drawn with specific radius and angles
Now I create a 80 x 160 matrix
texturematrix = zeros(80,160);
then i want to change particular elements to be 1 according to the lines conditions
but how do i make them repeatedly with specific distance apart from each others effectively?
Thanks a lot everyone!
This might not be what you are looking for, but generating such an image could be done by plotting a set of lines, as follows:
% grid sizes
m = 6;
n = 5;
% line length and angle
len = 1;
theta = .1*pi;
[a,b] = meshgrid(1:m,1:n);
x = reshape([a(:),a(:)+len*cos(theta),nan(numel(a),1)]',[],1);
y = reshape([b(:),b(:)+len*sin(theta),nan(numel(b),1)]',[],1);
h = figure();
plot(x,y,'k', 'LineWidth', 2);
But this has nothing to do with a texture matrix. So, we construct a matrix of desired size:
set(gca, 'position',[0 0 1 1], 'units','normalized', 'YTick',[], 'XTick',[]);
frame = frame2im(getframe(h),[0 0 1 1]);
im = imresize(frame,[80 160]);
M = ~(im(2:end,2:end,1)==255);

How to remove non-barcode region in an image? - MATLAB

After I did a 'imclearborder', there are still a bit of unwanted object around the barcode. How can I remove those objects to isolate the barcode? I have pasted my code for your reference.
rgb = imread('barcode2.jpg');
% Resize Image
rgb = imresize(rgb,0.33);
% Convert from RGB to Gray
Igray = double(rgb2gray(rgb));
% Calculate the Gradients
[dIx, dIy] = gradient(Igray);
B = abs(dIx) - abs(dIy);
% Low-Pass Filtering
H = fspecial('gaussian', 20, 10);
C = imfilter(B, H);
C = imclearborder(C);
Well, i have already explained it in your previous question How to find the location of red region in an image using MATLAB? , but with a opencv code and output images.
Instead of asking for code, try to implement it yourself.
Below is what to do next.
1) convert image 'C' in your code to binary.
2) Apply some erosion to remove small noises.( this time, barcode region also shrinks)
3) Apply dilation to compensate previous erosion.(most of noise will have removed in previous erosion. So they won't come back)
4) Find contours in the image.
5) Find their area. Most probably, contour which has maximum area will be the barcode, because other things like letters, words etc will be small ( you can understand it in the grayscale image you have provided)
6) Select contour with max. area. Draw a bounding rectangle for it.
Its result is already provided in your previous question. It works very nice. Try to implement it yourself with help of MATLAB documentation. Come here only when you get an error which you don't understand.
%%hi, i am ading my code to yours at the end of your code%%%%
clear all;
rgb = imread('barcode.jpeg');
% Resize Image
rgb = imresize(rgb,0.33);
% Convert from RGB to Gray
Igray = double(rgb2gray(rgb));
Igrayc = Igray;
% Calculate the Gradients
[dIx, dIy] = gradient(Igray);
B = abs(dIx) - abs(dIy);
% Low-Pass Filtering
H = fspecial('gaussian', 10, 5);
C = imfilter(B, H);
C = imclearborder(C);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%from here my code starts%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
bw = im2bw(C);%%%binarising the image
% imshow(bw);
%%%%if there are letters or any other noise is present around the barcode
%%Note: the size of the noise and letters should be smaller than the
%%barcode size
labelImage = bwlabel(bw,8);
for i=1:max(max(labelImage))
a = find(labelImage==i);
imag = zeros(size(l));
% imtool(imag);
%%%if Necessary do errossion
% se2 = strel('line',10,0);
% imag= imerode(imag,se2);
% imag= imerode(imag,se2);
[r c]= find(imag==255);
minr = min(r);
maxc = max(c);
minc = min(c);
maxr = max(r);
imag1 = zeros(size(l));
for i=minr:maxr
for j=minc:maxc
% figure,imtool(imag1);
varit = find(imag1==0);
%%%%%result image having only barcode
%%%%%original image
Hope it is useful

How can I draw a circle on an image in MATLAB?

