Custom FireMonkey component does not get drawn - user-interface

Working in C++Builder 10.2 Tokyo, I am trying to add a custom component to a FireMonkey TForm programmatically at runtime.
The custom component is not installed as a package and registered in the IDE (as that ended up complicating the project too much), rather it is simply a subclass of TPanel.
However, The component, and its children, do not get drawn when I run the application. I have tested this on Windows and Android, and tried multiple modifications, like setting the Width and Height explicitly.
How can I fix this?
Below is the relevant bit of my code:
__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
: TForm3D(Owner)
mkView = new MKView(this);
mkView->Align = TAlignLayout::Client;
mkView->Enabled = true;
mkView->Visible = true;
mkView->Parent = this;
__fastcall MKView::MKView(TComponent *Owner)
: TPanel(Owner)
this->OnMouseDown = MKView_OnMouseDown;
TLabel1 = new TLabel(this);
TLabel1->Text = "Here I am!";
TLabel1->Enabled = true;
TLabel1->Visible = true;
TLabel1->Parent = this;
TLabel1->OnMouseDown = MKView_OnMouseDown;

It looks like TForm3D doesn't work well with standard FireMonkey components, as it is designed for rendering FireMonkey 3D components and uses OnRender() instead of OnPaint(). I was using TForm3D for its OpenGL context, but having switched to a standard TForm the components are now being drawn.


Xamarin SDK for OpenStreetMap

I'm trying to make a Proof of Concept (C#) for basic graphical maps, as an alternative to Google Maps for Andriod and iOS devices - because Google started charging fees for their APIs (from my understanding only affecting web right now).
I doesn't need to be particularly advanced, simply a GUI that shows a base map where you can draw:
The only requirements I have is that it should be open-source, or at as low a cost as possible.
What I've done so far is to use data from - and set up a tile-server on a separate linux machine.
Furthermore, it went fairly quick to create a simple web app with OpenLayers.js and Leaflet.js connected to the custom tile-server with the requirments met.
What I need to do now is to find a free or cheap mobile SDK for Xamarin for Android and iOS. I managed to render a map from my own tile-server and add markers by referring .dll's from this zip from 2014 (only tested for Andriod):
using OsmSharp.Android.UI;
using OsmSharp.Android.UI.Data.SQLite;
using OsmSharp.Math.Geo;
using OsmSharp.UI.Map;
using OsmSharp.UI.Map.Layers;
[Activity(Label = "#string/app_name", MainLauncher = true)]
public class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity
private MapView _mapView { get; set; }
private Layer _mapLayer { get; set; }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
_mapView = new MapView(this, new MapViewSurface(this))
MapTilt = 0,
MapCenter = new GeoCoordinate(lat, long),
MapZoom = 16,
Map = new Map()
// create a marker under Resources/drawable/pin.png
using (var bitmap = BitmapFactory.DecodeResource(Resources,
var marker = new MapMarker(this, new GeoCoordinate(lat, long), MapMarkerAlignmentType.CenterBottom, bitmap);
_mapLayer = _mapView.Map.AddLayerTile("http://*.*.*.*/{0}/{1}/{2}.png");
catch (Exception ex)
However, these .dlls seemed to lack support for Lines and Polygons. I have tried to get something similar to work with OsmSharp's latest NuGet package (2018-06-04), but my novice Xamarin experiance only gets me so far.
Does anyone have any tips on how to use my own tile-server and render native maps on Android and iOS devices?
PS. It doen't strictly need to be OpenStreetMap with OsmSharp connected to a custom tile-server, that's just something im leaning towards right now. Again, requirents are open-source or at a low cost with the fexebility to add Markers, Lines and Polygons.

