Joining Oracle Table Data with MongoDB Collection - oracle

I have a reporting framework to build and generate reports (tabular format reports). As of now I used to write SQL query and it used to fetch data from Oracle. Now I have got an interesting challenge where half of data will come from Oracle and remaining data come from MongoDB based on output from Oracle data. Fetched tabular format data from Oracle will have one additional column which will contain key to fetch data from MongoDB. With this I will have two data set in tabular format one from Oracle data and one from MongoDB. Based on one common column I need to merge both table data and produce one data set to produce report.
I can write logic in java code to merge two tables (say data in 2D array format). But instead of doing this from my own, I am thinking to utilize some RDBMS in-memory data concept. For example, H2 database, where I can create two tables in memory on the fly and execute H2 queries to merge two tables. Or, I believe, there could be something in Oracle too like global temp table etc. Could someone please suggest the better approach to join oracle table data with MongoDB collection.

I think you can try and use Kafka and Spark Streaming to solve this problem. Assuming your data is transactional, you can create a Kafka broker and create a topic. Then make change to the existing services where you are saving to Oracle and MongoDB. Create 2 Kafka producers (one for Oracle and another for Mongo) to write the data as streams to the Kafka topic. Then create a consumer group to receive streams from Kafka. You may then aggregate the real time streams using a Spark cluster(You can look at Spark Streaming API for Kafka 1) and save the results back to MongoDB (using Spark Connector from MongoDB 2) or any other distributed database. Then you can do data visualizations/reporting on those results stored in MongoDB.

Another suggestion would be to use apache drill.
You can use a mongo and JDBC drill bits and then you can join oracle tables and mongo collections together.


NIFI: Proper way to consume kafka and store data into hive

I have the task to create kafka consumer that should extract messages from kafka, transfrom it and store into Hive table.
So, in kafka topic there are a lot of messages as json object.
I like to add some field and insert its into hive.
I create flow with following Nifi-processors:
JoltTransformJSON - for transform json
ConvertRecord - to transform json into insert query for hive
The topic will be sufficiently loaded and handle about 5Gb data per day.
So, are the any ways to optimize my flow (i think it's a bad idea to give a huge amount of insert queries to Hive)? Maybe it will be better to use the external table and putHDFS Processor (in this way how to be with partition and merge input json into one file?)
As you suspect, using PutHiveQL to perform a large number of individual INSERTs is not very performant. Using your external table approach will likely be much better. If the table is in ORC format, you could use ConvertAvroToORC (for Hive 1.2) or PutORC (for Hive 3) which both generate Hive DDL to help create the external table.
There are also Hive streaming processors, but if you are using Hive 1.2 PutHiveStreaming is not very performant either (but should still be better than PutHiveQL with INSERTs). For Hive 3, PutHive3Streaming should be much more performant and is my recommended solution.

Cassandra for datawarehouse

Is Cassandra a good alternative for Hadoop as a data warehouse where data is append only and all updates in source databases should not overwrite the existing rows in the data warehouse but get appended. Is Cassandra really ment to act as a data warehouse or just as a database to store the results of batch / stream queries?
Cassandra can be used both as a data warehouse(raw data storage) and as a database (for final data storage). It depends more on the cases you want to do with the data.
You even may need to have both Hadoop and Cassandra for different purposes.
Assume, you need to gather and process data from multiple mobile devices and provide some complex aggregation report to the user.
So at first, you need to save data as fast as possible (as new portions appear very often) so you use Cassandra here. As Cassandra is limited in aggregation features, you load data into HDFS and do some processing via HQL scripts (assume, you're not very good at coding but great in complicated SQLs). And then you move the report results from HDFS to Cassandra in a dedicated reports table partitioned by user id.
So when the user wants to have some aggregation report about his activity in the last month, the application takes the id of active user and returns the aggregated result from Cassandra (as it is simple key-value search).
So for your question, yes, it could be an alternative, but the selection strategy depends on the data types and your application business cases.
You can read more information about usage of Cassandra

What is the best way to ingest data from Terdata into Hadoop with Informatica?