I have an image in MATLAB:
im = rgb2gray(imread('some_image.jpg');
% normalize the image to be between 0 and 1
im = im/max(max(im));
And I've done some processing that resulted in a number of points that I want to highlight:
points = some_processing(im);
Where points is a matrix the same size as im with ones in the interesting points.
Now I want to draw a circle on the image in all the places where points is 1.
Is there any function in MATLAB that does this? The best I can come up with is:
[x_p, y_p] = find (points);
[x, y] = meshgrid(1:size(im,1), 1:size(im,2))
r = 5;
circles = zeros(size(im));
for k = 1:length(x_p)
circles = circles + (floor((x - x_p(k)).^2 + (y - y_p(k)).^2) == r);
% normalize circles
circles = circles/max(max(circles));
output = im + circles;
This seems more than somewhat inelegant. Is there a way to draw circles similar to the line function?
You could use the normal PLOT command with a circular marker point:
[x_p,y_p] = find(points);
imshow(im); %# Display your image
hold on; %# Add subsequent plots to the image
plot(y_p,x_p,'o'); %# NOTE: x_p and y_p are switched (see note below)!
hold off; %# Any subsequent plotting will overwrite the image!
You can also adjust these other properties of the plot marker: MarkerEdgeColor, MarkerFaceColor, MarkerSize.
If you then want to save the new image with the markers plotted on it, you can look at this answer I gave to a question about maintaining image dimensions when saving images from figures.
NOTE: When plotting image data with IMSHOW (or IMAGE, etc.), the normal interpretation of rows and columns essentially becomes flipped. Normally the first dimension of data (i.e. rows) is thought of as the data that would lie on the x-axis, and is probably why you use x_p as the first set of values returned by the FIND function. However, IMSHOW displays the first dimension of the image data along the y-axis, so the first value returned by FIND ends up being the y-coordinate value in this case.
This file by Zhenhai Wang from Matlab Central's File Exchange does the trick.
% This routine draws a circle with center defined as
% a vector CENTER, radius as a scaler RADIS. NOP is
% the number of points on the circle. As to STYLE,
% use it the same way as you use the rountine PLOT.
% Since the handle of the object is returned, you
% use routine SET to get the best result.
% Usage Examples,
% circle([1,3],3,1000,':');
% circle([2,4],2,1000,'--');
% Zhenhai Wang <>
% Version 1.00
% December, 2002
Funny! There are 6 answers here, none give the obvious solution: the rectangle function.
From the documentation:
Draw a circle by setting the Curvature property to [1 1]. Draw the circle so that it fills the rectangular area between the points (2,4) and (4,6). The Position property defines the smallest rectangle that contains the circle.
pos = [2 4 2 2];
rectangle('Position',pos,'Curvature',[1 1])
axis equal
So in your case:
hold on
[y, x] = find(points);
for ii=1:length(x)
pos = [x(ii),y(ii)];
pos = [pos-0.5,1,1];
rectangle('position',pos,'curvature',[1 1])
As opposed to the accepted answer, these circles will scale with the image, you can zoom in an they will always mark the whole pixel.
Hmm I had to re-switch them in this call:
k = convhull(x,y);
imshow(image); %# Display your image
hold on; %# Add subsequent plots to the image
plot(x,y,'o'); %# NOTE: x_p and y_p are switched (see note below)!
hold off; %# Any subsequent plotting will overwrite the image!
In reply to the comments:
x and y are created using the following code:
temp_hull = stats_single_object(k).ConvexHull;
for k2 = 1:length(temp_hull)
i = i+1;
[x(i,1)] = temp_hull(k2,1);
[y(i,1)] = temp_hull(k2,2);
it might be that the ConvexHull is the other way around and therefore the plot is different. Or that I made a mistake and it should be
[x(i,1)] = temp_hull(k2,2);
[y(i,1)] = temp_hull(k2,1);
However the documentation is not clear about which colum = x OR y:
Quote: "Each row of the matrix contains the x- and y-coordinates of one vertex of the polygon. "
I read this as x is the first column and y is the second colum.
In newer versions of MATLAB (I have 2013b) the Computer Vision System Toolbox contains the vision.ShapeInserter System object which can be used to draw shapes on images. Here is an example of drawing yellow circles from the documentation:
yellow = uint8([255 255 0]); %// [R G B]; class of yellow must match class of I
shapeInserter = vision.ShapeInserter('Shape','Circles','BorderColor','Custom','CustomBorderColor',yellow);
I = imread('cameraman.tif');
circles = int32([30 30 20; 80 80 25]); %// [x1 y1 radius1;x2 y2 radius2]
RGB = repmat(I,[1,1,3]); %// convert I to an RGB image
J = step(shapeInserter, RGB, circles);
With MATLAB and Image Processing Toolbox R2012a or newer, you can use the viscircles function to easily overlay circles over an image. Here is an example:
% Plot 5 circles at random locations
X = rand(5,1);
Y = rand(5,1);
% Keep the radius 0.1 for all of them
R = 0.1*ones(5,1);
% Make them blue
Also, check out the imfindcircles function which implements the Hough circular transform. The online documentation for both functions (links above) have examples that show how to find circles in an image and how to display the detected circles over the image.
For example:
% Read the image into the workspace and display it.
A = imread('coins.png');
% Find all the circles with radius r such that 15 ≤ r ≤ 30.
[centers, radii, metric] = imfindcircles(A,[15 30]);
% Retain the five strongest circles according to the metric values.
centersStrong5 = centers(1:5,:);
radiiStrong5 = radii(1:5);
metricStrong5 = metric(1:5);
% Draw the five strongest circle perimeters.
viscircles(centersStrong5, radiiStrong5,'EdgeColor','b');
Here's the method I think you need:
[x_p, y_p] = find (points);
% convert the subscripts to indicies, but transposed into a row vector
a = sub2ind(size(im), x_p, y_p)';
% assign all the values in the image that correspond to the points to a value of zero
im([a]) = 0;
% show the new image