Get Device Properties using Xamarin Forms?

i'm designing a cross platform app using xamarin forms.
every page/view/Form designed from code behind. now i want to read Height and Width of the device used by user. based on those values, i want to place some header and footers.
To get the screen width (or height) within a Xamarin.Forms solution, I usually add the following few lines of code:
Define a public static property in the shared code, preferably in App.cs:
static public int ScreenWidth;
Initialize it for iOS at the beginning of FinishedLaunching in AppDelegate.cs:
App.ScreenWidth = (int)UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Width;
Initialize it for Android in OnCreate of MainActivity.cs (as described here)
App.ScreenWidth = (int)(Resources.DisplayMetrics.WidthPixels / Resources.DisplayMetrics.Density);
(By dividing by the density this yields device independent pixels.)
I didn't work with Windows Phone, but there should be an equivalent command. And of course, getting the screen height works similarly.
Now you can access App.ScreenWidth anywhere in your code.
In Xamarin Forms Labs here there are classes and examples for getting Device screen information like what you are after.
There are some further notes on implementing this and getting the Device object that you require here.
On a different note, if your only on about placing Headers and Footers then why not use the inbuilt Xamarin.Forms controls to auto-expand controls and layouts etc, that will adapt automatically based to screen of the user's device?
I get the impression that you are looking to go down an AbsoluteLayout approach and specify values yourself? If so, there really is no need. Especially for Headers and Footers of a Layout?
I do this in my viewmodel and it works great. You could do the same in your code-behind.
public SomeViewModel
private double width;
private double Width
get { return width; }
width = value;
if (value != 0 && value != -1)
// device width found, set other properties
void SetProperties()
// use value of Width however you need
public SomeViewModel()
Width = Application.Current.MainPage.Width;
var fireAndForget = Task.Run(GetWidthAsync);
public async Task GetWidthAsync()
while (Width == -1 || Width == 0)
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1)).ConfigureAwait(false);
// MainPage is the page that is using this ViewModel
Width = Application.Current.MainPage.Width;
If you want to display Width in a label in your form for testing purposes using binding, don't forget to change the property from private to public.

how do I set quad buffering with jogl 2.0

I'm trying to create a 3d renderer for stereo vision with quad buffering with Processing/Java. The hardware I'm using is ready for this so that's not the problem.
I had a stereo.jar library in jogl 1.0 working for Processing 1.5, but now I have to use Processing 2.0 and jogl 2.0 therefore I have to adapt the library.
Some things are changed in the source code of Jogl and Processing and I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how to tell Processing I want to use quad buffering.
Here's the previous code:
public class Theatre extends PGraphicsOpenGL{
protected void allocate()
if (context == null)
// If OpenGL 2X or 4X smoothing is enabled, setup caps object for them
GLCapabilities capabilities = new GLCapabilities();
// Starting in release 0158, OpenGL smoothing is always enabled
else if (hints[ENABLE_OPENGL_4X_SMOOTH])
// get a rendering surface and a context for this canvas
GLDrawableFactory factory = GLDrawableFactory.getFactory();
drawable = factory.getGLDrawable(parent, capabilities, null);
context = drawable.createContext(null);
// need to get proper opengl context since will be needed below
gl = context.getGL();
// Flag defaults to be reset on the next trip into beginDraw().
settingsInited = false;
// The following three lines are a fix for Bug #1176
context = drawable.createContext(null);
gl = context.getGL();
This was the renderer of the old library. In order to use it, I needed to do size(100, 100, "stereo.Theatre").
Now I'm trying to do the stereo directly in my Processing sketch. Here's what I'm trying:
PGraphicsOpenGL pg = ((PGraphicsOpenGL)g);
pgl = pg.beginPGL();
gl =;
glu = pg.pgl.glu;
gl2 =;
GLProfile profile = GLProfile.get(GLProfile.GL2);
GLCapabilities capabilities = new GLCapabilities(profile);
GLDrawableFactory factory = GLDrawableFactory.getFactory(profile);
If I go on, I should do something like this:
drawable = factory.getGLDrawable(parent, capabilities, null);
but drawable isn't a field anymore and I can't find a way to do it.
How do I set quad buffering?
If I try this:
it obviously doesn't work :/

C# - Is there any OnShapeMoved or OnShapeDeleted event in Visio?