What is the best ways to parallel ingest data from Teradata database into Hadoop with parallel data moving?
If we create a job which is simple opens one session to Teradata database it will take a lot of time to load huge table.
if we create a set of sessions to load data in parallel, and also make Select in each of the sessions, than it will make a set of Full table scans Teradata to produce a data
What is the recommended best practice to load data in parallelised streams and make unnecessary workload to Teradata?
If Tera data supports table partitioning like oracle, you could try reading the table based on partitioning points which will enable parallelism in read...
Other option you have is, split the table into multiple partitions like adding a where clause on indexed column. This will ensure index scan and you can avoid full table scan.
The most scalable way to ingest data into Hadoop form teradata, which i found is to use Teradata connector for hadoop. It is included in Cloudera & Hortonworks distributions. I will show example base on Cloudera documentation, but the same works with Hortonworks as well:
Informatica big Data edition is using standard Scoop invocation via command line and submitting set of parameters to it. So the main question is - which driver to use to make parallel connections between two MPP systems.
Here is the link to the Cloudera documentation:
Using the Cloudera Connector Powered by Teradata
And here is the digest from this documentation (You could find that this connector support different kinds of load balancing between connections):
Cloudera Connector Powered by Teradata supports the following methods for importing data from Teradata to Hadoop: Method
This optimal method retrieves data from Teradata. The connector creates one mapper per available Teradata AMP, and each mapper subsequently retrieves data from each AMP. As a result, no staging table is required. This method requires Teradata 14.10 or higher.
If you use partition names in the select clause, Power Center will select only the rows within that partition so there won't be duplicate read (don't forget to choose Database partitioning in Informatica session level). However if you use key range partition you have to choose the range as you mentioned in settings. Usually we use NTILE oracle analytical function to split the table into multiple portions so that the read will be unique across the selects. Please let me know if you have any question. If you have range/auto generated/surrogate key column in the table use it in where clause - write a sub-query to divide the table into multiple portions.

Questions about migration, data model and performance of CDH/Impala

I have some questions about migration, data model and performance of Hadoop/Impala.
How to migrate Oracle application to cloudera hadoop/Impala
1.1 How to replace oracle stored procedure in impala or M/R or java/python app.
For example, the original SP include several parameters and sqls.
1.2 How to replace unsupported or complex SQL like over by partition from Oracle to impala.
Are there any existing examples or Impala UDF?
1.3 How to handle update operation since part of data has to be updated.
For example, use data timestamp? use the store model which can support update like HBase? or use delete all data/partition/dir and insert it again(insert overwrite).
Data store model , partition design and query performance
2.1 How to chose impala internal table or external table like csv, parquet, habase?
For example, if there are several kind of data like importing exsited large data in Oracle into hadoop, new business data into hadoop, computed data in hadoop and frequently updated data in hadoop, how to choose the data model? Do you need special attention if the different kind of data need to join?
We have XX TB's data from Oracle, do you have any suggestion about the file format like csv or parquet? Do we need to import the data results into impala internal table or hdfs fs after calculation. If those kind of data can be updated, how to we considered that?
2.2 How to partition the table /external table when joining
For example, there are huge number of sensor data and each one includes measuring data, acquisition timestamp and region information.
We need:
calculate measuring data by different region
Query a series of measuring data during a certain time interval for specific sensor or region.
Query the specific sensor data from huge number of data cross all time.
Query data for all sensors on specific date.
Would you please provide us some suggestion about how to setup up the partition for internal and directories structure for external table(csv) .
In addition, for the structure of the directories, which is better when using date=20090101/area=BEIJING or year=2009/month=01/day=01/area=BEIJING? Is there any guide about that?

What is a Data warehouse in this use case

I'm trying to figure out the difference (between tools/services/programs) between Data Warehouse, Clustered Data Processing and the tools/infrastructure for querying a Data Warehouse
So Let's say I have the following setup to perform some data processing for a certain use case
Hadoop Cluster for Distributed Data processing
Hive for providing infrastructure and Functions for querying data from a data warehouse
My data sitting in an RDBMS or a NoSQL database
In the above example, what exactly is the Data Warehouse? My naive brain thinks that it is the RDBMS or the NoSQL database in the above context is the Data warehouse. But by definition, isn't a Data warehouse a database used for reporting and data analysis? (Definition shamelessly stolen from Wikipedia). So can I call a traditional RDBMS/NoSQL database a Data Warehouse? Thanks.
You cannot call every relational database system a data warehouse, since one of data warehouses main feature is to aggregate data from multiple databases (with different schemas). It is usually done with a "star schema" allowing to combine multiple dimensions and multiple granularities.
Because NoSQL database systems (graph-based or map-reduce-based) are schema-less they can indeed store data from different schemas. Moreover Map-Reduce can be used to aggregate data with different granularities (e.g. aggregate daily data to compare them with monthly data).