I think the title or the question is clear enough. I saw something about the EventSink, but I found it difficult to use. Any hint?
The Visio Primary Interop Assembly exposes these events as C# events therefore you can simply hook the event with a delegate.
See this simple example:
namespace VisioEventsExample
using System;
using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio;
class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Application app = new Application();
Document doc = app.Documents.Add("");
Page page = doc.Pages[1];
// Setup event handles for the events you are intrested in.
// Shape deleted is easy.
page.BeforeShapeDelete +=
new EPage_BeforeShapeDeleteEventHandler(onBeforeShapeDelete);
// To find out if a shape has moved hook the cell changed event
// and then check to see if PinX or PinY changed.
page.CellChanged +=
new EPage_CellChangedEventHandler(onCellChanged);
// In C# 4 for you can simply do this:
// page.BeforeShapeDelete += onBeforeShapeDelete;
// page.CellChanged += onCellChanged;
// Now wait for the events.
Console.WriteLine("Wait for events. Press any key to stop.");
// This will be called when a shape sheet cell for a
// shape on the page is changed. To know if the shape
// was moved see of the pin was changed. This will
// fire twice if the shape is moved horizontally and
// vertically.
private static void onCellChanged(Cell cell)
if (cell.Name == "PinX" || cell.Name == "PinY")
string.Format("Shape {0} moved", cell.Shape.Name));
// This will be called when a shape is deleted from the page.
private static void onBeforeShapeDelete(Shape shape)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Shape deleted {0}", shape.Name));
If you haven't already downloaded the Visio SDK you should do so. Recent versions of the SDK it contains many useful examples include one called "Shape Add\Delete Event". If you have the 2010 version can browse the examples by going to Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Office 2010 Developer Resources\Microsoft Visio 2010 SDK\Microsoft Visio Code Samples Library.
I believe that you have to implement EvenSink to get access to "ShapesDeleted", i.e.
the code above will help you if you are looking for the event "BeforeShapeDelete" not the "after"ShapeDelete ;)

How to construct simple wxWidgets image display

I wrote a wxPython program that I am translating to wxWidgets. The program has a scrolled window that displays an image. Following Rappin, wxPython In Action (Listing 12.1), I used a StaticBitmap within a panel. While surfing the latest wxWidgets documentation, I found a dire warning that wxStaticBitmap should only be used for very small images. It says, "... you should use your own control if you want to display larger images portably." Okay. Show me. I don't have my "own control."
Was Rappin wrong, or is the documentation out of date?
The question - a newbie one, no doubt - is what is the right way to do a simple image-view window in wxWidgets? A drop-in replacement for wxStaticBitmap would be nice. I looked into the "image" program in the wxWidgets "samples" directory. It's as long a War and Peace. Surely there must be a canned class or a simple recipe.
Don't let the size of the "image" sample fool you, only a few lines of code are necessary to do what you want.
Search for the MyImageFrame class in the image.cpp file, it is nothing more than a class with a private bitmap field, a custom constructor to set the bitmap and the window client size, and an event handler for EVT_PAINT:
void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
wxPaintDC dc( this );
dc.DrawBitmap( m_bitmap, 0, 0, true /* use mask */ );
Since you don't want a frame class here's your recipe: You create a simple descendant of wxWindow that has a similar constructor, paint handler and duplicates the methods of wxStaticBitmap that you use in your code. Maybe simply one method to set a new bitmap and resize the control to the new bitmap dimensions.
// A scrolled window for showing an image.
class PictureFrame: public wxScrolledWindow
: wxScrolledWindow()
, bitmap(0,0)
void Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id = -1)
wxScrolledWindow::Create(parent, id);
void LoadImage(wxImage &image) {
bitmap = wxBitmap(image);
SetVirtualSize(bitmap.GetWidth(), bitmap.GetHeight());
wxClientDC dc(this);
dc.DrawBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0);
wxBitmap bitmap;
void OnMouse(wxMouseEvent &event) {
int xx,yy;
CalcUnscrolledPosition(event.GetX(), event.GetY(), &xx, &yy);
event.m_x = xx; event.m_y = yy;
event.ResumePropagation(1); // Pass along mouse events (e.g. to parent)
void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent &event) {
wxPaintDC dc(this);
dc.DrawBitmap(bitmap, 0,0, true);
